multiversefan · 2 years
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Just wanted to draw my boi again.
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multiversefan · 2 years
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After posting images related to Wizard School Mysteries a few times, I noticed a pattern emerging.
Turns out people like dragons.
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multiversefan · 3 years
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G1 Transformers becomes a lot more unsettling to watch when you take into consideration that all the animation errors are canon.
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multiversefan · 3 years
I was born with a condition called short gut syndrome, which is when your small intestines are in a knot and you can’t digest food properly. I received surgery when I was two days old to remove the knotted intestines, and have had a long, deep line of a scar on my stomach for my entire life. What is perhaps the most interesting about my situation is who performed my surgery: Dr Charles Alfred Vacanti, who best known for creating the Vacanti Mouse, the mouse with a human ear on it’s bag.
scars in fiction: I got this trying to save my lover from an assassin- but tragically, I was too late. now I carry the mark of my failure with me always, and I can never forget~
scars in real life: so I was trying to open macaroni sauce with a paring knife
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multiversefan · 3 years
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Primarch Round-up! (First 8)
1.Lion El Jonson
4.Jaghatai Khan
5. Leman Russ
6.Rogal Dorn
7. Conrad Kurze
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multiversefan · 3 years
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multiversefan · 3 years
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The Emperor’s Champion.
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multiversefan · 3 years
So question, what exactly are all your settings for your various works and what are their deals, like I know what ATOM's deal is and midgaheim seems like your take on pseudo-european fantasy stuff, but what are the other ones?
Alright, let's lay this out:
Part 1: Stories in the "Tyrantiverse," i.e. my main fictional universe:
Midgaheim stories - stories set in a generic medieval European fantasy setting. Takes place during the "Lost Epoch" of the Tyrantiverse, a period of time where the reality altering force known as magic was abundant and resulted in some truly strange occurrences on planet earth. Ends when magic is forced to recede out of reality, effectively retconning the Lost Epoch from history by wiping most (but not all) evidence of its existence.
Dark Chivalry - a story about a knight with amnesia who tries to get a baby dragon back to her parents, and ends up gaining several monstrous female allies along the way while uncovering an evil plot that threatens the balance of Midgaheim itself.
Cecil's Journey - a story about an undead servant of a dark lord who has a mental breakdown when he finds out his boss died while he was out of the castle. I actually made a short film of this in college, but I'm older and wiser now and want to make a better version of it.
Wizard School Mysteries - a series of stories about wizards attending a school for wizards who then solve mysteries at said school.
Maude and Mordi - a story (possibly a series, we'll see where I go with it) about a girl and her dragon trying to make it in the world.
Monster Detectives - a series of short stories about a griffin and a dragon who solve crimes in their community of fantasy beasts.
Untitled King Arthur Project - a retelling of ALL Arthurian myths in Midgaheim. I will probably never write it because of the amount of research involved, but I want to.
Symphony of Terror - a big ol’ fanfiction crossover between different public domain Victorian Horror properties, with Mina Harker from Dracula as the protagonist.  Like Untitled King Arthur Project, I will probably never write it, but I want to.
ATOM Era Stories - stories set in the Atomic Age (1950's - 70's) of the timeline, where civilization is mostly the same as it is in the real world's equivalent, except, you know. giant monsters and aliens end up popping up.
The Atomic Time of Monsters - stories about the kaiju outbreaks of the 1950's-70's.
Cryptid Crisis - a potential spinoff of ATOM focusing on the Spooks Organization, a shady group who tries to keep various supernatural phenomena under wraps, while also exploiting said phenomena for their own ends.
Love Is Hell - a (probably) contemporary story (i.e. set more or less in the Tyrantiverse's equivalent of present day) about a girl who falls for a boy, but the girl happens to be a demon, and that makes things complicated.
Fearsome Future - a series set in the 2200's, after a robot war and zombie epidemic nearly wiped out human civilization, allowing monster that have long been dormant - vampires, werewolves, clowns, etc. - to finally rise up again
Space Opera Era Stories - stories set in the distant future (year 3000 or later)
Go Bold - a space opera in the distant future, when mankind joins the ranks of the Beyonder Alliance to explore the stars.
I Fell For A Space Pirate - space-fantasy story about a posthuman who gets swept up into a whirlwind romance by a space pirate.
