missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
listen up my dudes, ever since DiCaprio won that Oscar the natural order went to shit, that’s why 2k16 has been such a bad year. We must travel in time and prevent that Leo wins that damn Oscar,, we have to do something before it’s too late.
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Ok so you know how Ashley said to pay close attention to what people say… Is it just me or did Jason just say to aria in episode 9 : “I think you followed her out there and tried to hurt her again” when talking about Alison… First time I watched it I assumed he said “he” referring to Archer but now all I hear is “you”… Aria is fucking A it makes too much sense and this just proves it for me see ye’s - so this could mean 2/3 things:  1. it supports the Aria is A theory (i won’t go into detail there are thousands of theories out there)  2. Aria WAS A, jason said “..tried to hurt her AGAIN”… when has aria hurt alison before? Was jason aware that she was A at some point/involved with A before the time jump? And this looked like Jason accusing Aria of starting it up again (even if she insists to him that this time it isn’t her?) he didn’t seem bothered until he found out Ali could’ve been hurt in the fire.  3. It could also support the theory that on “that night”, the girls tried to/planned to hurt/kill Alison… This would explain what it is that the girls have been so guilty for all these years and what they swore they would never talk about again? This theory could also give Alison motive… or someone close to her like family? 
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Well the Di in Dilaurentis means double, so double Lauren could have been a clue
Really random, but Ali's middle name is Lauren, right? And was supposed to be a clue once upon a time? Well i just noticed that lauren is in diLAURENtis. Probably nothing, but kinda weird :p Anywho love your blog.
Yeah I really don’t understand this “clue.” I was thinking about it just yesterday! Some people think she has a twin called Lauren so that could be why… Idk. Thanks :)
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
I'm rewatching pll and remember when Mike got tied up and pepper sprayed in the eyes? This is when he is on his way to tell the truth about Mona faking her death, and about A. What happed to Mike happened at a path finders scout camp, a few scenes later andrew shows aria his year book entry, and he spent 12 years (I think) at a path finders scout camp!!
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Wren covered for her by keeping people out of her room until she got back.
Heyy, I know this is the most random question ever but I'm rewatching old pll episodes and I forgot how Spencer takes Malcolm to the carnival if she was locked up in Radley? Do you know??
It was before she was locked up I believe.
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Vivian Darkbloom
What if Vivian darkbloom is Mary's third child, if Mary made Kenneth think she was Jessica, she could have had a child that looked exactly like Ali. Vivian could have been Bethany youngs name, Vivian Drake? The name change could have been her adopted name? Bethany could have found out who she really was from Cece who had become friends with Alison. Bethany was in radley for a reason so when she found all this out she wanted revenge. Cece snuck out to stop Bethany like she said, but it would be hard to tell them apart that's why she hit Ali instead Jessica didn't want Alison going out that night, was it because there was another teen running around that looked just like her?
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
N.A.T Club
I have a short theory, that the official members of the N.A.T club, Ian, Garret & Jason, all found something big while recording one of their home movies. Ian killed himself, but Mona (A) staged the note. Garret is killed on the Halloween train shortly after spilling to Spencer about 'that night' Jason is the only one of the original three members to still be alive, and he had a near miss with that elevator incident. Wilden was on the train and I think he killed Garret. In the video Mona had that proved Wilden was one of the queen of hearts, Wilden says something like "he's going to tell them everything" what was he talking about?? He could have killed Ian, and even Jason thought Wilden was behind the elevator. I think the N.A.T club had something on Wilden, something big enough to want them dead. Maybe Jason was spared because everyone knew of his drugged state the entire summer before Ali went missing.
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Bethany was set to meet Alison that night, and since we know Ali wanted to run away before Labour day, we can only assume that Alison had some part to play in what happened to Bethany.
(Hanna found them letters between Alison and Bethany)
Hey, I love the blog, I have 2 questions for you, Has anyone else noticed that Ali's personality has completely changed from the earlier flash backs to now? I mean I almost wanted to hit her in the head with a rock in the beginning! 2nd How would anyone but Alison, her attacker, the weird old lady that pulled her out, or Ali's mom know where Alison was buried to hide the new body there, in the exact same clothes, INCLUDING the copied "Alison" bracelet that Jason gave the girls in season 1?
