mikeoverson · 7 years
The FBI has illegally deleted the 1s (my) videos at dozens of hosting sites. Here’s the links to the only videos I have left:
In my rated X class 352, (at 30 to 41 min), at Eporner I have a fair amount of proof that the FBI closed the video hosting sites at Viddler, Metacafe, Multiply, Dekhona, Helpful Video, Vod Pod and Video Sharing just to get rid of videos from the 1, (me). It also shows the FBI illegally deleted my videos at YouTube and Vimeo and when they did it at last place I had all of my videos at Viddler on 1-4-22 it was so evil that it canceled the spirit of Christmas for 2022 and 2023, (after the Lord used Asia Carrera and me to get the spirit of Christmas back in 2019 and 2021 for the first time since 1993 in class 352 at 58 to 60 minutes). Again all of^this summarized in class 352 at 30 to 41 minutes.  I’m running out of hosting sites and energy to post my classes so all I have left are at Wistia and at my “Liked” playlist at TikTok and my rated X classes at Eporner.
My rated X comments at Reddit were deleted, (by the FBI), so I put them, (with my latest 2024 updates), in the Quora PDF AND at the post below titled “Links to my PDFs D16 to D100 and Quora”. All those PDFs are also at MediaFire. 
My Twitter (X) AND Instagram AND Quora have a little more info about me.
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mikeoverson · 7 years
Tumblr denied me Blaze to promote my classes eight times.
TikTok is NOT the best place to post my classes but it's all I have left after the FBI has deleted the 1s (my) videos at dozens of hosting sites since 2010 as I explain in class 337. Another example of my classes is 329 about the energy crisis of rising fuel prices.
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mikeoverson · 9 years
Bible Notes 5-12-12 to 6-4-19.
Since I had a calling to represent Jesus return, (in class 314), I felt obligated to post my Bible notes, (this^v is written better in class^314 at four minutes and it explains how God could pick such a disabled mess for such a big job but when Tumblr made me change my password on 3-23-23 it erased a lot of what I wrote here and I don't feel like re-writing it right now). My first Bible notes were from me learning to use my iPhone from 5-11-12 to 8-28-13, it’s 311 pages. By page 130 I finally learned to email the notes to TextEdit where I could add pictures and only page 295 was made with dictation on my Mac but all the rest were typed at six words a minute on my phone, (it was a long and slow and disabled learning process). What works best for me is to skim past the nonsense, (at least half of the notes), until I find a good note. A lot of the notes are just for me, (and no doubt some are very wrong), but some parts have such divine insight to the Bible that it might help some people apply the Bible better to their own lives.
The next Bible notes are from 9-3-15 to 6-4-19 except when I kept accidentally updating it I changed the title to “don't use or update” and started a new PDF. These Bible notes were just for me and have not been cleaned up, (especially to be more considerate of the people I was talking about), but I thought they were still worth posting so here they are:
Bible notes 5-12-12 to 8-28-13
Bible Notes 9-3-15 to 6-4-19
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mikeoverson · 9 years
Links to my PDFs D16 to D100 and Quora.
Normally I, (the1MikeO), would not publish my diaries but it was such a big revenge on the FBI I couldn’t resist it. I tried to stop the FBI from closing the video hosting site Multiply in 2012 because it was the last place I could post my Bible notes. From 2013 to 2016 it looked like the FBI had won a victory over God until I started using Dropbox and it was so easy and efficient that I decided to post more than just my Bible notes to show how evil the FBI was to close Multiply and FriendFeed just to keep me from posting my Bible notes, (so they broke a lot of hearts at Multiply for nothing). My diaries have a lot of rated X pictures because I'm mentally disabled and watching porn is good stress relief, (with the volume off). I deleted diaries D1 to D15 because I didn't know people would be reading those when I wrote them but D16 is when I posted these PDFs at Dropbox so that is the first diary. All the PDFs that follow, (and more), are also at MediaFire
D16 Diary was in 2016.
D76 in 2019 was documenting the FBI sabotaging my motorcycle.
D80 on 9-19-19 has Asia Carrera at most of pages 123 to 220 and how God used the two of us to get the spirit of Christmas back in 2019, (for the first time since 1993), is at pg 224 to 326, (by exposing the illegal activities of the FBI). How Asia Carrera and me were used to help get the ^spirit of Christmas back in 2019^ in D80^ is in the three minute class 307 AND in class 330, (at 7 to 10 min).
D84 is continued from D80 about the afterglow of Christmas 12-25-19 and most of pages 169 to 327 it's about COVID-19 as a scam in 2020 that seemed to be confirmed in 2024 in class 352 at 1:55 hrs.
D93 is continued from D84 about Christmas 2020 because the FBI was trying to take away my motorcycle parking which would end up canceling the spirit of Christmas for 2020 as I explain in class 315, (at 1 to 3 min), but the main point of 315 was to rescue the spirit of Christmas in 2021 and it succeeded, (that is summarized at 1 to 15 and 33 to 37 minutes in the rated X class 343).
D100 became a record of how the FBI canceled Christmas 2022 by deleting all my videos at Viddler on page 20 on 1-4-22. Most of page 20 to 212 in D100 was trying to comprehend how evil that was until I found out it canceled Christmas for 2022 AND 2023.
Dropbox might have blocked ^D100^ from the public so try this MediaFire link or the link at the bottom.
Quora PDF, the FBI deleted my comment trying to reconcile an unfaithful wife to her husband at Quora on 1-13-23 so I posted it here, (it started out as 4 pages but it's up to 73 with my latest update on 9-1-24). It's also at the MediaFire link below.
A wrath of God warning to California in 2017 was overruled as a Christmas present of mercy to the USA, (in three minutes). It's from ^D84  at Page 42 to 46. I deleted this PDF but after I mentioned it in class 352 at 1:57 hrs I had to put the link back at Tumblr.
All these^PDFs and more are at MediaFire.
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mikeoverson · 10 years
The descriptions of the Pearl Harbor photos confirm there will be no nuclear war on earth, (that was in class L123 but the FBI deleted it but I have 10 minute summary of L123 at TikTok. The photos of the National Memorial cemetery of the Pacific explain how it protects my safety to stop by there every time I’ve gone out on my motorcycle since the police and FBI murder attempt on 3-20-14, (as told at the links to my classes). Except the FBI deleted those classes as I explain in class 337.
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mikeoverson · 11 years
Viddler HAD ALL my AOLs and ALL my classes AND my rated X classes and PMVs but the FBI deleted it as I explained in class 337.
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mikeoverson · 11 years
These are my videos at^PopScreen but most of them don't work like when they deleted my account at DailyMotion but I still have some at Metacafe at http://www.metacafe.com/channels/mikeoverson/. Many hosting sites had all my videos but now only Viddler is left at https://www.viddler.com/playlists. My videos are sort of sermons and/or classes from a disabled prophet of God on welfare. I’ve gotten signs that heaven likes to keep things simple and low budget and that I filled the billing for it. My YouTube rock'n roll playlists #2 to 12, (@ 28 to 37 min in class 253 below), became a pretty big visit from heaven which is why the FBI, (Helen you idiot), deleted them over trumped up and trivial copyright and obscenity charges on 3-29-18. Class 253 is like 270 when Vimeo deleted my videos on 10-18-18 and I sum those two up in class 289 (@ 2 min) when the FBI, (Helen you idiot), deleted my website and YouTube account again in 2020. Those classes can be found on the playlists at Viddler at https://www.viddler.com/playlists where I also re-created my rated X playlists that were deleted by the FBI. MetaCafé also has some of my classes at https://www.metacafe.com/channels/mikeoverson/
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