memoria-leia · 3 months
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Ritsu has officially confessed to Takano as of Chapter 38!
"I'm the one that loves you more than anyone else in this world!"
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memoria-leia · 1 year
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A Date in Caiyi Town
I wanted to draw this as the counterpart date comic to the one I drew for the Modaozushi Vol 5 (B&N edition) Yunmeng comic! Not everyone is able to purchase that exclusive edition, but everyone still deserves a wangxian dating comic! Please enjoy!
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memoria-leia · 1 year
[The Ssum] Happy April Fool’s Day, dear lab participant!
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Harry looks unusually tired today. What happened during the night?
If you're curious about the dream Harry had…. (GO)
Despite being April Fool’s Day, we're serious about these💥
❗ Participate in April Fool’s Day Research in the City of Free Men until April 2nd ❕ Receive an April Fool's Day access gift in your Lab Support Box
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memoria-leia · 2 years
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as the world caves in,, just had to doodle something because this song is a whole vibe
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memoria-leia · 3 years
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memoria-leia · 3 years
Home is where the Heart is
One thing that I give big props to Mihoyo is the brilliant way they incorporate tropes. They introduce the characters as one-dimensional then expand them. Thanks to how realistic their portrayals are, they seem human. They all come from different upbringings and circumstances. These two elements shape the characters to become relatable and engaging.
Luke is an example of this case because he is such a trope-y character. He embodies the childhood friend trope super well.
At first glance, some people wouldn't bat an eye on him, writing him off as a boring character. Given that Luke is the childhood friend, his arc should be very predictable. But little did they know that we are not dealing with a typical otome game.
With that said, my essay will delve into why I adore Luke and Rosa's dynamic. I am 100% biased towards this ship, and I feel so strongly about them.
SPOILER DISCLAIMER since I will talk about some of Luke's unreleased cards!
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Luke is Rosa's childhood friend, but his arc is so entangled with the main story route. The NXX drug that the team is currently investigating may or may not be behind the death of his parents as well as his shrouded background. He's the person who's directly involved with the problem that the NXX members are dealing with at hand. Marius is investigating because of his missing brother Giann. Artem is doing whatever he can to uncover the truth behind his mentor's disappearance. And Vyn is just there unless he's got some reason that's yet to be revealed.
That leaves Luke as the person who is indeed directly involved with the issue itself. The drug has greatly affected Luke, reducing his lifespan to just three years.
This ordeal puts Luke in an agonizing and harsh situation as he's been struggling with an inner conflict ever since. His conflict being Rosa.
He woke up in the hospital room by the sheer will of living (Rosa indirectly saved him), surrounded by his fellow mates who turned out to be dead.
Luke's “I will become the God of Death” line which took place in his Lost Gold route conveys a whole new meaning.
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Imagine waking up and being the only survivor in a room full of deceased people who once were your teammates. Luke must have felt extreme guilt. He would definitely think he robbed them of their lives hence the God of Death title. It also does not help that he is often associated with Crows -a symbol of death in many cultures.
All this time, he regarded himself as such -a being who is undeserving of living, much less next to his crush. It is the reason why he took a while to appear in front of Rosa. His guilt and self-loathing are what disabled him from indulging in his time with her. If he could disappear, he would easily do it. And he did it once in his Shape of You card; when he prayed to the Land God to take him away from Rosa and to make him disappear from her life.
Luke reappeared again because he had unfinished matters to deal with, a.k.a the mystery behind the drug and his parents' background. He wants to use his remaining time to pursue the truth and look after Rosa before he is gone.
His conflict comes into play when he realizes that the drug effects are irreversible and that his impending death is coming nigh. He was at a loss when it came to Rosa.
Must he be selfish and choose to stay by her side until his time is up?
Or must he disappear from her sight so she doesn't get hurt?
Luke was torn between what he wanted to do and what he needed to do, and he came to these two paths without confronting Rosa about them. He was in a complete dilemma.
He shouldered all of this weight on his own for a long time. He eventually reappeared again in front of Rosa, much to his dismay. The moment he saw her, his resolve wavered. With each passing second, his longing to stay with her grew bigger.
