mentorin-green · 4 years
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Because I-I-I’m the monster who parents tell their children about at night!?
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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‘One son who wanted the throne too much, another who will not take it. Is this my legacy?’
                              ‘Loki died with honour. I shall try to do the same. Is that not legacy enough?’
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mentorin-green · 5 years
Unpopular opinion time
Loki doesn't actually hate humans.
Yes, I know, his disdain for mortals is in all the fanfics and it's terribly funny. But he doesn't, really. Or at least, there's no real reason to assume that he does.
Yes, he talks down to humanity in The Avengers, but he is quite literally not in his right mind AND he happens to be grandstanding at the time (or in the case of his interaction with Thor, feeling particularly defensive). But even then, none of that "you puny mortals are beneath me" sort of attitude exists during his private interactions with Barton and Selvig. He also gives both Barton and Natasha the respect of referring to them by their title (ie, "Agent Barton", "Agent Romanoff"). And this is, again, while he's not even in his right mind.
And yes, he belittles them (sort of? I guess?) at his "trial" in TDW; but he's not speaking plainly here. He's intentionally trying to get under Odin's skin, pointing out his hypocrisy and talking back at him.
And yes, he warns Thor against his relationship with Jane, but note that unlike Odin, his reasoning is not because Jane is inferior to Thor, but because her short lifespan will wind up causing Thor pain. These remarks are also at least in part motivated by his grief over having just lost Frigga.
And by contrast, he cordially introduces himself to Jane (or attempts to, at least). He doesn't lash out when she dares to punch him in the face. And he even expresses some small measure of admiration for her, albeit in a very roundabout, Loki sort of way. To say nothing of the way he repeatedly risks his life to protect her from harm. All very odd things to do for someone you consider to be your inferior.
So, yeah... TL;DR Loki probably doesn't hate humans.
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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“Working with [director] Ken [Branagh on ‘Thor’], it was Loki’s origin story as much as Thor’s origin story, so he was asking for an emotional volatility, a vulnerability, and a spiritual complexity. With [director] Joss [Whedon on ‘The Avengers’], he wants to take both of these characters further down the road and set them off, so he wanted a Loki who was feral and dangerous and having a really good time. Someone who overtly and openly delights in the chaos he creates, as opposed to being kind of incidental and accidental, while never losing sight that the birth of his traits comes from loneliness and spiritual desolation. He has nowhere to call home, no place he belongs, so he’s a wounded soul, Loki.”
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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Pierce: “Oh, he’s gonna answer to us.”
                       (I love so much first Loki face, like “what? In your dreams, not with you.”)
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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You will have your war, Asgardian. If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he cannot find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something sweet as pain.
Tom Hiddleston in ‘The Avengers’, (2012). Dir. Joss Whedon.
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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Maybe he actually likes her.
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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It’s been ages, but this beautiful Loki couldn’t be withheld!
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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[♔] - a king betrayed
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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Young Avengers #12 - Loki
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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Loki deleted scenes thor 2011
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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Marvel’s Loki from the What If jotun comic run, directly referencing Baldur from God of War
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mentorin-green · 5 years
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This blog has become a record of my descent into stanning Loki all over again… Just a study of jotun Loki since he has a new costume to (loosely and barely) refer to,and a cute jotun skin in the app game
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