melaniepossible · 7 years
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Don’t care what anyone says, he’s the best! 👊🤗🖤💛🐻😘😍
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melaniepossible · 7 years
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More pics from fanfest! 2017 🖤💛🐻🤗
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melaniepossible · 7 years
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More pics from fanfest! 2017 🖤💛🐻🤗
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melaniepossible · 7 years
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Some pics from fanfest! 2017 🖤💛🐻🤗
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melaniepossible · 7 years
🤗 what's the sitch!
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“you’re watching disney channel.”
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melaniepossible · 7 years
Melkka Part 2
By me 6/4/17-7/27/17 Previously on Kim Possible. The text. I'm you and you're me. Melanie: oh god no. The pregame skate. Tuukka: you're not doing so bad. Melanie: this is my first time playing hockey! I much rather play soccer! So much easier. Realizing tonight's the big game. Kim: do you think Melanie is ready? Tuukka: all we can do is hope. Now. The game is about to start. Patrice of the Boston Bruins skates up to center ice, facing off against team captain, Brick of the Middleton Mad Dogs. The whistle blows, the puck is dropped and the game starts. Melanie *watches the puck intently while trying not to get anxious*: oh god. Middleton takes possession and attempts to score but Melanie makes a big blocker save. Melanie looks up and sees a nod of approval from one of the defenders, still unsure who anyone is on the team. But of course that doesn't matter, what does matter is that she needs to stay on her game. Melanie: heh. This isn't so bad. She stays in position and watches the guys go in the offensive zone and attempt to score as well. Nothing. Watching carefully, she sees Ron skating down towards the defensive zone, open for a pass. Oh god. Can't let the idiot score. Another attempt to score gets knocked off as a defender blocks it. This player, she does remember. Thank you Adam. But Middleton once again regains possession and one of the dogs makes a pass to Ron. Melanie tries her best to block the shot but it goes in. Goal. Middleton strikes first. Ron: that's right. Uh huh uh huh *dances and heads to the bench to get fist pumps from his teammates*. Melanie *trying to stay composed*: dang it. In the stands. Kim: uh oh. Tuukka *a little frustrated*: Melanie needs to not overanalyze the play. That's what kills you. This isn't soccer. I know I told her that it's similar to it. Kim: it's only the first period. Melanie does tend to take things literally. But I'm sure it'll get better. She doesn't look too bad. Tuukka: I hope so. It's over halfway through the first period. Shots are even on both sides, Middleton still leading by one. Kim: Mel isn't doing too badly now. Tuukka: after that goal, it seems like she has regained composure. Middleton regains possession once again and is putting pressure on the Bruins. Clearly showing a different ray of life from their previous game, and showing signs that they aren't going down without a fight. Tuukka: oh my god. We look awful out there. What is going on? We usually look so much better out there. Kim: uh oh. Looks like Brick has the puck. They watch as Melanie makes a big stop. Tuukka: whew. I don't know what everyone was doing out there. Kim: we can breathe a sigh of relief though. I hope Melanie is holding up ok. I know this very difficult. Tuukka: just hope the guys snap out of this funk. The horn sounds and it's the end of the first period. Middleton leading in shots on goal, fifteen to eight as well as leading one nothing. Tuukka: that was awful. Kim: like I said. It'll probably get better. Tuukka: I hope so Kim. Though Middleton looks like a whole different team out there. Kim: Ron told me that Barkin really pushes them at practice. Tuukka: you can definitely see that. I just hope we don't get shut out at home. *leans forward and places his hands over his face*. Kim *pats him on the back*: I know. The second period is about to start. Both teams come out and head towards the opposite side of the ice. Kim: Melanie looks ready. Tuukka: I hope so. The boys better come out stronger. The puck is dropped and the whistle is blown. Kim: it looks like everyone is ready. Tuukka: well, it's still early to tell but yeah. They do look a lot better. Outside the arena and on the roof of TD Garden. Two voices can be heard. Voice: Junior. Are you sure this plan is gonna work? Junior: of course Shego. Melanie likes that goalie type person. Shego *rolls her eyes*: and what is this "goalie's" name. Junior *looks up the Boston Bruins team on his laptop and pulls up information about Tuukka*: here he is. This is the person. Shego looks and shakes her head. Shego *raises an eyebrow at his name*: Tuukka Rask? What the heck kind of a name is that and ugh. He's so weird looking. But then again, she must like weird looking guys. So what's the plan? Junior: we rid of him. Shego: and how do you suppose we do that? Ever thought of that? Junior: hey hey. Easy with the sarcasm. Shego *rolls her eyes, shakes her head and sarcastic*: probably haven't thought that far in advance. Junior ignores the comment. They carefully open an entrance and look down at the hockey game. Junior *points*: that must be him in net. Shego *sarcastic*: no really? Junior: listen. They could play the back up goalie you know. Back in the arena. Melanie starts to sense someone is nearby. Unsure who it might be at the moment, she places her gloved hand to her head and winces in pain. In the stands. Tuukka: oh my god. Not again! I hope Melanie is ok. Kim: I'm sure she just senses someone nearby. But then again. I'm not sure. Melanie tries her best not to get angry as she senses her sister is nearby. Melanie *under her breath*: Shego. One of the defensemen skate up to her. Torey: hey. You ok? Melanie: yeah I'm ok. Torey: you sure? Melanie *nods*: don't worry. I'm ok. *thinks: my god. He's so cute.* Torey: as long as you're sure. The puck gets knocked down to their end, Torey skates toward it and slaps it over to another teammate. Melanie watches as she recognizes Patrice and Brad are racing up the ice, going two on one. Eventually their passing pays off. Goal. Bruins tie things up. The horn sounds, their goal song comes on and the crowd breaks out in a huge cheer. Brad and Patrice skate back towards the bench and get fist pumps from everyone. In the stands. Tuukka *breaths a sigh of relief*: whew. Now let's hope Melanie is able to hold her own. Kim *looks at Melanie and sees her looking around*: she must sense her sister Shego nearby or something. Tuukka: Shego? Why would she be here? Kim *shrugs*: beats me. But did she tell you about her? Tuukka: I think so. On the ice. Melanie looks up and sees Shego carefully getting onto the Jumbotron. Glaring darkly, she prepares herself. Though she needs to stay focused on the game at hand, and not pay attention to Shego. Getting back into reality and within a split second, she is able to pull off a huge glove save despite being distracted for a few seconds. Adam: that was a close one. You seem distracted. Melanie: I'm ok. Really. Adam: the period is almost over. Just hang in there. Don't lose focus. The faceoff is in the defensive zone. Melanie watches intently, preparing to make another save if need be. I definitely don't wanna do this again. The Bruins win the faceoff and start to skate back towards the offensive zone. They look a lot better this period than the first. Melanie watches, unsure who's up there, and waits to see if one of the players score. Nothing. The score is still tied as the period draws to an end. Both teams are tied for shots on goal at twenty-two a piece. Melanie takes a final glance at the Jumbotron before heading back inside the locker room. In the stands. Tuukka: Melanie looked to be out of it but she did some pretty good saves. Kim: see. I told you. Tuukka: well. Just one more period. Let's hope things continue. Kim: it looked as if Mel was looking up at the Jumbotron quite a bit. Shego must be up there. They look up but don't see anything. Kim: hmm. That's weird. Tuukka: remind me again who Shego is? Kim: well. Long story short. Shego is Melanie's biological sister and is related to the brothers sitting behind us. She has powers just like her. Only Mel has more. Unfortunately, when Mel was growing up, Shego abandons her to go work for my arch foe, Drakken. Also, she hates her with a burning passion and has always plotted ways of destroying Mel. Sadly, she has finally accepted that Shego hates her. It took a while but it sunk in. It's really sad. Tuukka: well that. That is a lot. Kim: well there is a lot more to the story. Tuukka: you don't have to get into that. Kim: I hope Mel handles the last period ok. And not worry about Shego. I know it'll be tough but she's handling herself ok. Tuukka: I just hope we can get the lead. Otherwise the game would go into overtime and or worst case scenario, a shootout. And it's not an easy affair. Kim: doesn't sound like it. Especially the shootout. Tuukka: you know what that is don't you? Kim: not really. Tuukka takes the time to explain it to Kim. Kim: oh boy. I hope it doesn't get to that point. In the locker room. Melanie sits down and tilts her head back. Claude is going over the game plan for the final period. David P. *sits next to her*: hey. Melanie *looks over at him*: hi. David P.: you're doing great. Melanie *sighs*: this is something I definitely don't wanna be doing again. *takes off her blocker and glove, covers her face with her hands and tilts her head back* oh my god. David P. *short laugh*: nothing like soccer eh. Melanie *eyes widen, leans forward and shakes her head no*: nope. Not at all. The two listen to what the coach has to say. David P.: you'll be alright. He gets up, pats her on the shoulder and goes back to his spot on the bench. Anton walks over to her. Anton: hey. How's it going? Melanie *leans forward and covers her face with her hands again*: this is so difficult. Anton *pats her back*: you're fine. Just one more period. Just hope that it doesn't go into a shootout. Melanie *shoots straight up and looks at him with her eyes wide open*: s-shootout? Anton: yeah. Those aren't fun. But don't worry. That comes after OT if things are still tied. Melanie: huh? Anton: OT, you know, overtime. But you know what the shootout is right? Melanie: uh. I think so. He goes over what a shootout is. Anton: that make sense? Melanie *tries not to look confused with all that information being thrown at her*: oh man. That's a lot. Anton: basically, just hope that it doesn't come down to it. But I'm sure you'll be fine. Melanie: I hope so. Anton: heh. Feels so weird. Melanie: what you mean? Anton *shrugs*: almost looks like I'm giving advice to Tuukka. But really, it's just you. Melanie: I guess it is kinda funny. Anton: just stay calm. In the stands. Tuukka: well this is it Kim. Do or die time. Kim: is it already the start of the third period? Tuukka: well the teams are coming back out. Hopefully the boys have a huge third period push. We really need to keep a distance from Middleton. Kim: well. It would be nice if both teams got a point. Tuukka: you really wanna see Mel get put through more? Kim: I'm sure she can handle it. She has so far. Tuukka: I know but still. Once again, both teams switch sides and head to the area of the ice that they started out on from the first period. The puck is dropped for the third. Melanie tries her best not to let her sixth sense get the better of her. Knowing that Shego is nearby really puts added pressure on her. Why is she even here? Melanie quickly snaps out of her thoughts when she sees one of Middleton's players attempting a breakaway. Oh god no. She braces herself, waits patiently, grabs the puck and clutches it. The crowd breaks into a big cheer. She hears one of her teammates barely say, nice save. Looking up, she sees them nodding approvingly at her. Handing the puck to one of the referees, she watches intently as a faceoff is taking place to the right of her on the blue dot. Melanie *quietly talking to herself*: stay focused. You got this. She notices that Ron is on the ice and glares at him. Melanie *quiet whispers*: you're not scoring on me again. She positions herself and gets ready for the shot. Ron attempts to fake it but Melanie is able to make the save. Smirking, she keeps the puck in her possession. The whistle is blown to mark that the play is dead. She hands the puck over to the referee. Once again, the faceoff is back on the blue dot. I'm not going down. The puck is dropped and Middleton regains possession but one of the Bruins players makes a steal. Whew thank god. Once again, Melanie winces in pain. What the heck? She tries her hardest not to make a scene. Looking up, she sees another defensemen coming over to her. He's cute too. Brandon: you look like you're in pain Mel. Are you alright? Melanie *trying not to sound strained*: y-yeah. I'm. I'm ok. The captain skates over. Zdeno: just try not to think about whatever it is that is bothering you. Just focus on the game. That's all that matters. Melanie: ok. The two skate back into position, leaving Melanie still kind of in pain. She snaps back into position when she hears Brandon calling out to her that Middleton is coming. Oh god no. Not again. She tries her best to block the shot but unfortunately the puck just squeaks by her. Goal. Middleton regains the lead with over half the period to go. Shaking her head, she's clearly frustrated. She feels a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she sees David P.. David P.: you sure you're ok? Melanie: yeah. I hope so. David P. *places a hand on her shoulder*: we will tie things up. Don't you worry. It was just a bad goal, it happens. Just try to stay poised like Tuuks does and you'll be fine. We finally found our skating legs. Hah. I know it's kinda late but better late than never right? Melanie *short laugh*: yeah. True. She watches as the puck gets dropped in the defensive zone and sees one of the forwards take it up towards the offensive zone. Jeez. I wish I knew some of their names. This is difficult. As the clock winds down, Melanie overhears the announcer mentioning that there's only one minute left in the period. Oh come on guys! Please score! Let's tie this up. I don't wanna get blamed for a loss. Tuukka will be so mad. She notices that the first line is back onto the ice. With less than 15 seconds to go, the Bruins tie things up once again. Brad scores on a wraparound attempt to keep Boston alive. The goal sound goes off and their song comes on. Melanie notices what happened and she's overjoyed. Yes! Whew. Thank god. Brad goes over to the bench to get fist bumps from everyone. Then heads back onto the ice. She realizes, this isn't the time to fully celebrate. Middleton could strike back with a quick goal. She watches the faceoff intently as the puck stays in the offensive zone. The horn sounds and the period is over. The teams head back into their locker room to prepare for overtime. In the stands. Kim *notices Tuukka is on the edge of his seat and tries not to laugh*: hey it's ok. It's almost over. Tuukka *notices that she's trying not to laugh and sits back*: she's extremely lucky that we tied things up. And that she wasn't pulled for an extra skater. Cuz that does happen. Kim: will you relax? Tuukka *looks directly at her*: how the heck can I relax Kim? We are going into OT. And if it's still tied after that, there's going to be a shootout. Melanie doesn't need the added pressure. And with her sister nearby, things are gonna be even tougher. Kim: I'm sure Mel will handle it ok. She handled it fine. Despite that bad goal. Tuukka: I hope so. Kim: I know so. In the locker room. Melanie takes off her mask and collapses onto the bench. She looks up and notices a few of the players walking over to her. Melanie: uh hi? Patrice: how you holding up? Carlo and Krug told me you looked like you were in pain out there. Melanie *confused by the last names*: who? Patrice: I'm sorry. Brandon and Torey. Melanie: oh right. Right. Yeah I was but I'm ok. Patrice: you sure? Melanie: absolutely. Patrice: we don't want anything to happen to you. Brad: we will win. Don't worry. Melkka. *snickers*. Some of the other players snicker as well. But not in a mean way. Melanie *glares*: will you PLEASE stop calling me that! It's really starting to get annoying. Brad: heh. Relax. You'll be fine. Melanie: I hope so. She looks up and sees both Brandon and Torey looking at her concerned. Torey: I'm telling ya, she looked like she was in agony. Brandon: no I agree with you bro. She really did. They both walk over. Torey: you're not having a migraine, right? Melanie *thinks: I can't tell them I have a sixth sense and that I know my sister is nearby. I'll just say that I am and that it isn't too bad*: uh. Yeah. I felt the headache coming on but it went away. Brandon: but it looked as if you got it back again. You really shouldn't be messing around with those. Melanie: uhm. When I typically get headaches, they tend to come as quickly as they go. It's not like that all the time. But sometimes. Adam *walks over*: well as long as you're not having a migraine that's really intense, I'm sure you'll be fine. Tuuks tends to get migraines from time to time as well. That's why we're concerned for you. Your health is very important to us. David B.: we need you out there. Don't want anything to happen to you. Melanie: am I really doing well out there? David K.: absolutely. You're a natural. Melanie is baffled by all the encouragement from the players. She doesn't even know who's who but just goes along with what they're saying. Brad: just gotta hang in there for another five minutes. Melanie *shocked*: f-five minutes? Brad: you'll be fine. Don't focus on the shootout. You'll psych yourself out. And we definitely don't want that. We need the second point. But again. Don't focus on that. Just stay in the moment when we head out for OT and you'll be fine. In the stands. The overtime period is about to begin. The teams switch sides on the ice once again. Kim: looks like both teams are heading out now. Tuukka: yep. Here we go. Both teams got their single point like you wanted. Now it's up to the boys to go for the second. Kim: oh man. I can't see Mel's expression. Tuukka: they have to switch sides on the ice. Kim: well. I know that *nudges him*. Tuukka *shrugs*: just saying. But I'm sure she'll be fine. I hope the guys gave her a pep talk. The puck