His tendency to overthink and to be overly overprotective stems from the conflict with which he is struggling. He doesn't wish for anything bad to happen to Rosa. Because if that were the case, he would hate himself for it. Some people think that Luke is treating Rosa as an inferior, a weakling. Someone incapable of holding her grounds. But that is wrong.
These people fail to see the helplessness of this guy. He feels worthless, hopeless, pessimistic, and very undeserving of being near Rosa. But he also feels responsible for Rosa's protection despite only being granted a short amount of time.
Nothing about this screams inferiority/superiority complex. It's Luke's helplessness that's screaming and ripping him apart.
The fact that he won't be by her side in three years. The fact that he has to bid her farewell in three years. The fact that he has to entrust her to some other guy in three years. The fact that he is unable to support her in three years. Knowing all of this shatters his heart. It's gut-wrenching.
Imagine the pain he felt this whole time. Luke missed out on eight precious years that could have been spent with Rosa. And to make matters worse, he now has a ticking timer above his head reminding him of the fragility of his life and the cruelty of losing everything before his eyes. This whole issue not only has affected him but also Rosa. She is a direct factor in this.
All of Luke's cards; regardless of how the timeline works; are pretty much tied. Each card focuses on Luke's character as well as his relationship with Rosa.
In Timely Rescue, we get to witness the overbearing nature of Luke's overprotectiveness and how it started to get on Rosa's nerves.
In Among the Great Blue, Luke reminisced about his past with Rosa and her parents. He has been raised as if he were a member of the family. Luke felt both blessed and grateful in that regard. Because of that, he thinks that as long as he is a part of Rosa's life; he mustn't care about where he stands. Because of his condition, Luke accepted that crossing the boundaries with her is futile. He would rather keep their friendship until his days are up. What's poignant about this is that Luke made it clear that he gave up. He came to terms with his reality before long which is utterly sad and devastating.
On top of that, moon jellyfish only live up to three years which parallels his lifespan. The expression Luke had when he talked about them was so heart-wrenching.
"Life is short, and one should enjoy every second of it" hits right in the feels considering Luke's situation. The line is also a bit ironic because he did not abide by it as shown in his Iridescent Heartbeat card (Which I will talk about in a bit.)
What's also bitter about Among the Great Blue is that Luke is in so much pain; both physical and emotional. Yet, he tries to hide it all through lying. Luke is an expert at concealing his pain. He would go out of his way to bury everything that might expose his situation as shown in Moment of Danger and his personal story.
Luke is such an enigmatic person. There is still so much that we don't know about which serves as an interesting juxtaposition of being the character we're supposed to know best, but we also know so little about.
His Shape of You card revealed a little more about Luke's past and how much he struggled to stay with Rosa.
He got shunned by her relatives for always being around her. He is an orphan, and the only people he interacted with are Rosa and her parents, so it's only natural to be attached to them. They were his only family. But others didn't take that too well and started dissing him.
That pushed Luke to pray to the Land God. He prayed to disappear from the face of the earth and everyone's memories if it would make Rosa feel better. No child deserves to go through that.
Fortunately, Rosa reached out to him and rescued him from falling too deep into the pits of darkness.
That card not only touched on Luke's past but also showcased a new side of Rosa.
When Luke ran off somewhere to catch the thief, Rosa felt helpless and desperate to find him. She had the feeling that she might lose Luke once again. Never to be seen. Never to be found.
Rosa's position in this card is understandable because she went through this twice. She almost lost him the first time when they were kids. This accident made her dread going to any festivities.
And the second time is when Luke unofficially left her side and went to the Capital upon turning 16 years old. He didn't contact her as much for eight years. You can only imagine the melancholy that she felt. She even refused to visit Prague simply because it doesn't feel the same without Luke.
Shape of You managed to give yet another layer to Rosa. Rosa isn't just your typical, strong, and level-headed protagonist.
She went through a lot and has endured so much by herself without anyone's support. (personal story ch2)
However, Rosa is an emotional person who has doubts and fears. She has problems and conflicts. Rosa is almost always concerned for Luke.