Thanks! Sorry for the extremely late reply.
But, absolutely. It’s either she is a completely different person…or there’s definitely something wrong with her. Or BOTH.
This season (5), I’m utterly convinced that Ali is cuckoo. Something’s just NOT right.
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
When Mona called wren about Spencer, Spencer refers to wren as "the good doctor"
The Good Doctor
In 6x17 Ali receives a text referring to a ‘good doctor’, in 6x19 Ali tells Rollins that 'every good thing comes with a bad’. I though this was interesting as its evidence that there’s also a bad doctor.
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Bitch can see!
What if... Jenna is pretending to be blind again? We know that she used to be able to sense if someone was right in front of her. When she was pretending to be blind after her first operation, the lairs suggested she was more blind than she was before the operation. The way she went past the lairs when holding the gun, made me think she did it on purpose, even if she was blind she should have been able to hear them breathing. She did say being blind was her protection, after all she saw nate with maya. Imagine what else she could have seen?
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
REBLOG: go to your blog and click the egg to see what hatches
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
What if the initials are the end of a name and not the beginning? Example: ezrA fitzgeralD
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Could wilden have been involded that's why he really killed Garret? Garret was the one who told Spencer about the medical records after all?
okay, but what i don't get is that ali and bethanys dental records had been switched when bethany was buried but mona didn't even know who bethany was so how in the hell did she manage to switch their dental records? like it makes so sense whatsoever
*adds this to my list entitled “Proof that Mona is a big fat liar”*
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Charlotte made aria dye her hair pink so she probs threatened her to dye it, also if your captor dyed your hair I doubt you would k3ep it like it was Mona probably dyed it back soon as she got home I dunno
Okay I want to know one thing about the dollhouse.
Emily said that Mona’s blonde hair was real. So who dyed it to look that nice and to keep up with the roots? Did they have a salon? Plus how did she come back afterwards and her hair looked normal?
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Every time you have a period your body gets rid of unused eggs, so basically her body will make more if she stays healthy.
Could Emily still have kids? Can you explain the donating eggs thing
I dont think she can… I think that they said that she donated all her eggs. I’m not sure though… Does anyone know if she can??
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
I see it like this;
The liars: blackmailed by AD Noel & Jenna: one step ahead of the liars but also being blackmailed by AD Mary: working with AD but they keep their mask on ?? AD: one step ahead of everyone so far.
Also, what if Mona let Noel go because she wanted to follow him, so she ended up in the spooky house , she could know that Mary is working with AD so used her to help Mary and Mona could've been in the house and came out when they heard the gunshot, AD shot then escaped ?? Then Mona and Mary ran out, Mona knocked Jenna out while Mary saw to Spencer??
No facts just speculation :)
Jenna seemed afraid of A.D, so I don’t think Noel and Jenna informed him/her about the plan.
I’m lost on what their connection to AD is. Like things I’ve read imply they are working with him, but then like you say, she was scared of him and he actually kidnapped her… You could be onto something there when you say they didn’t inform him of the plan
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missmalfoy73-blog · 8 years
Wren could very well be AD. Just think what is a way of having someone in the show without that person physically being there? Stick a mask on AD. I know about the suspected long hair under the hood but the hoodie could be Mona going A style to find AD.
surely they wouldn't exclude wren from all of 7b and then suddenly make im AD in the last episode? this worries me that it might completely rule him out.... he hasn't been on in so long that its nearly impossible to do it well without him having been in at least a lot of the last episodes :/
I’m not going to definitely say he is or he isn’t. It could go either way! CeCe wasn’t around at all in season 6 and hadn’t been in a episode since the end of season 5, so I don’t think him only being shown once or twice excludes him.
Also, I immediately thought “ok, he’s not AD now Marlene has said all this” but what if that’s what she was trying to do? She knows he is probably the most popular suspect, so what if she hyped him up in a huge way, so everyone would go “oh well it’s not him” and then SURPRISE it is him! One of those very obvious hints they like to play around with every now and then.
Like I said, it could go either way. This doesn’t tell us anything really, it just makes his return all the more exciting! Also, even if he isn’t AD, at least we can expect big things from him which is what I’ve always hoped for! Finally an exciting explanation that is worth the wait!
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