Lord: Evangelith, The Incandescence
Capital: Luxiene
Soul Servants: Pale Messengers, Tallaberius, Caecusille, and Aumm
Current Court master: Eugaira Loulverre
Current Royal Mage: Nephitas Harpheule
Magich theme: Fire and light
Symbols: Wings, Closed Eyes, Candles, Musical Iconography, Blindness, Crosses, Suns, Fire, white birds, unicorn horns, DNA spiral formations.
Colour allowed to be worn: (white must be worn, being the biggest percentage of an outfit) Gold, browns, beige, yellow, cream, White
Rank: High Court
Attire: white lace, gold jewellery, Religious imagery, Wing imagery, Faux Wings, jackets and dresses usually have open backs showing skin (symbolizes wings) some wear golden masks or lace coverings over the eyes (show respect to the Pale Lord) late 1700’s rococo fashion, very puffy and overwhelming, almost too lavish. Very soft and almost nightgowny at times, very dramatic and lavish clothing if in high class. Lace, ribbons and gold pieces incorporated in hairstyles. Mixture of Black/rococo hairstyles.
Physical Features: white and blond hair, dark skinned or tan, must have golden yellow eyes (can be different shades) , average height taller than other courts, Usually have lean muscular physiques, wide backs.
Characteristic jobs: Musicians, reporters and public speakers, economists, artists, sculptors, painters, singers, tailors, models
The Pale Court, is one of three High Courts, Being ruled by the Pale Lord, Evangelith, A blind, angel-like god of light. She is blind, her upper face covered by a golden mask, candles and wax melting all over her oversized hooded cloak and face. She is the first ‘Optic Twin’, her other half being the Violet Lord. She is a radiant thing, blinding her own self with her own overwhelming light. She is a figure considered with an almost fearful reverence. Her power and “perfection” being scary to most. Her courtiers find her to be almost unnerving. Her pearly white, almost unchanging smile, pale white wax dripping down her dark skin as if it were milky blood. Under her rule, her court is one of opulence and art. Sociality and charm permeating their culture. Mimicking old French nobility, much of social life is a sly and meticulous game. The more charm, the better reputation, the more likely you are to get what you want. For them, their strongest asset is their image, their mind. The ability to control themselves and their emotions with such precision. Some consider them to be “fake” and never knowing wether the mask is up or not, but in truth, most pale courtiers simply know when and where to speak. Art and music are musts. The pale court is known to have the best choir singers, orchestras and music that pierces the soul, every building being a piece of art, every chair, every pillar. The desire to make everything meaningful and artful is obvious just by seeing their infrastructure.
Being the court of fire and light, their fire and energy is used all across phangoria as power sources, lighting, and machinery. Most of the Grey Court would be dysfunctional without their fire spells. The outsourcing from other courts for their spellcasters brings in a large amount of money for them. Is that money used well? Pitifully not. Despite having the most economists, their distribution is in shambles. The poor are dirt poor and the rich are disgustingly lavish. There is a very minuscule middle class. (Think French Revolution, figures they’d follow suit in the old footsteps of their human compatriots) The Pale Court as well has a unanimous yet unspoken title of being the “Highest Court.” Despite the Violet Court supposedly meant to be their equal, over time the Pale Court manipulated it’s way to gaining such a position, even so that the Violet Court were almost naturally forced into agreement. Opinions of the Pale Court vary from court to court. Grey and Navy being closely in their thrall of companionship while Violet and Scarlet are less than pleased with their existence (Violet especially after much quarrels and wars.)
The Courtiers themselves have a reputation of being exceedingly unnerving. Not in the same way that their lord is but in an untrustworthy way. Even if true and kind hearted, the naturally behaviour and disposition of a pale courtier will come off as faux and almost condescending. Many of the higher class confirm such a stance with genuinely being that way. Their primed aristocratic environment and well tailored sense of manner and observation giving them a bloated ego. Their art makes them “better than the rest” “only they can understand the truth of the world” the lower class pale courtiers still have that sense of unnerving uncertainty, but with much more bombast and can easily find their bright and creative souls just underneath the skin. Making the best out of such a pitiful economy, art being just as valued. It brings joy, connection. Many lower class pale courtian towns consider themselves a whole social family.
