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Due to lack of free time, @motheringwitch needs to leave the group. Please unfollow. We hope you’ll be able to join us again sometime Chloe!
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Halloween in Midnight Falls
I wonder what it will be like, for the local children to trick or treat in a city where your neighbor might be a supernatural creature...or even the trick or treaters themselves....
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I wonder...what will they wear? What sorts of treats will be given? What a curious thing Halloween in Midnight Falls must be. Come and see....
Explore Midnight Falls: { Plot ~ Navigation ~ Species ~ Rules ~ Questions }
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The Pacific Northwest is scented by the balsam and ceder tang of the tall pines, and the air is fresh and crisp. It is here that the supernatural creatures have found sanctuary and have built a community with some human allies, but there are always those who would wish to do them harm; rogue Hunters, vindictive Demons...nobody is ever truly safe...
However there is safety in numbers, and the creatures will fight for their culture, their country, and their loved ones; whether they be bonded, friend or family. They would die before ever allowing Celtius to fall. Join the fight!
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Explore Midnight Falls: { Plot ~ Navigation ~ Species ~ Rules ~ Questions }  
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*–YAAAWN….I’m so bored and I want to come online and read some new applications!  Do you have what it takes to survive the hunters and find your soulmate?  Check out our new supernatural roleplay, Midnight Falls!
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Are you into shows like Shadowhunters, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and/or Wynonna Earp?  Do you like suspending your belief and disappearing into a world where vampires, werewolves, faeries, angels and demons walk the earth with humans? Then check out this new rp!
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As Summer wanes to the crisp blaze of autumn, the mood changes in Midnight Falls. Some creatures delight in the longer nights, others prefer the cooler air and the scents of nature’s decay.  Autumn elicits a response, one that is somewhat visceral, from many of the supernaturals who reside in the territory. Autumn quickens the wolf blood, excites the vampire senses, exhilarates the faeries, and is a peak spellbinding time for the witches and warlocks therein. Come and see...
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{ Plot ~ Navigation ~ Species ~ Rules ~ Questions }
photo credit: Marie Edwards
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I would love some more apps so come check out Midnight Falls!  We’re a supernatural/fantasy rp hub with many different elements of roleplay for you to enjoy. If you have any questions, just ask!
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I love shows like Supernatural, the Walking Dead, Penny Dreadful and Doctor Who, and I would love to see some more of the cast member’s faces around here! Come apply for our supernatural roleplay and let your imagination run wild!
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*--Kanni sank her fangs into the neck of her soulmate Umana, her human wife and the one for whom all things were necessary.  Umana winced but did not complain. She was nervous about dying, but was eager to reawaken to eternity with Kanni. She grew lightheaded as her blood left her and flowed into her lover, and her heartbeat started to slow. When it had slowed so much it was barely perceptible, and would surely mean certain death for any human, Kanni bit her own arm and held it to Umana’s slackened lips.
“Come my love, drink,” Kanni urged, panic setting in briefly. What if this doesn’t work?
After a moment that felt like a lifetime, Umana’s lips fastened to Kanni’s arm and she began to drink, and as she did so her soulmark-- the mark they both bore which signified their bond-- lit up in a bright glow.  The soulmark recognized that this partnership was moving on to a new phase, hopefully one that would be much less temporary.  In a short while, Umana would open her eyes, and the two of them would never be parted.
Nothing could sever the bond they shared, for now they were both eternal.
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Do you have what it takes to survive in Midnight Falls?
{ Plot ~ Navigation ~ Species ~ Taken FCs ~ Rules ~ Questions }
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I’m not around right now, but I’d love to come online to some apps, so please check out our supernatural rp!  We’ve got witches, vampires, werewolves and more!
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I’m not online right now, but I’d love to come back to some applications and new faces!  Check out our new pairs-based supernatural roleplay!
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So I’m a huge fan of the Marvel flicks and would love to see more of their faces around here. Gimme some Zoe Saldana, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Sebastien Stan, Danai Gurira, Evangeline Lily, Lupita Nyong’o, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pratt, Idris Elba, Michael B. Jordan….Don’t make me go on because I will.  Check out our awesome and active supernatural roleplay and send in some apps!
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*--Jared ran through the woods as quickly as he could, twigs snapping loudly underfoot as he scampered up and over fallen trees and logs. The forests outside of Celtius could be dense, and he had no idea where he was. What was he thinking, venturing outside the safety of the wards?  
The wolfsbane tipped dart that was buried deep into his thigh was slowing him down; draining his strength.  It burned, and he wanted nothing more than to change into his wolf form and claw it out, but he was getting so tired, and he didn’t think he had the strength to make the transformation. The trees started to swim before his eyes, and he was running more and more slowly.
He thought he saw pale blue sky through the trees, indicating an end to the thicket he was being perused through. He summoned enough strength to reach that goal, only to run smack into the face of a cliff. What he thought was sky was solid granite. Despair clutched him as he realized there was no where else to go. He turned slowly and slumped against the stone wall to face his pursuers. He may have lost hope, but he would die with as much dignity as he could muster.
In a matter of moments, the Hunters will come.
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Do you have what it takes to survive Midnight Falls?
{ Plot ~ Navigation ~ Species ~ Taken FCs ~ Rules ~ Questions }
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I’m stuck at work and would love to get my mind off of this boring junk to check out some apps! Come to Midnight Falls and commune with witches, warlocks, vampires and werewolves, but beware the hunters!
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I would love some more apps so come check out Midnight Falls!  We’re a supernatural/fantasy rp hub with many different elements of roleplay for you to enjoy. If you have any questions, just ask!
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*–Amy held her breath as she struck the match and touched it to the candle wick, watching as the flame slowly bloomed into life. This was the final step of the summoning ritual, and it simply had to work– she was desperate. She had to sneak out of Celtius to avoid the wards in order to do this, and despite the risks, she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.
Shortly afterward, the air came to life with a current that no average person would be able to describe; it mimicked electricity but Amy knew it was so much more.  The air crackled with this mystical energy for several seconds and then suddenly ceased as the candle flame extinguished itself.
Amy sat in silence and total darkness, listening only to the sound of her own breathing, which became more agitated as fear overtook her. She was about to stand up when a hand clamped down on hers, and she let out a small squeal of terror. A deep chuckle was her response, and in a low, velvety voice, the demon spoke.
“Child, you have made an error in summoning me here this night.”
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Do you have what it takes to survive in Midnight Falls?
{ Plot ~ Navigation ~ Species ~ Taken FCs ~ Rules ~ Questions }
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Come and check out our supernatural rp!  We have faeries, vampires, werewolves, witches, and warlocks all living in the same city with humans; there are HELP WANTED signs all over town, and there are many creatures just looking to find happiness with their soulmate. But all the while there is danger from the hunters and those would wish to do our community harm. We may need your help!
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