The moment he is away, she would immediately start panicking.
Because if she were to let go of him this time, what would happen to him? What would happen to her?
She is just as dependent on him as much as he is on her. The feeling is mutual. Luke and Rosa cannot be away from one another because they have been inseparable for so long.
“Rather than wanting to be by her side forever, I hope to protect her forever. No matter if I am still here, no matter in what form.” No words can describe just how heart-breaking this line is.
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Radiant Sunlight was about re-creating memories that both Rosa and Luke have missed. For example, the graduation day that Luke could not attend. The card proves that it is not too late to make new memories together. It offers a positive perspective in contrast to Luke's pessimistic one.
Inner Sanctum was a cute love story of an elderly couple. The card showcases how the couple never gave up on one another.
No matter how much time has passed and how much their health has declined, the couple will always treasure each other's presence. Their love for one another grew stronger despite the flow of time. Love is a boundless feeling as it transcends time.
Inner Sanctum conveys a positive message: Even if you've hit rock bottom and you feel like there's no way out, someone is waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Luke has been in a hopeless situation for the longest time, but someone is out there for him. Someone is waiting for him with open arms to hold him. All he has to do is to reach out for the light.
The lyrics of the song that Luke hummed are heartfelt yet sad.
“When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?”
Not only do they describe Luke's feelings, but they also hint at the shackles holding him back. But his response to the lyrics was very hopeful.
“I believe that there are no ifs between the two of us. I will make it all come true.”
Perfect Partner had Luke and Rosa work on a case that had a bittersweet conclusion. Timing often plays a role in relationship success. Something that could have easily been a miss had Luke and Rosa not met after eight years. The conflict of the case was due to miscommunication. Both parties could not clear the misunderstanding because they kept missing each other. I can't help but think that it could have been a possible outcome for Luke and Rosa had they not met in time.
In Iridescent Heartbeat, the relationship between them took a step forward, and it developed even further. Everything that happened in that card occurred for a reason.
Luke's pessimism and overprotectiveness took a turn for the worse, almost ruining the whole date. Rosa's patience ran super thin as there's a limit to everything. And clearly, Luke has crossed the line with how overprotective he has gotten.
Time is of the essence, yet Luke wastes it by brooding over the what-ifs:
"Should I take the safest shortcut so that Rosa doesn't get hurt?" "Sticking to this activity is better than doing bungee jumping cuz we might run into accidents."
Luke's thoughts have clouded his reasoning. He believes that counting every step he takes to ensure Rosa's safety is the right thing. But by doing so, their date has quickly turned into a sour one. Luke's behavior makes sense as mentioned before.
But this is where Rosa comes into play. She grew tired and sick of his tendency to overthink things since Timely Rescue. She is not going to stand by and watch the guy decays as he ponders over every single thing that concerns her. That is just a waste of precious time.
Luke's going the extra mile to guarantee her safety at the expense of his fun and her fun.
If Luke is not having fun, then what is the point of the date?
If he can't even do whatever he wants to do, then what is the point?
Life is too short to be wasted on trivial matters such as "possible accidents". Accidents are bound to happen.
Humans are prone to get injured, to trip over, to get hurt. We don't have plot armor, and we are definitely not bulletproof. If things happen, then let them happen. Let them become a part of their experience, part of their memories. So that someday, they can look back at that time and laugh at how silly they were. That is why I find his line in Among the Great Blue quite ironic. He is not sticking to it.
The whole interaction between them proves that Rosa is not afraid to step up and speak her mind. She refuses to stay idle when things are going wrong. She definitely doesn't stand looking at Luke not enjoying himself because his happiness is her happiness.
The story was beautifully connected to Timely Rescue and other cards. It displayed a realistic quarrel between two people who had clashing views.
Luke still hasn't decided to confide in her about his condition yet, and he is still very hesitant whether he should be with her or not.
Rosa was kept in the dark the entire time. Despite that, she could tell that something was off with him.
They resolved the issue through communication which is a primordial element in any couple's road to happiness. Without it, you and your significant other won't last at all.
