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MortgageSalesManager.com was founded by Dave King of SWBC Mortgage. Dave has been originating mortgages since 1985 and has closed over $1 Billion in personal production without working long hours or weekends. He has also helped coach and educate his colleagues as the Sales Manager in his office since 1994. https://ift.tt/2wRTUaO
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Mortgage Sales Manager Introduction by Dave King. Mortgage Sales Manager is a series of videos that help you become a better Loan Officer. https://ift.tt/2wRTUaO
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Get tips from Dave King on helping Realtors succeed as a Loan Officer. Advice on CRM Solutions to tracking birthdays of past customers. https://ift.tt/2wRTUaO
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Presented by Dave King of Mortgage Sales Manager, this video provides a quick look at how to get more referrals as a mortgage loan officer. Specifically, it addresses thanking people for referring others to you. Some loan officers like to thank people after the loan closes, when a file’s opened, or a few months after the loan closes, but all of those aren’t the right time for thanks. The proper time to offer thanks for a referral is immediately. Simply through the act of trying to help you and their friend or relative out by referring you, the person in question has done all that they can do at that point. So, if the loan doesn’t close or things don’t work out for any other reason, it’s not that person’s fault. They’ve already tried to help, so it’s best to thank them early and thank them often. When you do this, you’ll notice that you get even more referrals as time goes on. Visit us at: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2wuhLiS Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #howtogetmorereferralsasamortgageloanofficer #howtogetmorereferralsasaloanofficer #howtogetmorereferrals #getmorereferralsasamortgageloanofficer #getmorereferralsasaloanofficer #getmorereferrals #morereferralsasaloanofficer #referralsasamortgageloanofficer #referralsasaloanofficer #mortgageloanofficer #loanofficer #mortgage
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This video by Dave King, of Mortgage Sales Manager, covers how top producing loan officers generate instant charisma. By being helpful, knowledgeable, and showing that you care will go a long way in creating a great working relationship. In your first interactions with customers, don't hold anything back. You shouldn't wait for a commitment from them. Instead, you should show your commitment to them regardless of the outcome. That's just good business. This practice helps you become known as the helpful and valuable mortgage loan officer who cares about his or her customer. That's the type of person who will win over customers every single time. Demonstrate your knowledge but more importantly demonstrate that you care. This reflects the common saying, "Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care." Visit us here: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2wuhLiS Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #howdotopproducingloanofficersdoit #howdotopproducingloanofficers #howdoloanofficersdoit #howdotoploanofficersdoit #topproducingloanofficers #toploanofficers #howdoloanofficers #toploanofficersdoit #loanofficers #loan #officers
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Dave King provides an introduction to Mortgage Sales Manager in this video. Originating mortgages isn’t easy and Dave notes that everyone has room for improvement and should strive to do better in their jobs. Mortgage Sales Manager exists to help loan officers improve their game. While you’ve likely already developed your own style to conduct business, it’s even better if you’re able to combine your style with the proven strategies, valuable knowledge, and wisdom that you’ll learn from Mortgage Sales Manager. It’s called the four E’s: education, encouragement, enlightenment, and entertainment. The system is straightforward and user-friendly complete with short and sweet videos that are designed to take your business and your life to the next level. To subscribe, just click on this link http://ift.tt/2vWqnPU and we’ll send you new material as soon as it comes out. Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #mortgagesalesmanager #mortgagesales #salesmanager #mortgage #sales #manager #introductiontomortgage #introtomortgage #mortgageintro
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Dave King of Mortgage Sales Manager addresses the topic of social security numbers and provides some little-known facts about these numbers. Social security numbers were first issued starting in 1935 by local field offices. The prefix of the numbers (the first three numbers) is always based on the state in which it was issued. This can provide mortgage loan officers with a great conversation builder. Charts are available online that identify which numbers correspond to which states and frequently, people enjoy talking about their home state. However, this won't work for all of your clients going forward. As of 2011, social security numbers were randomized and the geographic signature was eliminated. The video notes several other interesting facts about social security number, including the fact that they'll never start with 000, 9, or 666. Have fun using these interesting facts as conversation starters with your clients. Visit us at: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2wuhLiS Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #wheredosocialsecuritynumberscomefrom #wheredosocialsecuritynumbers #socialsecuritynumberscomefrom #wheredosocialsecurity #socialsecuritynumbers #numberscomefrom #socialsecurity #securitynumbers #social #security #numbers