is dropped for overtime. Melanie prepares herself and tries not to focus on Shego being up on the Jumbotron. Every once in a while, she'll take a quick look but get back into game mood. I'm not letting these guys down. As Middleton regains possession, she prepares herself to make a save, but she notices one of the Millers stopped the puck and makes a pass to a teammate. Which Miller is he? God I'm so bad with names. Colin *skates over to her*: you look a lot more poised now than you did in the beginning Mel. Melanie: I. I do? Colin: heck yeah. Just continue what you're doing and we will definitely win this game. Melanie: sounds good to me. Colin skates back into position. Melanie watches intently as the puck goes back into the offensive zone. Unsure who's up there, she notices that Middleton's goalie makes a huge pad save. The faceoff is in the offensive zone, she notices that Patrice is taking it against Brick. To the side, she sees Ron. Definitely not gonna let those guys score on me. Heck no. Patrice wins the faceoff and makes a pass to Brad. He tries to do the wraparound like he did late in the third period but it doesn't connect. A kick save and one of the players takes the puck up towards the defensive zone. Uh oh. This is it Mel. Stay focused. You got this! The Middleton player picks up speed and attempts to score but Melanie comes up big and blocks the shot. In the stands. Kim: whew. That was close. Tuukka: oh I know. But she looks a lot better now than she did earlier. Kim: I notice that too. As the overtime period starts to wind down to the last minute, Melanie starts to get anxious. Oh god. Please. Someone score. I don't wanna go into the dreaded shootout. One of the Bruins attempt to score but it gets stopped, however the puck is loose. Melanie watches intently as Patrice takes the open pass and attempts to score. Goal! Patrice wins it for the black and gold in overtime. Three to two. The goal horn goes off, their song comes on and Melanie is overjoyed. Thank freaking god. Patrice skates over to the bench to get fist pumps from everyone. Middleton heads back into their locker room, clearly upset. Once that was done, all the guys skate over to Melanie and give her head taps and congratulate her. She smiles and tries not to blush when she sees Patrice making his way over to her. Patrice: great job. Melanie: th-thanks. Torey: see. You could do it. Melanie: I'm not doing that again. After the head taps, and before the Bruins head back into the locker room, Melanie hears Shego's voice calling out. Shego: hey! Tuukka! The guys turn around and see Shego on top of the Jumbotron. David B. *turning around*: who the heck is that? Frank *shrugs*: must know "Tuukka." Melanie turns around and glares at her. Shego: you must be the boy that my stupid sister likes. Heading back on the ice, Melanie gets ready to defend herself. In the stands. Kim: oh boy. Tuukka: what? Kim: I bet Shego is gonna stir up trouble. They both watch intently. Melanie *glares and gets combat ready with her hockey stick in hand*: come at me. Shego throws a rope down, climbs down, and carefully spins around on the ice. She presses a button, skates over to Melanie and activates her plasma hands. Melanie glares and gets ready to fight. Shego: prepare to lose big boy. I'm taking you out! She starts to fling her plasma but Melanie starts to twirl her hockey stick, deflecting it. The rest of the team turn around and watch what's unfolding in front of them. David P.: oh snap! This is gonna be awesome. The boys get back on the bench and watch as Melanie and Shego square off against one another. Melanie skates away and does a few handsprings to avoid her. Shego: what are you? A coward? Heh. No wonder why she likes you. Pathetic. Just like her. She skates towards her, starts throwing punches and kicks but Melanie blocks them with her padding. Somehow Shego rips off her mask and sends it flying towards the Bruins bench. After some time, Melanie does a backflip and knocks Shego into the other net. She stands straight up, glares at her, and feels victorious. Suddenly, she feels all eyes on her. Shego *calls out and slowly getting up*: this isn't over! Melanie *looks up and around*: oh snap. She quickly skates back towards the bench, grabs her mask and goes inside in the tunnel. In the stands. Kim: are you ok? Tuukka: are you kidding me? Now everyone's gonna expect me to do all that as well as make an entrance. Kim *whispers*: you can kinda tell she was using her powers. Tuukka: using them or not, people are gonna think I can naturally do all this. In the locker room. As Melanie enters, she overhears what Brad is exclaiming. Brad: holy crap guys. Did you see that!!! That was freakin sick!! David P.: we all saw it Brad. Brad: that was totally epic! Melanie blushes as she sits down, sets her mask down, and takes off her glove and blocker. He walks up to her and slaps her back. Melanie: ow! What was that for? Brad: that was awesome! Melanie: you didn't have to hit me. David K.: heh. I wonder what Tuuks thinks of all this. Matt: oh I know right. Haha. Riley: heh. He should be fine. Ryan *claps*: great fight. Melanie *places a hand to her face*: he's gonna kill me. Noel: kill you? Why? You didn't do anything. Melanie: did you not see what I did? I beat up my sister on the ice and made entrances. Tim: so *tries not to laugh*. He might be ok with it. Brandon: yeah. Don't worry about it. The guy just adores you anyways. Melanie blushes a lot more. Brandon: hey. No need to blush. It's so obvious he does. Torey: can't rule out Dobby. Haha. We all know how he feels about you too. Anton walks back into the room. Anton: what did I do? Torey: just say yes. Anton: for what? Torey: just say it. Anton: I'm not agreeing to anything unless you tell me. Not falling for that again. Torey: you love Melanie don't you. He turns a little red but tries to hide it. Anton: well. Love is a strong word. I'd say just like for now. Melanie: ugh. I just wanna be back to normal! Patrice *sits beside her*: I bet you do. But you did great. I'm proud of you. Melanie *looks at him and smiles*: really? Patrice: really. Outside the arena, Kim and Tuukka wait outside for Melanie in a place they know she'll find them. Tuukka: I really can't wait to be back to normal. Kim: awww you don't wanna do anymore entrances. Tuukka *waves his arms and shakes his head no*: no way thank you. Kim *looks up*: there she is! They see Melanie walking out, clearly relieved that the game is over. Kim: great job Mel! Melanie *big sigh of relief*: thank god. She cautiously looks at Tuukka and anxiously waits to hear what he has to say. Tuukka: I'm not gonna yell at you. But I am very proud of you. I admit, I was really starting to get worried about you. But you did it. Melanie looks away and blushes shyly. Melanie: thanks. Not long after, something happens and Melanie and Tuukka are back to normal. Melanie *startled and looks all around*: I think I'm me again! Tuukka *smiles and is clearly happy*: me too. Yes!! Thank god! Kim: glad that's over with. A brief awkward silence fills the air. Kim: sooooo what happens now? Tuukka: I don't know. Melanie: can probably head back to the room. Unless you have to go somewhere. Tuukka *shrugs*: I'll tag along. Why not. Melanie starts to walk ahead, completely relieved that everything is back to normal. Kim walks beside Tuukka, as the two fall behind. Kim: soooo you must be happy to be your old self again. Tuukka: I am. That was. Quite the experience. Kim: exactly what it was. *looks at him* I notice that Mel must like you too. Tuukka: I think so. Hehe. I like seeing her blush. Kim: it's something you don't see her do all that often. Tuukka: oh really? Kim: yeah. Mel's not the type that blushes or acts super girly. Tuukka *smiles*: I notice. She's perfect just the way she is. Melanie *calls out*: hey slowpokes! You coming!? Kim *yells back*: yes we are! The two chase after her and have an adventure before it's time to say good bye. Back at the hotel. Melanie: you have to go? Tuukka: yeah I have to go. Melanie *sad*: sad sad. Tuukka: awww don't be sad. *places a hand to her cheek and gently kisses her forehead* you'll see me again. Melanie *blushes but still sad*: I hope so. Tuukka *smirk*: you will. We do have another game against Middleton. But that's about a month away. Melanie *really sad*: awww. Tuukka: I'll be in touch. Don't worry. And I'm sure the guys will be too. Anyways, I gotta head back and I'm sure I'm gonna hear a lot about the entrances and the fighting and other stuff too. *takes her hand and kisses it too*. But. Take care Melanie. Melanie *blushes*: y-you too. Tuukka: there's practice tomorrow, so if you want, you can come by the arena and say bye to the guys before you and Kim leave. Kim *smirks*: I'm sure Mel would love that. Melanie *smiles*: I. I would. I'd like to thank them again. Tuukka *smiles*: I love your smile. *nods to the two of them* I'll see you two tomorrow. Have a good night. Melanie: let me know when you're home safe! Tuukka *chuckles*: I will. Good night. Kim and Melanie: night. They watch him leave and then close the door once he is out of sight. Kim: soooo tell me about it Mel. Melanie *collapses in chair*: that was really exhausting. Kim sits down and listens to what Melanie says as the scene zooms out. THE END
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melaniepossible · 7 years
A brain switch goalie story By me 5/21/17-7/26/17 Voice: hey Tuuks. Wake up. Time for the pregame skate. He slowly wakes up but as he does, something doesn't feel right. Why am I here? What's going on? Looking up, he sees Brad. Brad: come on bud. We gotta go out. Claude is expecting us. He turns around and sees Brad and a few other players leaving. He also notices some of the others are getting ready. Turning away and blushing, he continues to think. I'm not myself. What is seriously going on? He looks behind him and sees his name and his goalie equipment all ready to be put on. That's not mine. I don't wear all that padding. Startled, his phone vibrates and he looks at it. Why am I texting myself? Reading the text that said, I'm you and you're me, it quickly dawns on him, oh my god! Tuukka and I switched minds somehow! Oh god! Melanie shakes as she takes off the blocker and glove to respond to Tuukka. Melanie *texts*: oh my god! I hope you're kidding. She sent the message but before she could even respond to the next text, she is ushered out of the locker room, along with her other equipment. She looks around, completely confused, as she carefully steps out onto the ice and skates over to her teammates. Brad: finally you made it. We just warmed Dobby up a little. Even though he came onto the ice first, you're starting in tonight's big game. Melanie *startled*: I. I am? There's a game? Brad *looks at her concerned, not knowing the situation*: you feeling ok Tuuks? You're not acting like yourself. Melanie *trying to sound like him*: oh yeah I'm ready. I got this. Patrice *skates over*: is he ok Brad? Brad *shrugs*: probably thinking about Melanie again. We all know how he feels about her. Heh. Patrice: you ready Tuukka? Big game tonight. Melanie *tries not to be anxious and not blush*: ye-yeah. *scene changes to hotel room* Kim *knocks on the door*: Mel. You up? Tuukka *paces back and forth*: huh? *tries to sound like Melanie* uh yeah. Kim *walks in and raises an eyebrow*: you're up early. Tuukka: I gotta get to practice. Kim *suspicious*: uh there's no cheer practice today. Or soccer. Tuukka *startled*: the pregame skate. Kim *notices his voice*: wait a minute. I know that voice. Tuukka freezes. Kim: you're Tuukka! Tuukka *slowly turns around and sighs*: yes. It's me. Kim: oh god. Does that mean--? Tuukka *nods yes*: yep. Melanie is me. Kim: oh no. Tuukka: yeah I know Kim. That's why I have to get to the arena. Kim: how did this happen? Tuukka *shrugs*: your guess is good as mine. Kim: should I come with you? I know how Melanie might react. Tuukka: no. I'm sorry. Don't want anyone getting suspicious. I'll be back. Kim: well you know how to reach me. Mel has my number in her Kimmunicator. Tuukka *laughs*: that's cute. And ok. Sounds good. *scene changes to the arena* Tuukka is outside the arena and walks inside. He notices that everyone is out on the ice and sees Melanie in net. Oh boy. She is probably not happy about this. Walking over to the rink, he notices that Melanie must've sensed his presence. I forgot that she told me she had powers. I wish I had them. Not long after, Melanie skates over. Melanie *under her breath, sounding frustrated*: thank god you're here. Tuukka: hey it's ok. You're doing alright. Melanie *scoffs*: I still prefer playing soccer. So much easier. And I don't have to wear all this *raises her gloved hands and lifts up a leg* bulky equipment. Tuukka: well. That "bulky equipment" is supposed to protect you. Last time I checked. Pucks are a lot harder than soccer balls. But anyways. Want a bit of advice? Melanie: anything will help. Tuukka: I've seen you play soccer. So it's kinda similar. Be sure to stay in your crease. Yes it's a lot smaller than what you're used to. But anyways. You know how you track the ball on the field? Melanie: yeah? Tuukka: it's the same here. Only you're tracking a puck instead. Melanie: how the heck can I track something so small? Before he could respond, the two jump when they hear the team making a teasing "ooh" at them. Brad: hey Tuukkeo and Meluiet. Tuukka shakes his head while Melanie blushes bright red. Brad *skates over*: hahaha Tuukka you're so red. Tuukka: Marchy. Lay off please. It's been a horrible morning so far. Brad becomes stunned as he hears Tuukka's voice coming from Melanie's body. Brad: Melanie, you sound like Tuukka. You ok? Melanie *sighs*: that's because he is Tuukka. Brad *looks at Melanie then back at Tuukka*: oh my god. How did this happen? Tuukka *shrugs*: we don't know. Melanie: please don't tell anyone. Tuukka: if the team must know then fine. But don't tell Claude. Brad *smirks and chuckles*: I won't. As the pregame skate draws to an end, Tuukka waits outside for Melanie. Melanie *grumbles*: thank god I'm out of there. Tuukka: why? You ok? Melanie *shakes her head and whispers*: not really. According to Brad, my name is now "Melkka." Your name is "Tuuklanie." Tuukka *snickers*: that's cute. I like it. Melanie *glares and stares down at him, clearly enjoying the height advantage*: I hate it! Tuukka *shrugs and chuckles*: take it easy, Melkka. Melanie grumbles amongst herself and walks off. Tuukka *runs after her*: hey wait up! After some time. Tuukka: can I ask you a question Mel? Melanie: sure. Tuukka *faces her*: how can you wear all these chains? Don't they weigh you down? Melanie: it's been my style for a lot of years. I don't notice it. Tuukka: oh. Melanie: well what about you? You don't have a speck of black clothes in your locker. Tuukka: cuz there's more colors to wear then just black *prods her teasingly*. Melanie: I miss my chains. Tuukka: anyways. You feel ready for tonight? Melanie *quickly answers*: nope. Tuukka: why not? You did pretty good out there. Melanie: it was my first time playing hockey Tuukka! And for me to start in tonight's game, it's a lot of pressure. Tuukka: you'll be fine. Just be sure to stay in your crease and watch the puck. *at the hotel* Tuukka: how you guys liking Boston so far? Melanie: meh. It's definitely nothing like Middleton. Kim: it's busy here. Tuukka: you get used to it. Kim looks at the two of them and shakes her head. Kim: this is too weird. Melanie: you're telling me. Least I'm not the idiot. Tuukka: idiot? Kim: Mel! Ron is your friend, not an idiot. Be nice. Melanie *walks away*: pfft. Whatever. Tuukka: who she talking about? Kim: Ron. Tuukka: oh yeah. I remember him. Kim: heh. Though it was funny when that happened. I told her not to be so "meladramatic" about it. Even called her "Rolanie." *laughs*. Tuukka: oh man. She must've not been happy. Kim: nope. But since you two switched somehow, I'm sure she doesn't mind. Tuukka: uuuh. Kim: what? Tuukka *looks away, places a hand behind his head and sounding unsure*: she isn't so happy actually. Kim: what do you mean? Tuukka: well uh. You see Kim. Tonight's the big game. Kim *shocked*: what! I thought it was tomorrow. Tuukka: nope. It's tonight. Kim: oh man. Tuukka: yeah. Mel's really stressing. She's good at hiding it. Well kinda. Kim: sometimes. Tuukka: she did alright at practice. But that's just it. It's practice. Kim: I'm sure she'll be ok tonight. You think? Tuukka: we can only hope. Kim: so just us three know right? Tuukka: well. Not necessarily. Brad found out by our voices. And I'm sure he told the team. I'm not sure the coach knows. Melanie *calls out*: no he doesn't. Tuukka: I guess he doesn't. Kim: oh boy. This is going to get interesting. There is a knock on the door. Kim: that's probably Ron. We were lucky to get side by side rooms. Tuukka: oh wow. That is lucky. Usually hotel rooms for Boston book up fast. Kim opens the door and sees Ron. Ron: hey KP. *sees Melanie, not knowing the situation* hello beautiful. Tuukka *awkward and raises an eyebrow*: uhm. Ron *wraps an arm around her neck*: you ready to see your man win tonight? Before Tuukka has a chance to respond, Melanie walks in and scowls. Melanie *angry*: if you don't wanna end up in the hospital and in a full body cast, I suggest you take your arm off. Ron *sees Tuukka and glares*: it's you! Kim *gets in between the two*: ok ok ok. Enough! It's bad enough when Mel and you go off Ron. I don't need Tuukka getting involved. Kim tries her best to not make the situation known to Ron. She looks up at Melanie and sees her giving Ron the death glare. Tuukka stealthily walks away. Ron: stay away from my girl! Melanie *scoffs*: she isn't yours to begin with. Ron: I'm being serious! See, *points to his face* note serious face! Melanie *sarcastic*: the only thing that serious is that you need a belt and need to get over yourself. Kim: ok guys! Enough! Ron, don't you have to go to the Garden? Ron *still glaring at Tuukka*: yeah. Kim: then get going. Don't need Barkin yelling at you. Ron *sighs*: fine. *looks around for Melanie* where is she? Melanie *glares*: be gone pest. Kim shakes her head and sighs. Ron leaves and Tuukka comes back out. Tuukka: that was awkward. Kim: Mel. Don't you have to be there too? Tuukka *looks at the time*: she should be going there now. Melanie *sits down, groans and places her hands over her eyes*: do I have to? Tuukka: yes. Dobby played the last game. You have to start tonight. You'll be fine. Kim: you got this Mel. *game time* Kim and Tuukka take their seats. Tuukka: it feels so weird that I'm not gonna be out there playing. And I'm in the audience, not on the bench. I just hope Melanie will be ok. She hasn't contacted me. Kim: I'm sure it'll be ok. Oh look, the Mad Dogs are coming onto the ice. Tuukka *slightly nervous*: that means we'll be coming out. *looks on the bench* Claude is there now so yeah. Definitely coming out soon. Kim: how did the rest of the pregame skate go though? Tuukka: she was doing ok. I told her that the way she tracks the ball in soccer, it's the same here only you're tracking a puck. As well as to stay in her crease. Kim: that's good advice. You must really like her. Tuukka *looks at her*: how do you know? Kim: the way you looked at her pictures earlier. And when she's around. Your face lights up whenever you hear her name. Tuukka *blushes*: well she is beautiful. Kim: unfortunately you have competition. Ron is in love with her *points to him on the ice*. And this other guy, Junior. But anyways, did you know that Mel likes making an entrance? Tuukka: an entrance? Kim: yeah. Since she's a model, she's known for that. Tuukka: I hope she doesn't do that tonight. Announcer: here are your Boston Bruins! The crowd breaks out in a huge cheer. *play "Good Time" by Owl City featuring Carly Rae Jepsen* Kim: oh. I'm guessing she is. Tuukka: oh god no. In the entrance. Brad: hey Melkka. You going? Melanie: don't call me that but yeah yeah I'm going. She jumps on the ice, starts to sing and dance to the music. Even though she knows no one is going to be able to hear her sing. Melanie: woke up on the right side of the bed. What's up with this Prince song inside my head? Hands up if you're down to get down tonight. Cuz it's always a good time. Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care. *jumps* hopped into a cab take me anywhere. *standing tall* I'm in if you're down to get down tonight. Cuz it's always a good time. As Melanie was about to start the next part of the song, she looks up and instantly freezes when she sees that there are so many people in the stands. This is something she is not used to, even though she models in front of people, this is a whole lot more than what she expected. In the stands. Tuukka: oh god *shakes head*. Kim: oh boy. Melanie must be having an anxiety attack. She is not moving. Tuukka: this isn't good. And I thought she was used to this many people, seeing that she is a model. Kim: well. I'm sure not this many people. Back on the ice. Melanie *attempting to sing and dance even though she can't really move*: feet down *places gloved hand over her mask* dropped my phone in the pool again. *moves gloved hand away and puts up her blocker hand and does a swipe credit card movement* checked out of my room, check the ATM. *puts both arms down* let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight. Cuz it's always a good time. As time goes on, Brad skates over to her. Brad *prods her*: hey. Get in net. We need to warm you up. Melanie *startled and feels anxiety on the rise*: oh god. Once the song finishes and warm ups continue, Melanie hesitates but makes it to the net. As she gets in position like she's practiced, the guys start taking shots at her. Hearing Tuukka's advice in her head, it's the same idea as soccer only you're tracking a puck, not a ball. Stay in your crease. She tries to stay poised and manages to block almost all the shots. Hey hey I'm getting the hang of this. After blocking a few shots, she skates out, and senses Kim and Tuukka are nearby. She skates over to them. Flipping up the mask, she smiles at the two and waves. Unfortunately with the music blasting and people screaming in the stands, it makes it hard for her to hear anything. Especially if Kim or Tuukka try to say something to her. She sees Kim giving her a thumbs up for good luck and Tuukka shaking his head. But as she is standing near them, she places a hand on her head and winces in pain. From behind the ice, Tuukka looks at Kim. Tuukka: is she ok? Kim: she must sense that someone is nearby. I don't know. Tuukka: I hope she isn't getting a migraine. I know how those feel. They watch as they see her grip her head in pain but relax as soon as she stands straight up again. As warmups draw to an end, both teams head to their respective locker rooms. Tuukka: I hope she's ok Kim. She looked to be in a lot of pain. Kim: she might be. But I hope not. Tuukka: I hope she'll be ok out there. This is definitely gonna be a challenge for her. Kim: she looked poised out there. Tuukka: I just hope people don't expect me to make an entrance like her. Kim: haha. Gotta love that about her. In the locker room. Melanie sits down with the rest of the team. She starts to feel everyone's eyes on her. Brad *walks up to her and places an arm around her neck*: hey nice entrance. You holding up ok? You looked a little, I don't know, anxious out there. Melanie *sarcastic and glares at him*: oh gee I don't know. Maybe because THIS IS A BIG GAME! Lots of pressure. Brad *calmly*: shh shh shh. It's gonna be ok. Remember. Tuuks is usually pretty calm out there. I'm sure you'll be just fine. Patrice walks over. Melanie tenses up. He's so handsome. Patrice: you'll be ok bud. Melanie: I. I hope so. The rest of the guys come over and tell her she'll be ok. Brad: you can do it! You're Melkka. Melanie *glares at him*: I told you to stop calling me that. Brad *grins*: hey it's my job to be the agitator. David B.: and he really is. In the stands. Wade shows up. Wade: hey Kim. Kim *shocked*: Wade? Wade: thought I'd come see the big game. How's the uhm. Situation? He hears Tuukka groaning and shaking his head. Kim: don't mind him. *to Tuukka* hey. You ok? Tuukka *shakes his head after hearing someone behind them talk about Melanie making an entrance*: oh great. Now everyone's gonna be expecting me to do that. Kim: probably not. I wouldn't worry about it. Voice: Kim? Melgo? Kim turns around and sees Melanie's brothers. Kim: Hego? Hego: yes. It's us. *whispers* we're incognito. Kim *raises an eyebrow and smirks*: yeah. I see that. Hego: what's Melgo doing here? Thought she didn't like sports. Well. Except soccer. Kim: well. Technically. This isn't Melanie. Mego *sassy*: I'm pretty sure that's Melgo Kim. She definitely looks like her. Kim *ignoring his sassiness*: well you see. This is Tuukka *sees them confused*, he's the goalie on the Boston Bruins. Somehow, he and Melanie switched minds. Wego *closes their eyes and shakes heads*: oh no. Not good. Mego *short laugh*: oh boy. This ought to be interesting. Hego: how did this happen? Before Kim could respond, Tuukka jumps in. Tuukka: I don't know. But I wish I was playing. She's having me make an entrance. Hego *chuckles*: that is so Melgo. Anyways. Which one is she? Kim: you'll see soon enough. Tuukka: as long as she doesn't make another entrance. The game is about to start and Middleton comes out first. The song "This Girl" by Kungs and Cookin' on 3 Burners starts to play. Tuukka: oh my god. Are you kidding me? They see Melanie skate on the ice, but notice she's staying to the side near the entrance. Unaware that she's about to start singing. Melanie *singing*: money rains from the sky above. But keep the change cuz I got enough. A little time and some tenderness. *throws her arms in the air and shakes her head* you'll never buy my love. *places her arms down and dances in one place* no other thing that's as precious to. *throws arms back up again* no other! There's no other! *pounds her chest gently* than a heart that feel and a heart that's true. *points to the crowd* something that you got to know this girl *points her stick in the air*. The lights go out, but various spotlights come on and circle around the arena. Wade: yep. That must be Mel. Tuukka: what's going on? What's with the lights? Kim: you can assume that it's Mel's doing. See. *raises her hand to gesture to the team* even the guys look confused. Tuukka: well. We are used to the lights doing all sorts of stuff when we are at home. But these ones are different. What the heck! She's supposed to be out there on the ice. Oh my god *covers his eyes and shakes his head*. Hego: which one is Melgo? Kim: you'll see her. Just relax. Melanie jumps back out on the ice and dances to the beat. The guys try not to chuckle. Knowing that this is definitely something that Tuukka would NOT do. After some time. Kim: at least now she looks confident. Tuukka doesn't respond, he just shakes his head, as usual. Hego: yep. That's definitely Melgo. The song resumes. Melanie *singing*: *waves a hand to the side* his presents don't really come for free. Your paychecks don't mean that much to me. *holds out her gloved hand* just take my hand and *embraces herself* hold me tight. *raises both arms again* you'll never buy my love! *skates back to the bench but stays on the ice. Puts her arms down, then raises her right arm and flips her hand down* you buy me this *raises the left arm and does the same thing to the left hand* and you buy me that. To win over! Win me over! *points to the crowd* you got me wrong and that's a fact. Something that you got to know this *raises the stick and stays by the entrance to the bench, waits to be called back into the ice*. Kim: what's happening? Tuukka: looks like they're announcing the starting line. Look up at the Jumbotron. You'll see the names of the guys as they head on the ice. Kim looks up and sees. The first line and defense players get ready to head out onto the ice. They wait as the announcer calls them out. Announcer: number 42, David Backes! Number 37, Patrice Bergeron! Number 63, Brad Marchand! And on defense, number 33, Zdeno Chara! And number 25, Brandon Carlo! And starting in goal. Number 40, Tuuuuuuuuukkkkkaaaaaaa Raaaaaaaask. Melanie jumps back on the ice and starts dancing yet again. She waves her arms around and is clearly enjoying herself. As the song draws to a close, she heads back in net. Kim *looks up at the Jumbotron and sees the goalie stats for each player. It shows the visitors goalie first. For Middleton, he has a 1.54 goals against and a .945 save percentage. Tuukka's stats read at a 1.21 goals against average and a .964 save percentage. Tuukka clearly being a lot better than Middleton's goalie but not by much*: wow. Are those your stats? Tuukka *deflated*: yeah. That's me. TO BE CONTINUED... Goal! Middleton strikes first. Tuukka: oh boy. This isn't good. She's looking frazzled out there. Kim: it's still the first period. I'm sure things will pick up. Tuukka: this isn't soccer! Melanie: oh my god. *tries to stay in position and not let her anxiety take control*. Torey *whispers to her*: you're doing fine. Just relax. Remember what Tuuks said. Goal! The Boston Bruins tie things up. Who will win? Shego making an appearance. Tuukka: who's that? Kim: that's Shego. Melanie's biological sister. She must've sensed that she was here. Shego *on the Jumbotron, calling out to Tuukka, not knowing that he's actually Melanie*: so you are the one that my stupid sister likes.
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melaniepossible · 7 years
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Look what I got in the mail just now 😁. Definitely wearing this to work!
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melaniepossible · 7 years
🤗 what's the sitch! Call me beep me if you wanna reach me
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15 Years ago today Kim Possible premiered on the Disney Channel. The show went on to become the most successful Disney animated series for a period of time. It broke boundaries and gave us unforgettable characters and amazing action sequences. Many of us fans will always love this show and it will always have a special place in our hearts. <3
June 7th 2002
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melaniepossible · 7 years
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Happy Kim Possible day everyone! 6/7/02
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melaniepossible · 7 years
It was actually first aired June 7, 2002 💁🏻 (not to be too nitpicky). A week before my birthday ^.^
coming january 2002 only to disney channel.
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melaniepossible · 7 years
Part 3 alternate ending 3
Kim Possible meets the Boston Bruins Part 3. Alternate ending 2. Melanie chooses Patrice By me 4/22/17-4/24/17 Everyone is at the edge of their seats as one of the Bruins players goes on a breakaway. Melanie *sees that it's Patrice*: oh my god. She holds her breath as she watches him lift the puck and sees it go in on the short side. Bruins win it in overtime. Kim: dang. That was so close. I know they have another match up in the future. Melanie: yeah. In Boston. Kim: hopefully they'll win that game. As everyone exits the arena, Melanie waits outside. That really was a great game. She jumps when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns around and is greeted with a warm smile. Patrice: hey. Melanie *smiles and hugs him*: hey. Patrice smiles, hugs her and kisses her forehead. Melanie: great game. Patrice: boy. Middleton really came out playing hard. Melanie: really? Patrice: oh yeah. Last time we faced them, we never had to go into overtime. They really put up a fight today. I'm sure the next time we face them, it's gonna be the same thing. Melanie: wow. Yeah I wasn't expecting it to go so late. Patrice: it was still a good game. Some games are like that. Even the shootouts can take quite some time. Melanie *starts walking with him*: what's the longest shootout you guys had? Patrice *walks with her, holds her hand and places his free hand on the back of his head*: it was a while ago but it was I think maybe five or six rounds we had to go through. It was tough. Tuukka really stood on his head for us. Melanie: he was really great today. Patrice: he usually is. Melanie: and of course. So were you *blushes shyly*. Patrice *smiles*: aww thanks sweetheart. As the two walk outside, they head towards Patrice's car. Patrice: nice cheer by the way. I didn't know you were a cheerleader. Melanie *blushes a lot*: oh uh. Yeah. Didn't wanna say anything. Patrice *chuckles*: Brad and Tuukka really enjoyed it. Melanie: oh I'm sure they did. Patrice: especially Brad. Melanie: I'm not surprised haha. Patrice: anyways. Do you have to be home at a certain time? Melanie: no. Not really. Patrice: you wanna go to the beach or something? Melanie *smiles*: sure. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy. She notices him smile at her. He is the one for me. I just know it. He's so handsome and perfect. They both get in the car and head towards the beach. Patrice: such a beautiful night. Melanie: oh I know right. Patrice: usually it's pretty cool in Boston. Melanie: oh really? Patrice: yeah. New England weather is very unpredictable at times. One day it's sunny and warm or hot, the next could be rainy and cold. Melanie: oh wow. That's interesting. Patrice *leans over the railing and looks at her*: it is. But I like it in Boston. Wouldn't trade it fir anything. Melanie *rests her head on his shoulder*: that's nice to hear. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close. Melanie: I missed holding you. Patrice: me too. I enjoy having you in my arms. Melanie: I really feel safe in them. Patrice *smiles*: I'm glad to hear that. *pauses* how's the whole decision making thing going? Melanie *startled*: oh that? It's still difficult. Oh please kiss me. That'll really convince me. Patrice *shocked*: oh wow. *clears throat* maybe I could help you decide? Somehow? Melanie *pretends to be unsure*: how? Patrice: oh. I don't know. Maybe like this *places a hand under her chin, tilts her head up, closes his eyes and kisses her*. Melanie closes her eyes and kisses him back. He then wraps his arms around her waist as she wraps hers around his neck. Oh my god I missed his kisses. He's definitely the one I want. After the kiss, he looks deeply into her eyes. Patrice: convinced? Melanie *tries to be unconvinced to get another kiss*: uhm. Not yet. Patrice *smirk and chuckles*: still need to be convinced? Melanie *shrugs*: I guess so. Patrice *smiles*: ok. Once again, he leans in and kisses her. Melanie feels as if she's on cloud nine. Best. Night. Ever! Once again, he backs up and looks into her eyes. Patrice: how about now? Melanie *smiles*: I think I'm convinced now. I really want you. Patrice *smiles*: me too. *takes her hand and kisses it* I really care about you a lot. Melanie: as do I. Always have. Patrice *holds her*: you know, I kinda could tell. Melanie: oh really? Patrice: yeah. Melanie: it was really tough because I didn't wanna hurt anyone's feelings. Patrice: you really handled it well. Melanie: well it definitely wasn't easy. I'll tell you that much. Patrice: I bet it wasn't. The two hold each other and listen to the sounds of the waves, crashing on the shore. Neither wanting to let go. Melanie: I'm so happy. Patrice *smiles and nuzzles the top of her head*: me too sweetie. *kisses the top of her head and whispers* I love you. Melanie *smiles*: I love you too. Patrice: and again, I don't think any less of you over what has happened. Melanie breaths a sigh of relief. She doesn't dare tell him about what happened earlier when Brad was practically making out with her all morning. After some time, Melanie's phone goes off. She groans as she sees that it's Kim calling. Melanie: hey Kim. Kim: hey Mel. Everything ok? It's getting late. Melanie: yeah. Everything's ok. Patrice *rests head on her shoulder and looks at the phone*: she's with me. Kim: oh ok. Anyways. When you coming home? It's getting really late. Melanie: I'm guessing dad is getting suspicious. Kim: no. Not yet. But he will be. Melanie *sighs*: I might as well head home then. Kim: I think that'd be wise. I'll see you at home. They both hang up. Melanie *groans*: I don't wanna go home. Patrice: don't be sad my love. *holds her close* you'll see me again. I'm yours. Melanie *smiles a little*: and you're mine. Patrice: and nothing is gonna change that. Melanie *looks up at him*: really? Patrice: mhm. Melanie: I'm glad to hear that. Patrice: come on. Let's get you home. He holds out his hand and they walk to the car together then he drives her home. THE END
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melaniepossible · 7 years
Part 3 alternate ending 2
