msrlibrary · 5 years
Fic Sampler: 10 Morsels of Smut to Soothe Your Nerves
Baseball Metaphors When you run into your ex, you pretend you’re dating your partner. Sometimes things spiral from there. 30000 words; explicit; canon divergent fake relationship and slow, slow seduction
The Inequity of Lingerie A very early or very late birthday present that doesn’t involve a batting cage. 3000 words; explicit; revival era fun featuring black lace
Playtime Scully is sure she can fuck Mulder better than Krycek did. 3000 words; explicit; pegging with implied past M/K
Ça qui fait mal, ça qui fait bon It is the only alchemy in which she believes. 2000 words; explicit; “Fresh Bones” post-ep healing sex
Common Pleasure Many times Mulder and Scully went down on each other. 3600 words; explicit; all oral all the time
Oral Traditions Cunnilingus is the traditional gift for the new millennium. 1800 words; explicit; what you do when your arm got hurt saving the world in  “Millennium” 
One Lonely Night “Why have we been lonely for so long?” 2500 words; explicit; the season of secret sex had to start somewhere
Wide Open “You came and you cracked the case.” 1500 words; explicit; Mulder’s methods are unorthodox but highly effective
Hurl Clichés At Me “You do have some pretty bad pickup lines, Scully.” 3000 words; explicit; an enjoyable shower for one becomes more enjoyable with a devoted partner
Something Old, Something New Weddings made people think about sex. 1100 words; moderately explicit; when there’s nowhere else to fuck, you fuck in the venue bathroom
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msrlibrary · 6 years
time won’t fly 
cw: alcohol, mental health, emotional abuse
a/n: i have been working on this story for three weeks, trying to get back into writing for fun. based off of all too well by taylor swift and follows a nonlinear pattern. 
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present // call me up again 
The summer heat was long gone, the humidity dissolving on the surface of Virginia’s rolling hills and open fields. Crunchy leaves replaced it as they rustled in the trees with the small breeze. 
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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true minds by melforbes
"Meet me at the hospital as soon as you can?"
Uncomfortably, he paused.
"Are you-"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she hurried through. "Emergency bay, alright? I'll meet you there."
He knew she was about to hang up, had memorized the cadence of their every phone call, so he tried to hold her back with a soft, "Scully?"
Caught off-guard, she hummed a response, to which he said, "I love you."
"Love you too," she gave in a rush, and then, the line clicked off.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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soft returns by @o6666666
This is a Three Words fix-it fic.
The best day of her life, she thinks: when Mulder comes back. She argues and argues to treat him and to save him, as though running slow, through water.
“Who are you?” he jokes when he wakes up, and she is so grateful. She wants to tell him Go easy, I am barely off the sauce, and Please only be exactly yourself.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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ever since, ever since, ever since by shinyhappyfitsofrage
she searches for a word to describe the way he loves her and the only one that fits is 'relentlessly'. (or: scully realizes nine times over that mulder may in fact love her)
When she finally gets back to her apartment, after Max, after the plane crash, after the bodies, she takes out the key chain and places it on her kitchen table. Mulder’s lie about it being a haphazard gift was never going to stick. She wonders at one point did pretending it wasn’t the fourth year become unbearable for him. Did buying her a birthday gift for the first and last time kill him? Does he know it’s going to kill her?
An epic tragedy, in three-fourths time.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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strange fruit by punk
A story about pomegranates and kisses and Mulder.
Mulder looked back at her, still holding the fruit.  She assumed he knew what it was.  Mulder knew things like that, like the Latin name for the common squid and the history behind eating pancakes for Shrove Tuesday.  Obscure and wonderful things.  It was who he was.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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cellphone by marasmus
A conversation. A game. All is not what it seems.
"So. Where are you, Mulder?" 
 Ah. Back to business as usual. He slides one arm behind his head, lies back, stretching like a cat in the syrupy sunshine, and closes his eyes. "I am in heaven, Scully," he purrs. "Or a close approximation of it, anyway." 
"Which is where exactly?" she asks dryly. 
"Let me describe it to you. It's a hotel room, but it's not like any room we're used to..."
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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journal 1999 by MD1016
The first three months of postcolonization Earth from Scully's point of view.
"Our Visitors have turned Colonist. From this minute, 18:30 hours Eastern Standard Time, I' declaring a State of Emergency within the boarders of the fifty United States and am reverting all government power to martial law. I have advised the other world leaders to do the same.
"A curfew is in effect beginning at sundown.  If you are traveling, please return home.  You have twenty-four hours before a cease travel mandate is ordered."
A rush of protests and questions flooded the cabin of the plane, but the President's plea broke through the mayhem.  "Please.  Please remain calm.  Tune into your local radio and television news stations.  I'm asking all personnel there to continue working until this crisis has past."
The President took a breath and stopped reading from the prompter.  His voice was tightly controlled.  "I would now like to take a moment and ask any person seeing this broadcast who believes in a higher power to pray for the safety and well-being of every man, woman and child on this planet.  
"May God save us all."
Scully closed her own eyes and offered up a short prayer. Mulder's warm, solid hand gently covered her own.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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all of this (a round) us by secondsflat
A broken finger, a bottle of whiskey, and a conversation. Scully sets a bone.
"Whiskey, Mulder?"
He shrugs.  "It was a birthday gift from my mom a couple years ago.”
“I didn’t think you were much of a drinker.”
