misscastlevania · 3 years
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CASTLEVANIA BOYS + Scatterbrained S/O
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ALUCARD tries to be the brains for you. He’s organized, and tries to put things in order for you. Sometimes he even finishes your sentences for you because of how long it takes you to search for the last word. Also, when you forget where you placed things as well, Alucard knows where they are. He does find it cute though as this characteristic of yours makes you very sweet.
TREVOR doesn’t like how absentminded you are. You could get hurt when he’s not there because of how easily distracted you get. He keeps in mind to keep you out of very dangerous battles. Thumps your forehead to make you focus sometimes. It’s a form of “clearing your mind” for him. Doesn’t like the excessive talking or fidgeting, he can hardly keep up when you forget something.
ISSAC snaps his fingers at you to get you to focus. Like Trevor, you getting distracted easily is a big danger, and it worries him. He’s even wondered how you’ve survived for so long. Doesn’t mind your excessive talking, but your fidgeting is what gets him because you can’t stay still. Somewhat apathetic to your scatterbrained mindset, but loves you regardless.
HECTOR is the same way? Only when the time calls for it. Loves when you rant about something, the conversation can go on for hours. Disorganization comes with the package, but he’s good at locating things. He too thinks that being too birdbrained can lead to unwanted dangers so he tries to protect you.
GODBRAND is more confused than anyone when he sees how distracted you get it. He too finds it cute how you switch from one thing to another so quickly. Well, he is a Viking and they do live for dangerous thrills so he doesn’t consider your lack of concentration, “dangerous”. Does keep an eye out for you because of how hyperactive you are.
DRACULA isn’t naturally worried. You are in the castle most of the time and he doesn’t mind your lack of attention of things because there’s so much to explore. He does try to make you focus on one thing sometimes, even seeing how long you concentrate on that one thing. He’s good at keeping conversations and loves when you ask him many questions about him or his castle.
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misscastlevania · 3 years
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ALUCARD isn’t the best at these situations, as no one was there for his grieving until you came along, comforting someone has never been in his favor. He will come sit beside you, either in silence or if you wish to talk to about your problem to him, he’s a great listener.
TREVOR is a bit better than Alucard in this situation. Like Alucard, he’s used to dealing with his sadness alone. However, he does know how to cheer you up whether it’s doing something you love or spending time with you. Also a great listener, and is completely fine with leaving you alone if that is what you suggest.
ISSAC tries to sympathize with your pain, and it normally works, nine times out of ten. Issac is very open with allowing you to have your space. He checks on you later to see if you are sleeping or still in your terrible mood. He comes to lay with you and allows this to be a way to show that he is here for you.
HECTOR does everything he can to make you stop crying. He’s literally panicking inside because of how much you are crying. He instantly tries to find a new tactic to cheer you up since his old ones aren’t working. He tries to make you feel special, and show you that there is no need to cry.
GODBRAND mouth shapes into a big ‘O’ when you start crying from the argument you two are having. Godbrand won’t admit until later, but he feels bad after making you cry. Especially when you cry a lot and he can’t make you stop. His words might sound mean but deep down he’s trying his best and he genuinely cares for you.
DRACULA notices that stress has taken a toll on your mental health. His accusations are correct when you break down in the middle of dinner for no reason. Nothing was said and Dracula was focused on putting you to bed. You eventually stop crying when you lay down to go to sleep. Sort of watches over you before leaving the room.
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misscastlevania · 3 years
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ALUCARD is tender with the first kiss. Awkwardly backs away at first because he did it without your permission. Doesn’t know what to say after it, other than, “I’m sorry”. Admits that’s he likes you very much. He’s excited to be kissing you - too much, that he’s wanting more kisses from you. He soon sheepishly pulls you into more kisses.
TREVOR with no restraint, kisses you and doesn’t stop. Gradually making it deeper when you don’t stop him. He’s never felt so sober in his life. He pulls away once you both are out of breath. You both have a ‘wow’ moment. He’s willing to go further if you don’t want the night to end there.
ISSAC knows what he wants before he leans into you. He ceases your lips and keeps them there. He leaves you with lots of questions on why he kissed you, he’s not willing to answer any of them. He’s sort of stunned himself that he even did that. He was sure of his actions though and he enjoyed it just as much as you did.
HECTOR is overjoyed about your first kiss. He peppers your face in kisses after the passionate kiss. Like Trevor, he’s willing to make to make it more than a kiss. If you’re ready - he won’t pressure you but will say that he enjoyed your first kiss. Both of you become embarrassed at the hint of awkwardness in the air as well.
GODBRAND is risky and he finds himself staring at your lips. First kiss with him is quick, more like a peck. It’s like that at first until he pulls you in for more. He admits that he wants you. That you’re his. First kiss will certainly be rough but he means well.
DRACULA is very calm. Passionate and a deep kiss. A new door opened in your relationship and he was ready for it. He’ll let go if you are in shock, certainly. May or may not leave you breathless - pull away first, you won’t be breathless. Gives you a small smile after.
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misscastlevania · 3 years
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CASTLEVANIA BOYS + how they show their love
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ALUCARD reads with you, a lot. It’s something he can do without feeling embarrassed. You two just cuddle and find a book to read. He’ll put a bookmark in if you two don’t finish the book that night. If you prefer to read individually - he’s fine with that too. Anything where he can relax while sitting close to you.
TREVOR taking care of you when you are drunk(that’s if he isn’t drunk himself). He’ll pay for you and lead you out of the bar. Making sure none of the other drunks touch you. He never would have thought that he would do this for you but here he is taking care of you just like you would do for him. He gives you water and puts you to bed. Deep down, he really really loves you.
ISSAC would let you talk to him about anything really. He’ll listen intently and if it’s a problem he can deal with - he’ll eliminate it for you. Give good advice but sometimes not always the best #1 option. It can sometimes be very violent but it’s the thought that counts.
HECTOR lets you watch him forge. You two have deep conversations as well. Hector can be childish but he becomes serious when it’s about you. He teaches you something about forging as well if you are really interested. Hector usually says “I love you” quickly so usually he wouldn’t really need to show it.
GODBRAND hunts with you or you two play a little killing game. Whoever gets the most kills - win. He gets a little reward on his end though. It’s something that you both enjoy. It’s also to prove that he has your back - anytime any vampire attacks you - he’ll keep an eye on you during the fight as he handles his own battles.
DRACULA dances with you. He’ll show you how to waltz if you don’t know how. He certainly makes it a learning experience despite your embarrassment. He makes it enjoyable though as you dance to the slow music. Never breaking eye contact as you finally get the moves - fast learner.
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misscastlevania · 4 years
*New blog*
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Hi, welcome to my Castlevania blog. Well actually side blog. I’m writing for all castlevania characters. I’ll write headcannons, scenarios, fanfics, drabbles, and imagines.
I’ve watched all 4 seasons. So I’m caught up with everything and am willing to write for any character.
NSFW and SFW, but this blog is really 18+ so minors please don’t interact. Requests are always open and don’t by shy to thirst here.
So I hope to write for you all soon;3
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