mukeshvarun · 4 years
Apple Pharmaceuticals deals in Anti-cancer medicines, HIV/AIDS medicines, Hepatitis medicines,Transplant medicines, Life saving medicines,other medicines.
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mukeshvarun · 4 years
Apple Pharmaceuticals deals in Anti-cancer medicines, HIV/AIDS medicines, Hepatitis medicines,Transplant medicines, Life saving medicines,other medicines.
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Manufacturer of Anticancer Drugs, HIV Medicines & AntiCancer Medicine offered by Million Health Pharmaceuticals from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Anti Cancer Drugs, Anti Infective Drugs & Medicines & Anti HIV Drugs Manufacturer offered by Apple Pharmaceuticals from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Afanat is used to treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). It becomes to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor family of drug. It is taken by mouth. It is primarily used to treat cases of NSCLC that harbor variation in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) chromosome.
Medical use / Indications:
Afanat is used as a treatment for non-small cell lung cancer although there is developing evidence to support its use in other cancers such as breast cancer.
Mechanism of action:
Afatinib is an effective and selective, irreversible ErbB family blocker. Afatinib covalently binds to and irreversibly blocks indicating from all homo and heterodimers formed by the ErbB family members EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2), ErbB3 and ErbB4.  Afatinib covalently binds to the kinase rule of EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2), and HER4 (ErbB4) and irreversibly prevent tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation, develop in down management of ErbB in.
1.            Absorption
Afanat is a time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is 2 to 5 hours.
2.            Distribution
The volume of distribution of Afanat is 4500 L
3.            Metabolism
Enzyme- assembles metabolic reactions play an insignificant role for Afanat.
4.            Excretion            
Excretion of Afanat is mainly via the feces. Afatinib is 85.4% of the dose was recovered in the feces and 4.3% in urine.
Dosage and Administration:
The recommended dose of Afanat is 40 mg orally, once daily until disease evolution or no longer allowed by the patient.
Bloody urine, Burning eyes, diarrhea, painful urination, excessive tearing, fever, frequent urge to urinate, redness, pain, swelling, vomiting, nausea.
Drug Interaction:
Reduce Afanat daily dose by 10 mg if not allow for patients who need therapy with a P-glycoprotein (P-GP) prevention. Resume the former dose after discontinuation of the P-GP prevention as admit.
Store the tablets in their original bottle at room temperature away from humidity, warmth, and light.
Store at 25°C (77°F).
Overdose was reported in 2 healthy minor each of whom absorbs 360 mg of Afanat.
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Afanat is used to treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). It becomes to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor family of drug. It is taken by mouth. It is primarily used to treat cases of NSCLC that harbor variation in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) chromosome.
Medical use / Indications:
Afanat is used as a treatment for non-small cell lung cancer although there is developing evidence to support its use in other cancers such as breast cancer.
Mechanism of action:
Afatinib is an effective and selective, irreversible ErbB family blocker. Afatinib covalently binds to and irreversibly blocks indicating from all homo and heterodimers formed by the ErbB family members EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2), ErbB3 and ErbB4.  Afatinib covalently binds to the kinase rule of EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2), and HER4 (ErbB4) and irreversibly prevent tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation, develop in down management of ErbB in.
1.            Absorption
Afanat is a time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is 2 to 5 hours.
2.            Distribution
The volume of distribution of Afanat is 4500 L
3.            Metabolism
Enzyme- assembles metabolic reactions play an insignificant role for Afanat.
4.            Excretion            
Excretion of Afanat is mainly via the feces. Afatinib is 85.4% of the dose was recovered in the feces and 4.3% in urine.
Dosage and Administration:
The recommended dose of Afanat is 40 mg orally, once daily until disease evolution or no longer allowed by the patient.
Bloody urine, Burning eyes, diarrhea, painful urination, excessive tearing, fever, frequent urge to urinate, redness, pain, swelling, vomiting, nausea.
Drug Interaction:
Reduce Afanat daily dose by 10 mg if not allow for patients who need therapy with a P-glycoprotein (P-GP) prevention. Resume the former dose after discontinuation of the P-GP prevention as admit.
Store the tablets in their original bottle at room temperature away from humidity, warmth, and light.