Region: Luxiene (lux-she~en) is a strange phenomenon in terms of weather. The sun is always shining, almost never setting, but everywhere you look there is a heavy layer of snow. There is a theory that the characteristic “Angel Winds” actually chill the ground enough to keep it fully snowed over. With the glaring sun and the bright white snow, many pale courtiers require sunglasses to not blind themselves from such exposure. Luxiene vistas are filled with almost sparkling trees, pure white in their foliage, having a special type of conifers with white needles. Rivalling the tall trees is the architecture of the court, tall imposing white churches with spires that rival the heavens. Buildings tend to have angelic cherubs sculpted like gargoyles on top, with tall church windows. Everything is almost always a shade of light grey or white, lined with golds, almost blinding newcomers. The twinkling snow will get blown around gently by the faint winds, some people mentioning how the wind’s whistle almost sounds like the hum of angels, cold yet comforting. Most other courtiers don’t like to spend time in the region as you kind of have to get used to their strange climate, overwhelming brightness and almost eerie quietness of the vast lands interrupted by the humming Angel winds.
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Lord: Fiddellier, The Ironformed
Region: Valierne
Soul Servant: Sliverknight, Hischbael
Current Court Master: Artephin Giel
Current Royal Mage: Stetsire Hignguard
Magich theme: Metal
Symbols: Swords, Military, Armour, shields, Hawks, knights, marble statues
Colours allowed to be worn: (grey must be worn) Black, Golds, Any shade of Grey, brown, white, cream
Rank: High Court
Attire: Military Suits, Military Hats, belts, holsters, badges, long dramatic coats, oversized collars, small pieces of armour, epaulettes, shorter tied up hairstyles, gloves, tends to hold swords even in informal situations, Heavily Regency Era inspired, Tends to be very orderly and very well tailored. Uniforms are commonly worn in casual situations.
Physical appearance: grey, blond, white and black hair, pale skin (even duller) , must have grey eyes (can be different shades), taller average height than other courts (except pale), Usually has muscular statuesque physique, broad shoulders.
Common jobs: infantry, generals, Cavalry (police) tacticians, blacksmiths, tinkerers, mechanics
The Grey Court is the third of the High Courts, ruled by The Grey Lord, a steadfast stoic god of the art of weaponry and armoury. silvery blond hair flows like a cape behind him, face shielded by a iron mask, cold. Unfeeling in appearance. He is oppressive in look from his large frame, covered with an overwhelming cape, to his large hands covered by hefty leather gloves. He is never seen acting too brash, nor expressive. He is a foundation of stoic unmoving strength, a figure of grounded pride and loyalty, sword in hand, eye on the fight to be had, determined. Some have whispered that he isn’t just a statue behind closed cathedral doors. He has been rumoured to be rather outburst-prone and rage filled. His calm stoicism flipped on the dime to a fiery, passionate wail of anger. But this could just be apocryphal. His people hold this ideal of emotionless stoicism to high regard, their lord being the figurehead of said ideology. There is no place for such a rumour of emotional for him nor his people. This, in turn, is their biggest flaw. Idealizing this uncanny image of their people being unfeeling, zephyrs of Justice and order, thinking that their emotion muddies their judgment, causes their foundation to crack
in many places due to that repression. But they soldier on despite it. Just like their lord. Despite their uncomfortable cast moulding, they are reliable people. Tough. Strong willed, never back down from what they must do. You will be hard pressed to find a grey courtier who would back down from what they promise to do and what they hold most true.
