moodyoop · 20 days
Bullies and Trolls
It’s No Wonder Our World Is In Trouble Photo by Michael Marais on Unsplash Once upon a time, people went out of their way to be considerate to others. No? Well, that’s the way I remember it. Long before social media, if you had a conversation, it was either on the phone or face to face, and you couldn’t really say things hiding behind a cloud of anonymity and a keyboard. Those days are sadly…
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moodyoop · 21 days
Dumbing Myself Down
My Response to Being Slightly Bullied I don’t remember a time after 8th grade until recently when I showed my true self to the world, and that was decades ago. Eighth grade is when it all got too big for me, and I needed to make a move or crumble beneath the weight of negative expectation. I had always been a teacher. Some people are just born that way—teachers and leaders—and both would…
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moodyoop · 2 months
Gratitude and Frogs
I Saved a Life Today PHOTO BY A DIVINE More specifically, I saved a frog’s life today. You’d think he would’ve been a little bit more grateful, but he just sat there and stared at me for the longest time. I mean, it could’ve been because it took me so long, but in my defense, I thought he’d already croaked. He was just floating in a cast iron pot and you see them like that a lot around here.…
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moodyoop · 2 months
Unwrinkled Lives
Is That Even A Thing? <a href="Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@custom_project?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">M. X.</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/white-and-blue-plastic-pack-JISTS0ZCXTo?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash I’m beginning to believe some people are charmed and live unwrinkled…
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moodyoop · 2 months
You Just Have To Do It
Thank you to everyone who has bought one of my books! I love y'all!
Stop Waiting for Somebody to Do It For You No one else will. That’s what I found out. Not just recently either, but sometimes these little bits of wisdom take a long time to sink in with me. In July, I published my first book on Amazon KDP—YAY ME!!!! To say I’m excited is an understatement. It’s been a long time coming. I’ve been writing since I was about seven years old. I always knew I was…
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moodyoop · 2 months
The Pain That Grew Me
Hurt is a Character Builder It’s not a fact we like to face or talk about often, but the hurt and hardships in our lives are the driving force behind the molding of our human character and the strength of our human hearts. You might say that brokenness births greatness at times, or at the very least, it gives way to resilience and creativity, in quantities you would have never known had you…
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moodyoop · 3 months
if frogs had wings
I published my book! I’m super excited y’all. This is the first in a series and it’s a humorous and poignant dramatic look at my life as a child. I’ve quoted the book before in one or two blog posts—it involves a journey out of innocence and into a world I was not ready for. This first book is just the first in a series. I hope you will get it. I don’t think you’ll regret it. I loved writing it…
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moodyoop · 3 months
If Frogs Had Wings
It’s Live On Amazon! I rarely update this page anymore, mostly because I don’t get as much time with my precious grandbabies since they moved to another state. They’re almost grown and it happened so fast! This is KayLee’s last year of high school and she DRIVES. My heart. Bethany is four years old now and she’s the youngest. So quick. But my update today is about my book that I had…
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moodyoop · 3 months
When Everything You Touch Goes To Hell
How to Navigate Life At Its Worst Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash Is it just me? The other day I was in one of the booths I operate in the town I live in. I have three of them, and I sell vintage items, art, antiques — things like that.  I just finished what I considered a fantabulous display of glass items when I knocked over a colored bottle on the top of an all glass shelf. This caused a…
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moodyoop · 3 months
He Drove His Tractor
He couldn’t see ten feet in front of him. From obit and artistically altered by A Divine That’s what we always say down here in the South when someone’s vision is impaired. In this case, I’m not sure exactly how far he could see but I suspect it can’t be measured by feet. The Bible says, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.” That’s Proverbs…
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moodyoop · 4 months
Something About the Way Time Passes
Photo by RayChan on Unsplash Something about the way time passes, something about the way it leaves me behind. And scenes from yesterday just keep playing in my mind. It’s been a long time since I felt the way I’m feeling right now. There’s may still be time to change my life, but to tell the truth I just don’t know how. Like a leaky water faucet my dreams are dripping on the floor, and I…
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moodyoop · 9 months
Everything is Different, Everything is the Same
Hey Y’all! I’m back! So I’m starting over but you will still have access to all the good stuff already here. I felt like I needed to update my site to encompass more of who I am and what I do. It’s so easy to fall into a trap and try to be like everyone else but let’s face it, I’m NOT like everyone else. We’re all individuals looking at the world in our own way, speaking with our unique voices,…
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moodyoop · 11 months
Everything is Different, Everything is the Same
CHANGES It would be hard not to notice that I have completely changed my site (and instantly regretted it, then loved it, then hated it, now I don’t know anything anymore). I changed it because I am downgrading it from a business site and going with a premium site. I’m really not that interested in selling anything on here. I have plenty to sell, but if I need a site to do that, perhaps I will…
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moodyoop · 1 year
Back in the Game
That’s me. I’ve been away a while. Life gets overwhelming sometimes and I got caught up in the overwhelm. But my heart has always been in my writing, so look for more posts to come soon! Thanks for hanging in there with me. It means a lot. Kisses y’all. 😘
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moodyoop · 2 years
The Way It All Unfolds
The Way It All Unfolds
Sunset in Beauregard Parish by ADivine I haven’t been able to write for the better part of a year. Not much, anyway. Life has been overwhelming. I’m pretty embarrassed about it really. I got myself into a bit of an emotional disaster and couldn’t find my way out of it. I wouldn’t call it depression exactly. To be honest, I don’t know what I would call it. A dead zone. Maybe. It all started…
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moodyoop · 3 years
Boss Nonny Update!
The kids have really grown! I’m updating with pics today and a promise to be more faithful 😍 KayLee the Beautiful KayLee is 14 now and astonishingly wise! She’s in theater at her school in Mississippi and loving it! Benjamin at the wedding (we will get to that) Ben has grown so much! He’s handsome and extremely funny 😆 Cori Glory Cori #thatbabytho is six years old and just as funny as she…
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moodyoop · 4 years
When You're In Pain, The Pain Is All There Is
When You’re In Pain, The Pain Is All There Is
  Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash This is how to save a life. Pain. It’s completely mind-consuming. At least that’s the case with excruciating pain, like childbirth, earaches, and toothaches. Those are just the examples that come to my head immediately, and there’s a reason for that. I have an earache, and it’s been so bad I haven’t been able to think about anything else. A hurricane could be…
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