Kim Possible meets the Boston Bruins Part 3. Alternate ending 3. Melanie chooses Brad By me 4/22/17-4/25/17 Everyone is at the edge of their seats as one of the Bruins players goes on a breakaway. Melanie *sees that it's Brad*: oh my god. She holds her breath as she watches him lift the puck and sees it go in on the short side. Bruins win it in overtime. Kim: dang. That was so close. I know they have another match up in the future. Melanie: yeah. In Boston. Kim: hopefully they'll win that game. As everyone exits the arena, Melanie waits outside. That really was a great game. Both teams played well. She gets startled when she feels arms being wrapped around her waist. She tries to turn around but she can't. A second later, her eyes get covered. Voice *flirtatious*: guess who. Melanie: oh my god Brad. Don't do that. I almost got a panic attack. Brad: awww *uncovers her eyes* I'm sorry sweetie. Melanie: yeah. This coming from someone supposedly being a "good boy." Brad *sly smirk*: well I am a good boy. Hehe. Melanie: uh huh suuuuure. Melanie walks away to be a little hard to get. Brad: hey wait up. He runs after her. Melanie: I'm not going anywhere. Brad: better not. I'd miss you too much. Melanie: you. You'd miss me? Brad: of course I would. They both walk outside. Brad: I was looking forward to seeing you after the game. Melanie: well. Here I am. Brad *smiles*: and I'm so glad I get to see you. By the way. Nice cheer routine. Melanie *blushes shyly*: oh thanks. Brad: I didn't know you were a cheerleader. There's a lot you don't know about me. Melanie: I guess I forgot to tell you. Brad: nah. I like learning as I go along. *wraps his arm around her*. That's the best part. Learning about one another. Melanie: I guess that's true. Brad: so. What's you think of the game? Melanie: both teams played great! I was impressed. Brad: yeah. Middleton has come a long way. They really fought hard tonight. I'm sure they'll definitely make a comeback the next time we face them. Melanie: I see. Brad *chuckles*: wanna get going? Melanie: sure. They walk outside. Brad: it's a nice night. Melanie: it is. There's a park not too far from here. Brad: oh really? Melanie: yeah. *pokes him and takes off* can't catch me. Brad: oh you shouldn't have done that. I'm really fast. Melanie: hah! We shall see. Melanie carefully uses her agility to her advantage and hides. She watches from a bush to see where Brad is. Hmm. He won't be able to find me. After some time, she loses sight of him. Oh no. Where did he go? Suddenly, out of a nowhere... Brad *pounces on her and holds her down*: gotcha!! Melanie *startled*: oh my god. You scared me! Brad *devilish smile*: expect the unexpected sweetheart hehe. Melanie *blushes bright red*: oh boy. Brad *smirk*: what? Melanie *looks around then back at him*: wh-what are you doing? Brad *smirks even more*: what do you think I'm gonna do? Melanie: I. I don't know. Brad *grins*: as you know, I'm a bad boy too. But not in a bad bad way. Melanie *turns even more red*: oh my. Brad *leans close to her, grins even more, kisses her forehead and whispers in her ear*: don't be so nervous. Melanie: oh. Uhm. Brad *whispers*: shhhh *kisses her cheek and gazes into her eyes* you're so beautiful. Melanie *looks into his eyes*: and. And you're handsome. Brad *smiles and moves closer to her*: shhh. Melanie looks up at him once more and is confused. But before she could utter another word, she feels his warm lips on hers. Her eyes get wider but eventually close. He definitely knows how to woo that's for sure. Brad *pulls back*: you ok? Melanie *dreamily*: yes. Yes sweetheart. Brad *smiles*: does this mean what I think it means? Melanie: what? Brad: that you've made your decision? Did I finally convince you? Melanie *blushes*: ye-yeah. I guess you did. Brad: good. Melanie tries to get up but Brad continues to hold her down. Melanie: uhm. We gonna get up? Brad: no way. Not yet. *plays with her hair*. Melanie: w-why not? Brad: your kisses are addicting. And I missed them. Melanie *turns bright red*: oh my. Brad: heh. You like it. Don't deny it. Melanie: n-not denying anything. Brad: good. Now show me that you want me. She notices that his eyes sparkle in the moonlight and it almost hypnotizes her. They lean into one another once more and kiss. He's definitely the one. Despite being a bad boy. It's so cute. After awhile, Melanie pulls away. Brad: you ok? Melanie: yes. But I have to tell you something. Brad: should I sit up for this? Melanie: if. If you want. Brad sits up and Melanie does the same. Melanie: I. I hope you don't think any less of me. Brad: no way. Nothing could ever change that. Melanie *slight smile but then hesitates*: you. You see. I have powers. Brad *looks at her confused*: powers? How so? Melanie: I'm the worlds most powerful hero. I have a sixth sense, can create storms, I'm very agile, and have telekinetic powers. Brad *shocked*: oh really? Melanie: yeah. *looks at him*. Please don't tell anyone. All I want is to be accepted. Brad *holds her hand and looks at her*: nothing will ever change my mind about you. I love you for who you are. Melanie *eyes widen*: love? Brad: yes. I do love you. Melanie: that. That means so much to me. Brad: you accept me for who I am. So of course I'd accept you. Always have. Melanie: that's. that's true. You always have. Brad *smiles and kisses her forehead*: heh. You're so funny. Don't ever change. Melanie: oh I don't intend to. He lays down beside her and they both cuddle. Melanie *smiles and feels very safe*: this is very soothing. Brad: well. You're with me. Of course it is. Melanie *laughs*: now you're the one that's funny. Brad *chuckles and looks at her*: it's so nice not having to be bothered. Melanie: oh? Brad: well Bergy and Tuuks want you. Gotta claim what's mine. Not saying you're property or anything. Melanie: uh huh. Riiiiiiight. *snuggles* I really don't wanna leave. Brad *rests his head on hers*: I know but you gotta get home soon. I don't wanna see you get in trouble. Melanie: meh. Brad: you'll see me again. Don't worry. Melanie: I know. As if on cue, Melanie's phone rings. She looks and sees that it's Kim. Melanie: hey Kim. Kim: hey Mel. Where are you? Brad: she's with me. Kim: hey Brad. Brad: she's safe. Don't worry. Kim: ok. But she should come home soon. Dad will get suspicious. Brad *notices Melanie getting sadder*: don't worry. I'll make sure she gets home. Kim: ok. They hang up. He notices that she is getting upset. Brad: hey hey. Don't be upset sweetheart. *hugs her tightly* it's gonna be ok. Melanie: I know but I can't help it. Brad: I'm yours. Don't worry. I definitely don't plan on leaving you at all. Except when it's time to leave with the team. But that's the only time. Melanie: oh? Brad: yeah. We are on a road trip. Melanie: I see. Brad *sits up*: we better get going. Melanie: sad sad. *sits up*. Brad: don't be sad sad *short laugh*. That's so cute. Melanie *looks at him confused*: what is? Brad: "sad sad." Melanie: means I'm extra sad. Brad: it's cute. I kinda figured that's what it meant. The two get up and head back towards the car, hand in hand. THE END
0 notes
melaniepossible · 7 years
Part 3 alternate ending 1
Kim Possible meets the Boston Bruins Part 3. Alternate ending 1. Melanie chooses Tuukka By me 4/22/17-4/23/17 Everyone is at the edge of their seats as one of the Bruins players goes on a breakaway. Melanie: oh my god. She holds her breath as she watches the puck get lifted but gets caught. The play continues to go back and forth till eventually the buzzer goes off to signal that the overtime is over. Melanie: oh boy. The dreaded shootout. Kim: I'm guessing that makes things interesting? Melanie: oh yeah. This is the most intense part of the game. Kim *teases*: now you're like some kind of hockey expert now? Melanie: well. I don't know. I do know that each team sends out their best players to try and score. Kim: maybe Ron will be out. Melanie *rolls eyes, scoffs and sarcastic*: oh that would be so fantastic. Kim: oh come on Mel. Show some support for your friend. Twenty minutes later, the teams come back out and it's time for the shootout. Both goalies go back to their respective nets and prepare themselves. Kim: looks like Brick is going first. Melanie *sarcastic*: well he is the captain Kim. Kim *pushes her lightly and sarcastic*: no really? I didn't know that. They watch and they see that his shot gets blocked. This goes on for quite some time till eventually one of the players on the Bruins scores and wins it for the team. Kim: wow that was really intense. Melanie *smiles and whispers*: he's so good. Kim: so I take it that the game is over? Melanie: yeah. We are still behind the B's. but instead of being a point behind, it's now two. Kim: Barkin is probably NOT happy. Melanie: probably not but they looked really good out there. Lots of scoring chances. Kim: I'll go wait for Ron. Come with? Melanie: I'll come by later on. Kim: ok. You know how to reach me *gets up and leaves*. Melanie *watches the Bruins still celebrate on the ice before they head into their locker room*: yes. I do. Once everything calms down for the most part, Melanie waits outside. She finally knows who she wants even though the decision was quite tough to make. She feels a tap on the shoulder. She turns around and sees Tuukka standing there. Tuukka: hey beautiful. Melanie *blushes and looks away shyly*: hi handsome. *giggles* nice suit. Tuukka *smiles*: aw thanks *hugs her*. Melanie *smiles, hugs him and feels safe*: you were amazing out there. Tuukka *doesn't let her go*: it was a very tough game. Middleton has come a loooooong way since we last faced them. Melanie: oh really? Tuukka *lets her go*: yeah. They really showed a lot of grit this time. I mean we've beaten them before but it never really came down to the overtime/shootout portion. Melanie: ah I see. Tuukka: yeah. Melanie: where is everyone else? Tuukka *shrugs*: possibly doing interviews with the reporters. I already did mine. Melanie *shyly*: I bet you looked great. Tuukka *smiles*: well you see how I look now haha. Melanie: true. Let's get out of here. Tuukka: sure. They walk out of the arena and avoid the big crowds. Melanie gets startled as she feels the warmth of his hand on hers. Oh my god. I wasn't expecting that. Once outside, Tuukka takes her to his car. Melanie: I'm really surprised you didn't get followed by the rest of the guys. Tuukka: heh. Wasn't easy. Especially avoiding Brad. Melanie stands there by the passenger door. She watches him put his stuff into his car and smiles at him. He's perfect. Tuukka *looks up at her and smiles*: what. Melanie *giggles shyly and looks away*: n-nothing. Tuukka *walks over to her* oh I think it's something. He stands over her and attempts to gaze into her eyes. Melanie gets extremely bashful and hides behind her hair. Tuukka: oh my god you're so adorable. I know I keep saying that but I can't help it. I love it. Melanie *gets extremely shy*: so are you. Tuukka blushes and smiles. He's probably thinking that maybe he has a shot at being with her. Instead of going for a kiss, he just kisses her forehead and heads back to the driver side of his car. Once in the car, he takes her hand and kisses it. Melanie blushes, as usual. Tuukka: do you wanna go somewhere? Melanie: doesn't matter to me. He smiles and they head towards the beach. Melanie watches as his fingers play with hers while he's driving. This is it. As they get to the beach, they both get out. Melanie: you must be happy that the game is over. Tuukka: I don't mind playing. Just didn't expect it to get done so late. Melanie: oh yeah. It is late. Tuukka: do you have to get home? Melanie: nope. Tuukka: ok cuz I don't want you getting in trouble. Melanie *smiles*: no prob. They walk along the pier, hand in hand. As they walk along, they stumble upon a small park. Melanie runs off. Melanie: hehe can't catch me. Tuukka: oh yeah. Wanna bet? *runs after her*. Melanie climbs up on a structure and hides while he follows close behind. She watches out for him but loses track of where he went. Where did he go? Tuukka *grabs her gently*: ahah! Got you. Melanie *startled, turns around and gazes into those beautiful eyes of his*: yes. You found me. Tuukka *smiles and places a hand on her cheek*: I'm glad I found you. Melanie *smiles and places her hand on his*: me too. *pulls his hand over and kisses it gently*. Tuukka *surprised*: oh? Melanie *looks up at him and smiles still*: what? Tuukka: I've. I've never seen you like this. Melanie *gets closer*: oh really? Tuukka *gets closer*: no. Melanie *bashful*: I. I kinda like it. Tuukka: me. Me too. They both smile at one another and get even closer. They hold each other's hands and eventually go in for a kiss. This feels right. He's the man for me. After some time, the two separate and look at one another. Tuukka: Melanie? Melanie: yes. *nervous* my. My love. I mean Tuukka. Tuukka *shocked*: did you just call me, "your love?" Melanie *stammers*: ye-yes. I'm sorry. Tuukka: no no it's ok. I have something to ask you. Melanie *senses what he's about to ask but plays cool*: what is it? Tuukka: so uhm. What are we? Melanie: what do you mean? Tuukka: well uh. I know you like Brad and Patrice too. Melanie *gazes into his eyes*: and you as well. Tuukka *smiles bashfully*: yes. Melanie: I really like you a lot. Tuukka *looks up at her*: y-you do? Melanie *brushes her hand gently across his cheek*: yes. *gets shy* I made my decision. Tuukka *kisses her hand*: you did? Melanie *places her hand on his*: yes. *pauses and whispers* I. I want you. Tuukka blinks a few times, clearly shocked at what he just heard. Tuukka *stammers and still shocked*: you. You want me? Melanie *blushes*: ye-yeah I do. Tuukka: r-really? Melanie gently pulls him close and kisses him. Still shocked, he kisses her back and doesn't let go. As Melanie attempts to back up, she soon realizes she can't as he is holding her tightly. Well, I might as well stay in the moment. He deserves it. After some time, he pulls away. Melanie *blushes*: convinced? Tuukka *tries to make it sound like he's not*: not really. Melanie *eyes widen and shocked*: not really? Tuukka: nope. I need more convincing. Melanie: I. I thought you were. Tuukka: not yet. Once again, Melanie goes in and kisses him. Tuukka smiles and holds her tightly. This time, Melanie doesn't hold back, she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him a lot closer. Once more, he smiles and wraps his arms around her waist. He lied to me. He is convinced. He just wants to make out with me. But. It doesn't matter. He's a great kisser. Again, Melanie pulls back after some time but instead of pulling her head back and away, she tilts it. She gasps as she feels him kissing her neck. Melanie: T-T-Tuukka? *gasps* y-you can stop now. He doesn't. Melanie *eyes widen and voice cracks*: Tuukka?!? Again, he doesn't respond and resumes kissing her neck. Melanie attempts to try and push him off but she notices that he takes her hands. Pushing her head down, she tries to get him to stop but he goes straight for her lips again. Oh my god. He loves kissing me. Tuukka *murmurs*: I think I love you Melanie. Melanie *startled*: wh-what? Tuukka *finally stops kissing her, looks deeply into her eyes, brushes her hair away from her face and smiles with love*: I think I'm in love with you. Melanie *shocked*: n-no way. Tuukka *kisses her forehead*: I'm serious. Melanie stands there, still shocked at what she just hears. I shouldn't be too shocked myself. I did after all call him "my love." Melanie: I. I think I. I love you too. Tuukka *smiles*: really? Melanie *slightly unconfident*: yeah *then grows confidence* no actually, I know I am. I do love you. Tuukka *smiles more*: I love you more. Oh my god I love you so much. He holds her close and doesn't let her go. Tuukka: I need you in my life. Melanie *holds him*: I'm not going anywhere. The two hold each other and it feels like an eternity. After a while, Melanie's phone goes off. She takes it out and looks at it. Tuukka kisses her forehead once again and wraps an arm around her. Melanie *answers the phone*: hey Kim. Kim: Melanie. Where are you? It's getting late. Tuukka *to Melanie*: may I? Melanie: sure. Tuukka: hey Kim. Kim: Tuukka? Tuukka: she's with me. Don't be worried. Kim: I'm glad she's ok. But she should come home soon. It is getting really late. Tuukka looks over and sees that Melanie is sad and a tear is falling down. Tuukka *wipes it*: don't be sad. Kim: she should come home now though. Don't want Dad getting suspicious. Melanie *voice cracks*: y-yeah. We. We don't want that. Kim: I'll see you in a little bit. They hang up. Melanie tries her very best not to cry but the tears end up falling anyways. Melanie *cries*: I don't wanna go home. I wanna stay with you. *clings to him*. Tuukka *holds her tight*: hey hey. It's ok. Shhhhh. Don't cry. *rubs her back gently*. You'll see me again. Melanie *looks up at him*: really? Tuukka *takes her hand and kisses it*: really *wipes away her tears*. You're my love. I'll always be here. Please smile. Don't be sad. I don't wanna see you sad. Melanie: but I am sad sad. Tuukka *short laugh*: that's cute. But don't be sad sad. *holds her very close* I love you. Melanie *sniffles*: I love you too. Tuukka *smiles*: now. Give me a smile. Melanie *sniffles*: I can't. Tuukka: awww do I have to tickle you? Melanie: no don't. Tuukka *smiles*: I'm gonna tickle you. Melanie: no please don't. Tuukka *giggles*: too late *starts to tickle her*. Melanie: no please stop. *starts to laugh*. He smiles more as he hears her laugh. Clearly enjoying every second. Once he feels that she is good, he stops. Tuukka: better? Melanie: meh. Tuukka: you have a cute laugh. Melanie *blushes*: no I don't. Tuukka: yes you do. He kisses her forehead again and wipes the remaining tears away. Melanie: hey uh Tuukka? Tuukka *leaves his lips on her forehead*: mm? Melanie: there's something I have to tell you. Tuukka *looks at her*: everything ok? Melanie: yeah. Just something I should tell you. Now that we are together. Tuukka *smiles*: I'm glad we are together. Melanie *blushes*: me too. Tuukka *gives her attention*: you have my undivided attention. Melanie *takes a deep breath*: I. I hope you won't think any less of me. Tuukka: never. Melanie: you see. I. I have powers. Tuukka: powers? Melanie: yes. Powers. I have a sixth sense. I'm also very agile. I have telekinesis and can create storms. Sometimes I also get prophecies. Melanie looks up at him, expecting him to react the same way Patrice did when she told him. She waits with much anticipation. Tuukka *smiles*: how could I ever think any less of you Melanie? I love you for who you are. With powers or not. You're my girl. *holds her close and tightly* and you always will be. Melanie *smiles, holds him and is relieved*: I'm so glad to hear that. I love you so much. And I'm proud to be your girl. Tuukka *smiles*: and I'm proud to be your man. I love you. Melanie: I love you too. Tuukka *looks at the time*: we better get you home before Kim gets upset. Melanie: definitely. The two get up and walk towards the car. A truly happy ending for the two. THE END!