This stubbornness does aid their strong, almost divine military. They are the bastion of Militial exports and ideology in phangoria. It is an unspoken truth that all other courts look to the Grey lord and his court for guidance and order when it comes to any war or military issues. There is an almost religious, artful way that they treat the idea of battle and war. The sword is not just a weapon it is an extension of the self. A partner to dance with. It is obvious when you see the beautiful way their sword spells are casted. It truly is art. Armoury IS their culture. Grey courtiers often get passes to bring swords into places other courtiers cannot, wear pieces of heavy armour despite having no purpose and in dance, their moves are as if to mimic drills.
The Grey and Navy Court often share seats when it’s comes to their military. One of the land. One of the ocean. Their ideals and economy definetly bleed into eachother at times and their lords are particularly fraternal in nature from an outside perspective. Much of their inflow of wealth comes from sharing their infantry with other courts. Generals being posted to other courts, infantry sectors being hired for specific jobs, so on so forth.
They do not only use their magich and influence for military. They are the biggest exporters and manufacturers of mechanical production and engineering. Factories, functioning machinery, new technology for the courts mainly come from the Grey court, another high valued asset that funnels wealth into the Grey courtian Pocket. The Haugiel steam train wouldn’t function nor exist if not for the Grey court, their spells and mechanical exports creating the thing that allows phangorians to fast travel at all. Even simple little metal parts like doorknobs, hinges, tools and cutlery can be often exported from the Grey court.
Region: Valierne (vah-leer-nn) is known for their sharp, cloud piercing mountain ranges. Cold, striking and grim landscapes that reach for the heavens. Pine trees and snow cover the landscapes, never a truly sunny day. It is often cloudy with a grey look to the world. But don’t let that fool you that their cities are sad and cold. Rather the opposite. Warm, bustling towns filled with hearth ovens and warmly lit streets. The cities are often built around and inside the mountains, incorporating the terrain to mend into their cities. Not many cities are built on flat, plane grounds. Their architecture could be said to be rather Nordic in look. A mix of Victorian gothic and old Nordic. Deep dark woods with logs as pillars. They are immensely imposing but warm on the inside
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Lord: Aecoreza, The Knowledgeable Deep
Capital: Uisce
Soul Servant: Daughter of the Deep, Abbrael
Current Court Master: Norille Aesphina
Current Court Mage: Olle Aesphina
Magich Theme: Water
Symbols: Trident, anchors, ships, armillary spheres, sextants, paper, ribbons, any sea or nautical motifs
Colours allowed to be worn: (Blues Must be worn) black, greys, white, creams, green (sometimes), brown, gold, any kind of blue
Rank: Standard Court
Attire: Dark Navy Blue (most common, MUST wear this colour) Gold and Black, white, beige, brown, any blues really, big coats, over accessorised, gold chains, tricorn hats, oversized sleeve cuffs, high class navy aesthetic, low class pirate aesthetic, Random braids in hair. Navyman feel, Sea captains and militarized uniforms, tends to have gold armillary star map prints on materials.
Physical appearance: blond, light brown and white hair (most common) Tan or medium skin, must have blue eyes (can be different shades) , Fairly Average physiques (have bigger hips on occasion)
Most Common Jobs: Members of the Navy fleet, Fishermen, museum curators, historical scholars, Pirates (low class), marine biologists, map makers, historical scholars, Explorers
The Navy Court, is a standard court, ruled by The Navy Lord, a quiet, intelligent yet entitled goddess of the waters and sea. She prides herself for her unending knowledge of all things, understanding and archiving all she discovers. She is quiet and reserved, to a point that she is arrogant and prideful, thinking she is better than others for being reserved and mannered. As much as she has knowledge, she is childish and foolish, like a spoiled child. The high class of her people have the same mindset and are almost just as self absorbed as the Pale and Violet court, manners and reserved nature makes them better than other courts, thinking those who are passionate with a loud and vibrant demeanour are but savages, causing the strong rivalry between them and the scarlet court. But the low classes do not respect their Lord. Feeling like they are being ruled by a bratty child, they live their lives as pirates and thieves, not for greed but to use the wealth they steal to fund their own, better lives with honour. They have guilds that treasure bold expression and bonds with others, to spite their militant, self absorbed Lord. Because of her quietness, many suspect she has something to hide… her enclave of hushed scholars working away archiving and perfecting their collections. Nobody has seen the full extent of her archives and information except for her.
