mooshinseoul-blog · 10 years
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Craving a good night out with bmekju - (beer and soju)….usually such nights after consuming this deadly duo leads to crazyyyy partying, hilarious memories and a banging headache the following morning. While a typical night out partying in Seoul usually involves one or the other, big nights night will involve both. Regardless of the event or intensity of partying required, deep fried chicken is usually partnered with your refreshing beverage! And thats what I call a great night out! 
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mooshinseoul-blog · 10 years
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Hanok Village…culture and art ooze out of every corner! 
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Memoirs of a Moosh
It's been two months since my journey in Korea came to a sad end. Two months seems so long ago and yet, as I close my eyes and slowly fall into the deep memories of my recent past, I can smell the warm, sweet scent of street vendors selling traditional snacks by the subway stations; I hear the blaring K-pop sounds that embrace the vibrancy of the streets. The radiating lights brighten the darkness of my eye sockets. I'm suddenly transported to Anam, my temporary home. How I miss the familiar faces I used to bump into on campus, city or our familial kitchen. A smile sneaks upon my face and I remember how blissful these months were. A time of my life I will never forget.
Before leaving Seoul, the temperature dropped and after the Christmas hype, my new-found friends began to return to their home destinations. A sadness loomed. The last week or so was difficult because a clear sense of the grand finale was nearing. Perhaps this is why I neglected my blog for some time. It was a reality I avoided and ignored until recently.
Today, I am back in South Africa. I found a job, caught up with friends and developed my weekly routine. It has been going well! Yet, I often close my eyes to enter the world Seoul gave me, remembering the wonderful and utterly different experiences each of my senses had enjoyed.
It was just a few days ago that I introduced Korean cuisine to a friend of mine. Hesitant, I knew such a dinner choice could have gone one of two ways. And the conclusion….He loved it! I felt reconnected to my experiences at that moment, although not fully.  The following day, a prolonged wave of recollections entered my mind over and here I am sitting in my room, my much larger, comfier room, missing that tiny 3x3 box that housed an unforgettable five months of my life.
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Today I seek to revive such glorious memories! Perhaps with less emphasis on specific events but more so on the general everyday that ultimately shaped my entire experience. 
Let the journey re-begin!
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
WIntEr WoNderLaNd!
Hello again!!
It has been too long since my last post!! lets take it as a good sign - being super busy embracing the snow (which I had never experienced until now!), cramming in last minute sightseeing and getting papers/exams done and dusted...
Nevertheless, here's my first snow experience documented - its a big one! :)
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The first time you experience snow it's quite a special moment - those of you who have will remember how unique it was, while those who haven't have yet to experience something rather magical.
I was sitting in a coffee shop Facebooking and what not and suddenly soft white flakes began to float their way down the wide windows to my right. Naturally, I ran out, looked up and soaked in the moment (as well as the freezing winter chill)
I had never seen this delicate side to mother nature; usually I encounter her blazing heat or angry storms…but this time I was engulfed by white purity that blanketed the ground.
Everyone was excited to witness the first snow - winter made its grand entrance and boy, what a graceful one at that! 
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As the weeks passed the snow increased and as overwhelmed and impressed I was by its beauty, I feared freezing to death! (ok not to that extent)
The winter in Seoul came quickly and the temperature drops pretty quickly below 0 (celsius) but it doesn't feel as cold as it is until late December. I was rather surprised at how quickly my body adapted to the cold, having never experience such weather and all...
In a way the winter chill is a refreshing feeling that gives me energy! On particularly cold days, its becomes a bit too cold to enjoy the sharp crisp air and theres nothing more comforting that stripping off the jackets, scarves and gloves and sitting in a warm cafe.
I really love the way the snow contributes to a blissful winter ambiance - bright white landscapes, fresh air and the sounds of peace all come together and make winter in Seoul a special experience. 
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- basketball court at KU
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- KU campus
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Im so glad I was able to experience real snow! (though I'm ready to return to sunny SA)
- Moosh 
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Unlock the beauty of the Secret Garden
Just behind the Changdeokgung Palace walls is the most magical and beautiful garden I have ever seen!
This palace, A UNESCO World Heritage site, is perhaps my favorite of all the palaces I have seen in Seoul. 
