moresaints · 1 year
Did he trip on a rock at the end?
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moresaints · 1 year
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moresaints · 1 year
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moresaints · 1 year
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I call this "looking for wife in chicken coop" ft. @martyrshe
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moresaints · 1 year
“I once had every hope. The world corrupts me, I think. Or perhaps it’s just the weather. It pulls me down and makes me think like you, that one should shrink inside, down and down to a little point of light, preserving one’s solitary soul like a flame under glass. The spectacles of pain and disgrace I see around me, the ignorance, the unthinking vice, the poverty and the lack of hope, and oh, the rain—”
— Hilary Mantel, from Wolf Hall
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moresaints · 1 year
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Radovid behaviour.
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moresaints · 1 year
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St George and the Dragon (detail) by Carlo Crivelli
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moresaints · 1 year
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Thinking about how grand and garish the colours were in Medieval castles, like bright blues and reds and greens (and how brightly coloured the clothes would have been too). I wish we could have seen what it all really looked like. Period shows we get these days make everything so dark. Give me my gaudy colours!
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moresaints · 1 year
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Cosimo di Giovanni de' Medici (detail) by Bronzino
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moresaints · 1 year
“I would never tie you down, not even with garlands of roses. I don’t want anything from you that doesn’t come from your own impulse, like water from the springs.”
— Dulce María Loynaz, tr. James O’Connor, Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems; “XLVI”
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moresaints · 1 year
hades (supergiant games) starters - pt.1 - olympians edit as you see fit
athena “i offer you my friendship, not a loan to be repaid” “my, how very generous of you, to offer me this gift” “are you testing the limits of my patience with you?” “i would very much prefer to think we both know better than to let old grudges stew forever” “yours is a brazen plan of action and i admire it”
demeter “i’ll aid your plight, why not?” “you’re in the winter of your current stretch of life, aren’t you” “surely you feel the warmth within you giving way?” “offend me, and i’ll drain the last traces of color from those cheeks of yours” “you are entirely too young to have had meaningful experiences with loss, pray that you never have to learn”
zeus “your lapse in judgement here is not so easy to forgive, yet easily punished” “commendable of you to live through that” “you seem in dire need of some assistance, so of course i dropped what i was doing and then sought you out as quickly as i could” “such strange alliances we forge these days” “you honour me, as you well should”
poseidon “hoh you look positively in atrocious shape, there” “why, you’re bleeding everywhere! here, let me try and do something for that” “you think that you’ve a chance in hell without my help, am i to understand?!” “it seems to me your strength outweighs your smarts, there” “ah, i can’t stay angry! let us call all that unpleasantness back there water under the bridge, what say you”
aphrodite “if you lavish me with gifts, why, what am i to do but give you something in return” “ah, dearest, but it stirs my heart to know you care so deeply for our wonderful relationship” “dearest, why, your heart rate’s fluctuating wildly, has it really been that bad up to this point?” “now, dearest, surely there’s no way that could have been one of the wiser choices that you’ve lately made?” “do not anger me again, or i might come down and kill you there myself!”
ares “i trust, from time to time, you stop to ask yourself how come you choose to fight” “the hunt is but a prelude to a war, is that not so? “you interrupt me once again, you know i do not care for that, i warn you to stay out of my affairs” “a successfully conducted war is certainly a cause for celebration, is it not?” “i trust the violence i have wrought on your behalf has been quite satisfactory?”
dionysus “hey, cheers for picking up the tab, there, now, i cannot exactly pay you back, though i could give you this!” “did i do something to deserve this, man, because i thought that we were getting on just fine, better than fine, but this?” “really, man? after everything we’ve been through together, this is the gratitude i get?” “know what, man, i’m not even angry after that, what was i even going off about, do you recall…?” “let’s say we’re settled up now, and go on being best mates just like before, yeah?”
hermes “whoa you’re a hot mess, there, what happened getting here?” “you ever get the feeling life’s been moving all too quickly for you? “out of all special delivery recipients i’ve had over the ages, here, i’ve got to say, you’re the most interesting one!” “a little awkward, having to pretend we just met” “you’re rather slow, if only somebody could help you out with that”
artemis “you’re being very nice to me, and that makes me suspicious, understand?” “if you’re quite done with shopping, what say we cut straight to the chase from here?” “hey how’d you get your hands on a nice bow like that?” “don’t be messing with my feelings, my loyalty’s hard-won and quickly lost” “fine, i’m not angry anymore, not really anyway, but you just watch yourself with me, you got it?”
