missingtoddler · 3 years
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Venti 💚
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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translation credits to Exiled Rebels Scanlations
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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peek-a-boo hanguang jun! 
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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There’s an interesting story behind Lan Wangji’s name. It comes from the last line of a poem by acclaimed Chinese poet Li Bai. The sentence reads “我醉君复乐 陶然共忘机” (wǒ zuì jūn fù lè, táo rán gòng wàng jī), which translates to “I become drunk and you’re merry; in our happiness we forget about all worldly matters”. In my mind, this scene perfectly brings to life Xianxian enjoying a jar of Emperor’s Smile with Wangji in the Cloud Recesses after his resurrection, when he is no longer concerned with the vanities of the world.
“Wangji” is a Taoist phrase which means “to hold oneself aloof from the world”. The direct translation is “to forget about worldly crafts”. Chinese fans often describe him as “一尘不染” (meaning not be soiled with even a particle of dust) and “不食人间烟火” (a Taoist phrase now used to describe a person who has otherworldly qualities, who does not associate himself with ordinary temporal matters).
Bonus edit:
Wangji’s birth name 湛 (zhàn) derives from the 诗经 (Classic of Poetry), one of the Chinese ‘Five Classics’ dating back to the Zhou Dynasty and a core pillar of Confucian thinking, studied by scholars to this day. The common meanings of this word are “deep” or “crystal clear”. The phrase 湛清 (zhànqīng) is often used to describe a transparent personality or state of mind that is at its purest form, with no distractions or obscurities. The name is really perfect for Wangji, as the phrase 湛深 (zhànshēn) can be used to describe a person displaying profound knowledge and/or mastery of skills in a complex field. 精湛 (jingzhàn) also means to be deeply proficient and skilled at something, normally used to address masters and pioneers. Interestingly, 湛 has another pronunciation, ‘dān’, which means “happiness” or “indulgence”. A third, rarer way of pronouncing the word is ‘chén’, which means “to sink” or “to make extinct”. I think the multifaceted nature of this character perfectly embodies the deep and complicated being that resides within Wangji. I can’t choose a better name for him.
Bonus trivia:
Wangji’s title is 含光君 (hánguāng-jūn), which directly translates to “noble bearer of light”. 含光 is also the name of one of three of the most powerful swords in Chinese history/mythology, said to have been under the care of Shang Dynasty emperors. Its blade is described to be invisible, and a mortal cannot see it being wielded with their bare eyes. Later interpretations during the Warring States period described the three swords as symbolic stages of a person’s journey to finding the Taoist path, with Han Guang being the final stage of ‘preparedness to enter the Way’ (入道合体之状).
WWX’s name story here
JC’s name story here
LSZ’s name story here
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missingtoddler · 4 years
i got emotional dunno wai :(
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Ending the day
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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experiments in digital watercolor~
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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The nightmare continues…
Little nightmares 2 is so good, and this was so fun to draw! It’s to go with the drawing I did for the first game, which I also drew in pen and can be found >here<
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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SIX - Little Nightmares
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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junior lunch break
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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Senior Weeeei!
cuz mum hen WuXian is the best 
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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junior quartet
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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MONO - Little Nightmares
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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NOME - Little Nightmares
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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Chibi wangxian loving hours🥺🥰💘
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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the only boy ever :(
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missingtoddler · 4 years
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