Store at 25°C (77°F).
Overdose was reported in 2 healthy minor each of whom absorbs 360 mg of Afanat.
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Afanat is used to treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). It becomes to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor family of drug. It is taken by mouth. It is primarily used to treat cases of NSCLC that harbor variation in the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) chromosome.
Medical use / Indications:
Afanat is used as a treatment for non-small cell lung cancer although there is developing evidence to support its use in other cancers such as breast cancer.
Mechanism of action:
Afatinib is an effective and selective, irreversible ErbB family blocker. Afatinib covalently binds to and irreversibly blocks indicating from all homo and heterodimers formed by the ErbB family members EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2), ErbB3 and ErbB4.  Afatinib covalently binds to the kinase rule of EGFR (ErbB1), HER2 (ErbB2), and HER4 (ErbB4) and irreversibly prevent tyrosine kinase autophosphorylation, develop in down management of ErbB in.
1.            Absorption
Afanat is a time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is 2 to 5 hours.
2.            Distribution
The volume of distribution of Afanat is 4500 L
3.            Metabolism
Enzyme- assembles metabolic reactions play an insignificant role for Afanat.
4.            Excretion            
Excretion of Afanat is mainly via the feces. Afatinib is 85.4% of the dose was recovered in the feces and 4.3% in urine.
Dosage and Administration:
The recommended dose of Afanat is 40 mg orally, once daily until disease evolution or no longer allowed by the patient.
Bloody urine, Burning eyes, diarrhea, painful urination, excessive tearing, fever, frequent urge to urinate, redness, pain, swelling, vomiting, nausea.
Drug Interaction:
Reduce Afanat daily dose by 10 mg if not allow for patients who need therapy with a P-glycoprotein (P-GP) prevention. Resume the former dose after discontinuation of the P-GP prevention as admit.
Store the tablets in their original bottle at room temperature away from humidity, warmth, and light.
Store at 25°C (77°F).
Overdose was reported in 2 healthy minor each of whom absorbs 360 mg of Afanat.
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0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Invista 100mg
Invista 100mg is used to treatment of positive cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Especially it is used to treat cases that are Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+). It is taken by a cavity. The main determination of Invista 100mg are BCR-ABL, SRC, Ephrins, and GFR. Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) & chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in an incessant growth. Recently recognize Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) all combination with chemotherapy.
Mechanism of Action:
Invista 100mg, at Nanomolar combination, prevents the following kinases: BCR-ABL, SRC family (SRC, LCK, YES, FYN), c-KIT, EPHA2, and PDGFRβ. Established on form examine; Invista 100mg is the figure to secure the multiple formations of the ABL kinase. Invista 100mg was effective in leukemic cell lines exhibiting variation of imatinib mesylate sensitive and resistant disease. Invista 100mg is an ATP-competitive protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The essential purposes of Invista 100mg are BCR/Abl (the "Philadelphia chromosome"), Src, c-Kit, ephrin receptors, and various more tyrosine kinases. Below the circumstances of the consideration, Invista 100mg was able to affect imatinib protection develop from BCR-ABL kinase realm mutations, activation of alternate indicating pathways including the SRC family kinases (LYN, HCK), and multi-drug struggle gene overexpression.
The pharmacokinetics of Invista 100mg is a fair dose of comparable growth in AUC and linear elimination component over the dose range of 15 mg/day to 240 mg/day.
1. Absorption:
The maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) of Invista 100mg are checked between 0.5 hours and 6 hours (Tmax) following oral administration.
2. Distribution
The probable volume of distribution is 2505 L (CV% 93%). Binding of Invista 100mgto human plasma proteins was nearly 96% and its active metabolite was 93%, with no combination dependency over the range of 100ng/mL to 500ng/mL. Invista 100mg is a P-GP substrate.
3. Metabolism
Invista 100mg is metabolized in humans, primarily by CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is the primary enzyme important for the development of the active metabolite. The disclosure of the active metabolite, which is equipotent to Dasatrue 100mg, produces nearly 5% of the AUC of Dasatrue 100mg.
4. Elimination
The mean fatal half-life of Invista 100mg is 3 hours to 5 hours. The mean supposed oral authorization is 363.8 L/hr (CV% 81.3%). Elimination is generally via the feces, 4% of urine is administered in radioactivity & 85% in the feces in 10days.