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moresaints · 1 year
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Giuseppe Giorgetti (documented 1668-82) “Saint Sebastian” (1671-1672) Marble Located in the Basilica di San Sebastiano fuori le Mura, Rome, Italy
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moresaints · 1 year
From Bioware’s ‘Dragon Age 2′. (One (1) from Inquisition.) As per usual, feel free to change pronouns or whatever you so please.   Warnings! Mentions of & implications: food, violence, death.
“ When in doubt, run away, and let me handle it. ”
“ Looks like a fight! Be ready! ”
“ May Andraste guide you. ”
“ I’m just here to talk. ”
“ I don’t know if I can pull this off. ”
“ It’s not a choice everyone has. ”
“ I figured there’d at least be free food. ”
“ Thank you for not breaking his legs. ”
“ I’m happy with who I am. ”
“ I do what I can. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like enough. ”
“ No worries, everything is dandy now. ”
“ Just act like you know where you’re going, that’s usually enough. ”
“ For a slaughtering ground, it’s actually rather pretty. ”
“ Are you about to die? Am I? Why so serious all of a sudden? ”
“ It’s far more entertaining if I don’t. ”
“ Can you save someone so intent on being foolish? ”
“ We could bring him back as the undead, and then kill him again. ”
“ ‘Don’t touch anything’ is usually an invitation to touch everything. ”
“ ‘It cannot be a coincidence’? It sounds exactly like a coincidence! ”
“ Don’t the stories mention my stunning good looks? What about my cunning wit? ”
“ I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. I just can’t think of it right now. ”
“ Wow. Your problems make mine seem small. ”
“ Helping people and killing people are what I’m best at. ”
“ Good to know you’re barking mad. That makes things easier. ”
“ I’ve been wondering when you’d come back to bite me in the ass. ”
“ I thought you’d be taller. ”
“ At least we’re alive. That’s no small feat. ”
“ Can’t anyone fix their own lives around here? ”
“ I’m just here for the rat-flavored whiskey. ”
“ You should see the look on your face. ”
“ If I held a grudge against everyone who attacked me in a dream, I’d have no friends. ”
“ I hear a ‘but’ coming. ”
“ If this is the afterlife, the Chantry owes me an apology. This looks nothing like the Maker’s bosom. ”
“ They say your life flashes in front of your eyes before you die. ”
“ I don’t know or care who you are, but you need to step back right now. ”
“ I’ll tear his throat out myself. ”
“ The elves deserve justice. ”
“ Always money in saving fools. ”
“ I think a bloody response is in order. ”
“ You should have known better. ”
“ Don’t go making promises you can’t keep. ”
“ Thinking about what might have been is pointless. ”
“ Solve your own problem. ”
“ You always were a good liar. ”
“ If you’re looking for trouble, you’ve found it. ”
“ Feel better getting that off your chest? ”
“ You know I hate it when you do that. ”
“ If they hurt you I’ll make them regret it. ”
“ It does feel like some unseen force is manipulating my fate. ”
“ Hmm, I didn’t think you cared. ”
“ You think I asked for this? ”
“ I just want to get out of here. Alive, if possible. ”
“ Vermin always flock to dark places. ”
“ Yes, inviting you to a party is an insidious punishment I’ve been planning for months. ”
“ Without risk, there’s no reward. ”
“ Remind me why busting down the door isn’t an option? ”
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moresaints · 1 year
Kly watched wide eyed as the human lifted the wood throne onto its hind legs. It seemed she underestimated her strength. And also her maturity level. She looked at the caricature of male geneltalia she was happy to show off to a stranger. Should Kly wish, she could easily use it against her. Start a purity and religious campaign from the shadows and drag her down into ruin. This Kynge was far too trusting. They would need to work on that, it seemed. She seemed very pleased with herself, having subverted Kly’s expectations. Not that she had many to start with. This was a human after all. They had all sorts of strange predilictions and fetishes.
“It matters not what you’re like in person,” Kly said. That was true. Look at Auberon. He was a husk when he forced her to marry him, happy to dream of the past and leave his people to their fates, whatever that may be. And yet, all of Aen Elle civilization worshipped the very ground he walked on. They sang of his conquests and wrote his story, taught of his gallant visage and bloodthirsty nature that paved the way for current Aen Elle life. All a ruse.