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But behind the palace walls is a grand treasure: a 78-acre land of flaming trees, jade waters and rich greenery. As I entered this forbidden garden, once only accessed by the King and his family, I was detached from all the modernity and buzz I left on the other side of the palace walls.
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I teleported mentally into history and tried to experience the peacefulness, beauty and serenity that engulfs the garden as the King and his family did. 
Well, I put my camera to the test and captured images that I am so fortunate to have seen. I felt spiritually elevated; light with no worries, only pure gratitude and joy! Nature painted the picturesque scenes before me and all I had to do was click away…enjoy!
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Still in lala land!
- Moosh x
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
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With the snowy season in, set the mood with some relaxing winter tunes @8tracks: Winter Wonders by haydnali2.
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
International Student Festival - Israel Represent!
Welcome to the annual ISF where exchange students from diverse countries can take the stage and showcase their culture, food and heritage throughout the daily festivities!
The Israeli duo were grouped with a few israeli-interested Korean students and we got to work, preparing and planning how to use our generous budget ($400) to maximize the food and activities we thought would best reflect our beloved country.
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The large plaza at Korea University was taken over by international booths  eliciting zesty cuisine, music, games and vivid decoration! 
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Amidst the interchanging tree colors you could taste Colombian coffee, tacos from Mexico, wine from France, liquorish sweets from Finland, pancakes with maple syrup from Canada, pizza from Italy and the list goes on!
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While candidates wearing traditional outfits prepared for the ISF fashion show, students passing by could stop by the various booth to learn about each country, taste their foods, play some games and toast to a great day with a local alcoholic drink :)
Lets go pay them a visit...
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-great coffee!
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-go Vikings!!
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-still not sure :) but some strange masks and outfits added to the vibrancy of the event 
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-Meixco's activity….one of the many fun activities organized by the groups, including Brazil's samba session. 
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And of course our unique Israeli culture introduced many first-timers to "levivot" and "falafel" which we made throughout the day and new israeli terms :)
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The day was full of energy, fun and color!
Some impressive highlights added to the experience:
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- VP of KU took a funny photo in our Dead Sea frame :)
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- Nobel Prize winner, Ada Yonath, came to visit and support our booth! 
And We won prize for overall impressive job! Israel represent! :)
What a spectacular day!!! 
- Moosh
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
I'm officially lost in translation…Tokyo is a magnetic city, pulsating with an energy I have never experienced before. 
Firstly, I need to point out that this extended weekend was fuzed with laughter, culture, excitement, adrenaline and inspiration; a concoction made possible with the eclectic entourage I traveled with - five charming young men from the UK, Canada and Denmark. I truly believe that traveling together, specifically the six of us, contributed to my overall elevated experience in Tokyo.
Now for the details...
Meet the team:
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Five guys, one girl; we were ready and off to Japan!
Upon arrival, just a few hours from Seoul, we took the fast train to our hostel, avoiding the several metro lines that were pretty overwhelming for newcomers.  Within an hour we were at Asakushabashi station, minutes walking distance from our hostel, Anne Hostel.
The hostel was really great! For backpackers, Anne Hostel is in a great location, close to the metro that transports you to most attraction sites within 30 minutes on average. Obviously the more central you are the better! But in Tokyo location is highly priced so be sure to book in areas like Shibuya or Shinjuku in advance. Other than its location, the hostel was really clean, spacious, offered comfortable beds, lockers, breakfast (toast, eggs) and a constantly supply of tea/coffee in the communal lounge, stylized with traditional Japanese interior. The hostel also offers laptop use for those who've left the tech items behind (or too lazy to bring with from your room). Basically, I recommend staying here!
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We gathered here each morning for breakfast and planned our days expedition. We also united here after our fulfilling days out to relax, pre-game and interact with fellow travelers. A diverse and great crowd of people stayed at the hostel, making it easy to befriend anyone - which is exactly what happened. We met a delightful Australian guy who joined in many of our daily/nightly activities. 
Having arrived rather late into the evening hours, we freshened up and explored the area for some traditional Japanese cuisine. Eventually, we stumbled upon an idyllic restaurant, quiet, small and very welcoming. So we sat down and began to order. Since none of us speaks Japanese we told the waitress to bring out whatever she recommends. Each of the four yakimono (焼き物) dishes we ordered were prepared on this grill.