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In this video, Dave King discusses how you can make more money in the mortgage industry by reading. He notes that it’s a very overlooked discipline by most loan officers as they don’t read enough or take the time to brush up on guidelines from time to time. Unfortunately, many loan officers will ask others when they don’t know the answer to a question. But they should know the answer and it is their responsibility to know these things. Reading first helps to save the time for everyone involved but, more importantly, it’s a great way to win you business and get you referrals. Knowledge increases your confidence and conviction and improves the manner in which you discuss your products and your trade. While reading and research will take some time and effort, it’s worth every minute. It might help to think of yourself more as a professional reader. Block out time specifically to read up and stay current on issues. It usually won’t take any more than an hour a week to keep up to date on industry news. Don’t forget to read your basic program guidelines over and over again to make sure that you have all the details down. Reading is one of the simplest ways you can help yourself to make more money and do better production. It’s a worthwhile effort that will give you measurable benefits. Dave King, of Mortgage Sales Manager, talks about the best way to make more money in the mortgage industry: by reading. Reading is frequently overlooked by loan officers as many don’t take the time to keep abreast of industry news or make sure that they have a thorough understanding of guidelines. Instead, these loan officers may simply ask others for the answers to their questions. However, it is every loan should strive to know all the ins and outs of their industry. When you make the effort to expand and maintain your knowledge base, you help to save everyone’s time, plus it’s incredibly effective at winning business and getting more referrals. When you have a good grasp of all the topics, it increases your confidence and conviction. You’re better able to present your products and your trade in a positive and influential manner. You’ll need to take the time and make the effort to focus some of your time on reading and researching. But you’ll find that it’s worth it. Make sure that you schedule time specifically for reading every week. It’s pretty easy to keep up to date on industry news and refresh your knowledge in as little as an hour a week. You’ll also want to take the time to read your program guidelines again and again so that you know them forward and backward. When you incorporate reading into your professional habits, you’ll find that it’s one of the easiest ways that you can increase your revenue and production. You’ll notice significant gains from this one small habit. Visit us at: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2wuhLiS Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #howtomakemoremoneyinthemortgageindustrybyreading #howtomakemoremoneyinthemortgageindustry #makemoremoneyinthemortgageindustry #makemoremoneybyreading #makemoremoney #howtomakemoremoney #mortgageindustry #moremoney #reading
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Dave King of Mortgage Sales Manager talks about debt restructuring for individuals in this short video. Essentially, if you're going to owe money, it's best to do it in the most efficient way possible. Most times, this entails borrowing against your primary residence. Individuals may have mortgages with great interest rates that are better than what's currently available. However, it may still be in their best interest to refinance in order to get out of other debts, pay for home improvements, fund college or retirement, or even just improve the monthly cash flow. It's a mortgage loan officer's job to take a holistic view of a homeowner's financial situation in order to best help them borrow in the most efficient way. Mortgage loan officers can help homeowners save money, fund important things, and help with their monthly cash flow problems. If you take the holistic approach with your customers, you'll be the hero and even better, you'll be able to help them out. As a mortgage loan officer, it's your responsibility to help your customers make the best decision when it comes to refinancing. In this short video, Dave King with Mortgage Sales Manager addresses debt restructuring. While it's not ideal to owe money, if it's a must, then it's best to owe in the most efficient way. Homeowners may find that borrowing against their primary residence is the best way to accomplish smart debt restructuring. In some instances, these individuals may have mortgages with better rates than are currently available. Even if that's the case, it still may a good choice to refinance. This process can help them to pay off other debts, invest in home improvements, improve their monthly cash flow, or pay for important events like college or retirement. You'll need to take a holistic view of your customer's finances in order to determine how they can borrow efficiently. When done in the right way, you'll be able to help them fund important things, improve their cash flow, and save money. Not only will this reflect well on you, but your customers will enjoy a better quality of life. Visit us at: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2wuhLiS Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #debtrestructuringforindividuals #debtrestructuring #howtorestructuredebt #restructuredebt #restructuring #restructuringforindividuals #personaldebt #restructurepersonaldebt #personaldebtrestructuring #debt
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In this video, Dave King, of Mortgage Sales Manager, talks about how to get more leads as a mortgage broker. He does this by talking about the concept of "10,000 steps." He notes that a lot of people have been obsessed with this number due to the large number of health watches that are currently available. Taking steps to improve your fitness habits and your health is great, so why not relate the same sort of thing to business? You can easily start working on daily goals that are designed for your business. Making 10 new contacts that you otherwise wouldn't have made is a great example of one goal you can incorporate to improve your business' fitness. These don't necessarily have to be 10 brand new people but you can reach out to realtors, financial planners, previous clients, and other individuals. This will be a beneficial step for your business that will serve to establish new relationships and improve existing ones. If you focus on simple steps