mirumir · 4 years
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mirumir · 4 years
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mirumir · 4 years
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mirumir · 7 years
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Pensione per vacanzieri disorganizzati Ex "Cigno nero" Vesëlye rebjata (Grigorij Aleksandrov, 1934)
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mirumir · 9 years
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mirumir · 11 years
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—George W. Bush, American painter
(from “George W. Bush Defends Waterboarding,” CNN, November 9, 2010)
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mirumir · 11 years
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(via Drone Survival Guide)
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mirumir · 11 years
But you know, someone asked us once how we adapt novels, and Ethan said, 'Joel holds the book open by the spine, while I retype it into the computer.'
‘We Are the Establishment Now’
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mirumir · 11 years
It's a joke, the Fabritius. Is has a joke at its heart. And that's what all the very greatest masters do. Rembrandt. Velázquez. Late Titian. They make jokes. They amuse themselves. They build up the illusion, the trick -- but, step closer? it falls apart into brushstrokes. Abstract, unearthly. A different and much deeper sort of beauty altogether. The thing and yet not the thing.
Donna Tartt, The Goldfinch.
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mirumir · 11 years
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mirumir · 11 years
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via reddit
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mirumir · 11 years
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The only 80s gif. http://www.forumradioamatori.it/ via reddit
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mirumir · 11 years
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(via The Red Menace: Anti-Communist Propaganda of the Cold War ~ Kuriositas)
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mirumir · 11 years
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La nuit.
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mirumir · 11 years
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(via e al cinema vacci tu: Belle immagini. Belle parole. Bel libro.)
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mirumir · 11 years
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Bello nascere alla fine di agosto, pare abbia detto la madre di Ernest Hemingway, esattamente 100 anni fa: stava partorendo. Come è secco, come è asciutto! esclamarono (così la leggenda, almeno) levatrici e parenti di 3° grado. E pensare che ancora oggi c’è chi lo accusa di non sapere lo spagnolo. Ma il Nobel (futuro, certo!) non era mica nato nella Spagn
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mirumir · 11 years
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Esattamente un secolo fa, anno più anno meno, vedeva fortunatamente la luce Andy Warhol. Infatti, pur essendo nato alle tre di notte, la stanza d’ospedale in cui si trovava la sua mamma disponeva di varie lampadine. Forse in ricordo (inconscio) di quel momento si accingerà anni dopo ad allineare tante Marilyn. Tante, tantissime Marylin! Altrimenti p
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