Dosage and Administration
Chronic development CML in adults: 100 mg once daily. Increased development CML, myeloid or lymphoid blast phase CML or Ph+ ALL in adults: 140 mg once every day. Chronic phase CML and ALL in pediatrics: starting dose based on body density. Administer orally, with or without a meal. Do not crush, cut, or chew tablets.
Invista 100mg in each contraindication characterizes as a scenario in which the drug is not to be used. Contain limit on co-administration, contraindicated people, and more.
Drug Interactions:
Invista 100mg concomitant use with CYP3A4 inhibitors will increase Dasatinib plasma concentration. Invista 100mg combination with CYP3A4 inducers will reduce Dasatinib plasma concentration. Invista 100mg combination with antacids will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration. Invista 100mg combination with H2 antagonists/proton pump inhibitors will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration. Invista 100mg Interaction with CYP3A4 substrates will have their plasma concentration altered by Dasatinib.
Skin rash, Infection, Nausea, Dyspnea, Anorexia, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Dizziness, Anemia, Diarrhea, Headache, Hemorrhage, Fatigue
Pregnancy & Lactation:
Invista 100mg will be matter fetal harm while using during pregnancy. Advise a pregnant woman of the potential risk to a fetus.
Invista 100mg should be stored at 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).      
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Regonat 40mg
Regonat 40mg is an oral multi-kinase inhibitor that marks angiogenic, stromal and oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). Regonat 40mg shows anti-angiogenic action due to its dual present VEGFR2-TIE2 tyrosine kinase inhibition. It is used for the medication of metastatic colorectal cancer and advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
Mechanism of action:
Regonat 40mg is a small molecule determent of various membrane- obligated and intracellular kinases involved in normal cellular activity and in pathologic development such as oncogenesis, tumor angiogenesis, and preservation of the tumor micro-environment. Regonat 40mg establish anti-angiogenic action in a rat tumor form, and prevention of tumor growth as well as anti-metastatic action in various mouse xenograft models containing some for human colorectal carcinoma. Regonat 40mg synthetic or cellular estimation, Regonat 40mg or its extensive human effective metabolites M-2 and M-5 prevent the action of RET, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, VEGFR3, KIT, PDGFR-alpha, PDGFR-beta, FGFR1, FGFR2, TIE2, DDR2, TrkA, Eph2A, RAF-1, BRAF, BRAFV600E, SAPK2, PTK5, and Abl at the combination of Regonat 40mg that has been obtaining scientific.
1. Absorption:
The geometric mean of peak plasma level (Cmax) is 2.5µg/mL in 4 hours for a single dose, at a steady-state is 3.9µg/mL & bioavailability of tablets is compared relatively in oral solution is 69% & 83%.
2. Distribution:
Regonat 40mg go through enterohepatic distribution with multiple plasma concentration peaks checked across the 24-hour dosing interruption.
3. Metabolism:
Regonat 40mg is metabolized by CYP3A4 and UGT1A9. (99.8% and 99.95%).It is determined to steady-state in human plasma are M-2 (N-oxide) and M-5 (N-oxide and N-dimethyl), having both of them connected pharmacological action and steady-state combination as Regonat 40mg. M-2 and M-5 are highly protein-bound.
4. Excretion:
It was almost 71% of radiolabeled dosage was excreted in via feces; it was excreted in urine is 19% within 12 days in a single dose after an oral solution.
·        M-2 active metabolite is 25 hr
·        M-5 active metabolite is 51hr
Dosage & Administration
The suggested dose is 160 mg Regonat 40mg (four 40 mg tablets) taken orally once everyday for the first 21 days of each 28­ day period.
Drug Interaction:
Regonat 40mg is a strong CYP3A4 inducer (rifampin) with a single 160 mg dose.
Regonat 40mg is a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor (ketoconazole) with a single 160 mg dose.
Side Effects:
Diarrhea, Low platelets, Mouth sores/inflammation, Weight loss, Infection, Anemia, Increased liver enzymes (AST, ALT), Fatigue, High blood pressure, Voice disorder (Dysphonia), Protein in the urine, Low calcium, Low phosphorous, Low white blood cells, Decreased appetite, Increased lipase & amylase, High bilirubin in the blood, Low sodium, Nausea.
