mildly-irritated · 4 years
Im still dissapointed in myself for my one crowning moment on tumblr being a kin post and a vore post
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
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Please this scene was so cute
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
as a general word of advice, whenever possible, please put spaces or commas when you write out long numbers. for people with dyscalculia, 2,000,000 is much much easier to manage than 2000000 and saves a lot of time counting zeroes and trying to space it out in your head. 
also consider writing the number out in letters (two million) next to the numerical version to be even more helpful.
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
Yeah. Yes. Literally me 2 days ago hahahah
you ever been near tears over not understanding math so you look it up online and some fucker is like “there’s no such thing as ‘not being good at math’, just not trying hard enough, sweetie :)”
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
PSA: even people with diagnosed learning disabilities have been so brainwashed that we still tell ourselves that we aren’t working hard enough. We tell ourselves we are stupid. We don’t even realize it’s our disability. Having a piece of paper from a doctor doesn’t erase the lifetime of brainwashing and criticism. It doesn’t make our teachers stop telling us to “stop being lazy.” It doesn’t change the TV shows and movies that depict us as stupid. It doesn’t change the minds of the ignorant.
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
how many people are there in the bare fandom…..can all ten of you reblog this
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
Im helpin wit da pts one!! Pls join its rlly important to us yall yallll
I’m Doing Zines!!
Hey ya’ll! I need some artists for 2 separate zines I’m working on! Both will be open to artists of any medium! I intend for them to be primarily distributed digitally, however if there’s enough interest ! would love to make physical copies as well
The first is a positivity zine for PTSD recovery. @mildlyirritated is co-leading this one with me. We would prefer artists who have dealt with PTSD firsthand for this one, but if you would like to join as support that would be amazing as well!! We want this to be as big as we can possibly get it, so no worries about getting a spot! Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/W4jTBSm2f3Dpnagm9
The second is a zine that I want to focus on the experiences of trans individuals with mental illnesses, anyone who identifies as trans and is diagnosed with any mental illness is free to join, I would like this one to be smaller, probably only 3-5 artists not including myself but I am open to making it bigger! Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/pk6n5zDzsLBUrAAk6 
Even if you dont intend to join, please spread the word! I want to find other artists to work with!
I’m also looking for someone to help edit! If you’re interested just click the link and under the “What type of art?” question say you would like to be an editor!
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
I dont matter to this, but my parents both smoked and i have asthma! This is not only a result of smoking, but other health reasons too. However, smoking was a BIG CAUSE. My mother stopped, and im glad for that. But my father, who spent 2 YEAR IN JAIL just picked up smoking again and im so dissapointed in thay brcause he knows i have asthma and literally cant breathe around cigarettes.
Keep ur cigarettes away from nonsmokers and fucking stay in smoking groups. Have fun ruining each others lungs!!
nah I think we should really stop glorifying cigarettes
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
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mildly-irritated · 5 years
rb if you’d wipe all pedophiles off this earth
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mildly-irritated · 6 years
Hey ik i dont post much but this is my best friend pls help them out!!
I really don’t want to have to do this but my mental health is slowly getting worse and making it hard to get a job. My dad pretty much implied he isn’t interested in taking care of me anymore and by the time our lease is up for renewal I need somewhere else to go.
I’m taking the first step and checking out psychotherapists in the area but the clinic I have my eye on charges $165 for the first appointment and I don’t have that kind of money. In addition to that, I really need to start saving up to find a place away from my dad so really I’m taking what I can get at this point.
If you’re interested in helping
OR reblog, either is appreciated
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mildly-irritated · 6 years
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mildly-irritated · 6 years
I like that.
I like that my kin posi post is my most popular because i believe that kin deserves to be appreciated and understood fully. If you dont agree fuck you
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mildly-irritated · 6 years
If for the last decade Team Starkid has been able to put full musicals on YouTube WITHOUT Ads and still have people interested in going to their shows, then Broadway has no excuse for not making recordings of shows available to the public.
And thats the tea.
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mildly-irritated · 6 years
Hey guy, guyette, or just you.
Merry anything you celebrate hope it was or is a good one i appreciate ur existence lets get ready for 2019 make this ur year be gayer than ever. It is 20guyteen after all
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mildly-irritated · 6 years
Do i wanna?? Probably not
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