“I’m not.” To his credit, his look is only a little bit like velvet brushed against the grain.  That’s the thing about Fox Mulder, though: he saves self-pity for special occasions, doesn’t waste it on old hurts.  “Knew it’d come in handy someday.”
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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the wow! signal by @wtfmulder
Mulder suspects there’s something out there somewhere else. 
“We’d have each other’s backs, like Arecibo.” He stops in the middle of his rapid speech and stares at her like she’s grown a new head, like she’s the crazy one, a billion questions written on his face. “You came all the way to Arecibo.”
It hits her then how terribly stupid of her that was, reminds her of Mulder recklessly tumbling their car over lushy secret hills and screaming at her to help him haul a body out of the country like it was something they just do. She rips her hand from his grasp.
“No,” she says, and hopes it sounds as mean as she feels. The fish tank casts trippy shadows behind his head and gives him a slight halo. 
She would also push him from heaven, if she were God. He’d be too bored up there.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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thirty miles north by seema
A house is just a house except when it isn’t.
“You should come visit,” she said. “I move in tomorrow.”
It sounded so formal. As if she hadn’t fallen asleep on his shoulder while they watched the Astros win the World Series. As if she hadn’t eventually curled up next to him in his bed, her hand resting lightly on his hip.  As if she hadn’t rested her hand on his knee under the table at dinner the other night. As if she hadn’t referred to his bungalow as home on more than one occasion. As if they were nothing more than coworkers, good friends.
“Yes, of course,” Mulder answered. “I’d love to.”
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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the airport by jess m
We make it to Chili's with no further interruptions.
Her breath smells warm and mediciny, after the alcohol. "When we get home,"she murmurs, "I'm going to fuck you until you really can't tell where I start and you stop."
Well, it wasn't exactly what I'd expected, but from the small party going on in my boxers, I'd say it worked for me.
"Oh god," I groan.
"Would you like that?" she asks with her tongue in my ear (in my ear! Jesus!), and the growl returns with a vengeance, like Godzilla, wreaking havoc in my alcohol-addled mind.
"Yes," I tell her with as much sincere desire as a fifteen year-old kid selling bibles door to door. "I sure as hell would."
"Then finish your fajitas, Mulder. You're going to need your stamina."
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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string theory by @foxmulders
or seven times dana scully wore fox mulder’s clothes. 
on monday she hangs his jacket on the coat rack. if he notices, he doesn’t say anything. he brushes his fingers against her elbow. she skirts under his arm to reach a file. they are confined to tight revolving orbits and her collar itches with the phantom weight of his wool coat. it is syndonic motion; they destruct and collide.
this is the construction of solar systems and of stars.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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never enough by august 
but oh, these little earthquakes / doesn't take much to rip us into pieces
Mulder tried to absolve her, the egomaniac who thinks he can do the work even God doesn’t want. 
She goes to church, hoping to find it was all about God and the Devil and noting about Scully and Pfaster. She has an unspoken fear that the only thing working that day in Scully was Scully. 
These windows with carefully coloured glass do not help. The light still refracts through, just disguised in beautifully variant shades. 
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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snakebitten by @onpaperfirst
“We would rather be ruined than changed.” – WH Auden
Scully sometimes paid lip service to the idea of wanting what she called “a real life,” but come on. Her mom’s friend’s daughter had invited her to join a book club. She said she’d go, then never did, because there was always something more pressing than some book about a Civil War widow finding love again. There was always a mangled body, an autopsy bay. There was always Mulder.
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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triangulation by leyenn 
He finally tracks them down in Oxford in mid-October.
The third hand snags hers at the wrist; the dark head rises, and his first new sighting of Fox Mulder in three years is one in which Scully’s slender, dexterous fingers are sliding up to the second knuckle into the man’s mouth.
He clears his throat - perhaps too loudly, since he is in fact a guest, but he has no great amount of control over it right at that particular moment, with that particular image front and center in his vision.
Both heads swivel to regard him instantly. There’s a moment of silence, broken only by the soft wet sound of Scully’s fingers sliding out of Mulder’s mouth. Mulder presses a kiss against her fingertips and then lets her hand drop, but he doesn’t release her. They seem to turn like one being, Mulder with his arm around her, Scully leaning back against him. Her head is tipped up and back, her hair like tendrils of light caught on his grey t-shirt.
“Skinman.” Mulder flashes a shit-eating grin. “I heard,” he squeezes Scully against him, and she smiles, “that we had a visitor. How long’d it take you to track us down?”
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msrlibrary · 6 years
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belphegor’s prime by prufrock’s love
When someone wrote Time Travel for Dummies, the guidebook should include a chapter titled “Love as a Form of Self-flagellation.” Or “She’s Your Touchstone, You’re a Stranger.”
He heard a catch in her voice when she said, “Agent Mulder-”
“I’m gonna go. I’m not okay, Scully, and I don’t need to be here. I told myself I wouldn’t-” He stepped away from the counter. “The Robert Modell act, upsetting you, this verbal cat-and-mouse… That’s not what I want.”
“What do you want?”
He wanted her assurance she didn’t blame him for the death of more than a billion people. That everything he’d done to ensure humanity’s survival, his family’s survival, had been worthwhile. He wanted to be the man she believed he was. Instead of telling her those things, he inhaled, stepped forward and said, “I think, since about next Thursday, I’ve only ever wanted you.”
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