Pregnancy & lactation:
Regonat 40mg should not be used in a Pregnancy situation
No breastfeeding is suggested
Store Regonat 40mg at 25°C (77°F). Keep the bottle hard closed.
Uses: Regonat 40mg is used to treatment of cancer to the colon and rectum.
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Dyronib 20mg
Dyronib 20mg is used to treatment of positive cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Especially it is used to treat cases that are Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+). It is taken by a cavity. The main purposes of Dyronib 20mg are BCR-ABL, SRC, Ephrins, and GFR. Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) & chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in an incessant development. Recently recognize Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) all combination with chemotherapy.
Mechanism of Action:
Dyronib 20mg, at Nanomolar combination, prevents the following kinases: BCR-ABL, SRC family (SRC, LCK, YES, FYN), c-KIT, EPHA2, and PDGFRβ. Established on form examine; Dyronib 20mg is the figure to secure the multiple formations of the ABL kinase. Dyronib 20mg was effective in leukemic cell lines exhibiting variation of imatinib mesylate sensitive and resistant disease. Dyronib 20mg is an ATP-competitive protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The essential purposes of Dyronib 20mg are BCR/Abl (the "Philadelphia chromosome"), Src, c-Kit, ephrin receptors, and various more tyrosine kinases. Below the circumstances of the consideration, Dyronib 20mg was able to affect imatinib protection develop from BCR-ABL kinase realm mutations, activation of alternate indicating pathways including the SRC family kinases (LYN, HCK), and multi-drug struggle gene overexpression.
The pharmacokinetics of Dyronib 20mg is a fair dose of comparable growth in AUC and linear elimination component over the dose range of 15 mg/day to 240 mg/day.
1. Absorption:
The maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) of Dyronib 20mg are checked between 0.5 hours and 6 hours (Tmax) following oral administration.
2. Distribution
The probable volume of distribution is 2505 L (CV% 93%). Binding of Dyronib 20mg to human plasma proteins was nearly 96% and its active metabolite was 93%, with no combination dependency over the range of 100ng/mL to 500ng/mL. Dyronib 20mg is a P-GP substrate.
3. Metabolism
Dyronib 20mg is metabolized in humans, primarily by CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is the primary enzyme important for the development of the active metabolite. The disclosure of the active metabolite, which is equipotent to Dyronib 20mg, produces nearly 5% of the AUC of Dyronib 20mg.
4. Elimination
The mean fatal half-life of Dyronib 20mg is 3 hours to 5 hours. The mean supposed oral authorization is 363.8 L/hr (CV% 81.3%). Elimination is generally via the feces, 4% of urine is administered in radioactivity & 85% in the feces in 10days.
Dosage and Administration
Chronic development CML in adults: 100 mg once daily. Increased Phases CML, myeloid or lymphoid blast phase CML, or Ph+ ALL in adults: 140 mg once daily. Chronic phase CML and ALL in pediatrics: starting dose based on body density. Administer orally, with or without a meal. Do not crush, cut, or chew tablets.
Dyronib 20mg in each contraindication characterizes as a scenario in which the drug is not to be used. Contain limit on co-administration, contraindicated people, and more.
Drug Interactions:
Dyronib 20mg concomitant use with CYP3A4 inhibitors will increase Dasatinib plasma concentration. Dyronib 20mg combination with CYP3A4 inducers will reduces Dasatinib plasma concentration. Dyronib 20mg combination with antacids will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration. Dyronib 20mg combination with H2 antagonists/proton pump inhibitors will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration. Dyronib 20mg Interaction with CYP3A4 substrates will have their plasma concentration altered by Dasatinib.
Skin rash, Infection, Nausea, Dyspnea, Anorexia, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Dizziness, Anemia, Diarrhea, Headache, Hemorrhage, Fatigue
Pregnancy & Lactation:
Dyronib 20mg will be matter fetal harm while using during pregnancy. Advise a pregnant woman of the potential risk to a fetus.
Dyronib 20mg should be stored at 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).      