“All that matters is that your lessers fear and admire you. Achieve that, and you can get away with any ethical wrong in the world. Look at your enemy, Emhyr. He has achieved this. And intends to use it against you.”
Zelda stared at her companion the same way someone might appraise a warship before buying it. Was it worth it? Would it get the job done? The faintest of creases formed at a corner of her mouth. She was smiling, not for the first time, but this time it was subtle. Very subtle. Because she had seen something in the woman that she liked. 
The throne was set down upon its legs once more. “It's not heavy,” she said, as though she had read Kly's mind. Zelda dusted off her palms like the chair was covered in thousands of years of royal dust. “As for Emhyr, he can kiss my wood-carved throne phallus.” That she meant. She hopped up, more lithe than she appeared.
Her pointed leather shoes tapped gracefully down the steps until she was once more face to face with Kly. “To be feared… by whom? My enemies, or my subjects?”  A troubled look passed across her face, her fair brow twitching. “Sodden Hill happened not long after I was crowned. We won against Nilfgaard, of course. All the Northern Realms, together. But it was just a battle. Nilfgaard has legions a-plenty, made up of all the rabble they can find, and as much as I hate to say it aloud Emhyr has in his employment a handful of formidable generals. After their embarrassing defeat, they retreated from Sodden. Those that survived. Somehow they managed to swarm back together faster than anyone expected.” 
Like flies on shit, she thought, continuing on.
"They split up. One band set off towards Kagen, whilst the second remained to slow us down. Once they reached Kagen, the soldiers constructed a strong fortification for themselves in front of its entrance. They wanted to take Kagen, but they were unable to capture the town because its citizens defended themselves courageously until my men could bring them relief. They had faith in me that I would not abandon them, and I didn't. Farmers, Kly! Up against armed men. Soldiers. Had they not believed that they would be saved by their liege, by me, they would have let themselves be slaughtered and Riverdell would be in the hands of the Empire right now. Why would I repay their faith in me by terrorising them?”
She had laid herself under a vow the day that she was crowned, and that vow demanded obedience. Stay here upon her throne, in office; help the afflicted, live for all, that all may live for her: live for Temeria. Work for it day and night.
"I intend to rule with chivalry. I will let equity be the rule of my court. I will rule myself by law, and my subjects by love.”
In truth, she knew very well the importance of image.
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moresaints · 1 year
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Gustav Vigeland - Kneeling man embracing standing woman (1908)
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moresaints · 1 year
“He is tired out from the effort of deciphering the world.”
— Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall (via antigonick)
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moresaints · 1 year
❝ I cannot stand before you and claim to be without sin. ❞ / zelda
Zelda was in agony as she gripped the arm of her chair and dragged herself to her feet. She held the weight of her bulging stomach, knees shaking, and felt a gush of warm fluid spread down the inside of her thighs. The dark-wood flooring was spattered with her broken waters. She felt the oncoming pressure of the babe against her pelvis, and a sharp jab which shot through her body like a bolt of lightning.
She had fought wars but it was this which terrified her the most. 
“That is why you did it,” she said through clenched teeth. “You suggested it to Calanthe first. The girl, Cirilla, and Radovid. Marriage. Allegiance. Power. But the late Queen of Cintra would not have it, so you had to find someone else. Another ruler, another kingdom. Me.” 
Tears filled her eyes angrily, the blue of them a dark and wild tempest. “And who would object? Calanthe was dead by the time you arrived in Temeria. Did you plan to have me married off to that devil all along? Is that why you got so close to me?”
Somewhere in her heart she knew that that was not true, that it was the mix of her birthing pains and her emotions which was clouding her judgement; making her nonsensical. But there, in some far corner of her mind, she felt the pinprick of doubt. What if Philippa had tricked her, too? Had she pretended to love her? All to get her to trust in her counsel, to confide in Philippa all her wants and fears. It was not so much the fact that Radovid was her husband which rocked her, but that perhaps Philippa's intentions towards her were not as innocent and natural as she was first led to believe.
Another stab of pain jolted through her hips and tops of her thighs and she gasped, almost buckling back down into the chair. She raised a hand to stop Philippa from coming near, from helping her. 
“Not you.” Not now.
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