moonlightandcocoa · 6 years
Sometimes witchcraft is just picking up a rock cuz it seemed like it was nice and wanted to come home with you.
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moonlightandcocoa · 6 years
I did this when I was a kid, and was always super worried about wishing on the right star (the actual first star). If I looked up, I locked onto the first star I saw and didn’t look away until I finished the rhyme. I’d try to go outside just as it was starting to get dark to make sure there weren’t too many stars out yet, cause that made remembering the first one I saw extra confusing. I was a real superstitious little kid.
I was born in the early 90s in the Pacific Northwest (if you want any sort of demographic data)
Trying to prove a point
Please like or reblog if you grew up (or have heard of) wishing on a star by saying;
“star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight”
And then you make your wish.
It might be some kind of nursery rhyme but I was encouraged as a small child to do this anytime I was outside after dark.
My bf doesn’t think people do this. I thought it was normal.
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moonlightandcocoa · 6 years
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My little sort of altar space. It kind of developed organically, and it’s become one of my favorite spots in the house
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moonlightandcocoa · 6 years
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here’s a few pictures i found on pinterest about the new moon and things to do on it! none of them are mine, most have sources on the pic! follow my pinterest (user is slimechild) i have a spellbook board and lots of boards about the moon and what to do on certain moon phases ^_^
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moonlightandcocoa · 6 years
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New Moon in Leo spread from https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/learn-tarot-with-labyrinthos-academy/a-new-moon-in-leo-tarot-spread
I can better express myself by listening to myself and being present with myself. There is beauty in my subconscious thougts and intuition. I can be more true to my passions by letting go. I am spending too much energy on the past, and I need to let go to be able to move forward and grow. I am underestimating my ability to examine myself. My actions are not always driven by good thoughts and feelings, and I do have the courage to face that and to do the right thing instead of the most appealing thing. My ego is blocking my ability to make wise choices. Sometimes my ego drives my decisions, and my pride gets in the way and prevents me from choosing the wisest path.
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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Gonna smudge the house today. Spring cleaning.
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
🌷🐰Happy Ostara!🐰🌷
It’s finally time to welcome one of my favorite seasons, spring! there’s a lot of debate about whether ostara is an actual Sabbat because the traditional wheel of the year only has seven Sabbats. ostara was essentially added to create balance and symmetry in the pagan year. whether or not you celebrate, there are still some awesome things you can do to invite some spring energy into your life!
☀️ clean out your room or arrange your altar space.
☀️ delete, block, clear, and repeat! if your holding on to any toxic friends rn, cut them tf out babes.
☀️do a spring tarot spread! (hint hint: I’ll be offering free readings today)
☀️light a candle, get some incense, and smudge your space like crazy.
☀️take a nice bath or an extra long shower!
☀️release some emotions through journaling!
☀️wear some pastel colors or white to get you into the spirit.
☀️prepare a lovely meal for yourself! traditional ostara foods include eggs (or tofu for my fellow vegans haha), strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, anything creamy, pastries and desserts!
☀️make yourself feel beautiful! do whatever you need to do to feel your best. ostara is all about recognizing the feminine and regenerating love.
hope some of this helped! have a blessed day! 💓🌸✨🐰
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
I got The Magician!
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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The Seed. a tarot spread for ostara.
1. The Soil.
Where have you grown? While it most certainly is the dawn of a new day, keep in mind your roots are proof that you have already come a long way. The soil is your past. What lesson can you learn from days gone by?
2. The Weed.
You wish to flourish and grow strong, but there is undoubtedly something that is stunting your progress. What are your obstacles, what’s holding you back?
3. The Seed.
Within your immediate future, which area of your life will you first see signs of growth? Which seed has taken hold?
4. The Sun.
The love and support of others is helpful. But the will to grow comes from within. Let the sun be a reminder of what you need to keep in mind in order to help yourself grow.
5. The Rain.
A blessing in disguise. Understand that not all things are always as they seem. Grey skies can sometimes bring you down, but like the sun, rain too is necessary. Through struggle, you will find strength. What blessing in disguise is upon your horizon?
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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A cycle has ended and now is the time to look inward and evaluate the changes that have taken place inside yourself, before jumping into new projects
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
All posts related to my WTNV Tarot Project are tagged under “#WTNV Tarot”.
