mrunmione · 10 hours
growing up I always wanted to be poorly understood by science
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mrunmione · 10 hours
"why is EVERY song about love" I'm begging you to dig just a tiny bit deeper, there's literally thousands of songs that aren't love songs. You don't even have to look for the most obscure underground artists ever, the fucking Beatles of all people have a song about a guy who kills people with a hammer
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mrunmione · 10 hours
vague prophet
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mrunmione · 11 hours
are you cis or trans, and if trans are you transmasc or transfem? it doesnt say in your bio anywhere so i was just wondering
Does anyone remember when you weren't supposed to tell people online your personal info and it was weird and suspicious to ask for it I miss that sometimes
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mrunmione · 11 hours
Okay I know this is a wild ask but: one of my partners and I were joking about sex-related things when I raised the question "how much alcohol would you need to drink to get someone drunk by peeing in their ass?" Can you, in your infinite wisdom, help us find our answer?
From a biology "in theory" perspective or from a grad student "in practice" perspective?
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mrunmione · 11 hours
I don’t know much about the world, but it seems like if you take #good omens and add it to #the power of the doctor, you end up with #neurodivergent.
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mrunmione · 11 hours
I regret to inform you I’m #spop trash.
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mrunmione · 11 hours
My body is but a #tenrose temple.
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mrunmione · 11 hours
I want to take a heaping batch of #ten x rose and spread it all over me like I’m that peanut butter baby. You know the one.
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mrunmione · 11 hours
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mrunmione · 11 hours
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mrunmione · 13 hours
killing you and your whole family but calling it clean cause I didn’t destroy a whole city block 😊
You can't give me an example of a whole family being taken out by this attack because it does not exist. I watched the videos of these explosions. Dude standing right next to the Hezbollah operative was completely unharmed and walked away. I said the attack was clean because the attack was clean. Anyone holding a Hezbollah pager or walkie talkie was injured. The way not to be injured was to not in posession of a Hezbollah pager. Some 4500 devices and Hezbollah operatives injured with a few dozen of those dead and among that count there were 3 non-operatives including one daughter of an operative (which is tragic that her father chose to put her life in danger by painting a target on his head as a member of a genocidal terrorist organization actively launching thousands of bombs at your stronger neighbor killing children playing soccer and displacing hundreds of thousands from their homes)
Which makes this the most targeted operation of this size I can think of. In modern war the usual civilian to militant casualty ratio is 9:1. This was 1:1500. This is war. There exists no way anybody has conceived of to attack the folks trying to kill you and involve as few civilians as this attack. This is as close to a literal targeted thanos snap as it gets.
Here is the real issue: Nothing Israel does to defend its civilians will ever meet your standards, because what you actually want is for Israeli civilians and children to just roll over and be genocided as is Nasrallah's unequivocally stated wish (specifically he has said he wants all the world's Jews to move to Israel so that he can genocide them more easily).
But Israel will not roll over and die, so fucking deal with it and stop being childish. Hezbollah has been bombing Israel indiscriminately for decades and nonstop for the past year and hundreds of thousands of civilians are displaced. A soccer field of playing Druze children was bombed killing a dozen of them.
Now thousands of those responsible for these genocidal actione have had their hands and/or dicks blown off over 2 days.
Such is war.
The usual way to go about this sort of thing is to bomb a city block, but it seems you're upset they came up with a way to harm 1500 enemy militants to one civilian instead of the 1:1 ratio they have going in Gaza (which is still far better than the 9:1 average of modern wars in cases where the bad guys AREN'T using their civilians as human shields en masse)
There is no war where 0 civilians are harmed, there never has been and never will be, but you're giving shit to the folks that just invented a new never before done way to hurt people you want and not the people you don't want to hurt, and defending the folks just straight up intentionally carpet bombing Israel's civilian regions making it's northern region uninhabitable and killing kids playing soccer.
And you are just making shit up to do it. Again, you cannot name for me 1 family that perished. Just one child who was too close to Daddy's pager that he uses to conduct large-scale war crimes in the name of genociding the Yahud, from the River To the Sea.
Which makes me strongly believe that civilian life is not your concern. Your concern is Israel doing anything at all to fight back against a terrorist group who wants to slaughter all of Israel's civilians. Which is shameful and pathetic bigotry. You can be better than that.
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mrunmione · 13 hours
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mrunmione · 13 hours
“false rape cases are ruining men’s lives” my brother even real rape cases aren’t ruining men’s lives
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mrunmione · 13 hours
i am mentally dating at least 13 of you
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mrunmione · 13 hours
Some guy in an avengers Tshirt I just met at a coffee shop: so who's your favorite superhero?
Me too exhausted to explain there's more than one Robin: Batman
Guy: oh! Did you watch the Joker movie? It was surprisingly good for a DC film haha
Me: yeah it was something
Guy: you know they really fucked up on Justice League, but I've got to say Wonder Woman was better than Captain Marvel. Like, we get it, "yay girl power." That's great but it was so over the top. It totally ostracized half of it's audience.
Me: wow really
Guy: yeah. You know, you seem pretty chill. Maybe we could hang out sometime and watch some decent superhero movies? You know, Marvel movies haha
Me: i never asked, who's your favorite hero?
Guy: Iron Man. Like Batman but richer and cooler haha
Me: you know, Batman's rule? No killing?
Guy: yeah?
Me: i have no such rule. Lindsey, I found another one. My usual, please
Lindsey, the barista: *hands me my sword*
Guy: wow that's a poor replica of the God Killer blade, it should have more- *beheaded*
Me: thank god that's over
Lindsey: yeah. Hey want to watch Birds of Prey with me sometime?
Me: oh? You mean like as... a date?
Her: well yeah... is that okay?
Me: of course it's okay! all this time, all these years, i never knew you felt that way
Her: i don't keep a replica of Wonder Woman's sword under the counter for just anyone
Me: i never thought about it that way
Her: *writes her number on the forehead of dead guy* text me ;)
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mrunmione · 13 hours
I was walking to the gym one day and saw a bear with some trash on the street. He was on a small sun-faded plastic child's chair.
On the way back, the bear was gone, but I noticed a trail of white fluff down the street. As I walked, I realised it was the bear's innards, and I found the bear's skin torn up in an abandoned trolley.
The rest is as follows:
A wash (it took about half an hour to collect all his stuffing)
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2. Reassembly and pet brush to de-matt
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3. Eyes polished. (they were all scratched up)
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4. Eyebrows
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5. Nose (science blue)
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6. Boots
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7. Pants
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8. Tunic (with a hand-embroidered emblem and some spare braid)
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9. Spock
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10. Spirk
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BONUS: I also found this guy recently. Another project!
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Now who on earth could that remind me of
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Anyway happy valentines day!
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