0 notes
melaniepossible · 7 years
Part 3
Kim Possible meets the Boston Bruins Part 3 By me 3/21/17-4/22/17 Previously on Kim Possible. Feelings. Melanie: I have to see him. I miss him. Before Kim could utter another word, Melanie takes off. Kim: I will never get used to this. Not just for Patrice but for Brad and Tuukka as well. I like Patrice. Why do I feel the same towards Brad and Tuukka? What is going on? First I share a kiss with Patrice, then I get kisses on the cheek from both Brad and Tuukka. This is really not good. Her heart pounds as she thinks of each of the three boys. What am I gonna do? Trying to support. Kim: your heart will know. Later on, showing off her goalie skills. Kim: Melanie's the best goalie in Middleton history. She puts up a lot of shut outs for our team. If you call it that. Meeting between the goalies. Tuukka: can I see you tonight? Melanie: m-maybe. More jealousy. Ron *angry*: stop flirting with the enemy!! Melanie *glares and eyes go black*: my life. Not yours! And FYI, I do NOT flirt! The kiss. Tuukka: sorry about that. Telling the truth about her feelings. Melanie *looks at him without trying to get lost in his eyes*: you see. I like you, Brad and Patrice. A lot. Telling Patrice about her big secrets. Melanie *hesitates*: Tuukka and I kissed. *pauses, shudders slightly and whispers* I have a sixth sense. I can sense who's nearby. Patrice: that's pretty cool. And it's ok. Melanie: that's not all. *whispers* I have telekinetic powers as well as being very agile. I can create storms and I also receive prophecies once in a while. I'm known as the worlds most powerful hero. I was even once part of a superhero team called Team Go. But we don't have to get into that. Not thinking any less of her. Patrice *looks into her eyes*: I don't think any less of you Melanie. The promise. Melanie: please don't tell anyone. Patrice: I promise. Now. It's the next day and it's also game day. Middleton Mad Dogs face the Boston Bruins in a very huge game later tonight. Who will win? Boston Bruins leads the league while Middleton follows behind by a point. Two points for the Bruins could give them a little bit more breathing room from the Mad Dogs. While two points will propel the Dogs into first place. It's a big game between the two divisional rivals. Melanie wakes up to her phone ringing. She looks and sees that it's Brad calling her. As usual, her heart beats rapidly. Melanie *answers the phone, slight hesitation*: he-hello? Brad *joyful*: good morning beautiful. Melanie can't help but smile and blush at that. Especially since she's so used to a lot of people calling her ugly. Melanie: hi Brad. Brad: I hope I didn't wake you. Melanie: n-no you didn't. But you're up early. Brad: well you do know that it's game day right? I'll be going to practice soon with the boys *pauses*. Hey. Wanna meet up for breakfast? Melanie *without thinking*: sure. Brad *smiling*: perfect. I'll be there in a half hour or so. See you then angel. They both hang up. Melanie sits in bed, places a hand to her forehead and shakes her head. Melanie: what is going on with me? As she gets herself ready, Kim knocks on the door. Melanie: come in. Kim *walks in*: wow you're up early. *notices she's a bit more dressed up but still looking gothic, as usual* what's the occasion? Melanie *blushes*: oh. Uh. Kim: lemme guess. One of your boyfriends or all three wanna take you out. Melanie *defensive*: ok first off. They are all NOT my boyfriends. Second, I would NOT date three people at the same time. And thirdly, it's just Brad. Kim *smirk*: wow. You really are making an impression on them. Melanie *scowls*: Kim! Kim *laughs*: sorry. Couldn't resist. Anyways. How was your meeting with Tuukka last night? Melanie *blushes bright red*: oh uh. It. It was nice. Kim: haha oh my gosh Melanie. Your face tells it all. He kissed you didn't he. Melanie *trying not to sound like she's in denial*: no! Kim: heh. If you say so. Melanie: listen. It's not like I'm dating all three of them. Kim: didn't say that. Before long, there's a knock on the door. Kim and Melanie look over at the door. Kim turns around. Kim *teasing*: could this be one of your Romeos? Melanie: Kim I swear to god- Kim: what? Sisters tease each other you know. Relax. Melanie glares at her. Kim: didn't you and Shego do this sort of stuff growing up? Melanie *slight annoyance*: no not really *walks over to the door*. She taught me how to fight at a young age. And not show any signs of weakness. Kim: oh yeah. Hego did mention that. Melanie *stern*: yeah when you and Ron snuck over to the Go Tower without me knowing. Kim: will you let that go? Melanie opens the door and sees that Brad is standing there with a bouquet of flowers. Melanie *startled*: oh. Hey Brad. Brad *hands her the flowers with a sly smile*: beautiful flowers for a very beautiful young lady. Melanie *blushes shyly and takes them*: oh. Thank you. Kim *stifles a laugh*: I'm sorry. Brad: what's so funny? Kim: just that Melanie has three guys after her. Brad: well. She's gonna make up her mind soon and choose me. Melanie *startled*: I am? Brad *smirk*: of course. I'm way better than Bergy and Tuuks. Melanie *raises eyebrows in a "this is awkward" look*: uhm. Alright then. *walks back in the house* Kim: Mel? Aren't you forgetting something? Melanie: what? Brad: it's alright Kim. Melanie's going out with me. Melanie: I was gonna put these in a vase. And come back out. She walks back to her room and isn't within earshot with what Kim is about to say. Kim: soooooo Melanie's been going out with the three of you. Brad: well *places hand behind the back of his head and shrugs* I really wouldn't call it "going out" per se. Kim *leans against the door*: well. What would you call it. Brad: fighting to get her attention. But you make it seem like she's dating all three of us. I don't think Mel's the type that would do that. Kim: oh gosh no. I wasn't implying that. If it sounded like that, I didn't mean to. Brad: ah it's cool. The guys just think that just because they're taller than me, they're more apt to get her attention. And also because they think that all girls want a taller man. I'm a little taller than her. And as you saw the other day, those two are bigger. Kim: honestly. I can't say what Mel wants. You see, this is a big first for me. Brad *shocked*: no way. Kim: yeah. Melanie's not one to express interest in anyone. She's a loner I guess you could say. And complicated. Brad *nods head*: I can understand that. She needs a strong man *puffs out his chest*. Kim *laughs*: funny. Speaking of which, Ron and one other guy, you don't know him. He's a villain. But he's very much in love with her. Brad *short laugh*: looks like I got more competition. Kim: well. You probably will have a chance to meet Ron. He's on the Middleton Mad Dogs hockey team. Brad *stunned*: oh? Kim: you don't have to worry. Mel is NOT interested in him. She really makes that clear. Brad *relieved*: whew. Kim: but. Ron is very much crazy about her. But it annoys her which brings out some of her violent side. *shakes head*. Brad *smirk*: bad girl. I like it. Kim *raises an eyebrow*: riiiiiight. Brad: hey. It's cute. Kim: do you think Mel will be able to choose between you three? Brad: I hope so Kim. She spent time with Tuuks and Bergy. And now it's my turn. *looks at the time* I hope she's coming back. Running on a short amount of time. Was hoping to go out soon because Claude has a pregame skate today in a few hours and I won't be able to see her till maybe after the game. Kim: hold on a second. *runs into the house and calls out* Mel? Melanie *raises voice*: in my room Kim! *hides pictures of her with Patrice and her with Tuukka in her desk and out of sight*. Kim *enters*: there you are. *sees the flowers on her desk* that's a good spot for them. Melanie *slight blush*: oh I know. Kim: Brad is waiting for you. He said his coach has a pregame skate in a few hours. Melanie *face palms*: oh dang. I forgot! I'll go now. She rushes to the door, leaving Kim behind. Kim looks down and sees a corner of the picture that Melanie was trying to hide. She opens the draw and sees that there is actually two pictures. Her with Patrice. And the other with Tuukka. Kim *whispers to herself*: she looks so happy. This is not gonna be an easy decision for her. Outside the house. Melanie: sorry about that Brad. Brad *opens the passenger side door to his car for her*: it's no worries. Melanie: you're sweet. Brad *smiles*: well I gotta be if you're gonna choose me right? Melanie *skeptical*: uh I guess. But Brad. They both get in the car. Brad: yeah? Melanie: this isn't easy for me. Brad: I'm sure you'll know after your time with me *gently takes her hand, kisses it as he looks into her eyes*. Melanie *blushes bright red*: oh. Brad *smiles and starts driving*: you're so adorable. He continues to hold her hand. Melanie sits there, unsure what to think. This is so new to me. No ones ever done that before. Ok Melanie. Stay cool. It's gonna be ok. Brad: we are almost there. He pulls up to a place and parks. Melanie gets out of the car before he has the chance to get out and help her. Even though she doesn't need it. She figures he just wants to be a gentleman and score more brownie points. Brad *sits at a table outside*: this ok? Melanie: ye-yeah *sits down*. Brad *looks at her concerned*: you ok? Melanie *looks up*: yeah I'm ok. Just thinking. Brad *gently*: listen. There's no pressure if you feel like you have a choice to make. I just figured I'd tell you. Melanie *smiles a little and is relieved*: that is good to know. Thank you. Brad: I just don't wanna see you overwhelmed. As the two order their food and soon after enjoy a nice breakfast, Brad asks Melanie if she'd like to go for a walk before he leaves for practice. She accepts. As the two walk, he holds her hand and they end up at a pond that Melanie hasn't been to yet. Brad: did you know there's a pond here? Melanie: no I haven't. Brad *looks at the water*: yeah. I just stumbled upon this the other day. I like it here. Melanie: Brad. I have a question. Brad: hmm? Melanie: what's it like in Boston? Brad *smiles*: it's a nice city. Loud compared to here. But then again. Can't say for sure because I don't know how loud your town gets. But it's pretty nice. We have great seafood and we know how to "pahk the cah." Melanie *looks at him confused*: huh? Brad *laughs*: oh sorry. My b. People from Boston don't typically pronounce their "r's." Melanie: ah. I see. Awkward moment aside, the two of them sit on the grass. Brad lays down, pulls Melanie up on his chest and holds her close. Melanie's heart starts to beat rapidly and she looks up at him. Brad *smiling and gently rubs her back*: hey beautiful. Melanie *blushes*: h-hi. Brad *chuckles and throws his head back a little*: oh my god you're so cute. *looks back at her then gets sad* I don't wanna leave soon. Melanie *lays her head on his chest*: me too. Grrrrrr. What the heck! I really feel like I'm leading these guys on. This stinks. Brad *senses her feelings*: you're not leading us on you know. Melanie looks up again, shocked to know he sensed how she feels. Brad: I can't imagine how it must be like. Kim told me that this is a first for you. Melanie *hesitates*: it is. I'm not used to having these types of feelings. Brad: it's totally normal. Just to let you know, I'm not ALWAYS a bad boy. In fact, I'm actually a good boy. Melanie *smirk*: mhm right. She looks away then back up at him once more and notices his eyes sparkle at her. Unconsciously she smiles. He smiles back and they snuggle in a little closer. Without warning, Brad gets closer, brushes his hand softly across her cheek and pulls her face gently towards his, and before Melanie has a chance to react, his lips touch hers. Her eyes widen as he pulls her even closer, not letting up on the kiss. Oh my god. They're all good kissers. After a few moments, Brad pulls back. Brad: you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. Melanie *blushes*: oh I'm sure. Brad *brushes away a piece of her hair to the side and smiles*: you're so pretty. Melanie *looks away shyly*: you, Patrice and Tuukka all say that. Brad: I mean it the most *kisses her forehead*. Melanie: I'm not used to being called pretty or beautiful or anything of that nature. Brad *tilts her head up and gazes softly at her*: you are though. Melanie *stammers as she gets caught up in looking in his eyes*: uh. Oh. *snaps out of it and looks away* yeah I'm used to being called ugly. Brad *softly and continues to gaze into her eyes*: my god. You are NOT ugly. Melanie *looks back up*: r-really? Brad *smiles*: really *quickly gets close to try and steal another kiss*. Melanie tries to look away but she gets caught up in looking into his eyes. He kisses her once again but this time, he holds onto her so she can't let go. Her eyes widen at how quick he was to steal another kiss. Her eyes flutter and her struggles to get away from his grasp become weaker and weaker. Eventually she closes her eyes and senses that Brad must be smiling at the fact that she's letting herself go. Brad *mumbles in between kisses*: you do realize I'm not letting you go. Melanie *almost under his spell but still tries to stay conscious of what's going on*: oh. Really? Brad *pulls her in more*: mhm *continues to kiss her* you're a great kisser. I want more. Melanie *turns bright red and feels his arms pull her in all the way and notices she's laying on his chest*: oh my. Brad ignores her comment and continues. He smiles, knowing that he might get Melanie under his spell and possibly be able to convince her that he's the man for her. Not long after the flood of kisses began, Melanie just now realizes that Brad's been trying to get her to make out with him. I wish I was doing this with Patrice. Unfortunately for her, she ends up thinking that Brad is him and she starts to heat up with her kisses. With a smirk, Brad doesn't show any signs of letting up. Time goes by slowly for the two but eventually, the make out session draws to a close. Brad's phone starts to go off. Brad *pulls away, takes out his phone, and sad sighs*: aw man. Melanie *sits up and rests head on his shoulder*: what is it? Brad *shows her the time*: I have to go. Melanie *looks*: wow. Time flew. Brad *sad sighs again*: I really wanna stay. I'm having fun with you. Melanie: really? Brad *sly smirk*: oh yeah. I especially enjoy your kisses. You seemed to really get into it later on. Melanie flushes bright red. I cannot tell him that I was thinking about Patrice at that time. And that was why I acted as if I went for the kill. Melanie: oh. Right. The two stand up and stretch after laying down for quite some time. Brad *kisses her forehead*: we might as well get ready to leave. Melanie *looks away shyly*: ye-yeah. I don't want you to be late. Brad *tilts her head back over to face him*: I won't be *steals yet another kiss*. Melanie gets startled as he kisses her yet again. He gently takes her arms and places them around his neck and then places his arms around her waist. He pulls her in and doesn't show signs of letting go. Melanie *trying to pull back*: Brad. The. Time. Brad *pulls her in*: I don't care *kisses her more*. Melanie *muffled from his lips on hers*: but? Brad doesn't pay any attention to her. He is enjoying himself too much to let her go. But this make out session is cut short when Brad's phone starts ringing. He lets out a groan and pulls out his phone. He pulls away and notices that it's Patrice calling. Brad *answers the phone*: hey man. Melanie blushes but listens in on the conversation. She can only make out so much of who's on the phone with Brad. But, she eventually recognizes Patrice's voice and she smiles. Brad: yeah. I'll be on my way. Patrice: it's a pregame skate bro. You HAVE to be here. Brad: I know I know. I'll be right there. Patrice: ok. I'll see you in a bit. Brad: ok. He hangs up and looks at her. Brad *confused*: why you smiling like that? Melanie *snaps out of it*: huh? Brad: you ok? Melanie: well uhm. You know I like all three of you. Brad *shocked*: you mean my kisses weren't enough to convince you? Melanie *looks away shyly*: well. *pauses* it's gonna be tough cuz both Tuukka and Patrice have kissed me. Brad *shocked still*: oh. Oh I see. Melanie *runs to hold him*: I still like you too. Brad *slight smile and wraps his arm around her*: well I'm glad to hear that. But I'm assuming this is gonna be really tough for you to make a decision. Melanie: if I make a decision. Brad *looks at her*: "if?" Melanie: well yeah. I'm having a hard time deciding. Brad *kisses her forehead*: I'm not mad at you ok. Melanie: ok. Brad: uhm. Do you wanna watch the boys and I have our pregame skate? Thinking she'd love to, she realizes that she has to head home and go with Kim for cheer practice. Melanie *sadly*: I would but I can't. Brad: hey. Don't be sad. You coming to the game tonight? Melanie: of course I am. Brad *smiles*: good. I'm glad. He brushes his hand across her cheek. Brad: you ready? Melanie: yeah. He gently takes her hand and they walk back to his car. As he starts driving, he still holds her hand and smiles. Brad: I hope you had a good time. Melanie *blushes*: I. I did. Flashing a smile, he kisses her hand. Brad: me too. He pulls up to her house and sadly lets her hand go. Brad *looks down*: I don't wanna say bye. Melanie: it's not good bye. You'll see me again. Brad *looks at her and smiles*: true. And I'm glad to hear that. He gently places his hand under her chin and kisses her again. The kiss only lasts a few seconds before Brad pulls away. Brad: I better get going. Melanie *gets out*: yeah. *shuts the door and walks around the car and faces him*. Brad *looks up at her and smiles*: can I ask one more thing? Melanie: what's that? Brad *blushes*: can I get a good luck kiss? Melanie *blushes*: again? Brad *teases*: again? What you mean again? Melanie: you've kissed me a ton today. Brad: I know but those weren't good luck kisses. Melanie blushes even more and stays put. Brad *looks longingly into her eyes, smiles her favorite smile, and pleads sweetly*: please? Melanie *slowly walks over*: I guess that's ok. Brad *smiles*: good. They both kiss yet again but while this is happening, they are unaware that they are being watched. Kim has come out of the house to get her car warmed up and happens to stumble upon the two kissing. Kim *whispers*: oh. My. God. After a short time, Melanie pulls back. Melanie: you better get going. You're probably late. Brad *looks at the time*: yeah. But you know. It's totally worth it. I'll see you tonight *reaches for her hand and kisses it* good bye beautiful. Melanie: see you later. *pauses* handsome. Dang it. I did it again. Brad *smiles*: awww you're so sweet. I'll see you later. He lets go and drives off. Melanie watches until his car disappears. Once that happens, she turns around and heads up the driveway. She is startled when she hears someone clearing their throat. She looks up and sees Kim. Melanie *startled*: oh. Hey