Their naval fleet and Militial ties makes them a force to be reckoned with upon the waves. It is hard to do what you please on the seas as they are HER seas. They have a close tie to the grey court, being the two infantry heavy courts, their laws and ideals mending together to form a sort of coalition; they are the enforcers of phangoria, navy being on the waters. Their fleets are intimidating, their boats large and imposing, with teams of skilled commanders and spellcasters that can bend the sea to their will, putting them at a battle advantage against seabergians and other rogue vessels. Being those who rule the seas, they have a big cargo industry, many routes owned by the navy nobles bringing resources around the landmass itself to each court harbour. Fish, historical pieces and tools.
Just as their naval fleet is used for taking the seas, they have a big industry and collective for exploration and research. The Seaberg (the phangorian ocean) is still wildly unexplored. Despite the Navy lord creating it with her own hand, it used to be a much smaller body of water. The invivarum began to grow on its own and the waters themselves followed suit, gaining a sort of conceptual consciousness. So their scholarly fleet expanded. Many are still documenting the growth of the seaberg and studying how it behaves, finding relics that are rather unexplainable to how they got there. They theorize that the seaberg is an new entity subconsciously created by the lord herself through some irresponsible birth process and the seaberg is beginning to let in foreign entities. It is still in theory. But these scholars and explorative folk are a staple in navy court. Adding to the ever-growing knowledge and endless archive of the Navy lord. The Scarlet Court isn’t the only biologically inclined court, lots of sectors in the navy court are also for marine biology, testing genes and understanding how the creatures evolved and formed during the ages.
One of the most important and impactful historical events in phangorian history is the Navy Civil War. Between that of the now titled Navy Nobles and Seabergians. With tensions high in 1723, there was two opposing ideologies. Those who despised the navy lord with her conceits, and those who desired to conserve and devote to her forevermore. The war was a messy one that completely shifted navy courtian infrastructure, systematically splitting the court in half. Many courts still frown upon them in hushed whispers, shamefully looking down upon how they could not keep their court together, especially their allies in the Grey court, but keep quiet as not to cause any conflict. Ideals range, those who are proudly nobles, those who are simply called nobles but have no true stance, and those who fervently oppose, being the seabergians. Their culture as well veered away from the strict naval fleets of the nobles and formed into something wholly new. They consider their envoy/lord to not be the navy lord, but the Seaberg itself.
Region: Merfrau (mur- fra-ou) is quite a unique place. Unlike the other courts, most of Merfrau is water. One would think they would then be mobile sea faring people, but they have stationary homes just like the others. Lovely houses and even mansions that float on the surface of the waters. Boats instead of carriages, with canals as their streets. It’s a fairly temperate place, not too hot yet not too cold, not as it would affect anything else than water temperature. Surface vegetation would be next to none, but underneath the waves, there is an abundance of natural structures and plants that aid in their lifestyle. Heat vents down below have been attached to pistons that naturally heat and power their ‘tech’. They even use the tides to their advantage, the movement being used for power as well. Even the sea will naturally light up the night as bioluminescent creatures will surface, a soft blue glow lighting the canals. The sea does have its cons, when a storm hits, most have to stay in their homes, their homes being somewhat secured to the seabed by chains. Their interiors may get a bit messy as their homes will be pushed around due to waves, sometimes one might even lose a boat to the storms.