Rosa is an honest person, and Luke's overprotective trait bothered her so much because he has crossed the line several times. Not only was he restricting Rosa's freedom but also his freedom.
The whole ordeal gave huge character development to Rosa. She looks out for Luke and is greatly concerned over him as well. Luke is not the only person who is busy thinking about her. Rosa also does think about him, and always has been.
The card portrayed a healthy relationship that runs into issues and solves them through communicating.
Luke listening to her and feeling extremely blessed to be by her side was the cherry on top. He understood her, apologized to her, and he promised he won't cross the line again. Her reassuring words held some weight because you only live once. Why would anyone waste their time instead of enjoying themselves?
To Luke, it hits him harder because it involves time which is something intangible and not everlasting. He absolutely shouldn't waste it, especially in his case. He should spend every single minute of his life doing the things he likes, hanging out with the people he loves, and making new and timeless memories with them.
Rosa ended up teaching him a lesson about life and how valuable it is. The way she snapped at him as she ran out of patience and as her frustrations grew all the more obvious has only rendered her as more than a third-dimensional character. Rosa is too real. Too realistic. She has the most natural and wholesome interactions with Luke, and that says a lot about their relationship.
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Moreover, his Lost Gold route expanded his character even further. We get to witness his Raven side first-hand. A side that he is ashamed of showing.
But because of the whole ordeal in Timely Rescue, he decided not to cross the line. He made up his mind and showed her the side that he's been afraid to reveal all this time. A side that developed over those eight years. Rosa witnessed it, and her reaction to it was genuine as well as sweet. She immediately figured out how ashamed he was. And she also understood him and his predicament. Because of his job, he has to be harsh to his suspects. And as Rosa stated, she prefers Luke to be ruthless to protect himself rather than get hurt because of his kindness. Rosa has embraced all of Luke's sides and accepted him the way he is.
Granted, Luke said: "I will become the person that you like", but Rosa doesn't want that. Rosa wants Luke. The genuine person with all of his flaws and all of his strengths.
His response to what she said was so sweet. His embrace and his Thank You were so emotional and meaningful. Luke was afraid he might disappoint her with how much he changed. So, her reassuring words were such a relief to him. Nothing beats being wholeheartedly accepted by your significant other.
Rosa has always felt that the person in front of her is no longer familiar. She thought she always knew him. But the truth is she did not. Rosa has been feeling this way since day one of their reunion. And she openly expressed that in several cards like Alluring Gaze, Xmas Card, Among the Great Blue, to name a few.
Despite her lingering doubts, Rosa still accepts the person who is standing in front of her. Luke might have changed, but Rosa is willing to hold onto him and never let go. She is ready to embrace that unfamiliar figure of his because she loves him.
Her resolve to see past the distance that separated them had never faltered. That is because Luke means much more than that.
Xmas Card revealed that Luke has been hiding from Rosa for a while. It personally pains me to see him run away from her. This card adds more to how much he struggled with himself. Luke wanted to meet Rosa as soon as he came back. He wanted to share all the experiences and the stories that he had in the past eight years. He wanted to confide in her about everything. But, Luke was unable to do so. On top of his illness, he is ashamed to talk about his work as an agent. God only knows what kind of misdeeds he did. It saddens me to know that Luke has been through so much for the past eight years, unbeknownst to Rosa. He has been in many perilous situations. He got so wounded that he does not need an anesthetic to treat himself. Luke grew numb to the pain which is messed up. He got tormented for the longest time. (personal story ch3 and 4)
Luke has been exposed to danger at a young age which explains why he hates seeing Rosa go through the same path.
That also explains why he was so against the idea of her joining the NXX team in the main story.
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In RRG, Luke and Rosa's relationship took a shift and started to progress. Rosa felt bummed out because she thought she knew Luke best but realized that those eight years made him seem foreign to her. Her desire to know all of him and get close to him has been made clear in that card. Rosa seriously started looking at Luke. Her feelings slowly and steadily started surfacing and taking shape.