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Dyronib 70mg
Dyronib 70mg is used to treatment of positive cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Especially it is used to treat cases that are Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+). It is taken by a cavity. The main purposes of Dyronib 70mg are BCR-ABL, SRC, Ephrins, and GFR. Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) & chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in an incessant development. Recently recognize Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) all combination with chemotherapy.
Mechanism of Action:
Dyronib 70mg, at Nanomolar combination, prevents the following kinases: BCR-ABL, SRC family (SRC, LCK, YES, FYN), c-KIT, EPHA2, and PDGFRβ. Established on form examine; Dyronib 70mg is the figure to secure the multiple formations of the ABL kinase. Dyronib 70mg was effective in leukemic cell lines exhibiting variation of imatinib mesylate sensitive and resistant disease. Dyronib 70mg is an ATP-competitive protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The essential purposes of Dyronib 70mg are BCR/Abl (the "Philadelphia chromosome"), Src, c-Kit, ephrin receptors, and various more tyrosine kinases. Below the circumstances of the consideration, Dyronib 70mg was able to affect imatinib protection develop from BCR-ABL kinase realm mutations, activation of alternate indicating pathways including the SRC family kinases (LYN, HCK), and multi-drug struggle gene overexpression.
The pharmacokinetics of Dyronib 70mg is a fair dose of comparable growth in AUC and linear elimination component over the dose range of 15 mg/day to 240 mg/day.
Dosage and Administration
Chronic development CML in adults: 100 mg once daily. Increased Phases CML, myeloid or lymphoid blast phase CML, or Ph+ ALL in adults: 140 mg once daily. Chronic phase CML and ALL in pediatrics: starting dose based on body density. Administer orally, with or without a meal. Do not crush, cut, or chew tablets.
1. Absorption:
The maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) of Dyronib 70mg are checked between 0.5 hours and 6 hours (Tmax) following oral administration.
2. Distribution
The probable volume of distribution is 2505 L (CV% 93%). Binding of Dyronib 70mg to human plasma proteins was nearly 96% and its active metabolite was 93%, with no combination dependency over the range of 100ng/mL to 500ng/mL. Dyronib 70mg is a P-GP substrate.
3. Metabolism
Dyronib 70mg is metabolized in humans, primarily by CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is the primary enzyme important for the development of the active metabolite. The disclosure of the active metabolite, which is equipotent to Dyronib 70mg, produces nearly 5% of the AUC of Dyronib 70mg.
4. Elimination
The mean fatal half-life of Dyronib 70mg is 3 hours to 5 hours. The mean supposed oral authorization is 363.8 L/hr (CV% 81.3%). Elimination is generally via the feces, 4% of urine is administered in radioactivity & 85% in the feces in 10days.
Dyronib 70mg in each contraindication characterizes as a scenario in which the drug is not to be used. Contain limit on co-administration, contraindicated people, and more.
Drug Interactions:
Dyronib 70mg concomitant use with CYP3A4 inhibitors will increase Dasatinib plasma concentration.
Dyronib 70mg combination with CYP3A4 inducers will reduces Dasatinib plasma concentration.
Dyronib 70mg combination with H2 antagonists/proton pump inhibitors will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration.
Dyronib 70mg Interaction with CYP3A4 substrates will have their plasma concentration altered by Dasatinib.
Dyronib 70mg combination with antacids will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration.
Skin rash, Infection, Nausea, Dyspnea, Anorexia, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Dizziness, Anemia, Diarrhea, Headache, Hemorrhage, Fatigue
Pregnancy & Lactation:
Dyronib 70mg will be matter fetal harm while using during pregnancy. Advise a pregnant woman of the potential risk to a fetus.
Dyronib 70mg should be stored at 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).     
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Dyronib 50mg
Dyronib 50mg is used to treatment of positive cases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Especially it is used to treat cases that are Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+). It is taken by a cavity. The main purposes of Dyronib 50mg are BCR-ABL, SRC, Ephrins, and GFR. Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) & chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in an incessant development. Recently recognize Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) all combination with chemotherapy.
