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Now a hot dog stand definitely wasn’t her first choice for sustenance... but as she hadn’t had time to make breakfast this morning and was pretty much starving, it was going to have to do. Sights drifting to the medical textbook in her hands as she patiently waited in line, Hannah allowed herself to zone out in order to take her mind off her hungry stomach. Attention down, moving forward, she didn’t realize how close she’d gotten to the person in front of her until the girl had mentioned it --- and immediately, taken out of her daze, blues hues popped back up to find her face mere inches away from the back of the brunette’s head.
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“ Oh, ” Hannah exhaled --- more so out of surprise than anything else. Noticeably, she sealed her lips before taking a step back. “ …Sorry, I was just… ” A small gesture was made to her school book, though she promptly cut herself short to shake her head and wave it off. “ ...I just wasn’t paying attention.”
Tayen was starving, so she found herself walking to the cheap hotdog stand near the main road towards the murder house. “One, please. No custard. “ She said, as she handed the guy behind two dollars. As soon as she had her food, taking a massive bite she felt someone breathing behind her. “ Uhm, if you’re breathing right behind me do you mind doing it just a little less towards my neck?” The girl laughed as she bit into the food again.
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( @wickedhaunter )
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me when i just fucked up a lot: LIKE HONESTLY??? it's fine
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To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.
Edward Livingston Trudeau (via themedicalchronicles)
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( @wickedhaunter )
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Carina, Hannah, Neena, Spencer, Tara, Natasha.
do the sexy love™ with: Tara, hands down any time. 
sacrifice myself for: I would vote Carina. She’s too innocent. 
kick: Damn this is tough…Hannah? Yeah she could use a kick. 
take to prom: Natasha. Girl knows how to party. 
abandon in jurassic park: Neena. She’s resourceful. She’d be one of the ones that makes it out alive. Super confident in that one. 
push off a bridge: That leaves Spencer. It’d be a short bridge so I’m sure he’d be okay. 
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@daydreamiisms, @medicineoverbullshit, @prettylittlepresident, @cockyhorrorshow, @actressisms, @beautifulbasketcase
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maggie, darry, dawn, london, neena, hannah
do the sexy love™ with: Neena, no doubt. He has one of like… the hottest bodies I have ever seen.
sacrifice myself for: I think I’ll have to say Darry.
kick: London– she’s a bit of a brat, isn’t she?
take to prom: Maggie. She’s adorable, so that could be fun.
abandon in jurassic park: Dawn, maybe? But I’d hope she’d survive.
push off a bridge: And for this, I have to put Hannah. But I think she’s cool, so I probably wouldn’t.
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Text || @Hannah
Stella: sounds purrrfect 🐱
Stella: you sure? the cheesy fries there are out of this world 😆 😆 😄
Stella: im so punny
Stella: but no we can find a place around the spa afterwards lmao
Hannah: Oh, God... look at you, making up slogans. 😌 You should be the one working here. 😄 ♥♥♥
Hannah: Honestly, though, I’m losing my mind. So yes, PLEASE, let’s find someplace else.
Hannah: And it’s not even that The Dropship is bad to work or eat at??? It’s rad, I love it. It’s just my boss... and school, ugh. 😨
Hannah: Anyway, feel free to wait in the house or just text me when you’re here? Friday @ noon, I’ll most likely be ready and on the front porch... but just in case. 😉
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A hard stomp on the break, Hannah stopped on the side of the road with a screech of her tires before leaning over to collect her physiology textbooks and notes from the passenger’s seat --- a shitty parking job... but not one bad enough for Hannah to care about. Hopping out of her car, she hurried onto the sidewalk with a look of distress. Jesus, it’d been a stressful day. Having just finished her classes at UCLA, the blonde was due for her shift at The Dropship, a downtown diner she worked at… unfortunately, she’d forgotten her name tag (for the twelfth time), and as it was ‘a vital piece’ to her uniform, she HAD to stop by the house to grab it. The sorority girl walked hastily down the sidewalk. With her attention down on her wristwatch, she was completely unaware of the girl in her path... until they came in contact.
Fast and HARD, Hannah immediately dropped her armful of medical books and papers in the collision; stumbling back, though she’d caught herself. The California breeze managing to sweep a few of the pages from her, she’d only a second to look at the young woman she’d ran into before having to chase after them. It took her few minutes, but after catching the flyaways, she hurried back over --- a worried glance at the redhead before shifting her attention down to regather the rest of her things. “ Shit, I’m-I’m sorry. ” She voiced, though her blue hues kept down; assumption was the fault fell on her alone, she should’ve been watching where she was going. There was no time and it showed in her shaky movements; a tad frantic as she tried to collect everything from the concrete.
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( @medicineoverbullshit· )
yet another failed attempt at what was known to be ‘high school’— truly, it was named hell —led her to the murder house, her mind was strung in a daze, so clouded that she hadn’t even seen the blonde walking directly towards her. it was only a matter of time before the two collided.
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Francis, Hannah, Bo, Fox, Neena, Spencer
Send me 6 names and I’ll tell you who I’d… // accepting
do the sexy love™ with: I don’t know, it’s a toss up between Fox and Hannah I guess.
sacrifice myself for: Gotta say Francis, he’s a gift to the paranormal research industry.
kick: …probably Fox.
take to prom: Bo.
abandon in jurassic park: Neena. No offense.
push off a bridge: Spencer. He’s already dead, so…
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( @fox-mcalister, @medicineoverbullshit, @silentghxsthxnter, @bovalentine, @prettylittlepresident, @cockyhorrorshow )
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‘Order up for table two!’ Hannah clenched her jaw as she spotted the over-packed tray of food. It’d been a rough day --- on hour twelve of her shift and she wasn’t going strong... in fact, she was just about to drop. Pursing her lips as she slipped the tray off the counter and into the palm of her hand, the stressed waitress sped around the corner and out into the dining area. She was just on her way down the aisle when something dropped off a customer’s table and out onto the floor into her path. Abruptly, she stopped, though thankfully even in all her drowsiness, she’d managed to do so without dropping a single plate of food.
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Blue, weary hues kept down on the object for a moment before drifting over to the booth it’d fallen from --- and upon finding Tristanin it, she couldn’t help but cock a finely-trimmed brow. Of course he’d be the one... since the moment they’d met he’d rubbed her the wrong way. And was there a reasonable answer behind the irritation? No, not really. Hannah had barely spoken with the brunette, no chances given, how could there be? A clean roll of her eyes, she reached down and picked the calendar up, setting it back on the table before giving the fraternity president a look. “ Nice try. ” She voiced, her tone weak, before continuing on and over to table two.
Relaxed against one of the many booths of the coffee shop, Tristan couldn’t help the look of disappointment etched across his usually relaxed face. He needed to figure out a good date for a party, something that would kick off the start of summer right. He hadn’t been able to talk any of the neighboring fraternities or sororities into being interested in hosting the shindig, which made his aggravation worse. Lips puckered, he mumbled a string of curse words before pushing the small calendar off the tabletop–causing it to land with a plop in the middle of the floor.
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aidan, ricky, nanette, skinner, hugo, hannah
do the sexy love™ with: Ricky. Not gonna lie, he’s pretty good at it… for an old guy.
sacrifice myself for: Aidan. He’s the only one who might be worth it.
kick: Skinner. Nothing personal, though.
take to prom: Hannah. 
abandon in jurassic park: Nanette. But only if I can watch her get eaten alive.
push off a bridge: Hugo. That guy just creeps me the fuck out, so it might be night to get rid of him.
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