miywskin · 2 years
life beliefs:
beliefs you can identify with
1. Existentialism is the belief that through a combination of awareness, free will, and personal responsibility, one can construct their own meaning within a world that intrinsically has none of its own.
2. Nihilism is the belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the universe, but that it's pointless to try to construct our own as a substitute.
3. Absurdism is the belief that a search for meaning is inherently in conflict with the actual lack of meaning, but that one should both accept this and simultaneously rebel against it by embracing what life has to offer.
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miywskin · 2 years
koi fish:
Legend has it that koi scaled a mighty waterfall on the promise of success and happiness at its crest. Rising through the rushing water with grace and determination, they were transformed into golden dragons when they reached the top.
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miywskin · 2 years
for the school year:
suggestions that maybe help you in your academic life
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Stay on top of your work. I cannot stress this enough. College isn't like high school where your professors hover over you to make sure you're getting the job done. It is solely up to you to complete your assignments, courses and anything else you are asked to do.
Link with your professors. I'm not saying you guys have to be best friends, but make sure they know who you are. Attend classes and enjoy office hours. This is especially helpful when you need references after you graduate. The last thing you want is to email an old professor only to get a "Do I even know you?" in exchange.
Be balanced. School can get tough and you are likely to feel drained. Make sure you allocate your time to spend on non-academic things like being with friends, family, or even yourself. The rest is just as important as the work, so be kind to yourself!
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miywskin · 2 years
school/uni essentials:
things that i consider essential for an academic romanticization and personal well-being with the school
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a bottle of water, a bottle of tea, black pens, books, classical music playlist or a studio ghibli lofi playlist, lip balm, deodorant, body splash/perfume, pack of gum, glasses, headphones, a simple makeup bag (mascara, concealer and black and brown eyeliner), nail file, hand cream, body cream (i use the one from giovanna baby that has the pink packaging), menstrual pad, cell phone or tablet
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miywskin · 2 years
tell me honestly that it wasn't me who drew stars around your scars
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miywskin · 2 years
you didn't touch my heart the way you touched my waist
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miywskin · 2 years
how to tap into your feminine energy:
points I believe are worth highlighting as a daily reminder
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1. LIMITS. You are in high demand and never for sale. Your boundaries are so important. You are not a cheap sell, you are expensive and that will eliminate all the dusty, crappy people from your circle and energy.
2. CONFIDENCE. Being flirty is another way to boost your confidence and feelings of self-worth. The best part isn't the other person's validation, but knowing how your feminine energy has such a powerful effect on others.
3. FORTIFICATION. Elevate other women, the more women who are exploited in their femininity or just true to themselves, the more we collectively raise the bar. We raise male energy because they are our opposite, it is duality and they must raise yours.
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miywskin · 2 years
absorb in the best way:
messages and thoughts that you could start to accept and, above all, think about and analyze
You are only responsible for the life you've been leading. You are where you put yourself. Your life is absolutely your merit, whether by your conscious or unconscious actions, by the quality of your thoughts, behaviors and words . As painful as it is, it was you who brought your life to the point where it is today. Then only you could change that circumstance.
By Daniel Mancine Vitale, Dândi; 'Let yourself fall apart whenever possible, don't destroy yourself to keep others whole. You deserve your time, your silence and your way of seeing the world being tested. Maybe that's it, you know? The reason I know you're strong and brave and all bullshit included is part of the greatness of who you are.'
By Atthis Kavalier; ‘It will hurt, you will feel alone, despair will hit you hard. Give thanks for the forces that surround you, for the good energies you keep. The Universe brings what is yours in due time, do not run or overtake.'
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(atthis kavalier and dândi/daniel are characters that departed from fanfiction 'rock máfia' (and another, called 'prince of the broken heart', which contains the story intertwined with rock máfia), posted on the wattpad platform, by the author @/vodkaart_)
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miywskin · 2 years
why and how can we study new languages?
texts made based on excerpts from books, my ideals and some reports that I see and hear quite often
I believe that we should learn languages ​​because language is the only thing worth knowing, however bad it may be.
If anyone knows how to play the violin a little, he will find that the painful minutes he endures are not proportionate to the possible joy he derives from playing. The amateur chemist is spared ridicule only so long as he does not aspire to professional laurels. The man somewhat skilled in medicine will not get far, and if he tries to trade his knowledge without certification he will be arrested as an unprofessional doctor.
Only in the world of languages ​​does the amateur have value. Well-meaning, error-ridden sentences can still build bridges between people. Asking in broken Italian which train we should board at Venice railway station is far from pointless. In fact, it's better to do that than to be uncertain and silent and end up going back to a place you didn't plan to be.
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Steps to learn a language:
1. Learn the alphabet/writing system.
2. Learn basic phrases.
3. Learn everyday verbs in the present tense, that is (have, go, want, be able to, walk, run, read, write, listen, teach, etc).
