melly-oh-posts · 5 months
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
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Credits to the original owners.
People are amazingly talented.
#naturedrawing #flowerart #flowerpainting
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.”
-Mandy Hale
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
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Growth can be one of the most rewarding things in life beacause it allows us to look back and see how far we've come from past traumas and overall painfull reminders that shaped us to be the person we are today.It's rewarding because it gives us the oppurtunity to be gratefull and go through scenarios in our head thinking how diffrent our life's could have turned out if you did that instead of the things that lead you to your current path in life.
It gives us the blessed moment to relieve what-if's without the stressfull tention and overall nervewracking feelings of hoplessness and anxiety.
Its a chance to see just how far
you've come.
Change is probally one of the most exciting and anxious filled times in our lives. (certainly in mine currently)
It's scary and you are filled with the crippling feeling of hoplesness , anxiety and fear that you don't even want you ask the question
what comes next?
That's the question isnt it? WHAT HAPPENS NOW?
📸 by : @conciousconversations__ on ig
God its so scary but if you don't take the first step you won't be able to have the oppurtunity that growth brings.
The chance to live through diffrent scenarios and what-if's because you won't be looking back at you past :
you will be living it.
because there is nothing as painfull as staying somewhere where you feel uncomfortable.
📸:by @consiousconversations__ at ig
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
If there is something you stuggle with there is always help available and sometimes they may come in way of the strangest of places and people but the outcome may suprise you.Remember change is uncomfortable because you have never been there it's new and your still processing and adjusting to the change there is no shame in that .
Growth is a process.
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melly-oh-posts · 3 years
Stop expecting people to:
° Know what you want without telling them.
° Make decisions for you.
° Never make mistakes.
° Always agree with you.
° Change ( because you want them to)
° Fulfill all of your needs.
° Take responsibility for your person.
° Always like you.
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