mud-squonch · 4 hours
she's an incredible person who has been nothing but kind the entire time I've known her, and she's currently trying to fundraise to leave a scary living situation due to the educational, medical and dental neglect she has experienced.
PLEASE share, and donate even just $5 if you can!!! if you buy a $5 coffee every now and then like me, you can donate $5 just once to a friend in need!!! if you're not in a situation to help, I understand, sharing means so much regardless of whether you can donate or not.
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mud-squonch · 1 day
i'm going to start sitcom superiority discourse for a CAUSE!
please, share for sample size and to draw attention to Nesma's @nesmamomen GoFundMe! Share or donate and you'll help provide aid to and evacuate 13 members of her family trapped in Gaza. right now, winter is on the way and the tents are flooding. Nesma sent me these pictures yesterday.
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At the time of writing Nesma's GoFundMe is around 15K from its goal. We all feel helpless and exhausted. But even sharing this post helps. The best cure for feeling like there's nothing you can do is to do something!
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mud-squonch · 1 day
watching white people prostrate themselves like "oh my God how are we meant to continue on knowing there's a literal genocide?!?" is so frustrating. I know they mean well and it's honestly so heart-warming that people are waking up to the anti-colonial fight. but I need white people and non-Indigenous people to understand that your friends of colour, and especially your friends who are Indigenous, have carried the grief and anguish you're feeling for their whole lives. "intergenerational trauma" aren't buzzwords. It's this. It's that rage, hurt, and anguish that we carry from our parents, grandparents, great grandparents because they went through some kind of genocide just like these. so it's only by sheer luck we exist at all and we're born furious from it. because we live in the world so many white people are only just now seeing. we've lived in it our whole lives. "how are we meant to continue on as if everything's normal?" sorry but this is normal. This has been normal for a very long time. but I'll let you in on a secret, if you figure out how to harness that anger sustainably into action, this doesn't have to be normal.
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mud-squonch · 1 day
Hey I’d really appreciate it if goyim and even ashkenazi Jews would read and rb this
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mud-squonch · 1 day
I'm gonna be real with you, chief. I'm not partaking in voting discourse anymore. I had my fill last election. As anarchists we should inherently be opposed to elections and democracy. If you think otherwise, I'm just dismissing you as a liberal and going on with my day. This'll be my only post about election season.
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mud-squonch · 1 day
im so fucking infuriated at the state of the world. is there no compassion left in anyones hearts. marcellus was murdered by the court for a crime he provably did not commit. so many people called in that they cut off the number, so many people signed, called in, faxed in, sent emails, and no one in this fucked up system even cared. im so angry and distraught. what a miserable fucking world.
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mud-squonch · 1 day
all prisoners on death row are political prisoners. capital punishment is part of both the afterlife and presentlife of lynchings and slavery. the myriad of issues including the permanence of death as punishment, how death sentences are deployed in an overtly discriminatory manner, how capital punishment does nothing to actually prevent crime, denies people any chance of restorative justice all of these are secondary to the simple fact that the state should not have the right to kill human beings. some of y'all keep missing the point and focusing on the dichotomies of guilt versus innocence when it comes to the liberation of prisoners on death row (and otherwise). regardless of whether or not an individual is "guilty" of the crime they have been charged with, the state should not be able to detain them indefinitely before murdering them. full stop. rest in power marcellus williams and may we, in the words of george jackson, "rage on aggressive and free" until no human being is murdered by the state again
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mud-squonch · 1 day
Please help and sign the petiton
Help us 100,000 signers to Robert’s petition: here → saveroberson.org
On Oct. 17, Texas plans to execute Robert Roberson, an Innocence Project client who has spent over 20 years on death row for a crime that never happened.
Robert faces the risk of becoming the first person in the U.S. executed based on the discredited “shaken baby syndrome” theory.
Mr. Roberson left school after completing 8th grade with undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder — which impacts how people communicate and interact with others. Symptoms of autism can include avoiding eye contact, “unusual” mood or emotional reactions, the appearance of indifference, fixation on details that strike others as “abnormal,” and difficulty expressing feelings.
Hospital staff, who did not know that Mr. Roberson has autism, were suspicious of his flat affect and interpreted his response to his daughter’s condition as lacking emotion. They viewed his inability to explain Nikki’s condition as a sign that he must be lying.
Every life has value, and we cannot stand by as an innocent life is threatened. Add your name to help #SaveRoberson and protect the sanctity of life. #RespectLife #RobertRoberson
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mud-squonch · 1 day
Can't believe I'm saying this but the weather is slowly changing in Gaza again and it rained quite heavily this week. Knowing this while literally 90% of Gaza's population has been displaced, many living in makeshift tents, is a terrifying thought. Since last week's rain, many people are left without a place to stay and their belongings destroyed by the rain.
The cost of tents is between $700 and $800 which is beyond practically everyone in Gaza right now. However, the Sameer Project are crowdfunding and providing these families with tents. You can help out by either donating and/or sharing their initiative with your friends and community members.