–Now available through TopatoCo! GET THEM HERE!!!–
Major Arcana (22/22)
0 - THE FOOL: Cecil Palmer
I - THE MAGICIAN: Tamika Flynn
II - THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Faceless Old Woman
III - THE EMPRESS: Mayor Pamela Winchell
IV - THE EMPEROR: The Glow Cloud
V - THE HIEROPHANT: Old Woman Josie/ The Erikas
VI - THE LOVERS: The Whispering Forest
VII - THE CHARIOT: Hiram McDaniels
X - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Eternal Scouts
XI - JUSTICE: A Story About You/ The Dark Planet Lit By No Sun
XIII - DEATH: The Tiny City
XIV - TEMPERANCE: The Sandstorm
XV - THE DEVIL: The Man In The Tan Jacket
XVI - THE TOWER: Telly The Barber
XVII - THE STAR: The Lights Above The Arbys
XIX - THE SUN: Desert Bluffs
XX - JUDGEMENT: Nulogorsk
XXI - THE WORLD: The Town and The Void
The Court Cards (16/16):
KING OF SWORDS - The Sheriff
KING OF CUPS - Steve Carlsberg
KING OF PENTACLES - Marcus Vansten
QUEEN OF SWORDS - Intern Maureen
QUEEN OF WANDS - Lauren Mallard
QUEEN OF CUPS - Cactus June/Judy/Jane
KNIGHT OF WANDS - The City Council
KNIGHT OF PENTACLES - Carlos The Scientist
PAGE OF SWORDS - Doug and The Masked Army
PAGE OF CUPS - Meghan Wallaby
The Minor Arcana (40/40):
ACE OF SWORDS - Poetry Week
2 OF SWORDS - The Debate
3 OF SWORDS - The Trophy
4 OF SWORDS - Mayor Cardinal
5 OF SWORDS - The Carnival
6 OF SWORDS - The University of What It Is
7 OF SWORDS - The Old Oak Doors
10 OF SWORDS - Cassettes
ACE OF WANDS - The Lighthouse
2 OF WANDS - Radon Canyon
3 OF WANDS - Deer Masks
4 OF WANDS - Fashion Week
5 OF WANDS - Night Vale Football
6 OF WANDS - Summer Reading Program
7 OF WANDS - Battle of Strex
8 OF WANDS - Route 800
9 OF WANDS - The Parable Of The Birds
10 OF WANDS - Parade Day
ACE OF CUPS - Khoshekh
2 OF CUPS - First Date
3 OF CUPS - Cecil’s Vacation
4 OF CUPS - Lazy Day
5 OF CUPS - Homecoming
6 OF CUPS- Earl Harlan
7 OF CUPS - Condos
8 OF CUPS - The Dog Park
9 OF CUPS - worms…
10 OF CUPS - Dana’s Grandfather’s Table
ACE OF PENTACLES - Yellow Helicopters
2 OF PENTACLES - The Watch
3 OF PENTACLES - The Waterfront
4 OF PENTACLES - Orange Grove
5 OF PENTACLES - White Sand Ice Cream Shop
6 OF PENTACLES - Capital Commission
7 OF PENTACLES - John Peters
8 OF PENTACLES - Station Management
9 OF PENTACLES - Louie Blasco
10 OF PENTACLES - History Week
Bonus Links:
The Backing
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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Intuitive Prompts for Ostara. Inspired by The Major Arcana. (2018)
Ostara marks the Spring Equinox. This is a time of equilibrium. That of light and darkness. Neither frigid winter nor harsh summer, but a time of fertility and growth. Forward thinking and childlike wonder. It is with this spirit that I present this challenge:
Begin on the 11th of March, the day of enlightenment. Draw one card each day, and focus your intuition on how it relates to the daily prompt. Use this time to free yourself of all that has held back your progress. Approach all things with gentle eyes and a caring heart. Let your overall focus be on self growth, transformation, and problem solving through forward thinking.
The first week is designed to help you gain a better understanding of your inner self. Your past, who you are, where you come from, and what makes you the person you currently are.
The second week is designed to help you gain clarity and focus, with regard to your virtues. By gaining a greater understanding of your strengths, you will be able to face your challenges more easily.