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Lord: Terranji, The Verdant Conduit
Capital: Oujen
Soul Servants: Olive Gatekeeper, Jinime
Current Court Master: Ketsen Rouju
Current Royal Mage: Verdiette Shan-Suoi
Magich: Earth and Flora
Symbols: Clover (card symbol), teeth, paper fans, lanterns, farming scythes, mouths, plants
Colours allowed to be worn: (green Must Be worn) Black, and gold, white, creams, grey, brown, (can wear any colour but as a small floral accessory) all greens
Rank: standard court
Attire: Dark Pine Green, Black, and gold, traditional Edo period Japanese fashion mixed with Victorian fashion, loose flowing sleeves, loose robe-like jackets, puffy pants/shorts, shows more skin than other courts. (Usually the stomach area and chest, respect to the Olive Lord), tassels, hair done up more often than other courts, tends to not wear shoes
Physical appearance: brown and black hair(common) olive/light olive skin tone (lol), must have green eyes (can be different shades,) softer complexion, Longer hair, Bigger/heavier physiques
Common jobs: Gatekeepers, Gardeners, cooks, apothecarians, tea makers, commissioned outer-court infantry, farmers, herbologists, guides
The Olive Court, is a standard court, ruled by The Olive Lord, the most benevolent and kind lord of six. He has a slow, tired temperament, his presence influencing a sense of calm, lethargic relief. His long, overwhelming brown hair and heavy green robes drag along with him solidifying that sense of lethargy he seems to have, but it’s a beautiful, relaxing one. Ribbons, tassles and fine embroidery cover him and drag along, like he himself is a elegant parade. much of his natural empathy and connective behaviour is, although, stunted by his face. Painted over with a ghostly white, his tired green eye unemotive, face mostly wrapped in bandages covering something unsightly. But despite his unnerving face, he is but the kindest lord, being one of the only to actively speak with his courtiers on their level. Just like him, his people are very emotional. They value the connections and feelings of those around them. Empathetic and Moral based. They are very emotionally wise, similar to the pale courtiers but for them it is intuition, being able to naturally feel shifts in behaviours and intention. They are infamous for cutting ties or ceasing commands with other courts if it goes against their morale or the safety of all parties. You will find that it’s hard to find an olive courtier who is not neighbourly.
Their empathy and kindness can be tied to their affiliation with nature. Being the harbour court of flora and fauna. They have the most expertise in rearing, selling, growing and fostering plants of any kind wether it be for farming and market, or for conservation and research. Their empathy and aural intuition gives them a strong discipline when it comes to caring for their flora. The Olive court is known to be the second biggest court in medical and health research, but unlike their close companions, the scarlets,theirs is much more homeopathic. Apothecaries are a staple, being the second biggest source of income for the court other than farming, the plants and herbs reared being ones of expert quality and potency. Despite having a very dependable market, they are the poorest Court. Due to their infamous habit of pulling out from outsourcing commissioning, they loose a big percentage of their income, but despite other courts frowning down upon it, the people in the court itself aren’t too hard done by. Their is a sense of humility permeating throughout the court, the ability to live by ones own efforts, not the trade of money.
They are not only known for their agriculture but for their fierce duty to protect and defend. With their strong empathy, their gatekeepers guild is commissioned often by other courts to be strong defenders and bodyguards, as they possess a natural, strong inclination to protect, like a mother to a child.
They are well known for being a part in the biggest ally-ship, the Holly Accord, an agreement between the scarlet and Olive court to be members of a tightly woven cultural exchange. Many suspect that the main reason for this alliance is the close nature of the Olive lord and the scarlet lord, their bond being undeniable, but hushed and not outwardly spoken about. They have many sanctioned trade routes and roadways, agreements and cultural holidays that are exclusive to them. Together they form a very strong economic powerhouse when it comes to medical aid and resources.
Region: Gliao (Glee-Ow) is the hottest region in phangoria. The reason for their people’s much more showy and revealing clothing is due to the amount of humid heat that courtier’s experience. The heat isn’t just a con, it has its pros. Being that the airs are filled with humidity, the vegetation and biological diversity is immense. Thousands of flora species that aid in health and vitality, more that can be used for poison and ailments and even plants that kill and devour on their own.