The whole card was incredible. From us finding out more about Raven to them acting like parents (to Xia Xia) to Rosa getting all emotional over Xia Xia's departure. Rosa's nightmare also proves that she refuses to be apart from Luke and that she is determined to hold onto him because he might slip from her at any moment. A sentiment that she has expressed since Shape of You. Rosa also figured that Luke has been hiding from her for so long, fearing he might bring her trouble. She got upset because she always wanted to be by his side no matter what.
Despite the dangers that Luke may face because of his work, Rosa wants to support him however she can. She is worried about him, and she hates that his life is always at stake, but she has decided not to get in the way of his dreams. Instead, she would bear the brunt with him. They will both go through ups and downs together, hand in hand.
The promise that they made is very precious because it shows just how much they care for each other.
"I promise I will do my best to not compromise myself.
In every minute and every second, I will choose the way that makes me happiest to live.
In every minute and every second, I will remind myself to avidly pursue everything I yearn for.
I definitely will not make this person in front of me, who supports me, feel unhappy or not blessed."
This promise is important because Luke always puts others above himself, and Rosa had enough of that. She wants him to be happy and to think of himself before others.
I would like to take a moment to talk about Luke's design. He is often seen with many gadgets. One of them is a camera.
His camera helps in capturing the moments, turning them into memories that transcend time itself. Luke is still coping with how short his lifespan is. Hence he wishes to savor the beauty of this world by saving every moment in his camera. Because surely, those moments will outlive him, never to be forgotten.
I like how Luke is the owner of an antique shop. An antique shop consists of items that are desirable because of their age, beauty, rarity, and personal emotional connection. These items represent a previous era or period in human history.
Luke as an antique shopkeeper is just so fitting because it feels like he is gathering all sorts of stories and memories connected with each object in his tiny little space to preserve them. After all, they will persevere against the flow of time. An ability that Luke would have liked to possess to put an end to his misery.
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Luke seems to be associated with crows which are a symbol of death. But that symbol represents more than that.
Rosa often thinks of Luke as a free-spirited person, unshackled by any constraints. She firmly believes that he deserves to be free like the birds.
"I hoped that I could also protect Luke, this eagle flying high with his wings spread, and his smile that was as warm as sunshine."
Her impression of Luke has always been that of an eagle spreading his wings in the sky. He represents freedom to her. Seeing Luke restrained by his shackles hurts Rosa to no end. Luke should not be in a cage. Luke should be flying high in the sky. That is where he belongs.
Rosa wants to protect that within her power because he deserves to be happy.
Not only has it been mentioned in the Electrifying Night card but also SoTT.
In SoTT, Luke worships the birds because they soar high in the blue sky. They are the symbol of freedom. But in this story, the roles are reversed. Rosa is trapped in a cage (society conventions) while Luke reaches out to release her. Luke is willing to give up on his freedom so that Rosa can live the way she always wanted to.
“I pray that you will continue to live bravely onwards, as you had described.”
Luke would do anything to see Rosa be happy, even at the cost of his freedom. That is the weight of his sacrifice.
On an unrelated note, Luke's design in SoTT is very self-contradictory and interesting:
His mask is that of Anubis; the God of Death, whereas his necklace is that of Ankh; the symbol of eternal life.
Going by that analogy, the necklace that was given to him by Rosa represents life. Despite being on the verge of death, Luke managed to live thanks to her.
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Honorary Mention:
Looming Nightmare is such a lamentable story. But looking past that, there's a lot of foreshadowing regarding Luke and Rosa's relationship.
The ruby and the sword made a cameo in this card.
Ruby symbolizes romantic love. It brings happiness and passion. It is said to inspire devotion and faithfulness within a romantic relationship.
This symbolism depicts Luke's overflowing feelings towards Rosa.
Because the ruby's hue is close to the color of blood, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body, the gemstone also represents vitality and vigor.
As for the sword, it symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, and courage; metaphysically, it represents discrimination and the penetrating power of the intellect.
It is a symbol of knighthood and chivalry which is very fitting for Luke.
“Passion is the sword of love that pierces through the wall of fears that hold us back.” Lewis Howes
Based on the game's poster art, Luke might also become Rosa's weapon when her ideals will be put to the test.