4. Learn words that you specifically use all the time.
5. Learn the basic past.
6. Learn filler words/transition words.
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miywskin · 2 years
be your best version:
here are points in which i consider it important to feed, care for and seek to put into practice:
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High confidence boosts self-esteem, know what puts you in a high frequency. You become a vibrational combination of luxury and all things high quality because you are high quality.
Realize that right and wrong do not exist as society tells us they do. There is only what is true for you. And when you follow that truth, you are embodying love. Leave behind any ideas of how life "should" be and forge your own path towards your soul's purpose.
Release pent-up anger, sadness, trauma, pain, shame from this life, past lives, ancestors and even the collective. Create the deep knowledge that your underworld, its shadows, fears, traumas, is an eternal source of gems, gifts, magic and wisdom.
Reconnect with the natural rhythms, cycles and magic of the natural world, the moon, the blood cycle and the death/birth cycle (this is the energy to work with to heal "women specific" physical ailments).
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miywskin · 2 years
understand it:
plan the change, understanding and recreation of this:
We create an ideal of how we should be so that everyone accepts us. We especially try to please those who love us, like mom and dad, our older brothers and sisters, the priests and teachers. By trying to be nice to them, we create an image of perfection, but we don't fit that image. She is not real. We will never be perfect from that point of view. Never.
Not being perfect, we reject ourselves. The level of self-rejection depends on how effective the adults were in breaking our integrity. Once domestication is complete, it is no longer a matter of being good enough for other people. We cannot forgive ourselves for not being what we want to be, or rather, what we believe we want to be. We cannot forgive ourselves for not being perfect. We know that we are not who we are supposed to be and therefore we feel false, frustrated and dishonest. We try to hide from ourselves, and pretend to be who we are not. The result is that we feel authentic by wearing social masks to keep others from noticing. We are afraid that someone else will notice that we are not who we intend to be. We similarly judge others according to our image of perfection, and naturally, they don't live up to our expectations. We dishonor ourselves just to please other people.
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(this text was taken from an image i saved on pinterest. i give the credits to whoever wrote and elaborated it).
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miywskin · 2 years
high school girl:
how to improve in studies and be your best academic version?
(remembering that these are tips and thoughts that I follow, believe and understand as more effective for me and my school performance).
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1. First, understand the importance of your mental, spiritual, and bodily boundaries. Take care, stay in maintenance. Your brain needs, just like your body and soul, to be in good condition, good air, good energy and everything that encompasses the positive. If you feel good, look for ways to leverage what is downgraded in you, look for improvements that will help you in personal matters. The smallest things are necessary. Your comfort with yourself and with the world is extremely important to initiate any planned, effective and correct act.
2. Use and abuse the benefits attributed to you for the study. You have in your hands several forms of learning, know how to choose the one that best fits with your facilities. Several websites, applications, games, movies and series are exposed to your general understanding, ready to be consumed. Like people, who can guide you in your academic progress. Teachers, friends or even family members that you love and, above all, trust, are valid for this. Don't be afraid to question what you don't know.
3. Never refrain from growing. Never assume that what you know is enough, and that it is not necessary to look for new ideals, ways and reasons. We are constantly changing, we change our skin several times, we don't stop modifying and being modified. So don't be presumptuous in believing that there isn't more you can consume, because there is and always will be.
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4. This might sound like bullshit, but it really worked for me. Therefore, I suggest the idea of ​​keeping in your life images, videos or anything that makes you feel intellectually disposed. Whether to read a book, study some subject or new language, anyway. When living with the habit of saving with you materials that instigate your brain to perform the practice that appears there, everything seems to become less tedious and unlikely to happen. Therefore, saving study photos, books, people reading and everything that encompasses the world you are about to enter is extremely valid! Live what you want to live, be what you planned and what you plan.
5. Follow the people who will give you a more noticeable intellectual advance. In other words, refrain from observing and hanging out with anyone who wouldn't add to you or add to something, in this case, academically speaking (but this suggestion can be used in any segment of your life).
6. Find the way that works best for you when it comes to studying for exams. Sometimes, we judge ourselves incapable and devoid of intelligence when we study a lot and don't remember the subject in the necessary time. The cause of this is diverse, I can't say exactly why this event occurs so often, as it may arise due to some neurological difficulty/dysfunction, psychological issues that would need to be taken care of and treated with specialists (and I'm not one). However, the strategy of seeking your way of absorbing information is essential. Try to understand if you work better with audios, repetitions of phrases and summaries, essays, videos. Understand your minimum and maximum learning time, do not exceed your limits. Create a routine that suits you, use the pomodoro method and regulate your schedules in order to correspond to the plans defined for certain exams.
I really hope that these few suggestions I have given are of some use. Remember, you can shape them in whatever way is most fulfilling for you. There is no rule.
Thanks for reading this far and sorry for any spelling mistakes, inaccuracies in context or the like. English is not my native language!
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