In Search of an Exit - a group of space-faring mercenaries get trapped in a giant labyrinth and have to work together to find their way out.
No Sympathies - the end of the Tyrantiverse, when the mortal world dies and the denizens of the afterlife have to deal with the spiritual pollution left behind. Told entirely from the perspective of literal (and literary!) demons.
Part 2: Non-Tyrantiverse Stories (stories which don't take place in the same universe)
Baron Skeleton - an homage to 80's cartoons, focusing on the titular Baron Skeleton and his Halloween Monster-themed henchmen as they battle the goody two-shoes known as the P.R.E.P. Squad.
Sanguine Luna - a story set in pioneer times that began as me brainstorming a hybrid of my three favorite game series (Pokemon, Persona, and Harvest Moon) and ended up being its own weird thing. Shares a canon with...
Offbeat Melody - a Monster of the Week game I run that my friend posts on her youtube channel. It's a fun romp where a bunch of people solve mysteries in a small town and fight/befriend interdimensional monsters. It's something people would probably compare to Gravity Falls because it's drawing from similar source material, but unlike Gravity Falls, we can say fuck!
Is that it? I think that's it.
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multiversefan · 3 years
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Towed by a mountainous tramplasquig and home to a wide-eyed Wurrboy, the Kill Rig is a true engine of destruction that ploughs through infantry and vehicles alike. By amplifying the psyker’s Waaagh! energy through a contraption known as the wurrtower, its Beast Snagga pilots can blast crackling lances of pure Orky power at their foes.
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multiversefan · 3 years
The ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3-D: Entry Roundup
You’ve been patiently waiting for the results of the ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3-D, and now… you have to wait a bit longer, but at least you’ve got an entry roundup with lots of sketches and a good bit of feedback for all the entrants!  My goal is to get the finalists illustrated in a week or two, and after that, the grand prize winner will be announced.  But, for now, the official entry roundup!  After the cut:
Keep reading
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multiversefan · 3 years
oooh have you ever done a post about the ridiculous mandatory twist endings in old sci-fi and horror comics? Like when the guy at the end would be like "I saved the Earth from Martians because I am in fact a Vensuvian who has sworn to protect our sister planet!" with no build up whatsoever.
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Yeah, that is a good question - why do some scifi twist endings fail?
As a teenager obsessed with Rod Serling and the Twilight Zone, I bought every single one of Rod Serling’s guides to writing. I wanted to know what he knew.
The reason that Rod Serling’s twist endings work is because they “answer the question” that the story raised in the first place. They are connected to the very clear reason to even tell the story at all. Rod’s story structures were all about starting off with a question, the way he did in his script for Planet of the Apes (yes, Rod Serling wrote the script for Planet of the Apes, which makes sense, since it feels like a Twilight Zone episode): “is mankind inherently violent and self-destructive?” The plot of Planet of the Apes argues the point back and forth, and finally, we get an answer to the question: the Planet of the Apes was earth, after we destroyed ourselves. The reason the ending has “oomph” is because it answers the question that the story asked. 
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My friend and fellow Rod Serling fan Brian McDonald wrote an article about this where he explains everything beautifully. Check it out. His articles are all worth reading and he’s one of the most intelligent guys I’ve run into if you want to know how to be a better writer.
According to Rod Serling, every story has three parts: proposal, argument, and conclusion. Proposal is where you express the idea the story will go over, like, “are humans violent and self destructive?” Argument is where the characters go back and forth on this, and conclusion is where you answer the question the story raised in a definitive and clear fashion. 
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The reason that a lot of twist endings like those of M. Night Shyamalan’s and a lot of the 1950s horror comics fail is that they’re just a thing that happens instead of being connected to the theme of the story. 
One of the most effective and memorable “final panels” in old scifi comics is EC Comics’ “Judgment Day,” where an astronaut from an enlightened earth visits a backward planet divided between orange and blue robots, where one group has more rights than the other. The point of the story is “is prejudice permanent, and will things ever get better?” And in the final panel, the astronaut from earth takes his helmet off and reveals he is a black man, answering the question the story raised. 