This card proves yet again just how much both of them are willing to sacrifice for one another.
Granted, it is romantic but it is just as foreboding. Because of his desire to meet Rosa and be with her, Luke was easily deceived by the witch. In this case, not only did Love blind him but also drove him to his death (and ultimately Rosa's death). A tragic ending.
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On a side note, we get to see a very wholesome moment between them at the end of the card.
They always find comfort in each other's company and it's simply heart-warming.
I just love how close and intimate they are even before they started dating.
Their relationship is dynamic since both parties are willing to sacrifice so much to ensure the other is happy. Their love for each other is very pure, selfless, and unconditional. Not only that, but they are also characters with so much depth to analyze. Rosa and Luke are such layered individuals, and it is such a treat. There's more to these characters than what meets the eye (especially Luke)
Luke's personal story focused on the entire three-year issue. Episodes 1 and 2 were angsty enough. But Rosa has sprinkled some of her optimism which also plays as foreshadowing to the anniversary card.
The story behind the escape room puzzle is a straight nod to Luke's whole conflict.
Sphinx/Aaron purposefully planned this so that Luke would have enough balls to confess everything that he has covered from her.
Rosa's answer regarding the escape room's story is an indirect answer to Luke's confession. She insisted that even though your lover might someday disappear, the time spent with them is far more valuable than being apart from them.
Their entire existence brings them joy. So why would anyone be away from their source of happiness?
Luke took it personally because he resonated with the whole story.
At that point, Rosa does not know a thing about his illness, yet her answer hits Luke's very core and being.
The anniversary card was the culmination of several events throughout their story.
Luke's confession happened because reality has slapped him right in the face. He always thought of his short lifespan, but he never considered the possibility of losing Rosa before his eyes.
Rosa is selfless, almost to a fault. Episodes 3 and 4 displayed how she would readily put others above herself. She would easily risk her life for someone else. The incident that almost scarred her gave Luke the last push to finally come clean and confess everything.
For the first time, he revealed everything that he buried for years. Rosa's reply was just as emotional and just as groundbreaking. Everything; from their confrontation to them breaking down into tears to the starry sky in the background turning their childhood place (their old house) all the more intimate to their longing and desire burning in their eyes to them not even needing to utter another word because they yearn to fill each other with warmth; was perfection. The build-up was impeccable. I was a sobbing mess by the end of it.
The music box (Luke's gift) that emanates a rainbow is a throwback to the double rainbows that they saw in Iridescent Heartbeat.
Legend has it that if you keep following a rainbow, you will find a buried treasure underneath it. And as corny as his line may sound, Luke indeed found his treasure (Rosa) a long time ago. It's a whole circle back to the key in his necklace. A gift that was given by Rosa when they were kids.
The music that Luke has picked had so much significance. And the decision behind it was both melancholic and symbolic. His explanation is enough to let us know that Luke went through hell and back for Rosa. Luke was in emotional turmoil the entire time, suffering by himself. But not anymore. Because Rosa's answer gave him hope. It gave him a reason to keep pushing forward.
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When Luke talks about the future, he either uses ambiguous terms like always and forever or becomes pessimistic, knowing he only has three years left.
But it all changed when they started dating. Luke wants to make up for the eight years that he and Rosa have missed out. It neither sounds like an intangible dream nor a regretful mourn. Luke now has more belief in the future and is slowly overcoming his insecurities as they fall in love.
His concept of forever is no longer limited to the three years written in health reports. That concept became the longest time he spends with Rosa. And it's just overflowing with hope compared to how incurable he thought he was.
"So, I’ve decided. If the road ahead is fated to be covered in thorns, then I will grow with you by your side, no matter what comes at us, traversing this bumpy road fearlessly."
Luke's arc is a whole self-love journey. It is about finding yourself amidst all the darkness and hopelessness. It is about being hopeful in the face of despair. It is about living tomorrow to the fullest as if your life depended on it. It is about appreciating and treasuring those who have always supported you. Be it family, friends, or your significant other. It is about cherishing the time you spend with your loved ones. It is about being selfless and chasing after your happiness no matter what the hurdle is.
