moslo · 6 years
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“Blade Runner” 1982 Daryl Hannah
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moslo · 6 years
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Your fave would never
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moslo · 6 years
me: immune system why do i have a fever
immune system: well the bacteria can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long so i thought i’d raise the temperature to kill them off!
immune system:
immune system:
me: we also can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long
immune system:
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moslo · 6 years
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moslo · 6 years
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moslo · 6 years
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Veterans Ask Native Elders For Forgiveness At Standing Rock.
I never thought I would see this day when a white man apologizes for the tyranny and oppression of Native American population. This is so powerful. This is the nation that I want - responsible, compassionate and that learns from its mistakes.
God bless them!
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moslo · 6 years
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find me on Instagram - @ kiink.cee
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moslo · 6 years
therealjacksam replied to your photo : October 2nd 2018 - A woman rips up pro-Kavanaugh…
oh how polite all you feminists are.
This is a great example of fascist tactics. He talks about needing to be polite, has a blog description reading “please let’s debate”, all seems so reasonable, right? 
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Well, see that blog header image? That’s a painting by Adolf Hitler. Do you think this person just really likes that painting coincidentally and genuinely cares about civil discourse? Of course not, he’s just a fascist doing what fascist do: muddy the water, use the language of liberalism to attack liberal society, etc Like Jean-Paul Sartre observed: Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. 
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moslo · 6 years
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A new species is evolving before scientists’ eyes in the eastern United States.
Wolves faced with a diminishing number of potential mates are lowering their standards and mating with other, similar species, reported The Economist.
The interbreeding began up to 200 years ago, as European settlers pushed into southern Ontario and cleared the animal’s habitat for farming and killed a large number of the wolves that lived there.
That also allowed coyotes to spread from the prairies, and the white farmers brought dogs into the region.
Over time, wolves began mating with their new, genetically similar neighbors.
The resulting offspring — which has been called the eastern coyote or, to some, the “coywolf” — now number in the millions, according to researchers at North Carolina State University.
Interspecies-bred animals are typically less vigorous than their parents, The Economist reported — if the offspring survive at all.
That’s not the case at all with the wolf-coyote-dog hybrid, which has developed into a sum greater than the whole of its parts.
At about 55 pounds, the hybrid animal is about twice as heavy as a standard coyote, and her large jaws, faster legs and muscular body allow her to take down small deer and even hunt moose in packs, and the animal is skilled at hunting in both open terrain and dense woodland.
An analysis of 437 hybrid animals found that coyote DNA dominates her genetic makeup, with about one-tenth of its DNA from dogs, usually larger dogs such as Doberman pinschers and German shepherds, and a quarter from wolves.
The animal’s cry starts out as a deep-pitched wolf howl that morphs into higher-pitched yipping — like a coyote.
Her dog DNA may carry an additional advantage.
Some scientists think the hybrid animal is able to adapt to city life — which neither coyotes or wolves have managed to do on their own — because her dog ancestry allows her  to tolerate people and noise.
The coywolves have spread into some of the nation’s largest cities — including New York, Boston and Washington — using railway corridors.
The interbreeding allows the animal to diversify her diet and eat discarded food, along with rodents and smaller mammals — including cats, which coywolves eat skull and all — and they have evolved to become nocturnal to avoid humans.
The animals are also smart enough to learn to look both ways before crossing roads.
Not all researchers agree the animal is a distinct species, arguing that one species does not interbreed with another — although the hybrid’s existence raises the question of whether wolves and coyotes are distinct species in the first place.
But scientists who have studied the animal say the mixing of genes has been much faster, extensive and transformational than anyone had noticed until fairly recently.
“(This) amazing contemporary evolution story (is) happening right underneath our nose,” said Roland Kays, a researcher at North Carolina State.
Watch this report on coywolves.
Raw Story
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moslo · 6 years
ok…. hear me out…. goth bf
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moslo · 6 years
Remember when Stephen Hawking was more worried about inequality under capitalism than artificial intelligence in a Reddit AMA and people started telling him to read an economics 101 book? Wild. Anyways rip Steve
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moslo · 6 years
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The only realistic gay/straight interaction
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moslo · 6 years
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Just read the last line; “Seoul failed to convince USFK chief…“
It’s as though the south is a colonial subject that has to beg for approval on everything from their imperial masters… This is for all those who think south Korea is some sort of independent nation and totally not the lapdog of the US.
It’s as though the US imperialists want to isolate the DPRK to the end of making it a failed state, so that that they can swoop in and dominate the market, extract as much capital as they can out of the state while cutting funds to crucial public institutions like healthcare and education, making the Koreans mere consumers, and not self-determining people, as they have done time and time again to countries around the world - a.k.a. imperialism.
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moslo · 6 years
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moslo · 6 years
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moslo · 6 years
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this isn’t the first time.
Here’s a link to donate money to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen
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moslo · 6 years
Half of Viking city of Sigtuna were immigrants
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No fewer than half the population of the Viking town of Sigtuna were immigrants, a new genetic analysis of human remains from the 10th to the 12th century has discovered.
While roughly half of the 38 people whose bones and teeth were genetically tested grew up in or around the nearby Lake Mälaren area, the other half came from as far away as Ukraine, Lithuania, northern Germany, the British Isles, and parts of central Europe, as well as from southern Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
“It was a sort of Viking Age Scandinavian Shanghai or London,” Anders Götherström, Professor of Molecular Archaeology at Stockholm University, told the TT newswire. “Anyone who wanted to do something, to work their way up in the church or in politics were first forced to come to Sigtuna.” Read more.
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