momogender-blog · 6 years
the moment i realized i was momgender and eggkin
i was eating egg with cototo one morning, and i felt this very weird feeling in my stomach. it felt wrong to eat eggs. it got hard to breathe and my mouth got itchy. from that moment on i knew i was eggkin. and then this summer i saw the pictures of momo and i related to her right away, i felt like i could connect to her and that we were the same. i was momogender.
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momogender-blog · 6 years
I coined a new gender term! It's "soupgender," which means your gender has one base with many smaller genders and gender elements floating in it like the ingredients. For example, a "soupboy" would be a boy with other genders and gender elements mixed in. What do you think?
Oooo I like this!Also, a similar gender you can check out is nebulagender, which is along this lines, but spacey and more primarily for xenogenders!-Admin Opal
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momogender-blog · 6 years
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❀ he/him lesbian flag ❀
a very dear friend of mine (who wishes to remain anonymous) requested that I create an aesthetic version of the lesbian flag to represent him and other lesbians who share his identity. 
in the light of all this discourse over whether or not pronouns are inherently gendered, and people arguing that only men own he/him pronouns, only women own she/her pronouns, only nonbinary people own they/them pronouns, and no other pronouns are valid, it’s important to take time to make some positivity for those of you who are brave enough to identify in a way that many people in our community don’t understand, or outrightly disapprove of. 
if you’re a he/him lesbian, a she/her gay, or you use pronouns outside the gender binary, remember that you are loved, and please know that anyone who puts this flag on their blog wholeheartedly supports you  ♡ ♡ ♡
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momogender-blog · 6 years
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momogender-blog · 6 years
how i met my boyfriend
okay so i was at this ikea and i was at the kaviar section because my family left me there all alone): and then this handsome guy wearing a yu-gi-oh shirt just randomly walks by and i kind of whisper “omg a hot guy likes yu-gi-oh” and he heard me!!!! i started blushing and he stopped walking and turned around also blushing. he walked up to me and scratched the back of his head and said “uhm ... thank you, it’s my favorite show” and i was like omg!!! me too!!!! and then we talked for a while until my family came to get me and we followed each other on instagram and we’ve been talking ever since! we have now been together for one year!!!!!!! 
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momogender-blog · 6 years
Pls help!!!!
Okay so today I went downstairs and I found my mom looking through tumblr! She was looking at gender stuff and she told me “what the heck, these people identifying as kin things are messed up”
That was when i had to tell her I am africabytotokin. She grounded me!!!! I hate my mom so much omg shes so uneducated.
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momogender-blog · 6 years
i know this page is new but i just wanted to let you all know you can always message me and be met by supportive respons! and honest answers if you have a question or two!!
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momogender-blog · 6 years
all genders are valid!!!
reblog if you think that all genders are valid and should be respected!!! including furries!!
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