like this one, you're sure to thrive in business. This quick video featuring Dave King of Morgage Sales Manager presents the idea of making small goals to improve your business' fitness. Many people quickly became interested in the fact that 10,000 steps constituted the ideal amount of walking every day to promote fitness. In addition, thanks to the variety of fitness and health trackers out there, it also was quite easy to monitor and accomplish. Utilizing small goals to reach your fitness goals is great, so why not take the same approach to improving your business. Daily goals can help you make great strides professionally. One example of a great goal to strive for is to make 10 new contacts every day that you otherwise wouldn't have. You don't need to try to reach out to 10 strangers every day, you can also reach out to existing contacts like financial planners, previous clients, and realtors. These efforts will work to improve your existing business relationships and keep you in the forefront of everyone's mind. Your business will thrive thanks to your expanded and strengthened network of contacts. Visit us at: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2vWqnPU Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 #howtogetmoreleadsasmortgagebroker #howtogetmoreleadsasabroker #howtogetmoreleads #getmoreleadsasmortgagebroker #getmoreleadsasabroker #leadgenerationtips #mortgagebroker #loanofficer #mortgage #leadtips
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This video, presented by Dave King of Mortgage Sales Manager, covers the topic of how to work with couples at the mortgage signing. This an extremely important topic for those in the mortgage business. Mortgage loan officers predominantly deal with one person in the couple as opposed to both. Frequently, this person is the family bookkeeper and they have a better knowledge of their finances than the other individual. Unfortunately, many couples do not communicate very well about money matters. A recent poll shows that almost three-quarters of people believe that they communicate well with their partners about money, but over 40% of them did not know how much their partner made. Of those who believed they did know how much their partner made, 10% of them were more than $25,000 off in their estimates. Also, 25% of these individuals weren't sure how much was in their partner's 401K or other retirement funds. This is very important information as we're typically working with the person who's providing us information on the other person. Remember to keep this information in mind when you're working with couples and proceed with caution so that you can ensure that everything is handled appropriately. With this quick video, you'll learn a little bit more about what to take into consideration when it comes to working with couples. Most of the time, mortgage loan officers will be working with one individual or the other but not both. Ideally, the person with whom they're working is the family bookkeeper and has a good idea of their finances as well as their partner's finances. However, couples don't always communicate well when it comes to money or financial matters. In a recent study, it came to light that while over 70% of people believe they communicated well with their partners when it came to money, 43% of these individuals didn't even know how much their partner made. Ten percent of those people who thought they knew their partner's salary were off by more than $25,000 in their estimates. In addition, a quarter of these individuals didn't know how much their partner had in retirement accounts. As it's important to get a clear financial picture from your clients, remember to keep these statistics in mind. Proceed cautiously to ensure that your client's needs are properly addressed. Visit us at: http://ift.tt/2wRTUaO Subscribe here: http://ift.tt/2vWqnPU Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 405-8350 #howtoworkwithcouplesatmortgagesigning #howtoworkwithcouplesatmortgage #howtoworkwithcouplesatsigning #workingwithcouples #workwithcouplesatmortgagesigning #couplesatmortgagesigning #workwithcouples #mortgagesigning #mortgage #signing
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What is the math formula for mortgage payments? This video is designed to help mortgage loan officers learn the right way to calculate the mortgage math formula to show their customers how much money they're saving by refinancing. Presented by Dave King with Mortgage Sales Manager, the video begins by noting the fact that most loan officers only look at the difference in payments. While the payment amount is important to customers, it's not the best way to convey how much money someone is saving. Showing a payments-to-payments comparison is like an apples-to-oranges comparison. There will be a different amount of time remaining on the loan, starting loan amount, interest rate, and different amortization. The most accurate formula for how much is being saved on a refinance is the amount that they owe times the interest rate differential. This formula will give you the first year's savings and the savings will go down with the balance every year after that. For example, consider a $300,000 loan at 4% versus a $300,000 loan at 3.5%. Running the numbers, the difference is $173 a month. Unfortunately, many loan officers will tell their customers that this is how much they're saving. But when using the formula provided, the difference comes to $3000 a year or $250 per month. That difference between the $173 and $250 is additional amortization that happens in the earlier years of the loan. So take the time to check the numbers, maybe run an amortization schedule or two, to help you be better able to drive home the point and express the savings to your customers. Learn More at: http://ift.tt/2wPLeAC Subscribe to our training info: http://ift.tt/2vWqnPU Visit Us Today: Mortgage Sales Manager 400 Inverness Parkway #160 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 405-6400 #whatisthemathformulaformortgagepayments #whatisthemathformulaformortgage #mathformulaformortgagepayments #mortgagepayments #mortgage #payments #mortgagemathformula #formula #mortgagemath #whatis
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