Chuffed / Venmo / PayPal
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mud-squonch · 1 day
Before Williams was executed, his attorney, Tricia Rojo Bushnell, issued the below statement: “Tonight, Missouri will execute an innocent man, Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams. The victim’s family opposes his execution. Jurors, who originally sentenced him to death, now oppose his execution. The prosecutor’s office that convicted and sentenced him to death has now admitted they were wrong and zealously fought to undo the conviction and save Mr. Williams’ life. More than one million concerned citizens and faith leaders implored Governor Parson to commute Marcellus’s death sentence. Missouri will kill him anyway. “That is not justice. And we must all question any system that would allow this to occur. The execution of an innocent person is the most extreme manifestation of Missouri’s obsession with ‘finality’ over truth, justice, and humanity, at any cost."
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mud-squonch · 1 day
Trapped family in Gaza appeals for help to survive🆘🆘🍉
I am Monis from Gaza, from a family of 8, I am a cancer patient and my wife is a liver patient
I need to receive treatment quickly, but I cannot because of the war on Gaza. The health situation is very difficult, and I need your help to travel outside Gaza and receive treatment for cancer،
I we have nothing left and are unable to secure our basic needs such as food, water and safe shelter، I cannot provide young children with clothes or anything to make them forget the cruelty of war، Winter is coming and I am unable My family's needs
is our story - On October 7, our lives changed forever. My family and I left our home to southern Gaza, hoping to return soon, but that did not happen. Our home was surrounded and then completely destroyed. Our home, which was once a bastion of hope, is now in ruins, a stark reminder of our shattered dreams.
I appeal to the entire world to hear my and my family's sad cries in Gaza. We need a helping hand to In leaving Gaza and receiving treatment for cancer, I hope you will help me
The goal of the donation campaign is to help us secure livelihoods by providing food, water, and shelter (a place to sleep). I am a cancer patient. Medicines must be provided to receive treatment as soon as possible. Medicines are not available in Gaza due to the war. We must travel abroad. The situation is difficult. I want you to help us. I hope so. From you and thank you
If each person gave $10, you would help us live in the difficult conditions in Gaza
The most difficult decision for us was to leave our country, to leave Gaza, overcome the obstacles we faced and the losses we suffered, and begin a new life from scratch.
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mud-squonch · 1 day
Help me so I can help my family 🙏
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am Omar Mazen Rabah Hammad, I am 18 years old and I live in Gaza. Before the war on Gaza, my family and I lived in our house and we were always together and lived a happy family life. But unfortunately, our house was destroyed in this war and we are now living in tents, separated from each other, and we are no longer able to provide the bare necessities of life. We are barely able to provide food, water and clothes. My family's future has been completely destroyed and I am no longer able to live in Gaza and I want to leave it. I hope that everyone who watches my story will help me to evacuate Gaza and search for a better life. Thank you.
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mud-squonch · 2 days
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Our comrade Victor was snatched out of atlanta, and is approaching his 6th month of incarceration. First in DeKalb County, now in the Stewart Detention Center. Here's his site
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mud-squonch · 2 days
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mud-squonch · 2 days
Please stop my family's suffering 💔💔
A small donation can make a big difference 🙏🇵🇸
(Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is (#18) )
I am Saeed's mother, I will explain our story in all honesty.
My son Saeed is a 24-year-old young man, he graduated and worked as a software engineer, he lost his job which was the only source of income for our family due to the ongoing violence in Gaza, we also lost the house we were living in.
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We are suffering from very harsh conditions due to the ongoing violence. After the eighth displacement in this war, we no longer have a shelter to go to.
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What made matters worse was that my husband suffered a broken pelvis, which required urgent surgery.
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I say it in all honesty, we are not living our day, we are surviving it💔💔
Please donate, reblog and send this post to your friends📨
Do everything you can, everything you can do makes a difference.
I hope you can help as much as you can so that our suffering ends 🙏
@90-ghost @sayruq @silenceismychoir @spremutadarancia @thenameisgul @dvanaestmrva @sinhasfluffyheadfur @sissa-arrows @honeytonedhottie @girlinafairytale @geekydragon @irhabiya @irhabiya-blog @cheloneuniverse @heritageposts @lesbianmaxevans @mrbeniciodeltoro @roadimusprime @victormcdicktor @sar-soor @soapteeth @venbetta @thedigitalbard @muminshoom @nabulsi @sinhasfluffyheadfur @ane-momo @schoolhater @spremutadarancia @motherofplatypus @buttercuparry @appsa @adropofhumanity @slydiddledeedee @bureauen @the-lady-maddy @nesmamomen @good-old-gossip
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mud-squonch · 2 days
this does not mean the work is over though! keep pushing until he’s free!
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mud-squonch · 3 days
The number of martyrs in Lebanon reached 492 according to the Lebanese health ministry.. and more than 1645+ people are injured. 492 Lebanese people were killed in one day.. maybe more.
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