Luke's arc is a journey that taught him and Rosa many life lessons. They both grew together, went through many hardships, and are maturing together. They are learning to compromise and to adjust to one another. And that makes their bond even more beloved.
Luke no longer needs to shoulder all of the burdens by himself because now he has someone else's shoulder to lean on. Rosa has Luke's shoulder to lean on as well.
It's a journey of self-growth and self-love for both of them.
Rosa and Luke are more than just childhood friends. They are more than just a couple. They are soulmates.
Two individuals who got each other's backs no matter what life throws at them. Their bond is so precious, so dear.
What Luke and Rosa have is special. And watching them grow together is such a sight.
People believe that they are canon. But even if they are not, I am convinced that they will always find each other because they are soulmates.
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Credits: @tiramisiyu for the amazing translations!
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memoria-leia · 3 years
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New Xia Yan/Luke MR [Bright Warmth]
The early light of dawn, bright as the sun.
416 notes · View notes
memoria-leia · 3 years
Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist
See below cut!
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
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memoria-leia · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis:  Xia Yan 【夜落星河】 Falling Galaxies in the Night - Date Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Video
Note: I highly recommend watching the date itself as well (whether in video or in game)!
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memoria-leia · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: 【腾霄】 Xia Yan | Skyflying Date Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist
Translation under cut~
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memoria-leia · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Electrifying Night PV Translation 
Translation Masterlist | (Better Quality) Video
[Passing over the sea of people to see you]
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memoria-leia · 3 years
Tears of Themis: 夏彦 Xia Yan Translation Masterlist
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Complete Masterlist
【夏彦拜访剧情】 Xia Yan Personal Storyline
Chapter 1: 1-1 / 1-3 / 1-4 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Chapter 2: 2-1 / 2-2 / 2-4 / 2-5 / 2-7 / 2-8 / 2-9 / 2-10 / 2-11 / 2-13 / 2-14
Chapter 3: 3-1 / 3-2 / 3-3 / 3-4 / 3-6 / 3-7 / 3-8 / 3-10 / 3-11 / 3-12 / 3-14
【夏彦思绪故事】 Xia Yan’s Card Dates/Monologues
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ SSR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
最佳拍档 | Perfect Partner
微醺视线 | Tipsy Vision 
千灯如昼 | A Thousand Lights like Daytime (Qixi 2020)
虹色心跳 | Rainbow Heartbeat (Lost Gold Event)
温馥予怀 | Warm Embrace (Birthday 2020)
荧荧眸光 | Twinkling Gaze (Skadi Event)
此心安处 | Where the Heart is at Peace (Romantic Rail Getaway Event)
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ SR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
倾落心扉 | Falling Heart (EN: Inner Sanctum)
完美营救 | Perfect Rescue (EN: Timely Rescue)
惊心一刻 | Shocking Moment (EN: Moment of Danger)
碧蓝之间 | Between the Blue (EN: Among the Great Blue)
斑斓光影 | Colourful Light and Shadow (EN: Radiant Sunlight) 
掌中流光 | Light in Palms (Christmas 2020)
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ MR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
陪伴 | Company (White Day 2021)
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memoria-leia · 3 years
Tears of Themis: 夏彦 Xia Yan Translation Masterlist
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Complete Masterlist
【夏彦拜访剧情】 Xia Yan Personal Storyline
Chapter 1: 1-1 / 1-3 / 1-4 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Chapter 2: 2-1 / 2-2 / 2-4 / 2-5 / 2-7 / 2-8 / 2-9 / 2-10 / 2-11 / 2-13 / 2-14