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multiversefan · 3 years
Hi, sorry for the late reply. After skimming through ATOM Vol. 2, Yamaneon King would fit in to the Reptodites’ views on the Yamaneon Crystals and the Kaiju they create. Funnily enough, I was considering making a Kaiju that was created by a mad Reptodite scientist, though didn’t consider magic being involved when I made. However, Yamaneon King has(at this time) nothing to with the Reptodites. He was just a normal Transitional Tyrant that was too close to a patch of Yamaneon Crystals and an underwater volcano when it erupted. The Crystals on his back are meant to signify that he produces far more radiation/energy than is normal for a Kaiju, and even more than normal Yamaneon Crystals, which results in his Accelerated Atomic Fossilizion ability.
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Name: Yamaneon King
Aliases: The Crystal Creation Monster, Asset Hydra, The Living Kaiju Factory, The Purple Menace
Date Discovered: March 21, 1954
Place of Origin: Pacific Ocean
Notable Stomping Grounds: Spooks Organization Outpost 68, Oriagow City, Echidna Island, Ogasawara Kaiju Sanctuary, The Wells-Verne Kaiju Sanctuary, The Siberian Monster Zone, Typhon Island, Fitzgerald Island, Bunyip Park Reserve, Bermuda Kaiju Sanctuary, Challenger Mesa, Jotunheim Icefield
Height: 105 feet(110 at crown)
Length: 225 feet
Biology: Yamaneon King is a member of the Transitional Tyrant class of Retrosaurs, of the aquatic variety, and is very closely related to his Paleo Tyrant ancestors. One of the more unique features of of Yamaneon King are the crystal horn and spikes covering his back, shoulders, tail, and head. An examination by Kaijuologists confirmed that these spikes are not natural, but are in fact pure Yamaneon Crystals growing out of its body, with no organic material present in them. However, Yamaneon King doesn’t seem to mind the crystals out of his body, though whether he is unaware that they are abnormal or is simply use to them is unknown.
Yamaneon King also has the ability to spew green flames from his mouth. However, unlike Tyrantis and Diablosaurus, Yamaneon King lacks the venom sac that allows other Kaiju with a similar ability to breathe fire. Further research into his Yamaneon Flame Breath has revealed that the ability is not a natural one, and is powered directly by the Yamaneon Crystals on his body. Due to this, if Yamaneon King uses his Yamaneon Flame Breath too much, he will eventually become physically exhausted.
Yamaneon King also emits far more radiation than that is normal for Yamaneon Crystals. This results in one of Yamaneon King’s most strange, unique, and dangerous ability: Accelerated Atomic Fossilization. Should any creature stay within Yamaneon King’s presence for an extended period of time, will eventually become a Kaiju themselves. A process that takes a decade to even start, can be completed in a mere month by Yamaneon King.
This also leads to Yamaneon King’s most dangerous ability, his Yamaneon Burst. If Yamaneon King is in a a severe amount of stress or pain, he unleashed a massive burst of Yamaneon radiation. This blast has enormous power to severely damage and, in some cases, kill his opponents. This burst is also similar to the kind normal Yamaneon Crystals give off when exposed to a violent burst of energy. Thus, any non-Kaiju organism in Yamaneon King’s presence when he uses Yamaneon Burst ability will undergo instant Atomic Fossilization, becoming Kaiju in minutes. After Yamaneon King releases this burst of energy, he becomes physically exhausted, unable to continue fighting and will slip away during the ensuing chaos. Because of the, Yamaneon King rarely uses this ability, and will only do so when backed in a corner.
Because of the strange abilities the Kaiju has, and the fact that Yamaneon Crystals are growing unnaturally out of his body, Yamaneon King is believed to be by many Kaijuologists to one of the few Retrosaur Kaiju that came to be through instant Atomic Fossilization. How this happened can only be speculated, but the leading theory is that Yamaneon King was near an underwater volcano with a patch of Yamaneon Crystals when it erupted, thus causing the Kaiju’s instant transformation into a Kaiju.
Yamaneon King’s powers include:
• Super strength
• An enhanced healing factor
• Immunity to radiation
• Yamaneon Flame Breath
• Accelerated Atomic Fossilization
• Yamaneon Burst
Personality: First appearing leading a pack of prehistoric Kaiju in Japan, Yamaneon King’s discovery wasn’t that notable compared to the many other Kaiju to first appear in the Atomic Time of Monsters, as he was one of the first Kaiju to appear in Japan, thus people wouldn’t notice the glowing green crystals on his body would be unusual. It wasn’t until after his initial defeat and separation from his pack that Yamaneon King ‘s Accelerated Atomic Fossilization ability was discovered. It was observed that Yamaneon King would settle in an area and allow the radiation he emits to mutate the local wildlife into Kaiju. It was even observed that Yamaneon King would keep certain animals in the area that interest him to be mutated into Kaiju, so the Kaiju is is aware of this ability.