Kim. Kim *raises an eyebrow*: how was "breakfast?" Melanie *blushes*: it. It was good. Kim *eyebrow still raised*: uh huh. Melanie *blushes still*: it was! *gets ready to walk into the house*. Kim: I saw that you know. Melanie *stops dead in her tracks and still bright red*: s-saw what? Kim *pulls her to face her*: you and Brad kiss. Melanie *turns redder*: oh. Kim: I thought you liked Patrice more? Melanie *looks down*: I. I do. I still do. But. But it just happened. Kim: oh don't give me that. It looks like you two made out. Melanie tries her best not to give anything away. Melanie: we. We didn't though. Kim *not believing her but doesn't press*: ok. Get your stuff ready. We have to go to cheer practice. As Kim and Melanie enter the gym, they notice that all the other cheerleaders are making their way out onto the floor. Of course, Kim's rival Bonnie is making herself noticed. Melanie stands beside Kim and gives her world famous death glare to keep Bonnie from saying anything to Kim. Kim *looks at Melanie and shakes head*: can you not give your death glare please? Melanie *still glares at Bonnie*: why? It stops her from being nasty to you. Plus she's scared of me *smirk*. Kim *sighs*: I know but still. We all need to work together and get along. That means no death glares. Melanie *scoffs*: fine. The two head into the girls locker room and get ready. Melanie's phone goes off. She takes it out and smiles as she sees who texted her. Melanie *holds her phone to her chest, smiles, whispers and love sighs*: oh my love. One could guess who texted her. Kim: Melanie? Melanie *snaps out of it*: yeah? Kim: you ready? Melanie *quickly texts Patrice back*: yeah. I'll be right out. She quickly runs out and joins Kim. Kim: let's go. The two join the other cheerleaders and begin practice. Melanie tries her best to stay focussed and follow along. But she becomes distracted and falls behind. Kim *to Melanie*: are you ok? You're not yourself. Melanie: yeah I'm ok. Let's just continue. The other cheerleaders shrug and continue on. After about two hours, Kim feels that the squad is ready for the big game tonight. Tara *squeaks*: oh my gosh. I'm so excited. Bonnie *scoffs*: oh get a grip Tara. Tara: what? This is a big game. I can't help but be excited. Kim: yeah Bonnie. Bonnie *scoffs and walks away*: whatever. As long as Brick scores tonight and wins. Before anyone else could comment, Kim looks at the corner of her eye and sees Melanie running towards the locker room. She follows her inside. Melanie *takes out her phone and sees that all three guys texted her*: oh my god. Kim: what? Melanie *startled and looks up*: oh my god Kim you scared me. Kim: you going to be ok tonight? You were very distracted. Melanie *puts her phone down*: yeah. I'll be ready Kim. Kim: as long as you're gonna be ready. I know your boys will be there, watching. Melanie *bites lip and clutches phone tightly*: I know. Kim *places a hand on her shoulder*: hey. It's gonna be ok. You got this. Just try not to pay attention to them. I know it'll be tough but you can do it. Melanie: I know. As practice wraps up, Kim and Melanie wait for Ron to come back from his practice. He staggers into the gym and collapses onto the floor. Kim *runs over to help him*: Ron! You ok? *to Melanie* you could help you know. Melanie *sarcastic*: oh really? I didn't know that. Kim *scowls*: Melanie. Ron: it's ok Kim *gets up*. Kim: how was practice? Ron: oh my gosh I'm so sore. But it was alright. Barkin was really hard on us. And he's hoping we can pull off a huge win tonight. It's gonna be tough. Melanie keeps her mouth shut. This is definitely gonna be a tough game. Game time. Kim and Melanie get themselves ready for the big game. Kim: ready to go Mel? Melanie: yeah. Kim: come on. We gotta get there before the game starts. Melanie tries to keep cool as they head off to the arena. Oh man. This is not gonna end well. As Kim parks the car, they walk out and head inside. They see that everyone is here. Melanie tries her very best not to show any signs of anxiety. Once everyone is finished getting ready, they all stand by the door and wait for the announcer to call them out. Kim: is everyone ready? Squad: yes Kim. They stand by and wait. They all take notice that the Bruins and the Mad Dogs are on the rink, warming up. Not long after, they all head towards their respective benches. Announcer: alright everyone. Put your hands together for your Middleton Mad Dog cheerleaders! The crowd cheers. Kim: ok guys. Let's go. Melanie tries her best not to show any emotion as she follows Kim out to the rink with everyone else following suit. They take to the rugged area of the ice. Melanie looks over at the Bruins bench and sees Brad, Patrice and Tuukka looking over. Oh no. I hope they don't see me. On the Bruins bench. David P.: hey guys. Isn't that Melanie out there? Brad: huh? David P.: look *points to her*. Patrice: oh my god. It is. Tuukka *eyes widen*: wow. I didn't know she was a cheerleader. Brad: yeah. I didn't know either. *to Patrice* did she tell you? Patrice *shakes head no*: she didn't. Zdeno: don't lose focus guys. I know you all like her. Brad: pfft. We got this Z. Tuukka: I'm ready. Torey *chuckles*: oh my god Brad. *laughs* you're really enjoying yourself. Brad *looks at him*: what? She's a cheerleader. David P.: a very pretty cheerleader. Brad *turns to face him*: eyes off Pasta. David P. *taken aback*: what the heck man? Not like I'm gonna try and steal her from you. Brad: better not. She's gonna choose me. Tuukka: pfffffffft. Here we go again. Brad: what! She is. Patrice: let's not get too carried away there Brad. David B.: we got a hockey game to win. Keep your head out of the clouds. Brad: yeah yeah yeah. Anton *smiles*: she's so pretty. Everyone stops and stares at him. Anton *startled*: what? Tuukka *chuckles*: she is. David P.: aaaaand cue in the blushing crew haha. Anton: I'm not blushing. Tuukka: me either. David P.: not yet. But you will soon. Back on the ice. Melanie looks over at the bench and notices some of the guys staring at her. She tries her best not to notice but at the corner of her eye, she sees one of them blowing her a kiss. As the cheer draws to a close, Melanie quickly heads towards the stands and sits down. Kim: glad that's over Mel? Melanie: yes. Definitely nerve wracking. Kim: but you stayed focussed and that's important. Melanie: and now the game starts. Instead of taking the game period by period of what's happening, we will just take it to the very end. It's less than 2 minutes left in the third period and the score is still tied at 0. Who will score first? Or does it go straight to overtime and or possibly a shootout? Kim: boy. This is a very intense game. Melanie: it is. Kim cringes when she sees Ron getting checked by one of the Bruins players. Kim: ouch. Melanie: I bet Ron's gonna want to drop the gloves. But it would be funny. Kim *ignores the last comment*: that wouldn't be good. Melanie: no it wouldn't. They notice that Ron is slow to get up but he does and resumes playing. There are a number of good scoring chances but no one is able to cash in on either side. Both goalies are standing on their heads. Melanie looks up at the clock. Melanie: looks like they're going into overtime. Kim: and one of the teams is gonna get a shutout. Melanie: yeah. The buzzer sounds and both teams head into their locker rooms. Each coach going over the game plan for overtime. Melanie: both teams look great though. Too bad they can't award points to both teams. Kim: oh I know. Any idea who you wanna be with? I know that's random. Melanie: I. I don't know yet Kim. After a while, the two teams come back out and head back on the ice. The crowd really gets into it. The buzzer sounds and overtime begins. Kim: wow. Ron looks really good out there. Melanie *scoffs*: pfft. Kim: oh come on Mel. Melanie *sarcastic*: sports are never his strong suit. You know that. Kim: but he looks good now. *sees him attempting to deliver a check* wow. Melanie: that was weak. Everyone is at the edge of their seats as one of the Bruins players goes on a breakaway. Melanie: oh my god. She holds her breath as she watches the puck get lifted and goes in on the short side. Bruins win it in overtime. Kim: dang. That was so close. I know they have another match up in the future. Melanie: yeah. In Boston. Kim: hopefully they'll win that game. 3 alternative endings with Melanie choosing to be with one of the players on the Bruins team
0 notes
melaniepossible · 7 years
Part 2
Kim Possible meets the Boston Bruins Part 2 By me 3/10/17-4/16/17 Last time on Kim Possible. The flirting. Brad *slightly flirtatious*: hi. I'm Brad. But I'm sure you know me. Melanie *shakes head no*: uh no. Not really. The jealousy. Ron: who was just talking to you? Melanie *scowls, angry and puts his hand down*: it'd be wise to keep your hand away from my face unless you want a broken wrist. Showing off to the guys. Brad *flirtatious*: hello beautiful. He wraps an arm around her and leads her over to the rink as if to show her off to the rest of the team as if she's his girlfriend. Even more jealousy. Not too long after, Tuukka looks up, sees what's happening and glares at Brad. Slight flirtation? Melanie *short laugh*: I see. *walks away, flips her hair, looks at Tuukka and calls out* I still think you're doing a great job! Tuukka smiles and tries to hide the fact he's blushing bright red under his mask. He doesn't want the other guys taking notice. Tuukka *stammers*: t-thanks Melanie. Brad *yells*: hey you can stop blushing now bro! Tuukka *alarmed*: hey hey! I'm not blushing. Thoughts of him. Why am I thinking about him? The arguments. Brad: and you said you weren't interested. Ron showing up. Ron: ah hah! I knew it! The kiss. After some time, the two once again look to each other, close their eyes, lean close, and lips touch one another. The two wrap their arms around each other and don't let go. Catching feelings. Melanie watches sadly as he drives off. She has not felt this way towards anyone before. Could it be that she is in love with him? Now. Melanie watches sadly as Patrice drives off and feels a pain she has not felt before. I can't be in love with him, she thinks. A tear falls down her cheek and she quickly wipes it away. She really misses him. Kim runs outside. Kim: you ok Mel? Melanie *holding back the tears and voice cracks slightly*: ye-yeah. Kim: he'll be back. She hugs her and Melanie has a lot more trouble holding back the tears. Melanie: he means a lot to me Kim. Even though I just met him. Kim: I can tell. I see the way you look at him. Heh Ron's not happy at all. Melanie *short laugh*: I know. I'm going to their practice Kim. Kim: oh? Melanie: I have to see him. I miss him. Before Kim could utter another word, Melanie takes off. Kim: I will never get used to this. *scene changes to practice arena* Brad *stretching*: big game tomorrow guys. David P.: hey did you see Melanie last night? Torey *laughs and nudges David P.*: of course he did! Why wouldn't he? Zdeno: you better be focused for the game tomorrow Brad. It's a very important game. Middleton is behind us by a point. Brad *waves everyone off*: yeah yeah yeah. I know. Tuukka walks out and everyone stares at him, clearly remembering how much he blushed when he saw Melanie the other day. Tuukka *looks behind him then back at everyone else, confused*: what? David P. *trying not to laugh*: heh. Are you still blushing from yesterday Tuuks? Tuukka: hey! I wasn't blushing. Patrice walks in before the two could continue. Patrice *grabs his stuff*: hey. Sorry I'm late. Brad *gets up*: you were with her weren't you. Patrice *feels the gaze from the whole team*: yeah. Brad: I knew it! Anyways- Patrice: I just made it brief with her. I forgot my coat. Brad: uh huh. Unlike last night when me and Tuuks saw you with her. What's up with that! Patrice tries his best not to blush as he remembers his kiss with her. Before he could reply, Claude pretty much bails him out. Claude: ok guys. Let's go. Practice time. Patrice lets out a sigh of relief. Brad *takes notice*: this conversation isn't over. The boys get up and get ready to leave. Patrice stays behind as he is still getting himself ready. Cautiously looking around, he pulls out Melanie's picture and holds it to his heart. I'll see you again, he whispers to himself. A voice interrupts his thoughts. He turns around and sees that Torey stayed behind. Torey *walks up to him and sees the picture*: you really miss her don't you? Patrice *sighs*: yeah. There's just something about her that separates her from all the rest. Torey *pats his back*: it'll be ok. *turns around* we better get out there. Patrice: you know. I thought Brad was gonna stay behind and start criticizing me. Torey: how so? Patrice *whispers*: Melanie and I did kiss last night. Torey *eyes widen*: oh my god! No way! That's so awesome! Patrice *frantic*: shhh shhh shhh. The guys don't know. Before Torey could reply, Patrice quickly said something. Patrice: let's just go out there. Don't say anything. The two join the rest of their teammates. Outside the rink, Melanie slows down. Last thing she needs is anyone seeing her use one of her powers. Her heart starts to quicken again. Melanie *hesitates*: oh my god. Should I go in? Oh man. I don't know if I can do this. While she was running, she couldn't help but think of the other two guys that expressed an interest in her. Brad and Tuukka. Both guys are handsome as well. She paces back and forth, takes a deep breath and eventually decides to go inside. She slowly walks out and sees the guys out on the ice with their coach. Her heart once more, starts to beat quickly as she sees the three guys that she longs for. I don't get it. I like Patrice. Why do I feel the same towards Brad and Tuukka? Before she could even think some more, a tap on the shoulder jolts her back into reality. Melanie *startled and turns around*: oh my god you scared me. She is greeted with a warm smile and shining eyes from Brad. Brad: hey beautiful. Melanie *blushes*: h-hi. I. I thought you were practicing. Brad *shrugs and smirks*: I am but I couldn't help but see you walk in. Melanie: oh I see. Brad *slight chuckle*: I'm glad I get to see you. Again. What happened last night? Melanie *turns red*: oh uh- Before she could reply, Claude interrupts them. Claude: Brad! Get your butt back here. Brad *calls out*: be right there. *to Melanie* I'll talk to you later Mel *quickly kisses her cheek then takes off*. Melanie turns bright red and places a hand to the cheek he had just kissed. She watches as he glides smoothly across the ice towards his line mates, David B. and Patrice. She looks and sees Tuukka coming out of the net to join the rest of the team to hear what the game plan is for tomorrow. She notices that he sees her and waves to her. Smiling shyly, she waves back. She tries to get close to the rink and see if maybe Patrice will notice her but sadly he doesn't. After some time, Tuukka makes his way over to her after lifting up his mask to talk to her. She looks up and sees his crystal blue eyes sparkle with a big smile following suit. Why must these guys have gorgeous smiles! Tuukka *sits next to her*: hey. Melanie *blushes, looks away and plays with her hair shyly*: hi. Tuukka *smiles*: I'm so glad I get to see you again *places an arm around her*. Especially without Brad interfering for once. Melanie *startled and looks up at him*: really? Tuukka *puts his arm down, takes off his blocker and glove, then puts his arm back around her*: absolutely. I missed you. Melanie *without thinking*: I missed you too. Startled at what she just said, she sees that he flashes a bigger smile. Oh snap. I did not just say that. Tuukka *big smile*: oh yeah? *pulls her closer*. Melanie *backs up a little*: uhm yeah. Tuukka *lets her go a little*: sorry. Melanie: it's. it's ok. Uhm. Shouldn't you be out there with the guys? Tuukka *looks at the team*: yeah but we are taking a little break. Well I am. They are warming Dobby up now. Melanie: who? Tuukka *laughs*: oh right. You didn't meet him. He's my back up. His name is actually Anton. But we tend to call him Dobby cuz of his last name. Melanie: oh? Cuz that's not what it says on his jersey. Tuukka *chuckles*: it's just easier to call him "Dobby." Plus that's what it says on his mask. Melanie: ah I see. Tuukka *faces her*: enough about him. What about us? Melanie *alarmed*: us? Tuukka: yeah. I really like you and wanna get to know you. And of course see you play soccer sometime. Melanie *laughs awkwardly*: no you don't. Tuukka *smiles at her*: of course I do. *lets out a laugh after seeing her blush again* you're so cute. Melanie looks away, even more bashful than before. God he's got such a cute smile and oh my god, those eyes. This is not good. Tuukka *concerned*: you ok? Melanie *still looking away*: yeah. I'm ok. He stands up, turns her head to face him, eyes still sparkling, brushes her cheek gently and kisses it. A blushing smile follows suit for the two of them. Tuukka *shyly*: sorry. I couldn't help it. *looks over at the team* I better get back with the guys. Stick around. No "puck" intended *winks and smiles*. Melanie *stutters*: s-sure. He pats her head then goes back on the ice. Melanie sits there, dumbfounded. What is going on? First I share a kiss with Patrice, then I get kisses on the cheeks from both Brad and Tuukka. This is really not good. Her heart pounds as she thinks of each of the three boys. What am I gonna do? Melanie watches the boys practice for a little while longer and then gets ready to leave. She can't help but feel a huge pang in her chest. Before she could head out the door, a gentle hand is placed on her shoulder. Startled, she turns around and her heart starts to flutter. Melanie *slight voice cracks*: Patrice? He gives her a warm gentle smile and brushes his hand against her cheek. Patrice: you thought I didn't see you. Melanie: well I- Patrice *brushes her cheek still*: I did see you silly. Her mind goes completely blank as she looks into those deep brown eyes of his. Once again, her legs feel like jello as she can't seem to look away from him. Patrice: you don't have to go. Melanie *blushes*: I. I don't wanna be a distraction. After all the big game is tomorrow. Patrice: I hope you'll be there. She hesitates before speaking. He has no idea that the cheerleaders and I will be out there doing our routine before the big game. Better not say anything. Melanie: of course. Patrice *smiles*: I'm glad to hear it. *pauses* I saw that Brad and Tuukka came over. Melanie *turns really red and thinks: I hope he didn't see them kiss my cheeks*: ye-yeah. They said hi. Patrice: ok. *looks behind him* I better get back on the ice. I'll see you later. Melanie *smiles*: absolutely. He smiles back at her, leans in and kisses her forehead before turning back to go on the ice. This is not gonna be an easy decision at all, if I do decide to be with anyone. *scene changes to park* Melanie walks around, kicks some rocks, and can't seem