monstrously-yours · 3 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
We don’t have to talk about it. We don’t have to talk about anything.
I repeat ‘don’t’ between ‘I’ and ‘love you’, I repeat it so often, my tongue wears down a spot in my mouth.
We don’t have to talk about it.
The impermanent, this reminds me how nothing ever stays whole. There will come a time when china breaks, glass shatters, bombs explode, all things that come up must come down,
We don’t have to talk about anything.
I wonder how many laughs I can get out of you, wondering where I am on the countdown to the day you get bored of me. Why don’t things ever stay easy?
There will be a time where I become girl in past tense. Somehow I already miss
the you that saw me in present tense, the time I knew you in the flesh,
when you weren’t just the heuristic of what heartbreak feels like.
Am I just another anecdote you tell to the next somebody? A funny character you’ll maybe refer to wistfully, not someone you particularly mind losing,
will you forget the songs we sang to, will you tell her you loved me?
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
Abspfucking lately. What a powerful reminder
I will literally never believe your 20s are meant to be the prime of your life. The years immediately following your adolescence? When you’re entrenched in the battlefields of un/learning, healing, and growing? Yeah right
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
Oh how I wish my life was like a two-strip technicolor singing cowboy movie
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
being italian on tumblr is like being gay in the south
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
i’m a lesbian 101% but a couple nights ago i had a dream where i was in a long-term relationship with the live action rodrick heffley and it was genuinely the most loved i’ve felt in my life. i think i might be mentally ill
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
Noooo dont burn and stick to the bottom of my pan youre so flavorful and essential to my cooking process haha
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
i get really bored in museums but you have to admit there’s something incredibly homosexual about looking at the same painting as the stranger next to you
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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The incredible head-to-body ratio of the New Holland frog [Cyclorana novaehollandiae], a large burrowing frog native to New South Wales. They’re commonly seen following periods of heavy rain. Males produce a loud “waah” call as a means to attract females. Images by Jean-Marc Hero.
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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monstrously-yours · 4 years
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Youth culture (for adultswim.com/comics)
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