It was unfortunate though, that this was discovered by the Spooks Organization, who had spent a few months observing Yamaneon King, captured the Kaiju. Yamaneon King was then transported to Spooks Organization Outpost 68, where he was subjected to severe experiments. It was during one of these experiments that Yamaneon King’s Yamaneon Burst ability was discovered, when he was subjected to such severe pain he let loose a burst of Yamaneon radiation, mutating the nearby animals into Kaiju.
Upon discovering this, the Spooks Organization subjected Yamaneon King to severe pain several times to trigger his Yamaneon Burst, contributing to their other Kaiju experiments to combat the Kaiju crisis. These expiramemts took a toll on Yamaneon King, traumatizing the Kaiju, much to the indifference to the Sppoks staff. Indeed, Spooks Organization Outpost 68 earned itself a reputation among the larger Spooks Organization in a short amount of time, creating more Kaiju than any other Spooks instillation thanks to Yamaneon King. This lead to the both the installation and the Kaiju being nicknamed ���The Living Kaiju Factory” by Spooks.
Eventually, Yamaneon King had enough, and he convinced a good portion of the Kaiju held in Spooks Organization Outpost 68(many of which he created) into a jailbreak. Yamaneon King and his Kaiju pack fought against the forces of Spooks Organization Outpost 68, which included a few Mechs and many Kaiju under their control(many of which were also created by Yamaneon King). Yamaneon King and his pack killed them all. And then they turned their eyes on the human staff. When the military were sent to investigate Spooks Organization Outpost 68, all they found were giant scraps of metal that could barely be put into human shape, piles of Yamaneon Crystals, several crushed human corpses, and data and notes on the Kaiju experiments that were conducted, the most documented Kaiju being the one the outpost shared a nickname with.
What’s worse Spooks Organization Outpost 68 was stationed near Oriagow city, and when Yamaneon King and his pack broke free, hey came across the city and destroyed it, killing most of its inhabitants. Yamaneon King’s experience with the Spooks Organization deeply affected the Kaiju’s view of humanity, and made him deeply antagonistic to all humans he comes across.
At first, it was believed that the Kaiju had some sort of psychic connection to the Kaiju he created due to how most if not all of them join his pack. However, upon further, proper examination by Kaijuologists, they discovered that Yamaneon King has a natural charisma about him. This discovery was made when it was noticed that Kaiju that existed before even coming in contact with Yamaneon King joined his pack. It was also observed that Yamaneon King is often something of a mentor to the Kaiju he creates, helping them come to terms with their new existence, and appears to care for them deeply. Yamaneon King is also friendly with other Kaiju as well, and can be very influential among his fellow monsters.
Because of Yamaneon King being such a social Kaiju, in theory he should be the ideal Kaiju that the Kaiju Sanctuaies were built for. In reality, however, Yamaneon King is an explorer at his heart, and wishes to explore the world, not wanting to be kept in one place. What’s worse, Yamaneon King has not forgotten his treatment at the hands of the Spooks Organization, and thus has developed a deeply antagonistic relationship with humanity. Because of this, Yamaneon King is not thrilled to be kept in a single place run by humans.
Because his experiences prior, Yamaneon King has lead many “jail breaks” in the Kaiju Sanctuary, by convincing several of his fellow Kaiju to escape and overwhelming the Sanctuary’s defenses, similar to Spooks Organization Outpost 68(though thankfully not nearly as destructive, and with few, of any, casualties). This was very much a problem as the first Kaiju Sanctuary that Yamaneon King was sent to was Echidna Island to study his Accelerated Atomic Fossilization ability and to hopefully rehabilitate him so he can become less antagonistic to humanity.