to get those three guys out of her mind. This is why I don't get involved with feelings or anyone. They're all so handsome. Breathing a loud sigh of exasperation, she is brought back to reality when a familiar voice calls her name. She turns around and sees that it's Kim. Kim: you ok? Melanie *sits down on the bench, places hands over her eyes and shakes head*: I don't know anymore Kim. I'm at a loss. Kim *sits beside her*: what's wrong? Melanie: I think I'm in love with three guys. Kim *eyes widen*: three? Love? You? Melanie *looks at her serious*: I'm not kidding! Kim: ok ok. Jokes aside. Anyways. I know you like Patrice. Who are the other two? I know you said you thought Brad and Tuukka were cute. Melanie *groans and throws her head back*: ugh. It's those same guys! Brad has an adorable sly smile. Tuukka has the most beautiful crystal blue eyes I've ever seen. And that's when I glance into his eyes. You know me when it comes to eye contact. Kim: I was just gonna mention that. Melanie: and that's not the weird part. Kim: weird part? Melanie *hesitates*: the two of them kissed my cheeks. Kim: what! Melanie: I know. I know. I don't know what to do. Kim tries to console Melanie as she has no idea what to say. This is something she is not prepared to deal with as Melanie rarely ever shows any interest in anyone till now. Kim: your heart will know. Melanie *looks at her directly*: I can't break their hearts Kim. If I saw the three of them, together, right here, right now, I would die. Kim: now I think you're being "meladramatic." Melanie *raises an eyebrow*: "meladramatic?" Really Kim? You have yet to meet them. The three of them are just so. So amazing! Kim *gets up*: well. Let's go see them. Melanie *alarmed*: wh-what!!! Kim *grabs her arm*: I wanna meet them. Before Melanie could say a word, Kim starts to drag her. Melanie: Kim! No. This isn't a good idea. Kim: why not? I wanna meet those three. Melanie: because. Because I don't wanna make things awkward. Kim doesn't pay any more attention and drags her still. As they get to the practice arena, Melanie could feel her heart pound in her chest. Her face turns immediately red as she thinks of the guys. Oh god. Not good. As they enter, they could see that the guys must be finishing up their practice. Kim drags Melanie up to the rink. Melanie's legs starts to feel like jello again as she sees all three are out there. Kim: so. Where are they? Melanie is speechless and doesn't say a word. The guys continue their practice but of course, Brad, Patrice and Tuukka all take notice of Melanie and smile at her. Kim: I'm assuming it's them. Of course I know Patrice already. Melanie starts to shake a little as the three make their way over to her. She then hides behind Kim. Kim *looks at her with an eyebrow raised*: really Melanie? The three start to chuckle, walk out of the rink and head towards Melanie and Kim. Kim: hi again. Patrice: hi Kim *looks at Melanie and chuckles*. Brad: hehe. She's so adorable. Tuukka *walks behind Melanie and pokes her*: hey there again. Melanie *hides behind her hair*: I'm not here. Tuukka *laughs*: of course you are silly. Brad *goes to hug her*: hi beautiful. Melanie *turns extremely red and voice cracks*: ok that's enough! *breaks free from his grasp and runs off without using her power*. Kim: Melanie wait! Tuukka *stands beside her*: I'll get her. Brad: no way. I will. Patrice *shakes his head*: oh boy. Here we go again. Melanie is nowhere to be seen. That was so embarrassing. I gotta hide. She thinks she escapes without being seen, but unfortunately someone catches her. Voice: you must be Melanie. Melanie closes her eyes and groans silently. But she doesn't recognize this voice. She turns around and sees a different player behind her. Voice: Hey. I'm Torey. Melanie *slight blush and thinks: oh god. He's cute too*: h-hi. I'm. I'm Melanie. Torey *laughs*: I know who you are. Melanie *blushes more*: oh. Right. Torey: looks like you have quite the fan base going on huh. Melanie *looks at him confused*: what you mean? Torey: you have Patrice, Brad and Tuukka interested in you. Melanie: y-yeah. It is interesting. Melanie lets her guard down slightly but still tries to remain aware of her surroundings. The boys and Kim could show up at any time. Torey takes notice. Torey: don't worry. You're safe. Melanie: they could appear you know. Torey: you'll be fine. You wanna say hello to the guys again? I know we all had a quick hello the other day. Melanie *looks around again*: will they follow? Torey: don't be so paranoid. We don't bite haha. Melanie: I know. But still. Torey: you'll be fine. I promise. She follows him to the outside of their dressing room and sees some of the guys. Ryan *jokingly*: hey Torey. Make sure Brad or Tuuks doesn't see you with their girl. They might get jealous. Torey: hahaha. Very funny Spoons. *to Melanie* oh. Don't get confused if we start calling each other by our last names. Melanie: right. At the corner of her eye, she sees Dobby making his way out of the room. He stops dead in his tracks as he sees her. She turns around and notices almost immediately he's blushing. Melanie: you must be "Dobby." Anton: y-yeah. But. You can. Can call me Anton. If that's easier. David P. *laughs*: oh my god Dobby. Haha. Your face is so red. It's not even funny. Well. Maybe almost as funny as seeing Tuukka blushing yesterday. Haha. David K.: bro. Don't embarrass the poor guy *stifles a laugh*. Zdeno *shakes his head*: I'm surrounded by lovesick teenage boys. Brandon: technically you are surrounded by teenage boys Z. The lovesick part, eh. Maybe not so much. Zdeno: I know that. I'm just saying. Melanie's eyes become wide as moons as she sees Zdeno stand up. Holy crap he's tall. He faces her and laughs. Zdeno: I know what you're thinking Mel. And I do get that a lot. Don't worry. I'm harmless. Adam *laughs*: just don't poke the bear. Colin: well. Both of you are the bears in the team. Adam: hey. Least I'm not afraid to fight anyone who tries to hurt our teammates. Colin: I didn't say you weren't. Torey: how you holding up Mel? Melanie: I'm. I'm ok. Frank: you're fine. Don't worry. She notices that Frank is also cute but turns away to avoid any more feelings. She then sits down with the team and notices that one of them brings out a soccer ball to kick around. As one of the guys gets ready to kick the ball into the net, Melanie instinctively, gets up and dives to get the ball. The guys look at her confused as Melanie gets up. Melanie: what? Before anyone could speak, Melanie hears a familiar voice. Tuukka *walks over*: nice save. Melanie *blushes, holds the ball, and avoids eye contact*: thanks. Kim, Patrice and Brad follow suit. Kim: there you are. *sees the soccer ball* showing off your goalie skills there Mel? Brad *surprised*: oh? You're a goalie? Tuukka: pfft. *nudges him* you knew that. Brad: oh yeah. I guess she did mention that. Tuukka *shakes head and chuckles*: yeeeaah. Kim: Melanie's the best goalie in Middleton history. She puts up a lot of shut outs for our team. If you call it that. Tuukka *smiles*: I see I'm not the only best goalie around. Brad: uhm different sport bro. Tuukka: no crap Sherlock. Melanie *drops the ball, lets it hit the floor and kicks it to the guys*: here you go. Kim: you weren't gonna drop kick it Mel? Melanie: no way. I'd probably break something. I have a deadly kick. Tuukka *smirk*: show us. Brad: I'd like to see that. The other guys voice their agreement and Kim kicks the ball back to her. Melanie *sigh*: fine. *picks up the ball, drops it and kicks it*. Everyone watches as they see just how high she kicks it. Brad: holy crap! Melanie *not pleased*: that's nothing. I have better kicks on the field. Torey: that was pretty sick though. Not gonna lie. Tuukka: if that's a preview of what's to come, I REALLY wanna see you play. Melanie *blushes*: t-thanks. A second later, Kim's kimmunicator beeps. Kim: what's the s- oh hey Ron. Ron: Kim, where are you and Mel? I'm at Bueno Nacho waiting for you two. Kim: oh man. I forgot. Be right there. Come on Melanie. We gotta jet. Melanie *runs over to her*: ok. Just as Kim is leading the charge and Melanie follows suit, she feels a tug on her arm that's pulling her back. She looks and sees that it's Tuukka. Tuukka *smoothly and smiles*: I think you're amazing. I really wanna see you play. Melanie's heart starts to quicken as she sees his eyes sparkle once again. She looks away shyly. Tuukka: can I see you tonight? Melanie: m-maybe. He smiles and kisses her cheek again. Tuukka: I hope so. See you later. He lets her go. Outside the arena. Melanie: oh. My. God. That was so awkward. Kim: how was that awkward? Melanie: did you not see how cute some of the players are?! Kim: hahahaha. I will not be able to get used to this. Melanie *scowls*: KIM!! This is serious! Kim: you should really let Tuukka watch you play. You two might be able to share tips. Melanie *slight blush*: I. I don't know. Kim: come on Meluet. Let's go. *scene changes to Bueno Nacho* Ron: hey KP, MP *waves* over here. Melanie *rolls her eyes in annoyance*: ugh. Here we go. Kim: Mel. Be nice. Melanie *scowls*: why! Kim: cuz I said so. The two make their way over to where Ron is sitting. Ron: bout time you guys showed up. Where did you guys go? Kim *teasing and nudges Melanie*: she wanted to see her boys *chuckles*. Melanie *alarmed*: uh no! You dragged me! Kim *smirk*: I can't help but notice you blush a lot more when Tuukka talks to you than Brad or Patrice. Ron *angry*: stop flirting with the enemy!! Melanie *glares and eyes go black*: my life. Not yours! And FYI, I do NOT flirt! Ron *backs off and covers eyes*: please don't do that with your eyes. You know I hate that. Melanie *glares still*: then cut the crap! Kim: anyways. How's practice going Ron? Ron *sigh*: Barkin is REALLY pushing us Kim. But it is a big game tomorrow. We have to be ready. Kim: I think it'll be fine. *to Melanie* we have to practice our cheer before going out on the ice Mel. Melanie *eyes widen and stares at her*: c-cheer? Kim *raises an eyebrow*: yeah. Melanie *turns red*: oh god. Kim: why "oh god?" Melanie: they don't know I'm a cheerleader. Kim *chuckles*: something more they'll like about you. Melanie *groans and places her head in her arms*: meh. Ron *pats her head*: it'll be ok MP. Melanie *shoots her head up and glares darkly at him again*: touch me again and I will break your arm. Kim *yells*: Melanie! Melanie *turns to her, frustrated*: what! I don't like to be touched! Kim: you can definitely tell you're related to Shego. Melanie *rolls her eyes and sarcastic*: doy. She is my biological sister. As the three, including Rufus, eat their lunch, Melanie couldn't help but feel really anxious about possibly meeting Tuukka tonight. She hides her emotions so Kim and Ron don't take notice. This is not going to be good. As nighttime falls, Melanie heads to the park. She stares up at the stars and her mind starts to wander, not realizing that Tuukka is close by. She nearly jumps out of her skin when she feels arms being wrapped around her waist. Melanie *startled*: what the heck!! Tuukka *whispers in her ear*: shhhhhh. It's just me beautiful. Melanie's heart starts to pound heavily into her chest. Oh god. She feels his arms pull her in closer and his head rests on her shoulder. Looking out at the corner of her eye, she notices that he's smiling at her. Tuukka: don't be alarmed. It's just me. Brad isn't here. Melanie *breaks free from his grasp*: that's good. Tuukka *smiles*: yes. Indeed. We can finally be alone together. Melanie *skeptical*: do they know you're here? Tuukka: who? Brad? Melanie: and Patrice. Tuukka: no, why you ask? Melanie *looks away shyly*: just. Just wondering. Tuukka *gently places his hand under her chin and pulls her face over to face him. His eyes shining like diamonds in the moonlight*: you're safe with me. Melanie *tries to avoid his gaze and without thinking*: ok. Smiling, he kisses her forehead and holds her close. Not a second goes by when the two suddenly look at each other. Tuukka: you're so beautiful Melanie. Melanie *thinks: don't say he's handsome. You like Patrice more. Can't lead the guys on*: t-thanks. *goes against her thoughts* you're handsome *blushes a lot*. Tuukka: awwww you're so sweet. Oh god. Don't tell me he's gonna try and kiss me. Just don't fall for it. Look away! But, unfortunately, the unthinkable happens. They lean in close, their eyes close and lips end up touching. Melanie's mind goes completely blank. Except one final thought going through. Patrice. But it quickly fades as she thinks of Tuukka. He pulls her closer as they continue to kiss. But after sometime, Melanie gently pulls away. They both look away shyly and blush. Before he could say anything, Tuukka gets the sense of Melanie feeling anxious and hugs her once again. Tuukka: hey it's ok. Don't be so nervous. And sorry about that *places his hand behind his head*. Melanie: it's. it's ok. *looks down, sighs and thinks: I should tell him* listen Tuukka. There's something I have to tell you. Tuukka *gently caresses her cheek*: anything. Melanie *looks at him without trying to get lost in his eyes again*: you see. I like you, Brad and Patrice. A lot. Tuukka *chuckles*: is that what you wanted to tell me? Cuz I knew that silly. Melanie: you don't understand. I get butterflies around you three. I'm not supposed to feel like this. Tuukka: what do you mean? Melanie *looks down*: I'm not supposed to get involved with anyone. Tuukka: why? Melanie *hesitates*: well. I just never have. And also because I couldn't possibly choose one of you. Tuukka *hugs her and doesn't let go*: it'll be ok sweetie. Melanie *holds him, feels safe, listens to his heartbeat, and whispers*: please don't let go. Tuukka *whispers*: I won't. The two stay like this for quite some time until they both hear a noise. Melanie casts her senses and realizes that it's possibly Patrice, Brad or both. Tuukka: did you hear that? Melanie: yeah. Tuukka *short laugh*: can't be me again like last night. Melanie *smirk*: very funny. Not much longer, two guys show up. Sure enough, Melanie's sixth sense proves to be spot on. Brad: I knew it! Tuukka: what. I'm not allowed to hang out with her? Melanie looks and sees Patrice smiling at her, apparently ignoring what's happening. Melanie *walks over to him*: hi. Patrice: hello gorgeous. Brad: hey hey hey! Why are they getting attention and I'm not. Tuukka: pfft. Maybe cuz you always wanna be the center of attention. Once again Brad and Tuukka argue amongst themselves. Both Melanie and Patrice shake their heads. Her heart pounds like crazy as she sees that all three guys are all around. Her thoughts get interrupted when she hears a soft whisper in her ear. Patrice *looks at her and whispers*: let's go. Melanie follows him without thinking. Here we go again, she thinks to herself. As they head towards the clearing, Patrice faces her. Patrice: glad we got out of that. Melanie *clings to him*: I've missed you. Patrice *smiles and holds her*: I've missed you too. Melanie: I've been having feelings towards the three of you. Patrice *chuckles*: oh really? Melanie *blushes*: yeah. *pauses and looks around* Patrice. There's a few things I need to tell you. But please don't judge me. Patrice: everything ok Melanie? Melanie: yes. But there's something I really have to tell you. I just. I just don't know how to tell you. Patrice *concerned*: what is it? Melanie *hesitates*: Tuukka and I kissed. Patrice: oh? Melanie: it. It just happened! Like yesterday between you and I. Patrice *places a hand on her cheek*: shhhh. It's ok. *changes the subject* what was the other thing you wanted to tell me? Melanie *hesitates again*: I. I have powers. *hides behind her hair*. Patrice *blinks a few times and is confused*: powers? What do you mean? Melanie *places her hand over his mouth*: shhhhh! *hushed* no one can know. Patrice *hushed*: sorry. But. What do you mean? Melanie: come with me. They walk towards a bench and sit down. Melanie *takes a deep breath and looks at him*: please don't think any less of me. Patrice *places his hand on her cheek*: I would never. Melanie *feels heart start to race*: ok *whispers* remember last night when Brad and Tuukka found us and you asked me how I knew? Patrice: yeah. Melanie *shudders slightly and whispers*: I have a sixth sense. I can sense who's nearby. Patrice: that's pretty cool. Melanie: that's not all. *whispers* I have telekinetic powers as well as being very agile. I can create storms and I also receive prophecies once in a while. I'm known as the worlds most powerful hero. I was even once part of a superhero team called Team Go. But we don't have to get into that. She pauses and looks at him. His expression is unreadable. Melanie: Patrice? He doesn't say a word. Guilt starts to weigh heavy in Melanie's chest as she regrets what she told him. She looks away but as she does, Patrice tilts her head back up and kisses her. Eyes widen as she is shocked, then she pulls him closer. The kiss lasts for a few seconds but feels like an eternity to her. Patrice *looks into her eyes*: I don't think any less of you Melanie. And I don't think any less when you and Tuuks kissed. Melanie *shocked*: r-really? Cuz I try to act as normal as possible. And I'm sorry about that. Patrice *smiles warmly*: don't worry about it and of course. *clears throat* do you sense if Brad or Tuukka are nearby? Watch out. Brad might try and steal a kiss next, especially if you hang out with him. He watches her as she casts her senses. Melanie: not yet. And oh boy. That'd be interesting. Patrice: can I see you use your telekinesis? Melanie *blushes*: oh uh. Patrice: try to pick up this bench. With me on it. Melanie *hesitates and gets up*: ooh ok. She gets up, looks around to make sure no one is around, places her right index and middle finger tips to her temple, puts her left hand out and starts to lift the bench up. Patrice watches her and is amazed with what he sees. After a few seconds, Melanie places the bench down. Patrice *smiles*: wow. Incredible! Melanie *blushes shyly*: it was nothing. Patrice: you really are special. Melanie *looks up at him, eyes as big as moons and shocked still*: y-you really think so? Patrice: I don't think so. I know so. He kisses her forehead as she closes her eyes. It's so nice to finally be accepted. The sweet moment doesn't last that long as Melanie senses that both Tuukka and Brad are nearby. Melanie: they're coming. And Patrice? Patrice: yes? Melanie: please don't tell anyone. Patrice: I promise. TO BE CONTINUED... Game day! Claude *to his Boston Bruins*: this is it boys. Mr. Barkin *to his Middleton Mad Dogs*: do or die time. The kiss. Brad: you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. The jitters. Kim: you ok Melanie? Melanie: I. I don't know. The results. It's less than 2 minutes left in the third period and the score is still tied at 0. Who will score first? Or does it go straight to overtime and or possibly a shootout? Find out next time.
