On avatar::: * EXiA * Fantine Dress @SOLA FESTA (opens SEP 2) Clawtooth: Space Buns @Uber Eden eyepatch *Tentacio* Eden eyepatch @Kinky CATWA HEAD Tala Go&See * Birdy * Pale ~ skin for Catwa @blush
props:::: {Moon.Phase} Citrus And Herbal Bath @blush Silence. - Clara Anywhere Closet @blush {anc} old partition / white @Uber
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be merry by misse tigerpaw Via Flickr: This Sunday at club IMAGE Team dance "HAPPY" (Holiday version)
[KoKoLoReS] Hair - Cora +Spellbound+ Mistletoe Wreath 3.Yokai - First Snow - Horns (blue) Astralia - Waiting for Holidays
CATWA HEAD Catya v3.0 more more. hana skin_milk (catwa) (add) CATWA RIGGED EYES Catya v3.0 LOTUS. Fairylight Eyes 13 (Catwa) applier
M.I.X.*Color Coat(COAT) -red- M.I.X.*Color Coat(INNER) Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 Mikunch Fringe stall 9
>#EMPIRE - Proteas - Maitreya *Materials* #EMPIRE - Proteas Socks - Maitreya *Materials*
<set props>>>>>>
stars and trees from Jian (old) Drapes from DIGS Snowman from [DDD]
BE MERRY sign , particles are made by me
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This Sunday! at Club IMAGE I will put "This Love" I just updated it with a lovely flower head accessory. It makes it look like a set of snow princess. I hope you will join us at Club IMAGE at 6 am SLT SUNDAY but the song makes me feel a bit sad .
今週はThis Love を踊ります。
ヘッドアクセサリーを新しく追加してみました。 雪の世界のお姫様風のセットになった!
気のせいか女子力も上がった! でもやっぱりこの曲を聴くと切なくなる、乙女な私。
This love の lyrics
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Tea party by misse tigerpaw Via Flickr: Location:LEA27-Monsters’ Tea Party LEA27
[HAIR]Clawtooth: Bride of Frankie
CURELESS [+] Cutie Coven Eyes / LEFT CURELESS [+] Cutie Coven Eyes / RIGHT
AZOURY:Bouquet of flowers
Gown:Dead Dollz
at the gate of where the Monsters’ tea party will be hold
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LEA13floating by missemisse Via Flickr: "Floating" by Bryn Oh and Cica Ghost on LEA 13
[OUTIFT] NAMINOKE:*N*Tentacle Flower FatPac <BOX> *50% off Only if you purchase from a SALE vender
[HAIR].Atomic. Hair // Notorious CATWA HEAD Catya v3.0 Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
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Freddy <3 by missemisse Via Flickr: I will be Mrs Kruger in a team dance "HAPPY-halloween ver" Showtime -This Sunday at club IMAGE @ 7am SLT OCT/22/2017
We have 3 new acts (Coyume, Aelva and Setsuna) I will put my team dance (Audience participation dance ) “HAPPY“ music by Pharell Williams on my hallween version stage set! I will be Mrs Krueger ( A Nightmare on Elm Street ) inspired costume and dance around with a blade-fixed glove on my hand! I know you still want to dance with me!
今週の日曜日もハロウィンの演目続きなIMAGE 新作3つも! (ゆめちゃん、せつなちゃん、アエルバさん) あたしはチームダンス担当! "HAPPY”(pharell williams)のハロウィン版 ステージセットです エルㇺ街の悪夢―Freddy Krueger 鉄の爪をつけて踊リ狂う私と 一緒に踊ってみたい人、どうぞ・・。
<Credit> CATWA HEAD Catya v3.0 Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1.Atomic. Hair // Notorious [Sweater]]8. Dead Dollz - Bad Dream - Before - [Stockings]GATO- Patch Stockings Black (Maitreya&SLink) [Boots]**UTOPIA@Design** - "LEXI" - (Maitreya)[Accesorries] *katat0nik* (LT) Droog Eyepatch 14.Yokai - LoveSick Day - arrow (red) ~LF~ Lip Ring (side/ball) -Catya- .RITUAL. { Ms Krueger } Fedora hat .RITUAL. { Ms Krueger } GLOVE
Location:At my practice stage :D My team dance “HAPPY” set props.
Pumpkins from aisling Police line made by me
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Red riding hood by missemisse
<Credit> CATWA HEAD Catya v3.0 Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 [Hair].Entwined. Mia [Accessories] .::Supernatural::. Circe Eyepatch [Black-Red] .::Supernatural::. Hyuna [Red-Silver] Goth1c0: Scorpions Choker - Black Goth1c0: Infected Make up and Mesh Eyes [TGW] Little Red Hoodie Basket V/. - . GlossyHorns -A- ~LF~ Lip Ring (side/ball) -Catya- [Outfit] CURELESS [+] Little Red Wolf / Favorite Dress / RARE LOOTBOX CURELESS [+] Little Red Wolf / Leather Gloves / RED [Shoes]Momento Boots (Maitreya) - Black
LOcation LEA27
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whip appeal by missemisse Via Flickr: what are you going to be ? 🎃 A princess. nah?