The Wenschi Conservatory is one of the most flora rich places, being a personal conservatory for the Olive Lord. It holds species that are lacking and or going instinct. The Olive Lord spends most of his downtime tending to this Conservatory. Not only is Gliao home to the biggest diversity in biological life, but also to the most beautiful terrains. The winding cliffs and natural spires that emerge from the terrain give home to much of the vegetation, and to Olive Courtiers who build their homes on the edges of cliffs and mountains, thousands of bridges and ropes hanging from cliff to cliff. Most ground sturdy Courts find traversing the towns and cities of gliao to be an arduous task, scared off falling into the abyss like depths of the valleys, but the people of gliao are equipped to deal with such an occurrence, and have the agility to climb back up just as easily. Not to mention how they can terraform in artistic and beautiful ways using teams of manipulation spellcasters. Their home is a sight to behold.
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Lord: Haemoarachni, The Biological Maestro
Region: Coureich
Soul Servants: Scarlet Sisters, Vintri and Vecte
Current Court Master: Rouxrein Cardocca
Current Royal Mage: Rosealiae Von Ichor
Current Vivisynctor: Amadea Hescetta
Magich Theme: Blood
Symbols: Hearts, Daggers, Organs, Medical Tools, playing cards, masks, thespian imagery, sharp things, Biological imagery,
Colour allowed to be worn: (red Must be worn) Gold, Black, all kinds of red, white, pink (sometimes) green (only in very small accessories) grey, creams,
Rank: Standard Court
Attire: chequered patterns, puffy sleeves, Vests Waistcoats and more masculine look for women’s wear, 1890’s fashion resemblance, eye glasses (common), dramatic sleeves on blouses and coats, designs of shirts and coats emphasise the chest area (respect to the Scarlet Lord) Tends to look a little dramatic and theatre-ish. “Dandy”. Tend to be very puffy in the arms and chest (puffed sleeves and such). Sharp leather boots, leather gloves/rubber gloves (if in medical field) aprons.
Physical Features: white (common) dark brown black blond and red hair, (red hair is considered an omen) pale skin, average height shorter than other courts, most have eye problems, petite compact physiques, must have red eyes (can be different shades)
Characteristic jobs: Doctors, nurses, surgeons, physicians, pharmacists, butchers, taxidermists
The Scarlet Court is a Standard court, ruled by the Scarlet Lord, Haemoarachni. a cunning and intimidating god of blood. Most hold a respectful fear of her. She is rather uncanny to be around and look at. Her form being that of a porcelain casing, filled with… supposedly cardiac tissue. Her empty cold mask makes it hard to tell what she is feeling, only with a gingerly, red lipped smile upon it. She has clear tubes pumping blood all over her body, connecting to the grim explode heart on her chest. If one is queasy towards the biological, she would be your worst nightmare. She is stern but sly. She has much wit to her and even a sense of Humor, usually a bit cruel and unfeeling Humor but Humor nonetheless. She is well liked in her court. The scarlet courtiers find her to be a cunning respectable figure, in awe of her genius. Yes some find her a bit scary and uncomfortable, especially with her influence having a strange sickening physical awareness, but it’s only natural. Her courtiers are passionate people. Boisterous. Theatric. Crass humor and sharp wit is their cup of tea. Rather chaotic in their reasonings and can be considered quite reckless. The navy courtiers would deem so, holding a strong hatred against scarlet courtiers for their brash and “savage” ways. The Scarlet Court is the heart of all that is medicine. Biological research, study of medicine, healing, and a drive to understand the body all they can. They idolize the biological, anatomy and blood rule their ideals.