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We sunk out teeth (literally) into communal meals including a delicious pork,vegetable and egg mix that we scrapped fresh off the grill, a Japanese styled "pizza" (okonomiyaki - which was my favorite) and pan-fried noodles, cabbage and pork. Of course our delicious meal was accompanied by the effective Sake (Japanese rice wine).
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We visited the 7/11 aka '7 & i-holdings' on our way back to hostel, which became a routine, and stocked up on interesting alcoholic fruit beverages and beer. *note: best snack food/quick meals are in Japan's 7/11 (miss my pancakes! from there) 
Initially we planned on having a relatively early night, playing drinking games with the provided Jenga blocks; the night went in a totally different direction and I'm so glad it did! 
Two of the guys, our new Australian friend and I decided to venture out to the famous Shibuya district and so we began Mission "Party in Tokyo". We met a very friendly Japanese-American lady who spoke to us the entire subway ride and directed us to the correct line, as we still had not yet grasped the mysterious ways of the metro system. 
*note: people in Japan are really friendly and helpful! I was stunned by the selfless generosity displayed by so many local toward us!
Our first stop was a classic British pub, the Hobgroblin,  which was discovered while we were searching for a bathroom. The four of us, the bar-tendeder and the chef occupied the bar, sipping on western cocktails and taking about our travels, countries of origin and meaningless topics of common discussion. 
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Next, we walked around the area looking for a club to dance and celebrate our arrival but after refusing to pay entrance fees of 2000yen, we settled for the ever-so-elegant 'convenient store meets street bench bar'. And behold - we befriended a group of the most ridiculously dressed Japanese guys. Their combined outfits of retro hats, animal-print, fluffy jackets, baggy pants and high-top shoes embodied the unique Japanese fashion that enables individuals to express their personality in any color, pattern, shape or style! 
We spoke and laughed for a while and then the Japanese guys offered to get us into club Harlem for half price, so we did! Jackets off, drinks up, music booming, dancing madness - we were having the time of our life!!! But as all good things come to an end, four exhausted bodies boarded the subway home, where the fresh sunlight and dew welcomed us back at Asakusabashi. 
Welcome to Tokyo, officially!
The following day, we began our list of sightseeing musts! We arrived at the Roppongi Hills, a beautiful metropolitan area within Tokyo. Here you can find the fascinating 'Maman" spider sculpture created by Louise Bourgeois. 
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In this area you will find sophisticated shopping experience with upper-class stores, restaurants, museums and a gorgeous view of the city from Mori Tower observation deck, but if you're not willing to pay the entrance fee…simply stroll towards the garden framing the piazza and Tokyo Tower shows off its superiority from a distance. 
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What particularly caught my interest was the serene ambiance of what is presented as a bustling business center and tourist attraction…The combined efforts of modern architects, creative landscapers and small artistic additions make this place really special and tranquil. 
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As we carried on walking around the city, admiring the many new and interesting views, we came across pet heaven!!!!
Im not kidding - these puppies and kittens are not naturally this cute (Japanese cutifying potion?)
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Ok stop staring at that bundle of cuteness…..moving on to some more city views. 
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What I loved about our experience in Tokyo is that we were immersed by the infamous speed and modernity of the city but also embraced the traditional elements to Japanese culture.
I highly recommend attending a tea ceremony! I recently completed a philosophical book about beauty and it pointed out that from the Japanese tea ceremony we learn that "fleeting joys and brief encounters become eternal values, when we set them in ritual and stone" - and I couldn't describe our experience of the tea ceremony any 
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Another traditional experience I was lucky to witness involved powerful men training at a local Sumo stable, dripping with sweat and commitment. I went with my newly befriended Australian in the morning (which wasn't easy considering we were out parting al night) but it was worth the early wake-up call! The early practice aka Keiko, was located at Hama-cho Nihonbashi Chuo-ku (A2 exit of Hamacho Station on the Toei Subway Shinjuku Line) and is open pretty much all mornings from 7.30-10. 
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Watching them dedicate their entire beings to the art of sumo, each day for hours of strenuous training and simultaneously representing the core of their spirituality, was stunning - all bystanders stood in absolute silence and awe.
