monkxyslut · 10 years
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"Nathan. Nathan Young. A'right then, no drinks. I have 50p - that's enough to buy a KitKat, finger each if you're in. Still, come with me. We can swap some funny stories to see if we have similar tastes and interests, overcome some emotional hurdles and have a few huge rows."
+ monkxyslut
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  ”Three things, one - I cannot take care of a child, I can barely keep a goldfish alive. Two, I can’t drink, I’m pregnant, And three, I don’t know your name, I won’t go anywhere with you before I know your name.”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"Y'er givin' it up!? Let me take you out for a drink, try and change your mind?"
+ monkxyslut
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  ”He’s back in America, I’m here to meet some people that want to adopt the little bastard.”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"I know that you're bullshittin'!" His head lifted in surprise, lips telling a different story. "You wouldn't be able to handle any of this anyway."
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"Considering I just started, I really have no idea who you are." She just blinked toward him before smirking a bit. "You should be so lucky."
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"O' really? I dated a pregnant chick once. Where's the father?"
+ monkxyslut
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  ”I am, but I’m also super-pregnant.”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"Name's don't matter. Are you single?"
+ monkxyslut
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”Hey, who are you?”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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     "And why fookin' not?” It wasn't necessarily that he had changed dramatically towards her, but rather stored all his gestures and facial expressions of the lighter sort for a time when he had broken her down. "No offence, love, but I'm way outta' your league." He sat up, eyes dashing towards her, cigarette still in mouth. The words slowly but surely vibrated off of the end of the blunt, echoing into her direction. "I'm not good with this love shit...but I fancy you. There, I said it." 
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       ”Really? Did you really just say that?” She let out a small chuckle, shaking her head. Quickly fixing her posture she would shrug her shoulders once more at the other, gaze falling to her feet. “—Well.. We wouldn’t at all.” She stated, pursing her slightly, zoning out just a bit. “Listen, you should really lay of the subject, yeah?”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"---wait. You're in community service, too?  Then you must'of heard me! Nathan Young. The man you've been looking for your whole life.”
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"Molly. Who the fuck are you? Didn’t know taking roll call was such a big deal for community service.”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
"Oh, I'm makin' too much noise? Listen to yer'self, love. Your mouth is as big as your massive vagina!”  
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  "Tha’ ain’t the fookin’ point nah innet? Yer makin’ too much noise!"
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monkxyslut · 10 years
"P-lease! How many probation officers have we killed!? And you fookin' think we're gonna' get done f'er trespassin'..."  
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"Look, I ain’t fookin’ round, ya? Tis fookin’ dark out, yer gunna get us caught.”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"OH, BUT I CAN. Lemme' just bend over, squeeze ma' arse cheeks...                                                                    ...IT'S COMIN'!"                                                          
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"Please tell me you can’t actually do something like that…” 
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"You takin' the piss?  Anyway, who tha' fuck are you?”
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”..I’d really rather not.”
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"Oh, come one, Barry! Ya' know you love it! Besides, wot's the point in'a new power if I can't even use it?”
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"No— put your clothes back on."
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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     He had a first hand view of this power that she claimed to have, it was almost magical. He had gotten used to strange, unthinkable powers before, but the way that this woman created a flame out of nothing was truly a sight to see. ”I always thought that  you were hot." He added the smart remark onto the situation before closing his mouth completely; cigarette tightening in between his lips making the in hail so much sweeter. Right hand now coming up to take a hold of the cigarette once more, his mouth opened and a cloud of smoke escaped from within. "How's that work then? I can't bring up sleepin' wid' ya'...but how would ya' sleep with me if I don't bring it up?"
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       Tensing up yet again she motioned her eyes towards the cigarette, shifting her body to face his, her gaze motioned itself towards his, eyes locking. She pursed her lips, mouth opening slightly, a gentle blow of the breath ignited a small flame to the cigarette for a short period of time. The flame reflecting off of the twos eyes, before it disappeared. Leaning back from him she crossed one leg over the other, hands resting in her lap. “Sleep with you? Oh, I don’t sleep with men who don’t keep their word. Guess ya’ luck is blown.” She stated, her lips curving upwards into a small smile, shrugging with the response. 
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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"I'm back from Vegas!  Who wan's ta' see me pull'a rabbit outta' my arse!?"
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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     "You ain't got one, I ain't got one. How about we jus' sleep with each other?" That same lengthy object wrapped in between his index and middle finger was perfectly held together by his thumb. It created perfect balance so that his opposite hand could come up and match the dramatic movement that the rest of his body took; lunging forward towards the woman who was obviously expressing her feelings to him. ”I never would'a thought that powers come in handy---not ones from the bloody A-list, anyway." His arm once again took upon its previous position around her shoulder, hand holding the cigarette now closing towards his face before slipping it in the middle of his tight lip line. "Spark 'us up."   
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       She quickly rolled her eyes in response to his STD comment, afterwards letting a quiet chuckle emerge from her lips. “Bollocks? Nah, mate. What’s goin’ to happen the day you get one? Then what?” She raised both of her brows, a playful grin surfaces on her lips,  her hands slowly sliding out of her pockets, eyes wandering towards his hands. “Well,” she started, shrugging slightly “I can produce fire out of hands, er— When I get angry—” There wasn’t any easy way of explaining this to him. “My body is like a weapon when I get angry.. Whatever part of my body that I use to threaten or fend myself with, it just— gets hot and sometimes produces flames.” She answered, her tone quiet and slightly awkward. “I don’t exactly know how to control it yet, that’s one of the reasons I tried to pry you off before. I’ve hurt people before, accidentally.. I don’t mean to.” 
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monkxyslut · 10 years
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     A smile---the same irritating smile that had never completely left his jaw lifted once more. ”An STD? Nah. Those'are just myths. Like Dodo birds! It's all'a load of bollocks!" For the first time in their entire conversation, he had not continued to pursue - instead it leaned the opposite way; arm leaning over and fingertips wrapping around cigarette-shaped object located on the desk side. "So, tell me about this power."   
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       She could feel the tension building up which resulted in her clasping her hands together, luckily the other knew how to break that tension. She shrugged at the other, sliding her hands into the creases of her denim jeans. “So you broke your word.” She stated, her eyes locking onto his, “You really need to calm down, all shaggin’ is gonna get you is an STD.”
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