The third week is designed to help you see your obstacles for what they truly are, overcome and move past them.
On the final day, April 1st, Easter Sunday, you will complete the challenge. May growth and prosperity be yours.
I encourage you to share your experience through posts with the hashtag, #intuitiveostara. Please use tarot, oracle or whatever divination tools you feel drawn to. I will post daily prompts as encouragement. Please feel free to contact me if you feel you need further guidance. Blessed be your journey.
0 - Openness. 1 - Choice. 2 - Manifest. 3 - Creation. 4 - Guidance. 5 - Tradition. 6 - Eternity.
7 - Success. 8 - Peace. 9 - Wisdom. 10 - Purity. 11 - Balance. 12 - Awareness. 13 - Transformation.
14 - Providence. 15 - Temptation. 16 - Confession. 17 - Release. 18 - Truth. 19 - Reconcile. 20 - Growth.
21 - Completion.
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn Signs & Restricted Abilities
Saturn is a planet that rules over discipline, restrictions, and limitations. Many people fear the influence it has on their natal charts, when they should truly embrace Saturn’s “tough love”. Much like a locked mystery character in a video game, Saturn indicates our locked away talents. We must first overcome our insecurities to unlock our potential. Jupiter is the planet that will aid in truly overcoming the burdens Saturn brings. Saturn in Aries: a leader, a motivator, a voice of encouragement, strength, endurance, strong will, bold self-expression (must overcome issues with self-esteem and confidence) Saturn in Taurus: patience, calm, organization, working hard, control, self-discipline (must overcome issues with material obsession and holding onto things too long) Saturn in Gemini: intelligence, teaching others, endless clever ideas, reasoning, practicality (must overcome issues with communication, insecurities about their speech, and have faith in their intellect) Saturn in Cancer: protective, nurturing, survivalist, helping others cope with emotional instability, being a mother to their friends and loved ones (must overcome issues with their past, their neediness, and their irrational fears) Saturn in Leo: creativity, artistry, giving praise to others, assertion,  confidence, encouraging others, natural born leader (must overcome issues with anger and seeing themselves as worthless and untalented) Saturn in Virgo: organization, helping others improve themselves, perfecting what is flawed, efficient problem solving, responsibility, being honest with others (must overcome issues with anxiety, cynicism, and fears of criticism) Saturn in Libra: justice, fairness, seeing the beauty in everything, relating to others, compassion, creativity (must overcome issues with their ego, need for acceptance, and fear of love) Saturn in Scorpio: observation, healing others, psychic perception, empathy, self-discipline, energy, determination (must overcome issues with fears of rejection, emotional insecurities, and holding grudges) Saturn in Sagittarius: optimism, deep philosophical teachings, honesty, open-mindedness, genuine understanding, independence (must overcome issues with faith in themselves and with intolerance) Saturn in Capricorn: hard work, ambitiousness, teaching others about stability, integrity, perseverance, disciplining others (must overcome issues surrounding cooperation, with overburdening themselves, and with thinking their ways are the best) Saturn in Aquarius: humanitarianism, cooperation, deep understanding of society, activism, helping others express themselves, defending the underdogs, intelligence (must overcome issues with individuality, their superiority complexes, and their emotional distance) Saturn in Pisces: compassion, freeing others from mental imprisonment, psychic intuition, creativity, awareness, healing others, emotional sympathy, artistic fantasies (must overcome issues with irrational guilt, victimizing themselves, and being over emotional)
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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I used to have such a bad attitude about the Three of Swords, but I’ve come to learn if you just let go and stop resisting change - all the right doors will begin to open. We often don’t like to be told that we are with the wrong person or making the wrong choices, but if we really pay attention to our hearts- we will hear the truth. It’s time to listen and TAKE ACTION. 🗡🗡🗡
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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Right now, you feel insecure and discouraged by your situation. Take care of yourself, because the outcome is beyond your control.
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
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Your situation right now feels confusing and muddled and out of your control. But there’s a spark of inspiration somewhere in your mind; ideas about ways to overcome the difficulties. If you harness that spark, you’ll find the stability you’re looking for.
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moonlightandcocoa · 7 years
Hey folks! I’m just learning to read Tarot, and really need practice! If anyone wants a free (and probably pretty shitty) reading, hit me up :)
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