However, what happened instead was Yamaneon King influenced the residents of Echidna Island to assist him in these jail breaks and explore the world with him. Having a breakout of Kaiju is bad enough, but what was worse was that the Kaiju of Echidna Island are some of the most dangerous and unstable Kaiju in the world, and can’t be let loose on the world. Worse, Yamaneon King was a bad influence on his fellow Kaiju, setting setting their rehabilitation progress back by significant margin. Due to this, and even though Echidna Island was the ideal Kaiju Sanctuary for him, Yamaneon King was transported to the Ogasawara Kaiju Sanctuary not long after it opened, along with a team of Kaijuologists from Echidna Island to hopefully continue the Kaiju’s rehabilitation. Unfortunately, Yamaneon King was still able to influence his fellow Kaiju into helping him in breaking out. Worse, while the Kaiju of the Ogasawara Kaiju Sanctuary aren’t as dangerous as the one of Echidna Island, they are greater in number, and thus far more Kaiju were able to escape. This resulted in Yamaneon King having to be relocated to another Kaiju Sanctuary.
Indeed Yamaneon King has accomplished more jail breaks than any other Kaiju, and has been sent to every Kaiju Sanctuary in an attempt to find one that he could call home and settle down. However, when put into different Kaiju Sanctuaries, Yamaneon King would either be planning a breakout, befriending his fellow Kaiju to assist him in a breakout, or leading a breakout. Yamaneon King was even sent to Typhon Island in the hopes that the a Kaiju stationed there would be a positive influence on him, but he still managed to convince the more problematic Kaiju to help him in another successful breakout(though one where only Yamaneon King was able to escape).
Usually, when Yamaneon King breaks out of a Kaiju Sanctuary, he will often hide out in a secluded area with a lot of animals for about a month or two, and allow his Atomic Fossilization ability to mutate the local wildlife. Yamaneon King is a social creature, and prefers the presence of his fellow Kaiju. Because of this, he will not go exploring unless he has the presence of a pack, so he will often make one Himself. Once the new Kaiju have muted and gotten use to their new existence, Yamaneon King will lead them on his explorations of the surface world. In combat, Yamaneon King is a tooth and nail fighter, often using his claws, mouth, feet, and tail. Due to Yamaneon King’ Yamaneon Flame Breath can become physically exhausting to use, he will use it sparingly. If a battle is getting extremely dire, such as his opponent trying to kill or capture him, Yamaneon King will deploy his Yamaneon Burst ability as a last resort, and try to exhaustedly escape from the ensuing chaos.
Yamaneon King is extremely friendly with his fellow Kaiju, even ones he doesn’t create. It has been observed that when he isn’t planning a jail break, he will often play fight with his fellow Kaiju. What’s more interesting, he will also act as referee when Kaiju from his own pack are fighting each other, helping improve their fighting and making sure they don’t hurt each other too bad. However, relationship with humanity, as mentioned before, is not a good. If Yamaneon King comes across a human settlement he will often lead his pack to attack it, trying to kill as many humans as possible. It should be noted that Yamaneon King does actively seek out humans in any way. The human settlements he attacks are simply ones he comes across on his travels.
As stated before, Yamaneon King is very social and charismatic Kaiju, often convincing Kaiju to join his pack. Yamaneon King has also convincing enough that many Kaiju that were neutral on humanity to attack it. In fact, during the Beyonder invasion, Yamaneon King was able to convince a squad of Alien Kaiju to rebel against their masters… only to lead them to continue attacking humanity, only with him now leading them. However, Yamaneon King has a burning hatred for Kaiju that defend humanity. While normally Yamaneon King would fight like most other Kaiju, not trying to kill his opponent, when he comes across a giant defender for humanity, he will immediately go for the kill. Yamaneon King can not understand why any Kaiju would willingly defend humanity, as he had experienced the worst of them under the hands of the Spooks Organization. Normally, if Yamaneon King is defeated in combat by a Kaiju, he will often hold a great deal of respect and admiration for his foe, and may even look towards try to get them to join his pack. However, if a Kaiju that defeats him was doing so while defending humanity, Yamaneon King will hold a massive grudge against them, being immediately hostile in any future confrontations. This is made worse for Kaiju that Yamaneon King created that betrayed him, seeing the good in humanity and not wanting to kill them.