After the Kieko, we wandered around the area and found a lovely temple, humbled by a camouflaging garden. 
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The many stories and memories shared in Tokyo were made possible thanks to a series of fortunate events and a few must sees (in no particular order):
1. Imperial Palace 
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2. and its garden
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3. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Offices building (located in Shinjuku)- to see an awesome view of the entire city (for free) :)
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4. …from where you can continue to the red light district and a night full of drinks and partying…*note: Shinjuku station is the largest metro station/really crowded maze. Also here you can find great museums, restaurants and can enjoy a drink at the Hyatt hotel where Lost in Translation was filmed.
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5. Themed restaurants and cafes - we went to Alcatraz Er in Shibuya, a maid cafe in Akiharaba and the most amazing robot restaurant in Shinjuku! 
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- Alcatraz Er - a prison/hospital restaurant that offered a menu with a food selection that has been tailored to the theme. The food is good (not great), a bit overpriced but definitely worth the entire experience…and if you're into kinky Japanese fetiches, you can enjoy a powerful slap, post-tequila shot, from your waitress���it was highly entertaining to watch!
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- welcome to the maid cafe- where everything is cute! From the decor, to the waitresses, Master and Madame, you should expected cute shaped meals, coffees, desserts and other entertaining trinkets. 
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- down the rabbit hole into Robotic wonderland!!! where LED lights cover the floors and walls, illuminating the sexy Japanese dancers and futuristic robot warriors! Have a seat on either side of the floor where dance, comedy and erotica combine. This place was mind-blowing and left us speechless - literally!! It truly captured the unique possibilities served on Tokyo's grand platter.
*note: many magazines and hostels provide discount coupons - so keep your eyes peeled since this experience doesn't come cheap!
6. Harajuku district and Meji Shrine
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Here two opposing worlds collide; one of historical essence and spiritual beauty while the other showcases Japans hip-fashion and extreme styles! (unfortunately I didn't make the shrine but some of the guys went - reason to go back)
7. Fish Market - the biggest fish market in the world!
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If you're a fish fan, an early wake up and trip to Tsukijishijo Station will enable you to be a part of the 150 or so people who can witness the fish auctions that take place before sunrise….but if your main intensions are to have the freshest fish and high quality sushi that will satisfy tastebuds you never knew existed, you can sleep in a little later and enjoy a delicious breakfast!
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8. Akiharaba Electronic Town
If you're a tech junkie, like myself, you'll appreciate this digital haven!
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9. FOOOOODDD!!!!! 
Whether its teppanyaki, curry, tempura, sushi, udon noodles or any other renowned Japanese dish…eat it all!!! I was really impressed by the food - each meal we had was delicious, complete with tantalizing flavors untouched by my palate, leaving me craving these delicacies!
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- Japanese curry with udon noodles and chicken strips 
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- tempura: cause anything deep fried is simply mouthwatering! 
10. Entertainment: Anime, arcades, manga, karaoke, dance clubs and everything in between...
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- anime, manga stores….keep looking up, it doesn't end!
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- R-rated and mind boggling - whatever crazy fantasies Japanese have, this is where they come true, sometimes leaving you rather shocked but somewhat cultured :/ The sex culture in Japan is definitely not concealed!
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- game room, filled with men (yes men only) of all ages! Gaming in Japan is taken very seriously and becomes a way of life, more than a fun hobby, for some! 
On that note: these were some of the highlights that we squeezed into a 5 day trip! And that was just the tip of the ice-berg! Like a parasite, I fed off of Tokyo's energy and beauty…and I know I will be back! I tasted the sweet scent of Japan's capital; a city that is contemporary and pastoral, tranquil and ebullient, only leaving my hungrier for more!
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As I sat on the train on the early morning of October 13th, I smiled at eternal sun that followed me to Narita Airport, knowing the past 5 days brought unforgettable memories to my life!
Good morning Toyko, and goodbye! 
P.S short clip to follow soon
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Membership Training aka MT Weekend
Firstly, sorry for the late update.....with Japan and midterms, it was hard to keep up! This is what u missed...
MT, like most Korean activities is taken very seriously!!!! But don't let the name fool you; membership training is nothing to do with tough social tests and initiations but attendance does demand a skilled level of stamina.
