mountainmomblog · 3 years
Take everyday one step at a time.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
Saddened by the fact I will never make enough money to support myself or my kids, even when I work my ass off...
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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An ordinary seal on instagram
You are adorable! Remember that.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and starting to look a little pregnant now. It's odd because I feel like I've had a big belly by this time with my other two pregnancies but this one slow to the show. I've also been more stressed and emotional with this pregnancy than my other ones so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I am currently working on staying positive and not letting things get to me. It's hard for me to really stick with staying positive when my partner is making it very difficult because I feel that he wants to make me upset and sad. I'm not sure what to do and how to react anymore ...
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
The endless bitching I heard in 20 minutes would have some people running and screaming...I guess I'm just use to people being dicks to me.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
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Smile no matter how hard things can get!
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
Being told you are a financial burden...
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
Blog entry #4
Today I've been feeling alone, well I've been feeling alone since I've gotten pregnant. I feel like I'm the only one in this relationship and I don't know what to do? The sad part is anytime we argue it seems to always be my fault...I really need advice on what to do? Im just tired of getting ignored and feel like I'm the only one trying.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
Blog entry #3
How is it that I work my butt off at a hospital and still have zero money....I am so heartbroken over this because I hardly see my kids as it is and it's like my time away from them doesn't show. On a side note I went to get gas knowing I have about $50 until next Friday welp that's not the case apparently I don't have anything because my card was declined. How just how? I work 40-60 hours a week. I'm tired of this and I just want to give up sometimes.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
Blog entry #2
I realized that no matter how hard life gets things could be so much worse and I need to appreciate it more than I do. I should count myself lucky because I have things others don't and I think I'm going to start making an effort to loving my life more! I feel like these little realizations can definitely impact and improve anyone's life so let's all take a step back and appreciate things more.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
Blog Entry #1
I want to discuss how people handle communicating with an ex or ex-husband. I am currently not talking to my ex-husband but not by my choice. I was informed by one of our children that he blocked my phone number...So who has advice on how I should handle this situation or what is the best thing to do. Side note he lives with his mother and I communicate with her about our two children.
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mountainmomblog · 3 years
For this first post I want to break down my main purpose for starting this blog. I wanted a place for myself and others to discuss life,mom life, ups and downs of parenthood, and so much more. I will also be taking you guys on my journey through my third pregnancy. Please feel free to read, communicate, and feel all the feels you want.
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