moreraw-blog · 12 years
the starting line
July 9, 2012 This morning I took my measurements & weight as well as some other things that are measured on a body analyzing scale. This is what I found: bust - 38.5" chest - 36" waist - 30" hips - 37.5" left thigh - 21" right thigh - 22" left calf - 13" right calf - 13" left upper arm - 11.5" right upper arm - 11.5" left forearm - 9" right forearm - 9" height - 5' 5-3/4" weight -144.2 lbs body fat - 24.4% TBW (total body water) - 55.1 % muscle - 35.8 % bone - 2.2 kg I will take these again in a month & relay the results here. Day 1 Food 10 bananas 2 celery stalks .5 c raspberries 1 c blueberries 2 peaches 5 apricots 10 bananas 2 romaine hearts .5 c cherry tomatoes 5 celery stalks .5 cucumber 1 c raspberries 1 c strawberries 1 mango Total Calories - 2880 Water - 0 Exercise - 30 min power walk while carrying almost 20 lbs Sleep - 8 hours I didn't meet my goals as fully as I would have liked today but it's a start. I had a couple of opportunities to eat cooked yet it was surprisingly easy to resist. My body craves the fruit & it tastes oh so good. The bit of extra calories I missed out on made me feel a little weak, tired & a bit unhappy - nothing too major, just not as happy as I should have been today. Tomorrow will be better, I'm sure. On the positive side of things, none of my meals made me feel like I needed a nap (I've often felt that way when eating cooked). I did spend some time in the sun in the morning which was nice. It rained for a lot of the day:) I actually feel a difference in myself today.. but can't quite put my finger on what it is. Tomorrow I will be making a video for YouTube so stay tuned for that.. Also, some of my health history & "get to know me" in tomorrow's blog. See ya!
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moreraw-blog · 12 years
Finally: a beginning.
We all have our stories of how we got here, on this lifestyle. Some of you have been at it for decades while others are just starting out. Some started for the morality, others for health or weight loss. Whatever the case may be, I hope this finds you well (or on the road to wellness). The following journal-type entries are an account of my story. This is the beginning:
July 1, 2012 It's hard to believe that almost a year has passed since I first found out about this lifestyle. If there is one word to describe what I thought about my findings, that word would be "right." I had the idea that it was the right path for me & I bought Dr. Graham's book (The 80/10/10 Diet) as soon as I was able. While reading the first chapter, the feelings about the matter were reinforced. I decided to make the transition as soon as I finished the book. Neither task was fulfilled. There were plenty of "reasons" why I didn't complete it. The true reason however, was lack of willpower. I wanted it yes, but I focused my energy elsewhere. (The elsewhere was of importance too but I realize now that both could have been attained together.) Anyway, I'm done with the excuses & I have a plan now that I will be sharing with you soon. In the next week, I will be finishing the book & preparing a 30 Day Raw Challenge (coincidentally during Freelea's 30 day challenge, but it was actually planned before:). I do plan on continuing on after the 30 days, just need the jump start. So, starting Monday, July 9th I will be starting my adventure on this amazing lifestyle!
Peace, Love & Fruit.
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moreraw-blog · 12 years
A little about goals & being prepared.
June 7, 2012
In starting a new lifestyle, of course it's going to take time & effort. You will most likely have setbacks but it's what you do in those moments that really matter. If you are unprepared, you will probably have more setbacks than if you knew what to do in the hardest times. It always pays off to have a backup plan - and don't forget the importance of setting goals & keeping track of why you're doing this. If you write those goals down & put them somewhere noticeable, they'll be sure to keep you on course. These are mine:
eat 100% raw for the next 30 days+ go on banana island when 30 days is up incorporate exercise into it, EVERYday even if that means just going on a walk some days ..(more about my exercise coming soon).. always have bananas on hand in general, eat 4x each day-3 fruit meals & a salad-in addition, "graze" when needed plan meals for the day every morning or the night before try a new recipe once a week to keep things interesting spend more time outside & in the sun go to sleep early enough to allow at least 9 hours of sleep (aim for 10-11) stay hydrated - drink a gallon a day play! get creative:) keep a journal & add select part to blog everyday make video updates at least once a week track measurements & weight loss once a month (for informative purposes only) read THE PLAN & MY GOALS & THE WHY everyday until it sinks in
if there is nothing to eat, remember the store is not that far away. drink some water to hold you over until you can get there keep an easy-access backup stash of cash for these occasions if a craving sets in, eat some delicious fruit & go DO something for family gatherings, always eat beforehand & bring reinforcements (snack fruits) if needed
to set a good example for my family to be healthy in every sense of the word to overcome depression for good to get rid of joint pain & stiffness to look & feel my best to save the animals to be an inspiration & help other people to be closer to nature to be happy to increase brain power for optimal digestion for the energy to live!
use 30 days to transition for life increase mental clarity meet all physiological needs all the time read The 80/10/10 Diet again & again increase flexibility gain endurance - think running-races! gain muscle, lose flab nice ass & legs flat belly/abs have fun!
Throughout the course of this journey, I plan to revise these lists as I see fit in order to encourage growth. I will be adding new goals each month. If you are making your own lists, feel free to use any of my ideas. I hope this helps you in your own journey!
Only the best of wishes:)
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