MT involves:
1. you buddies (from KU and abroad)
2. delicious Korean barbecue - specially made by our Kuba buddies
3. TONS of alcohol - and that could be a literal description (although I didnt weigh the hundreds of bottles stacked in the kitchen)
4. late night drinking games and snack munching
5. a warm wooden floor covered with young adult bodies
6. laughter, conversation and bonding
7. the most gorgeous mountain views circulating a crisp mint-coloured lake
and lastly, some great memories that contribute to the amazing activities and events created for us by our enthusiastic buddies.
We met in the late afternoon, to begin what was an epic 24hr trip!
Upon arrival, in mountaineous darkness, just an hour+ outside of Seoul, we were based in an adorable cabin rented out especially for us! Only few multi-coloured lights lit the path to the front door...
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Inside we were surprised and excited to find the floor was heated - and with winter sneaking up on us, the extra warmth was very welcomed. 
Now, it's important that in preparation for any form of training one must maximize their energy levels by eating a health meal....and boy did we feast! The Buddies organized a delicious Korean BBQ that never seemed to run short of meat! 
The other half of the group arrived, after we devoured an impressive amount of food, and still leaving them plenty. 
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And in case you have forgotten, every Korean meal is matched with generous amounts of soju and beer....let the training begin!
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Following, phase two of training, the karaoke machine was brought out and we sang our hearts out to local and international hits, trying to master the previous scores.....and we rocked it!!! 
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With the temperature decreasing and the alcohol no longer warming us against the sharp winds, we made our ways indoor and continued our training. 
The buddies were divided into three competing groups, each having to prove their analytical skills, speed, deciphering codes and team work abilities....our group (AA) failed, resulting in downing two bottles of soju - somehow a rather ironic penalty. 
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Nevertheless, we had a great time and the games continued for hours !
As the clock ticked, the final stage, survival of the fittest, determined who could stay up the longest....i was one of the first to go to bed - and i still firmly believe I won the final challenge as I slept comfortably in a bed, while the rest were scattered on the floor.
It wash't until the next morning I was able to witness the gorgeous scenery we intertwined with. Time stopped while i slurped away some spicy shrimp ramen for breakfast, with a breathtaking view from my window!
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After everyone freshened-up and cleaned the mess from the previous night, we made our way to the lake, just a few minutes walk from the cabin, where we were able to engage in water sports!
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Since it was chilly, i avoided the water sports, but sat on the sun deck observing the beautiful view before me and caught up on my tan :)
Meanwhile, the more adventurous (or simply used to such weather)...
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and that was it! Training complete and how we had fun!
Next post: Japan..., the future awaits 
- Moosh 
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Fireworks...wait lets back it up a few hours
So prior to that romantic and mystic experience...the journey to the land of flashing lights, was far from enjoyable....
We entered the subway - phase 1 - pretty normal...until we reached the transition station - phase 2 - pretty tight...Body heat began to rise as more and more people were stuffed into each compartment. 
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Although uncomfortable, the ride was rather bearable...But as we exited the metro, we were drawn in by the fast moving crowd, each person drifting to another direction and before you knew it your body was simply pushed and shoved toward the exit, no effort required! (tip: the early bird catches the worm! 15:00 is not early enough)
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It was the biggest or at least, more intense crowd I have ever been in!
As we made our...sorry, as we were forced to the exit, the sudden kiss of fresh air on our sweaty faces was the most refreshing sensation!
And boom! we stepped forward to a grand display and Seoulistic modern interpretation of divisionism: A Sunday Afternoon on the Han River
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A couple of cooling minutes later, I knew this would be a magical night - and it was! As the sun began to set, the sky was painted a striking desert orange and quickly transformed into a romantic pinkish-purple that left me thankful - for everything, but mainly just being in that moment. 
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Sometimes the pure aesthetic beauty of nature can touch us in ways we don't expect. 
We set up our cute little picnic area, opened a bottle of wine and embraced the action and serenity that blanketed the riverside. We waited for the fireworks to begin as the black night crept up on our laughter and conversation.
Lights, camera, action!