Mechanism of Action:
Dyronib 50mg, at Nanomolar combination, prevents the following kinases: BCR-ABL, SRC family (SRC, LCK, YES, FYN), c-KIT, EPHA2, and PDGFRβ. Established on form examine; Dyronib 50mg is the figure to secure the multiple formations of the ABL kinase. Dyronib 50mg was effective in leukemic cell lines exhibiting variation of imatinib mesylate sensitive and resistant disease. Dyronib 50mg is an ATP-competitive protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). The essential purposes of Dyronib 50mg are BCR/Abl (the "Philadelphia chromosome"), Src, c-Kit, ephrin receptors, and various more tyrosine kinases. Below the circumstances of the consideration, Dyronib 50mg was able to affect imatinib protection develop from BCR-ABL kinase realm mutations, activation of alternate indicating pathways including the SRC family kinases (LYN, HCK), and multi-drug struggle gene overexpression.
The pharmacokinetics of Dyronib 50mg is a fair dose of comparable growth in AUC and linear elimination component over the dose range of 15 mg/day to 240 mg/day.
Dosage and Administration
Chronic development CML in adults: 100 mg once daily. Increased Phases CML, myeloid or lymphoid blast phase CML, or Ph+ ALL in adults: 140 mg once daily. Chronic phase CML and ALL in pediatrics: starting dose based on body density. Administer orally, with or without a meal. Do not crush, cut, or chew tablets.
1. Absorption:
The maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) of Dyronib 50mg are checked between 0.5 hours and 6 hours (Tmax) following oral administration.
2. Distribution
The probable volume of distribution is 2505 L (CV% 93%). Binding of Dyronib 50mg to human plasma proteins was nearly 96% and its active metabolite was 93%, with no combination dependency over the range of 100ng/mL to 500ng/mL. Dyronib 50mg is a P-GP substrate.
3. Metabolism
Dyronib 50mg is metabolized in humans, primarily by CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is the primary enzyme important for the development of the active metabolite. The disclosure of the active metabolite, which is equipotent to Dyronib 50mg, produces nearly 5% of the AUC of Dyronib 50mg.
4. Elimination
The mean fatal half-life of Dyronib 50mg is 3 hours to 5 hours. The mean supposed oral authorization is 363.8 L/hr (CV% 81.3%). Elimination is generally via the feces, 4% of urine is administered in radioactivity & 85% in the feces in 10days.
Dyronib 50mg in each contraindication characterizes as a scenario in which the drug is not to be used. Contain limit on co-administration, contraindicated people, and more.
Drug Interactions:
·        Dyronib 50mg concomitant use with CYP3A4 inhibitors will increase Dasatinib plasma concentration.
·        Dyronib 50mg combination with CYP3A4 inducers will reduces Dasatinib plasma concentration.
·        Dyronib 50mg combination with H2 antagonists/proton pump inhibitors will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration.
·        Dyronib 50mg Interaction with CYP3A4 substrates will have their plasma concentration altered by Dasatinib.
·        Dyronib 50mg combination with antacids will decrease Dasatinib plasma concentration.
Skin rash, Infection, Nausea, Dyspnea, Anorexia, Arthralgia, Asthenia, Dizziness, Anemia, Diarrhea, Headache, Hemorrhage, Fatigue
Neutropenia and myelo-suppression were familiar harmful effects.
Pregnancy & Lactation:
Dyronib 50mg will be matter fetal harm while using during pregnancy. Advise a pregnant woman of the potentiality risk to a fetus.
Dyronib 50mg should be stored at 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).      
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mukeshvarun · 4 years
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Noxalk tablet
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mukeshvarun · 4 years
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a spreading disease that begins with serious acute respiratory disease coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
0 notes
mukeshvarun · 4 years
Ocanat 10mg tablet is a semi-synthetic bile acid analog that has the chemical formation of 6α-ethyl-chenodeoxycholic acid. Ocanat 10mg tablet is used as a medicine to treatment basic biliary cholangitis and is sustain with growth for various other liver diseases and similar disorders.
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mukeshvarun · 4 years
Ocanat 5mg tablet is a semi-synthetic bile acid analog that has the chemical formation of 6α-ethyl-chenodeoxycholic acid. Ocanat 5mg tablet is used as a medicine to treatment basic biliary cholangitis and is sustain with growth for various other liver diseases and similar disorders.
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mukeshvarun · 4 years
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#ocanat #obetichoic #acid
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