CATWA HEAD Catya v3.0 Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 VISTA PROHAND V.2beta
[Ears]^^Swallow^^ Ears Elf HD - High Definition [Tattoo][Hipster Style] Blue Roses Tattoo Body APPLIERS [Dress]*BOOM* Elle Dress Maitreya (pitch) [Whip]## CI ## Whip - with sound (wear - r hand) [Hair] Exile:: Way That I Feel [Shoes]Essenz - Maldives (Pack 1) Maitreya [Horn] \//. GlossyHorns -A- [Tail].Drastic Heart Tail~ v1.1 [Collar]\//. Rye Collar {MaitreyaLara} [Nail]*PH* super long nail [Lip ring]~LF~ Lip Ring (side/ball) -Catya-
[PROPS]d&b ID mesh letter:Princess:Queen:Bitch
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nevermore by missemisse Via Flickr: I will put "RAVEN" at IMAGE this Sunday@7am SLT A halloween act I made in 2013 inspired from a novel “RAVEN” by Edgar allan poe
演目名: [大鴉 RAVEN] 2013 --曲名-- 10-1:ヴァンパイアの目覚め 10-2:疑惑の人物 10-3:古い人形 BY 甘茶の音楽工房
<outfit> Skirt:*Bliss* Cellandra Flexi Skirt (Feather) Skirt:*Bliss* Cellandra Flexi Skirt (Satin) .::Dead Dollz::. Lucienne - Black .::Dead Dollz::. Valhalla Set - Black
<accessories> Tiara:::: B@R ::: Black Swan Tiara (Chin) [AdN] Rose Eyes patch
<hair>TuTy's -DIVA Vintage hair (medium lenght) black
<on her hand>.::Dead Dollz::Hatrella Ladybug - Left hand
#secondlife#SL#SL showcase#virtual theater#dance show#showdance in SL#love to dance#theatrical act in SL#SL avatar#SL dancer
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Night out by missemisse
OUTFIT>>> (Yummy) Arrow Midi Ring (Yummy) Gem Midi Ring (Yummy) Geometric Moon Ring (Yummy) Mona Glasses - Black (Yummy) Pinky Midi Ring (Yummy) Safety Pin Earring (Yummy) Wave Midi Ring /Wasabi Pills/ Malin Mesh Hair - A CATWA HEAD Lona v3.0 e.marie // Hungry Girl Necklace - Gold *RARE* Kibitz - Diamonds choker - Black - Onyx Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 Moon. Rebel High Tops [RIGGED] FLAT - Gray REIGN.- Fluffikins Phone- Rosegold- #17 TETRA - Stretch Blazer - Maitreya ~LF~ Lip Ring (side/ball)
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Carmen by missemisse Via Flickr: I will be performing "Carmen" This Sunday @ club IMAGE show starts at 7am SLT
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alone by missemisse
CATWA HEAD Catya [With Teeth] v2.10 Hair: +Spellbound+ Honey Rigged Accessories :Moon Amore: Kinky Lips Accesory (Catwa Catya) Astralia - Bdsm witch harnesses (Maitreya Bento) Outfit: Emery Abraham Suede Skirt Tan for Maitreya Body Lara Outfit: Emery Reedus Crop Top Natural for Maitreya Body Lara Shoes: Pure Poison - Anita Sandals - Lara Shoes: Pure Poison - Anita Socks - Lara Prop:Pure Poison - Yesterday's House Prop: :::ChicChica::: Glass of wine Prop: :::ChicChica::: Wine Opened with corkscrew
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breakdown ss by missemisse
The breakdown
at IMAGE SEP10 Sun @7 al SLT
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The breakdown by missemisse Via Flickr: The Breakdown at club IMAGE
updated with mesh head catwa catya
will be performing this Sunday @7 am SLT
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love hurts by missemisse Via Flickr: Astralia - Night Lust Pole Dance from Arcade Gacha
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The secret garden
outfit from Enchantment
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OUTFIT> *BOOM* Elle Dress Maitreya (pitch) .Entwined. Lexie :Moon Amore: Kinky Lips Accesory (Catwa Catya) Ama. : Forever Yours : Collar {Tokon 2} Astralia - Bdsm witch harnesses (Maitreya Bento) CATWA HEAD Catya CATWA RIGGED EYES Lona v1.1 Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1 Pink Acid Bow Trinket Choker - Black N Gold _CD_ Elsa Cream Heels - Maitreya Lara ~.Inkhole - Kahana Horns ( Noir )
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