moss-is-nice · 2 years
love when a dynamic is like. this would be deeply toxic for anyone else but considering the people involved this is actually far and away the healthiest option
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
These turkish delights have turkish ends
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
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the secret world of arrietty interior scenes 🌿
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
aita for biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you biting you
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
they should invent a junkyard a few blocks from here that someday burns down so that the rising black smoke can carry me far away & i never come back to this town again in my life
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
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gothic garden entomology vintage book covers
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
love being in bed under big winter covers i feel like an old king dying of illness telling his last will to his son
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
you’re on tumblr with a beautiful girlblogger mutual and she won’t tell you that she loves you, but she loves you. and you feel like you’ve done something terrible, like unfollowed her without her realising it, or stolen a joke from her, and you’re tired. but then she reaches out and replies ‘so true, friend’ to a post of yours, like a prayer for which no words exist, and y
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
so much emotion captured in “so true.” so much eloquence in “real.” feelings that i otherwise would never be able to put to words all packed into responding with “literally” to everything
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
of course its month of the year again. its fucking always month of the year around here
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
every social interaction i initiate feels like i’ve violated like 15 untold rules
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
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Frog and cranberries it must be fall.
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
This autumn if youre not creepy wet slipperyand beautiful. dont even bother contacting me
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
enough of the “psychiatric medication suppresses your magical abilities” plot, how’s about “depression was preventing me from blowing shit up with my mind until I got on Zoloft”
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moss-is-nice · 2 years
girls love it whenn theres a woman
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