The Necrotic Wake
* Frontal attack avoid Heaving Retch. Tank grab adds that spawn.
* Keep pools piled as close as possible to have space on floor.
TANK clear the trash nearby before coming into contact with boss.
Amarth, The Harvester
* Frontal Attack dodge (Necrotic Breath)
* Group adds that spawn and kill them <They interrupt casters>
TANK move boss facing toward the guy with the spear when adds spawn <Group mobs for AOE>
HUNTERS/DRUIDS use sooth unholy frenzy on boss.
Surgeon Stichflesh
*Let (Hook) cast if you miss adds can overwhelm tank.
* When boss gets ready to hook players in party position adds so they can stand between boss and adds.
* Stay out (Puddles)
TANK (Festering Rot) buff adds do dmg overtime save defensives for (Mutilate)
Nalthor The Rimebinder
* GTFO Ice Swirls that spawn on the floor (Comet Storm)
* Stay away form targeted player with (Frozen Bind) HEALERS DISPEL!
*(Dark Exile) teles party member to gauntlet, Kill adds to return to the surface platform.
* Stack Ice puddles near one another to maintain space.
BOSS AoE dmg increases overtime save CDs/DPS for (Icebound Aegis)
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