Chapter 3: 3-1 / 3-2 / 3-3 / 3-4 / 3-6 / 3-7 / 3-8 / 3-10 / 3-11 / 3-12 / 3-14
【夏彦思绪故事】 Xia Yan’s Card Dates/Monologues
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ SSR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
最佳拍档 | Perfect Partner
微醺视线 | Tipsy Vision 
千灯如昼 | A Thousand Lights like Daytime (Qixi 2020)
虹色心跳 | Rainbow Heartbeat (Lost Gold Event)
温馥予怀 | Warm Embrace (Birthday 2020)
荧荧眸光 | Twinkling Gaze (Skadi Event)
此心安处 | Where the Heart is at Peace (Romantic Rail Getaway Event)
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ SR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
倾落心扉 | Falling Heart (EN: Inner Sanctum)
完美营救 | Perfect Rescue (EN: Timely Rescue)
惊心一刻 | Shocking Moment (EN: Moment of Danger)
碧蓝之间 | Between the Blue (EN: Among the Great Blue)
斑斓光影 | Colourful Light and Shadow (EN: Radiant Sunlight) 
掌中流光 | Light in Palms (Christmas 2020)
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ MR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
陪伴 | Company (White Day 2021)
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memoria-leia · 3 years
Translation Masterlist
Kiro: Top Experimental Subject R&S / Heaven’s Home for Children R&S / Tenderness Mind’s Quest
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ Main Story Summary✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Season 1: 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37
Season 2: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ Main Story ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Chapter 4 – Heart’s Fire: 4-1 / 4-3 / 4-5 / 4-6 / 4-8 / 4-9 / 4-11 / 4-12 / 4-13 / 4-15 / 4-17 / 4-18
Chapter 5 – Sounds of Falling Snow (Part 1): 5-1 / 5-3 / 5-5 / 5-7 / 5-9 / 5-11 / 5-13 
Part 2: 5-14 / 5-16 / 5-18 / 5-20 / 5-22 / 5-24 / 5-26 / 5-28 
Part 3: 5-29 / 5-31 / 5-33 / 5-35 / 5-37 / 5-39 / 5-40 / 5-42 / 5-43
Chapter 6 – Tiger’s Accomplice Ghost (Part 1): 6-1 / 6-3 / 6-5 / 6-7 / 6-9 / 6-11 / 6-13 / 6-15  
Part 2: 6-16 / 6-18 / 6-20 / 6-22 / 6-24 / 6-26 / 6-27 / 6-28 / 6-29 
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ More  ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Xia Yan (Luke Pearce) Masterlist (Personal Story & Dates) 
2021 Major Events Masterlist 
Other Items Masterlist 
413 notes · View notes
memoria-leia · 3 years
Tears of Themis: 夏彦 Xia Yan Translation Masterlist
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Complete Masterlist
【夏彦拜访剧情】 Xia Yan Personal Storyline
Chapter 1: 1-1 / 1-3 / 1-4 / 1-6 / 1-7 / 1-9 / 1-10 / 1-11 / 1-12 / 1-13
Chapter 2: 2-1 / 2-2 / 2-4 / 2-5 / 2-7 / 2-8 / 2-9 / 2-10 / 2-11 / 2-13 / 2-14
Chapter 3: 3-1 / 3-2 / 3-3 / 3-4 / 3-6 / 3-7 / 3-8 / 3-10 / 3-11 / 3-12 / 3-14
【夏彦思绪故事】 Xia Yan’s Card Dates/Monologues
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ SSR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
最佳拍档 | Perfect Partner
微醺视线 | Tipsy Vision 
千灯如昼 | A Thousand Lights like Daytime (Qixi 2020)
虹色心跳 | Rainbow Heartbeat (Lost Gold Event)
温馥予怀 | Warm Embrace (Birthday 2020)
荧荧眸光 | Twinkling Gaze (Skadi Event)
此心安处 | Where the Heart is at Peace (Romantic Rail Getaway Event)
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ SR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
倾落心扉 | Falling Heart
完美营救 | Perfect Rescue
惊心一刻 | Shocking Moment 
碧蓝之间 | Between the Blue 
斑斓光影 | Colourful Light and Shadow
掌中流光 | Light in Palms (Christmas 2020)
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼ MR ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
陪伴 | Company (White Day 2021)
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memoria-leia · 3 years
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taichi: i’ve been wondering all this while, so, are we like, you know, a c-c-c-couple?
taichi: a-are we dating right now!?
kouhei: he…… he just realised……!?
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memoria-leia · 3 years
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— kouhei & taichi requested by anonymous ❀
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