Their medicine and expertise on such is valued throughout phangoria. There aren’t many big organizations of medicine in other courts, as if there is an unspoken rule that scarlet courtiers must fill in that space. And they do their job well. Some are a bit… suspicious of them. Some things seem to lineup on in their moral on times. Many scarlet courtiers have become desensitized by the idea of illness and death. Sometimes illness is valued. Bodies are taken, with cases of people falling purposefully sick under their terms, it has never been fully investigated nor anything exactly found, so it’s mostly a simple case of medical ferver. (think the heroic period of medicine) theatre is as well a large part of their culture. Everything in one way or another is a show. A spectacle. They love to be centre-stage, making what they do entertaining and boisterously grand. It is even common to see live dissections and surgeries paired with opera performances and shows. It’s a strange novelty in the court. They are no doubt passionate people. They do what their desire guides them to do, reckless with their push to simply jump for what they want and risk it all. (They may feed into the navy courtian idea of their “savagery” at times) They are as well famously close with the Olive Court. There is no stronger bond between courts than Olive and Navy. Perhaps because of the close relationship the Scarlet Lord holds with the Olive Lord, Terranji. There are many designated trade routes and migrating laws that allow for scarlet courtiers to more easily get into Gliao, and vice versa for Coureich. There are many cultural exchanged between the courts, their foods, their medicine, even some of their holidays are celebrated between eachother.
They are often regarded for their Stalkers. skilled hunters trained professionally not only in the extermination, but research of Leech Demons. The strange, enigmatic creatures that have been feeding on their people for centuries. They are feared, yet respected, having such swift, silent kills that people have assumed that they’re some sort of secret police disguised as “hunters” (no evidence has been found) They form the orginization called the “Stalker’s Guild” a conglomerate of the hunters, where those who wish to become one can be registered and set off. There is records kept only to their eyes about leech demons. The public are still very eluded by their existence.
Region: Cuoreich (cure-ike) is a fairly temperate place. Not too hot, not too cold. Yet the courtier’s themselves take no liking to the sunlight, similarly to the Violet Courtier’s. Their lands are filled with the richest red forests, seeming to stay autumn. In tandem with the red trees, they have a rich fungal system ; mushrooms thrive in their temperate moist forests. The leech demons take liking to their lands, the fungal systems being moist and easy to grow disease and fester. Their cities and towns have a rich homely feeling. Instead of tall looming cathedrals and gloomy cities, they have wooden mansions. Red forest towns are cluttered with decadent, aristocratic homes decorated with reds and medical memorabilia. Their cities have a somewhat warm feeling whenever one steps foot in, each homely cobblestone street lined with warm gaslit lamps. Even more interesting is that Cuoreich has more time spent with blood moons than any other court, which drenches the place in a warm red glow making the already red trees seem like rich velvet.
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The fact that Leech Demon tendrils react to emotion is so charming. They wag them like how dogs do when they're happy 🥺
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I’m still utterly obsessed with the idea of a Scarlet Courtian Dissection/Opera Performance. Like these little freaks are so intwined with theatric passion and medicine.
Imagine, A well renowned scarlet doctor setting up a freshly dead body down upon the stage of the ampitheatre, and bro just starts singing Figaro, blood and matter flying passionately around as bro just goes at it. And the whole crowd is like “oh fuck yeah this is the shit.” They are such freaks but they are MY freaks
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Just a little collection of Victor Associated objects.
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Vechlier Sprite Ref ^_^
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Wanted to post the Sprite versions of victor separately ^_^
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Aesthetic/Moodboard I guess? 🤷 Of Scarlet Iconography and stuff associated with the court. Yes mamaaaa give me more medical tools **vogues**
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So my friend has been COOKING with a book series and they have a server for it! They even currently have a oc contest going on rn! (Id tag their tumblr but its breaking on their end rn </3)
If you like Victorian era themed settings, cool god designs and world building, mystery, epic magic and fantasy creatures, some teenage (AND big boy) angst and so much gay tension on the side then this might be your kind of story! The first book is almost complete and i personally love it! If you think youd like the book then pop on in! So long as theres intrest in the book anyone can join (except NASTY excuses of people, we will yeet you if you suck 👁👁)
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Me when my Tumblr breaks and then I have to make a new one because my account both exists and doesn’t exist at the same time ^_^
Anyways welcome (again) to my Tumblr.
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