mmiharamio · 4 years
Ohh i am so sick of soup 🤣🤣🤣
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mmiharamio · 4 years
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Copyleft or theft
She stole and she change the name of models and not giving a good credit to the author and she make own herself design
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mmiharamio · 4 years
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This thief supports the robin hood
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Life and death is a true partners and they never split in reality
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By popular request, I have now tried a “happy” comic. A new character is also introduced. But I don’t know yet if this one will appear again. It was a lot of fun to draw this comic, but I think the heartbreaking stories are more my style :’)
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Are you still annoyed to me 😹😹😻😻
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Blow them in breeze of air 🌬🌬💐💐
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Bloomed dandelions by hobopeeba
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Not all knowledge is your discovery that you should remember that they also have an focus on the origins and that you simply claim that you are in respect to whom they come from
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Better to go in catspa
I think my cats are broken
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mmiharamio · 4 years
I can't resist to touch this lovely cat
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Me : staying in my house You : running in around of the tree in this rain season
Me heading out after quarantine
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Me : staying in my house You : running in around of the tree in this rain season
Me heading out after quarantine
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mmiharamio · 4 years
Name Numerology
Every letter of the alphabet matches a number from 1-9. The number can be calculated by the digit sum equaling the place of the letter in the alphabet. E.g. ‘K’ is the 11th letter, the digit sum of 11 is 2, so ‘K’ equals the number of 2.
Alphabetical number table:
1      A      J      S
2      B      K      T
3      C      L      U
4      D      M     V
5      E      N      W
6      F      O      X
7      G      P      Y
8      H      Q      Z
9       I       R
For the calculation of your Name, Personality and Heart number use your complete name(s) with first, middle and last names as it is written on your birth certificate! (This will bring the most accurate results.)
Here’s an example of how to calculate the Name number:
                          J   E   F   F   R   E   Y         L   E   B   O   W   S   K   I
                          1   5   6   6    9   5   7         3   5   2   6    5    1   2  9
add together                     39                                          33
build digit sum                3+9=12                                 3+3=6
                                       1+2= 3                                  stays 6
add together                                           3+6=9
NAME NUMBER IS                                     9
What your Name number indicates:
(1)    A leadership personality with frontier spirit, strength, independence and determination.
(2)    A diplomat and peacemaker who is sensitive towards the own and other people’s emotions.
(3)    A master of words, always appearing to be youthful who is able to do many things at once and who becomes more self-confident in the process of getting older.
(4)    A practical person who works hard, is patient and possesses a sense of detail.
(5)    A freedom-loving traveller who appreciates diversity and change and who is able to do many things at once.
(6)    A harmonious person who loves a peaceful home, family and all things beautiful and who is responsible as well.
(7)    An analyst who is wise to use his time for reading and writing and moreover doesn’t miss the forest despite of all the trees.
(8)    An organiser who gains power and success when being in charge of one’s own fate.
(9)    A true humanist who loves art, music or voyages. You give generously and need recognition.
For calculating your Personality number you do the same as above only using the consonants of your name(s).
E.g.  J E F F R E Y     L E B O W S K I  —  J F F R Y    L B W K S                       Personality number: 6
Your Personality number indicates that the people surrounding you see you as:
(1)    daring, independent, original, strong-willed, competitive
(2)    receptive, sensitive, empathetic, cooperative, diplomatic
(3)    friendly, optimistic, eloquent, happy-go-lucky, entertaining
(4)    disciplined, practical, hardworking, reliable, loyal
(5)    astute, versatile, active, adventurous, modern
(6)    affectionate, adaptable, helpful, responsible, fair
(7)    restrained, self-confident, critical, analytical, trust-worthy
(8)    modest, disciplined, efficient, powerful, successful
(9)    gentle, generous, helpful, tolerant, influential
For calculating your Heart number you do the same as above only using the vowels of your name(s).
E.g.   J E F F R E Y     L E B O W S K I   —   E E     E O I   —   Heart number: 3
Your Heart number indicates that your deepest inner feelings, wishes and skills motivate you to:
(1)    use your own ideas to lead and guide others exemplary.
(2)    collaborate with others and to use your sensitivity and diplomatic skills to be a joy to the people around you.
(3)    express your optimism and creativity.
(4)    bring sacrifices to reach tangible results for all your hands-on plans.
(5)    seek adventures and to live life on the fast lane.
(6)    create harmony and a peaceful atmosphere.
(7)    spend time alone seeking for the truth and to reflect on the meaning of life.
(8)    take things in your own hands and to use your energy to gain money, power and success.
(9)    use your knowledge and compassion for the benefit of others.
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mmiharamio · 4 years
I love veggies 😻💞💞👏👏
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Johanna Puhl on Instagram
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mmiharamio · 6 years
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This is my new beginning of my journey of my blog i hope more prosperous and joyful in the beginnging of 2019
UNITS : 30 Sqrs Pcs
DESIGNER : Valentina Minayeva
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mmiharamio · 6 years
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“Rose’s is most beautiful flower in the world” after the time and days but i don’t care if i fail to dare myself in time challenge but the result is almost beautiful and perfect i wanted to fold this model again but what color that suits may i need your recommendation 
UNITS : 90 Pcs Sqrs
DESIGNER : MioTsugawa
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