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- Moosh
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Fireworks Festival by the Han River.....sometimes a picture is more powerful than words...and I could string together a sentence describing the grand fireworks show Canada, France, Japan and Korea participated in...I could write about the way the sky was illuminated by compiled splatters of bright reds, oranges, pinks, purples and green. And if i really wanted to describe how magnificent it was, I could tell you that the entire river was filled with hundreds of thousands of people for kilometers upon kilometers, collectively witness the same beautiful sight that sucked our souls into the darkness of the night and set us free in the ambiance of "oos", "ahhs", twinkling pupils and unity. But since my Iphone failed me this wonderful night, I will let you view a modest version of pictures in motion, that doesn't do the display justice but will provide a taste of what I attempted to convey through my words.  
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Korean Wedding!!!!
Enter, as I take you on a short, yet romantic and traditional, wedding expedition...
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This was the first time I attended a Christian wedding and thanks to my friend, who invited me as her guest, I was able to witness a beautiful and enlightening ceremony uniting two Korean families.
On entry (and about a foot taller than all the guests there) I was welcomed very respectfully and warmly but the groom and his parents. More and more guests began to fill up the church hall and within minutes the ceremony began. The mothers of the bride and groom made their way down the isle to light two candles which was followed by the classical piano tunes of "Here comes the bride", and the families made their way to the stage. 
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  As expected, the priest welcomed the crowd, the hosting families and broke into psalm readings and prayer. Of course, everything was in Korean, but the way the ceremony unfolded was easy to follow (with my friend who translated and explained meaningful passages and traditions) :) 
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The Priest completed his words and the audience broke into song, holding their palms faced-up and sang a beautiful melody. It was very touching to see and hear such synchronized harmony among a large crowd, gathered in one place to honor the young couple. 
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The ceremony took a more personal turn when the bride and groom's best friends got up on stage to sing a love song that symbolized the couple's strong bond.
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There was something very cute and innocent about this exchange of lyrics, from the friends to the couple, followed by the groom's song to his wife. Then a short and sweet clip was displayed, showing how he proposed and a slideshow of photos of all the good memories they shared.
They were officially married after walking down the isle together, hand-in-hand! Both families then respectfully thanked their guests for attending the event. 
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Photos were taken and naturally, with all great events and celebrations, comes great food!!!!!!!! :)
I feasted away, 2 (ok 3) helpings of fresh sashimi, rice, meat, seafood, salads and desserts!
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After meeting my friend's friends and bonding over a great meal the wedding was officially over! 
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2.30hrs from when we arrived had passed and I was surprised to see how different Korean weddings are: short and sweet :) 
The couple had changed into their traditional and conservative clothing, while the guests lingered around, eating, drinking coffee or catching up with some old friends...(I assume they waited impatiently, although very respected, to begin their honeymoon).
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- till my next post.
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Let the Games Begin!!!!
Welcome to the annual Ko-Yon games!!! Where football, basketball, ice-hockey, baseball and rugby sportsmen will battle it out to see which school tops the charts this year!
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Today hundreds of KU and Yonsei students gathered at the World Cup Stadium painting the outskirts of the baseball field red and blue. From our departure at the subway up until we got our seats, the air was filled with passion and energy, as students collected unanimously to support their team. I was taken back the dedication, loyalty and vigor displayed by the students!
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Needless to say, each student memorized the many war-cries and matching choreography, which were chanted constantly over the duration of the game. Tip - get a good nights sleep before attending the event because you will be on your feet all day, singing, dancing and jumping around.... 
So baseball was definitely a new sport for me, but i cant say I'm a fan...I was more interested in singing my heart out (to lyrics I didn't know) with fellow KU students, Korean and exchange, and enjoying some red-coloured cocktail, just to spice up the event ;)
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After the game we headed off to the ice rink just as loud and ambitious as ever (even though we lost)
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The ice-rink was packed within seconds and the players swiftly glided onto the ice. This game was by far more thrilling, with the fast pace and smooth movements of the players. KU dominated the game, which was tremendous since they haven't won in 15+ years......and in the last 4 minutes, our near victory became a draw. Although we didn't officially win, KU remained in the stadium singing, so proud of the players who showcased great sportsmanship! 
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In-between these two games the prestige basketball game commenced and KU WON! :) 
We left the stadium with high levels of energy that continued back to Anam where students filled restaurants and bars, still singing with full force, to celebrate today's success and hopefully more wins tomorrow. 