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melaniepossible · 7 years
Kim Possible meets the Boston Bruins
If there's any typos or anything, please don't criticize Kim Possible Meets the Boston Bruins By me 3/7/17-3/9/17 It's a nice sunny day in Middleton. A group of male voices can be heard nearby. First voice: wow this is definitely different from Boston. Second voice *sarcastically*: well we are in Middleton. First voice: thank you captain obvious. Anyways, I think we should enjoy ourselves before we head to practice later today. The guys head towards the mall that is a short walk from the park. As soon as they enter, three of them have their jaws gaped. Melanie walks by, not knowing. One of the guys walks in front. First voice: Brad, David, and Tuukka, close your mouths. Show some decency. Brad: oh come on Patrice. David P.: she is gorgeous *stares at her*. Tuukka: wow. *turns to face Patrice* what? Patrice *shakes his head*: you guys are crazy. The three continue to watch her walk away as the rest of the guys sit at the benches nearby. Obviously not wanting to take part in any of their shenanigans. After a few minutes, Brad jumps up. Brad: hey Pasta, Tuuks, let's follow her. David P. and Tuukka *jumping excitably out of their seats*: yeah. Before Patrice or any of the other guys could say a word, the three take off. Another guy gets up. Patrice *shaking his head*: boy, wish they were this excited about practice, right Torey? Torey *chuckles*: can't help it. She is pretty. I can see why. Up ahead, Melanie senses there are people behind her. She tenses and turns around. Her senses stand corrected, as usual, as she sees three guys staring at her. She raises an eyebrow and sees more guys following suit only not as fast. Melanie *skeptical*: uhm. Hi? Brad runs up to her with a big grin. Brad *slightly flirtatious*: hi. I'm Brad. But I'm sure you know me. He winks. Melanie steps back then notices David P. approaching her. David P.: don't mind him. I'm David. *smiles*. Melanie *looks at Tuukka and sees him blushing*: and you are? Tuukka *stumbles*: I. I uhm. Am. Uh. *places a hand behind his head and avoids looking at her* h-hi. Melanie *laughs*: nice to meet you "Hi." Brad *turns her to face him*: anyways. Do you recognize who we are? Melanie *shakes head no*: uh no. Not really. David P.: what?!? We are part of the best hockey team in town! Well hockey league I should say. We are some of the players of the Boston Bruins! *turns to Tuukka* oh. That's Tuukka by the way. Melanie *eyes widen and faces him*: wait. Tuukka? The Tuukka Rask?! The best goalie in the entire hockey world? Brad and David P. look at each other, kinda bummed that they aren't getting noticed. Tuukka *smiles and puffs out his chest proudly a little*: why yes I am. Melanie *smiles*: it's an honor to meet you. I'm a goalie too! Well. For a different sport. Tuukka: oh yeah? Melanie: for soccer. I'm the best in the league. Not to brag. Before anyone else could speak, Patrice and the rest of the gang catch up. Patrice: sorry about that. Melanie: it's ok. *tries not to blush as she sees how handsome he is and thinks: oh my god! Wow. Stay cool Melanie*. David P.: oh my god! Now I recognize you! You're Melanie Possible! The world famous supermodel! Melanie: yes I am. Brad: don't mind them. *smiles at her* I'm the better looking one. Melanie *scoffs teasingly*: yeah. Right. David P.: oh. I think we should introduce ourselves. Melanie: oh wait. I think I have heard of you guys. I think you're rivals to the Middleton Mad Dogs hockey team. Patrice: yeah. They are our divisional rivals. Melanie: I see, but feel free to introduce yourselves. Brad *suave and flirtatious*: I'll go first. Tuukka glares as Brad flirts with her but tries not to make it obvious. Brad: I'm Brad Marchand, I'm a left wing forward. And this is- David P.: I think we can introduce ourselves just fine Brad. Brad: hey hey just trying to help. After everyone introduced themselves, Patrice looks at the time. Patrice: guys, we should get going. Don't want Claude to get mad. Of course Brad, David P. and Tuukka expressed a sad sigh together before getting ready to follow suit. But before the three follow to catch up, Brad and Tuukka stay behind. David P. follows the rest of the guys, thinking the other two are following. Melanie starts to walk in the other direction towards one of her work places. Brad: hey, I'm going out with her. Not you. Tuukka: no way man. Brad: she was totally checking me out. Tuukka: you keep telling yourself that. I have a way better chance with her than you. She and I are goalies. Brad *scoffs*: pfft. Yeah right. Haha. Before the two could continue, at the corner of their eyes, they see Melanie walk out of a store, flip her long jet black hair with red highlights and blue side bangs to the side and doesn't notice that the two are staring, clearly love stricken. Brad and Tuukka *at the same time*: I think I'm in love. The two stop and stare at each other. Brad: what the heck man? Tuukka: what? Brad: she's gonna be with me. You're just gonna have to deal with it. Tuukka: yeah right. She was staring at me. Brad: you kn- Patrice *calls out*: guys come on! We gotta go! Brad *stares at Melanie*: dang. I wanna watch her some more. Tuukka *dreamy*: me too. She's so beautiful. The two sulk towards the rest of the guys and head off. *scene changes to Club Banana* Melanie: hey Kim. Hey Monique. Kim: hey Melanie. Monique: hey girl. Ron walks over to her, angry and points a finger in her face. Ron: who was just talking to you? Melanie *scowls, angry and puts his hand down*: it'd be wise to keep your hand away from my face unless you want a broken wrist. Kim: Melanie. No violence. Melanie *rolls her eyes and scoffs*: really Kim! Ron: who was that!! Melanie: relax. It was just a couple of guys from a hockey team. Kim: oh. Which one? Melanie *shrugs*: the Boston Bruins. Ron *gasps*: wait. The Boston Bruins? Melanie *sarcastic*: uhm yeah. Ron: they're our biggest rivals! We play against them in a few days! You're fraternizing with the enemy! Melanie *laughs and sarcastically*: wow. Ron learned a new word. And he used it correctly. *pats his head* so proud of you. Sorry. No treats for you. Kim *shakes her head*: is it that difficult to be nice for once? Melanie: what? I'm not allowed to talk to them? Ron: they're our most hated rivals MP. Melanie: I met the guys. They seem nice. Some of them even looked cute. She smiles as she thinks of them, especially Patrice. Kim and Monique stand there, eyes as big as moons as they look at Melanie then back at each other, then back at Melanie. Shocked to hear what she just said. Melanie: what? Kim: I've never heard you say that before. Monique: ever! About any guy. Kim: which guys? Melanie: well Tuukka is cute, he was blushing a lot. Brad has a nice smile, and Patrice is handsome. *smiles as she thinks of him*. Ron can't help but feel a jealous rage taking over. He clenches his fists and mutters revenge. As the day draws to a close, Melanie walks over to the arena where the Bruins are practicing. She walks inside and stands by the door. She smiles as she watches the boys play. After a short time, one of the guys takes notice and heads off the ice. One could easily guess who it is. Brad *flirtatious*: hello beautiful. Melanie *raises an eyebrow and smirks*: really Brad? Brad *chuckles*: hey. Can't blame a guy for trying. He wraps an arm around her and leads her over to the rink as if to show her off to the rest of the team as if she's his girlfriend. Not too long after, Tuukka looks up, sees what's happening and glares at Brad. Unfortunately he pays a little too much attention and he doesn't hear a warning from one of the guys. Ryan: hey Tuukka! You paying attention? *takes slapshot*. Tuukka at the last minute jolts into position but it's too late and the puck ends up in the net. Brad *shakes his head*: tsk tsk tsk. He should be paying attention. Melanie *takes off his arm and laughs awkwardly*: yeah. Sure. Brad: he's jealous. Melanie: oh? Brad: he doesn't have what it takes to be your man. Melanie *raises an eyebrow*: oh really? And you do? Brad *smirks teasingly*: of course sweetheart. *flexes a little muscle in his jersey*. This is just a preview. I'll gladly show you more if you like *winks*. Melanie *short laugh*: I see. *walks away, flips her hair, looks at Tuukka and calls out* I still think you're doing a great job! Tuukka smiles and tries to hide the fact he's blushing bright red under his mask. He doesn't want the other guys taking notice. Tuukka *stammers*: t-thanks Melanie. Brad *yells*: hey you can stop blushing now bro! Tuukka *alarmed*: hey hey! I'm not blushing. Some of the guys snicker. Brad: it's painfully obvious Tuuks. Melanie *giggles*: that's so cute. Brad snaps his head back at her, shocked. Brad: y-you think that's cute? Melanie: well yeah. Brad: I can blush too. Melanie: mhm sure. David P. skates over. David P.: hi sweetie. Brad: back off Pasta, she's mine. David P.: oh really? Since when? Not long after, Tuukka skates over. Tuukka *flips up his mask and smiles at her*: hey. Melanie *smiles*: hey. David P. and Brad stand there, dumbfounded. David P.: uh. What's happening? Patrice skates over. Patrice: really? We have a huge game in a few days guys. We REALLY need to focus. Brad *carefully places his arm around Melanie's waist and pulls her close*: I know Bergy. We will crush those dogs. Melanie: oof. Melanie starts to feel uncomfortable as Brad starts to look at her with a smirk. The more she tries to escape from his grasp, the tighter he holds her. She feels Tuukka's glare piercing her skin like daggers only she thinks it's towards Brad. This is so awkward, she thinks. Melanie: uhm Brad? Brad *sweetly*: yes gorgeous? Melanie *struggles from his grasp*: any chance you wanna let me go? Brad *sad*: aw why? Melanie: you're kinda killing me. Instead of letting her go, he lessens his grip. Melanie: uhm. You don't have to hold me like that. Tuukka: dude really? What the heck! Brad: what? I lessened my grip on her. Melanie *struggles and eventually breaks free from his arms*: thank god. *walks over to Tuukka* so I was doing a little digging on you guys. First in the division with Middleton a point behind. You're first in the league with a lot of shut outs and wins. That's impressive. Tuukka *turns red, looks away shyly and smiles*: yeah we are pretty awesome. Been going on a good winning streak lately and hopefully we can keep it up. As Melanie and Tuukka talk, Brad scowls and talks to his linemate Patrice. Brad: look at the two of them. What's up with that? Patrice: he likes her too. What can I say. Brad *stares at him*: who's side are you on? Patrice *blinks a few times*: what? Brad: you're supposed to be on my side. As the day draws to a close and the night comes through, Melanie is at the park, overlooking the water and deep in thought. Her mind wandering as thoughts of him swirl around. Why am I thinking about him? Suddenly, a snap of a twig and rustling of leaves can be heard. Melanie snaps out of her thoughts and casts her senses out. She closes her eyes and braces herself. She then opens them as she realizes who it is. It's him. The man that can't elude her mind. Her heartbeat starts to increase as she stands ready. Melanie: I know it's you Patrice. Silence. But after a few seconds she hears him say dang it. Patrice *walks out*: how'd you know it was me? Melanie *startled*: oh? Uh *avoids eye contact, places her hand behind her head and laughs nervously* lucky guess? Patrice: fair enough. *sits beside her* beautiful night huh. Melanie *looks at the moon reflecting on the water*: yes. Very. He places his arm around her and draws her close. Her heartbeat quickens once more as she inhales his scent. Thinking to herself, he's never shown this much interest in me. I'm not that pretty. She tenses up but calms down once she inhales his cologne and listens to his heartbeat. Feeling a smile from him, she gently places a hand on his chest and feels his strong muscles through his shirt. Patrice *chuckles*: you ok? Melanie *startled and blushes*: oh. Yeah. I. I just didn't think you were interested. Patrice tilts her head up, facing him and brushes his hand gently across her cheek. Melanie's heart starts to race out of control as she stares deeply into those dark chocolate brown eyes and feels time slip by slowly. Her emerald green eyes sparkle back at him as he smiles even more. Patrice: I've liked you when I first saw you. But didn't wanna engage in an argument between Tuuks and Brad. Melanie *trying not to sound dreamy*: I understand. Patrice *chuckles*: you are incredibly beautiful Melanie. He leans into her. She braces and closes her eyes. Expecting a kiss from those soft lips of his, she instead feels them on her forehead. She opens her eyes, confused. Patrice *looking at her, concerned*: you ok? Melanie *stammers*: y-yeah. A short distance away, two dark shadows are muttering amongst themselves. First voice: what the freaking heck! I thought he wasn't into her. Second voice: I know Brad. He hid it well. Brad: something needs to be done Tuuks. She has to make up her mind and choose me. *sees him glaring* I mean one of us. Tuukka *skeptical*: uh huh. Sure. Brad takes out his binoculars and focuses on the two of them. Tuukka: hey I didn't know you had those. Brad: I did. *gets a little infuriated* you gotta be kidding me. Tuukka: what. What! Brad *mutters under his breath*: better not kiss her. Back to Melanie and Patrice. Melanie doesn't sense that she is being watched. She is focusing on being in the arms of the man she likes the most. She slowly and gently places her hand on his cheek and sees another gentle bright smile coming from him. Not a second more, the two get closer to one another, eyes closed and lips almost touching, but the two snap out of it and stand at attention after hearing a noise. Patrice: oh my god! What was that? Melanie casts her sixth sense and realizes that Brad and Tuukka are nearby and Ron is not too far away either. She doesn't say anything that could possibly expose her powers to him. Melanie: I'm not sure. She looks and sees the two shadows getting closer. Patrice looks with her, with a hand on her waist. Patrice: want me to check it out? Melanie: no. They are coming. A second later, Melanie senses proved to be right yet again. Brad and Tuukka stumble out from the bushes. Patrice: really? Melanie: what are you two doing here? Brad gets up and points directly at Patrice's face. Brad: and you said you weren't interested. Patrice: only because I didn't wanna argue between you two. Melanie gets in between the two. Melanie: boys please. Brad: what! He was about to kiss you. Tuukka *eyes widen*: what?!? You didn't tell me that. Brad: cuz I didn't want them to hear us. Not long after, Ron stumbles in. Ron: ah hah! I knew it! Ron gets right into Brad's and Tuukka's faces. The three argue amongst themselves and don't pay attention to Melanie and Patrice slowly backing away. Melanie *whispers*: follow me. She and Patrice quietly sneak away without being seen. Melanie then takes him to an abandoned tree house that is nearby and head up the stairs. Melanie *looks down to him*: coming? Patrice *looks up*: I will. After you. The two head on up and overlook the water together. Once again, Patrice places his arm around her and pulls her close. Melanie, for the first time ever, feels safe in a man's arms. She's never gotten this close to anyone before and she likes it. Melanie *whispers*: I don't wanna leave. Patrice *murmurs*: me either. The two watch the moonlight dance over the waves of the water and snuggle close. Melanie lets out a little shiver. Patrice: you cold? Melanie: just a little. He takes off his coat and drapes it around her. Patrice: that better? Melanie *smiles and dreamy*: yes. He lets out a chuckle and holds her close. After some time, the two once again look to each other, close their eyes, lean close, and lips touch one another. The two wrap their arms around each other and don't let go. Melanie's mind goes completely blank as she feels him continue to kiss her over and over again. Her heart quickens much faster than she could ever run and thought possible. She opens her eyes and sees his eyes still shut, notices one of his hands playing with her hair gently and the other is holding her hand. Feeling her gaze, Patrice opens his eyes, they sparkle just as her eyes do. After the long, romantic kiss, he pulls away and looks into her eyes, not wanting to look away, and gently brushing her cheek. Patrice *blushes shyly*: I definitely wasn't expecting that. Melanie *blushes shyly*: me either. The next day. Melanie wakes up and sees Kim waiting for her outside the room. Melanie: uh. Hi? Kim: I see you got in late last night. Melanie: and? Kim *holds up Patrice's coat*: what's this? Melanie *turns bright red*: uh. Kim: looks like you were with one of the players last night. Melanie *still red*: that's Patrice's. *takes it*. Kim: you're lucky I found it and not dad. You know how he'd react. Melanie cradles and smells the coat. A love sigh escapes and she smiles. Kim *raises an eyebrow*: I've never seen you like this. Melanie *snaps out of it*: he's so handsome Kim! Voice: who's handsome? Kim and Melanie turn and see their dad making his way towards them. Melanie: uhm uh. No one. Dad *sees the coat, then notices the spoked b and Patrice's last name on the back*: Bergeron? Who is this "Bergeron?" Melanie *turns more red*: just a hockey player on the Boston Bruins. He lent me his coat because I was cold. Dad *skeptical*: I see. Before he could utter another word, his phone goes off. Possibly work. Dad *looks at the caller id and answers*: hello. He stays put and continues the conversation. Dad: yes. I'm on my way. *hangs up the phone*. We will continue this conversation later on. As dad leaves, Melanie breaths a huge sigh of relief. Kim: so are you two like dating? Melanie *looks at the coat and smiles shyly*: I don't know. *looks up, eyes sparkle as she thinks of him* he did kiss me. *happy love sigh*. Kim *shocked*: oh my god! Really? Melanie *looks at her, love stricken*: yes. It was so romantic. And I have no shame. Before the two could continue their conversation, there's a knock on the door. Melanie rolls her eyes thinking it's Ron. Kim *looks at her and shakes head*: I'll get it. As Kim answers the door, a smooth voice greets her. Voice: good morning. You must be Melanie's sister, Kim. Kim *stammers*: uh. Uhm yes. And you are-? Voice *smiles*: Patrice. Kim *shocked*: uh. Hold on a moment. Patrice: sure. Kim runs over to Melanie. Kim: oh. My. God! Melanie: what! Kim: you didn't tell me just how handsome he is! Melanie: who? *looks out from the corner to see* Is that Patrice at the door? She then runs out of the way and sees him at the doorway. She is greeted with a warm smile and her legs start to become like jello. Patrice: hello beautiful. Melanie *voice cracks*: h-hi. Ha-handsome. He lets out a chuckle. Patrice: may I come in? Melanie: absolutely! He walks in. Melanie: Kim, dad left right? Kim: yeah. As Kim makes her way into the room, she is shocked to see how Melanie scored herself a handsome guy. Kim: wow. Melanie: I forgot to give your coat back *hands it to him*. Patrice: thanks but you hold onto it. *kisses her forehead gently and leaves his lips there*. Melanie *shakes a little and smiles*: ooook. The doorbell rings again. Kim: that must be Ron. Melanie *rolls her eyes and scoffs*: oh great. Kim opens the door. Kim: good morning Ron. Ron *walks in*: hey K- *sees Patrice with Melanie, with his lips still on her forehead and scowls angrily* yo man. Get away from her! He storms over to them. Patrice lets Melanie go and looks at Ron. Ron: that's my woman! Melanie *gets angry*: uhm last time I checked, I'm not. Patrice *holding her back*: it's ok Mel. Relax. Ron *realizes he's one of the Bruins by the coat*: enemy! Patrice *laughs*: I'm guessing you're a Mad Dog fan? Kim: actually *holds Ron back* he's on the Mad Dog hockey team. Ron *puffs out his chest proudly*: dang right I am. And we are gonna crush you and the rest of your team. We are gonna take over first place. Before Patrice could say a word, Rufus climbs out of Ron's pocket and sits on his shoulder. Curious to know what the fuss is all about. Patrice *sees Rufus*: uh what is that? Ron: it's Rufus. My naked mole rat. Patrice: interesting. Never seen one before. Rufus *waves*: hi. Ron *glares at Rufus*: no talking to the enemy. Kim: Ron. Chill. Patrice *looks at his watch*: I better get going. Melanie *sad and takes his arm*: no. Don't go. Patrice *turns to face her, smiles, places a hand on her cheek, and kisses her forehead again*: you'll see me again. *sees Ron scowling then looks back at Melanie* I gotta get ready to meet the guys at the rink. Come by later on. Melanie: abso- Ron *cuts her off*: no way. She'll be watching me. Melanie *pushes him away*: I'd love to. But what about Brad and Tuukka? They saw us. Patrice *brushes her cheek still*: don't you worry about that. Now. I'll see you later *kisses her cheek before walking out*. Melanie *runs to him*: wait. Your coat! Patrice *smiles*: thanks. Melanie watches sadly as he drives off. She has not felt this way towards anyone before. Could it be that she is in love with him? TO BE CONTINUED... Next time. Jealousy between the guys. Brad: me and Tuuks saw you with her. What's up with that! The coach trying to fire up his team. Mr. Barkin: come on. We need those points and to practice or unless you all are a bunch of pansies. The talk. Melanie: Patrice. I need to talk to you. Patrice: everything ok Melanie? Melanie: yes. But there's something I have to tell you. I just. I just don't know how to tell you. Patrice *concerned*: what is it? Melanie *hesitates*: I. I have powers. The deep feelings. Melanie: oh my god Kim. I think I'm in love with him.
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