Although I will not attend the football and rugby games tomorrow, as I will be at a Korean wedding (post to follow), I am very excited for KU and wish them the best of luck!!! Looking forward to celebrating with the entire exchange student body in Gangnam tomorrow night! 
Till then, Oppa Kode Style!!! :)
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
And these little pigs went to....BUSAN!
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With the Chuseok festivities' arrival, as lucky students, we got a holiday (from what has so far been an exciting holiday) since we deserved it after three weeks hard work! :P
And so the Livingtel crew went to the southern city of Busan, the second largest city after Seoul - except this one has a BEACH!
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We had a rather entertaining 5 hour train ride on a slower line playing concentration and bonding with drunk business men. Eventually at night we arrived to destination Busan!
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And after a bus ride to Haeundae we arrived at the New Day Hostel...and what a delightful place it was! From the super friendly and warm staff, to the modern and clean rooms/bathrooms/kitchen and daily breakfast, which were topped off by a rooftop cozy lounge and gorgeous outdoor garden overlooking the neighborhood, our stay was more than comforting! 
Over the 4 days there, we spent a lot of time at the beach, absorbing the last rays of the remaining summer sun. We were pretty surprised by the small quantity of people on the beach since rumor has it, Busan in Chuseok is very crowded! 
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We visited two gorgeous temples, each unique in its own way. The first, Seokbulsa Temple, was reached by a refreshing hour hike through lush greenery and crisp mountainous aroma. Eventually after your calf muscles start to cramp you reach an idyllic and traditional themed temple.
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But further in, a mesmerizing sight of mountain-rock carved images of Buddhist inspirations welcome you. We sat silently observing the magnificence before us as the wind brushed past our skin, leaving us in complete tranquility. 
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The second, Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, was equally mystic, but in a different way. This temple, unique for its location by the sea, was in full force the day we visited. Local and tourists from all over came to pay tribute to the site, many of whom participated in prayer. The site has several depictions of Buddah statues dispersed across viewpoints, accessed by climbing some stairs, ok many stairs! But it's definitely worth the effort!!! The combination of mountain and sea makes this temples one of my favorite yet!
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Next, we visited Busan's cultural village, similar to the favelas in Brazil of Cinque Terre in Italy. We took a step back from the hustle and vibrant neon lights illuminating Haeundae and slithered through traditional village-like passages, up twisted stairs (again) until we reached the top - with the entire city at our fingertips and the multi-coloured houses, time stopped before me; the poverty of the area fell away and all I could see was a colorful community that circulated around the city, somehow putting the importance of life's simplicity into perspective.  
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During the nights we commenced our usual party spirit, accompanied by some (maybe a lot of) beer and snacks (my tastebuds will never be satisfied without them back home!). Whether we were on the beach or the hostel lounge we bonded over drinking games and imaginary twister (somehow it works and ROCKS).
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We had our first live performance as the "Livingtels" on the beach at an open mic-night, which landed up being more of a standup comedy (on our side). But I think the crowd was entertained. 
To sum it up, our visit in Busan came and went in the blink of an eye, which is always a good sign. Unfortunately all good things come to an end but the sights we saw and fun we had are timeless.
Back to Seoul-living!
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Celebrating the Festivities!
As the major three-day harvest festival arrives, Seoul has transformed into a culture map of various traditions and preparations, demonstrating what to expect during the Chuseok holiday. 
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At the center of the city, Gwanghwamun square, you can find an eclectic range of food, clothing and antique stalls, each offering a taste of Korean history. 
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- a Korean woman preparing kimchi, i.e. the hummus of korea ;), except it's spicy fermented vegetables. I wont lie and say it's delicious as I haven't exactly drawn a love for it, but its great when eaten off the Korean BBQ grill :)
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- this is how Korean prepare another very popular food item: the rice cake....no, its nothing like cake. It more of a chewy, bland, dough-like chunk made of rice and apparently a hammer. When cooked in a spicy sauces or mixed with cheese, soup or chicken-dishes, its a great addition to the meal. 
Alas, the fair includes various foods from other countries like Japan, Sri-lanka and Vietnam.....I found this at the Vietnam stand. What is it.....I have no clue but its so awesome!
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Although food is my first priority and I had my fair share of tasting, it was the army of traditional Korean dresses worn by locals that most impressed me. Girls of all ages and backgrounds could select a dress from an array line of multi-coloured Hanbok. It truly felt like a scene of out of an Asian fairytale. 
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Among the dolled-up girls were traditional Korean games being played by young children, teenagers and the elderly. With the sun shining bright after a rainy week, there was such a strong essence of liberty in the air that radiated through the gamers and spread across the square. 
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Lastly, as is customary with all festivities, grand performances spellbound the surrounding area with an artistically cultured atmosphere, enjoyed by the public.
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I was highly impressed and fascinated by the pre-Chusoek introduction and am intrigued to find out what the renowned harvest festival has in store. Like most people in the country, who leave Seoul and return to their home town to spend the holiday with family, the Livingtels (aka the kitchen crew) and I are going down to Busan tomorrow!
Awaiting the next exciting expedition in South Korea's southern city! Be back by the weekend! :D
Till then!
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
Singing in the Kitchen...
Whether it's McLaren's Pub in How I Met Your Mother or Cafe Nervosa from Frasier, it seems that these entertaining and diverse characters share a hot spot where much laughter, conversation and fun happenings take place.
I'm no TV star, but the kitchen at Rachel-Livingtel has become the hot spot for me and my fellow flat-mates. 
Meet the kitchen crew...
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What you see before you is an eclectic bunch of awesome people that I will be spending the next semester with. Students from Singapore, Denmark, Austria, Israel, China, France and other interesting backgrounds have captivated the modest rooms of the livingtel. Often we gather in the pumping kitchen to escape our small slumbers to cook up a storm and socialize! 
I have made fresh friendships with people from places and origins I have never encountered, even though I studied in the international program at the IDC.
When I was younger, I preferred familiarity, being with people I knew and who were similar to me. But as I grew older I became fascinated by difference and the new. It may sound vague, but generally I have learned to take interest and appreciate the many unique cultures our world offers. Each person has an alternative view on life and when you cross paths with someone with this refreshing perspective, your mind expands. My whole being, heart, mind and soul, has reached a reawakening and is continuing to grow. 
It's the people who enter your life, who shape it...and I have met some amazing people! 
Although this part of my journey will be short-lived, I am lucky to have been placed in a setting with such diversity, compassion and interest. Each kitchen character is a puzzle piece of the great experience this semester holds and I cannot wait to continue sharing these memorable moments be it late night laughter, meal-time mingling or city expeditions :) 
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mooshinseoul-blog · 11 years
City Lights!
“May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.” - J.R.R. Tolkien
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When you begin something new or reach a crossroads between the phases in life, you often tend to feel a little confused, lost and indecisive; well at least I do and am. 
The initial phase of fun and action peaked this week with eventful group meetings, late night partying and escalating social activities. But today I would like to focus on something that is less connected to the happenings of my day-to-day Seoul updates, but rather the core effects determined by this experience.
It was two nights ago that I joined my KUBA (Korea University Buddy Assistance) group for a traditional Korean dinner and a walk around Gwanghwamun sqaure. The food was delicious, the company was lovely and the night's air was refreshingly crisp. Although we didn't partake in something particularly active or entertaining, I truly enjoyed wondering around the square and embracing the vivid sights before me.
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Now, I had been to this exact spot already, but never at night. There was something magical about the way the same figures I had seen during the day, came to life at night. 
Please, If you may, consider my aforementioned quote....got it...? Why I choose this quote, particularly by Mr. Tolkien, is the mystery nights brings and the sudden awakening you feel when exposed to a light source.
More specifically, in terms of my experience here, is that these next few months are that halt in my life, the diversion from one phase to another. I would be lying if I knew exactly where I want to go after this adventure comes to an end, as all good things do, or what I want to do even, but when I stood before these significant Korean historical heroes and suddenly noticed the way the light surrounding them enhanced their significance, prowess and strength, I realized that I have been given an opportunity; a guiding light to the next phase of my life, that may seem to be vague gleam at times, but when truly embraced, becomes a shining beam that is changing my perspective and outlook on life, myself and who I want to be.
Perhaps I signed up for a semester abroad, but I am learning a lot more than strategic academics and that type of knowledge is priceless!
Lights out,
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