Because of the influence he has on Kaiju, it was eventually decided to separate Yamaneon King from other Kaiju, especially the ones he created. This angered Yamaneon King a great deal and strengthened his animosity towards humanity, even though the Kaijuologists were only trying to help him and the Kaiju he created. The Kaiju Sanctuary that worked best for Yamaneon King for a while was the Challanger Mesa due to it being a massive mountain with no nearby water mass for him to swim away. However, Yamaneon King was still able to escape by mutating a bird into a Kaiju and have it carry him of the mountain.
Finally, Yamaneon King found a permanent home at the end of the Atomic Time of Monsters. Unfortunately, his attitude towards humanity and it’s defenders never changed for the positive, and so Yamaneon King was put on ice in the Jotunheim Icefield, where he remains frozen to this day.
The story of Yamaneon King is a tragic one. At the beginning of the Atomic Time of Monsters, other than his strange abilities, Yamaneon King was simply another Kaiju. If left alone, And with his natural charisma and Accelerated Atomic Fossilizion, Yamaneon King could have been one of the greatest defenders of mankind. Plus, his exploratory nature may have allowed him to come across Kaiju’s attacking humanity and defended, which would may have allowed the Kaiju Sanctuaries to let Yamaneon King to explore on his own, and maybe even convince to come to the Kaiju Sanctuaries. This could even be seen with some of the Kaiju he created, as they went on to help send the earth during the Beyonder Invasion(ironic given what Yamaneon King was doing) and help stop Kaiju from attacking humanity, being heroes themselves. Even his first “attack” of Japan could barely be called that as, upset closer inspection, show that Yamaneon King and his pack were simply exploring new environment, and any destruction they caused was due to their nature of being Kaiju. Instead, the interference of the Spooks Organization turned what could have been a great hero to humanity and turned him into one of its greatest villains. What worse, was that Yamaneon King ironically helped the Spooks Organization goal of destroying all the Kaiju in some way, as he became the face of many anti-Kaiju protests due to his numerous and repeated attacks on humanity, hurting the Kaiju Sanctuary program. This culminated with Yamaneon King’s frozen imprisonment in the Jotunheim Icefield, considered by many to be the worst Kaiju Sanctuary. Yamaneon King desired adventure and, like most Kaiju, friends and family. In the end however, he was frozen in one place, and alone.
Author’s Notes:
• Yamaneon King has two main inspirations.
• The first is the Kaiju from Ultraman and other Tsuburaya shows that have “King” in their name. The most famous is obviously Red King, but there are others, such as Black King, Grand King, Snake King, Five King, Live King and many more.
• The second source of inspiration is from the Kaiju from Matthew Dennion’s novel Atomic Rex. Assuming you haven’t read it, in the setting of Atomic Rex, the world is divided into territory among Kaiju. The Kaiju also give off strong radiation that can mutate them into Kaiju as well, who are either driven off into other Kaiju’s territory to challenge them, or hunted for food by the True Kaiju. Plus I’m a fan of monsters that can create other monsters.
• When I first made the concept for Yamaneon King, the first thought I had was an antagonist. This is due to pretty much most of the other contest entries being heroic Kaiju, defending humanity from Kaiju. So the idea is for Yamaneon King be a Kaiju those heroic Kaiju defend humanity from. As such, I also made Yamaneon King have three colors associated with evil(even though Yamaneon King himself isn’t really that evil): Red, purple, and lime green.
• Yamaneon King has only four toes, all of them being front ones. I’m not good at drawing fingers and feet.
• There are two reason why I listed all the Kaiju Sanctuaries in the notable Stomping Grounds section. The first is to explore what would happen if a Kaiju would be incompatible with the Kaiju Sanctuaries. The reason Kaiju Sanctuaries work so well is because they meet the needs and wants of their Kaiju residents. However, what if a Kaiju wanted to explore the world, which would require him from moving place to place, and not staying place in one Kaiju Sanctuary. Yamaneon King would most likely still try to escape the Kaiju Sanctuaries even if he wasn’t captured by Spooks, though it would probably been more of a game to him as he wouldn’t be so antagonistic towards humans.
• The second is to give him an excuse to fight the heroic Kaiju of the world. Like is stated above, a lot of previous contest Kaiju were heroic, so I made Yamaneon Kind be an antagonist. Him being moved and relocated to all these different Kaiju Sanctuaries is also a bit of an excuse for him to meet and fight these heroic Kaiju.
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multiversefan · 3 years
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Name: Yamaneon King
Aliases: The Crystal Creation Monster, Asset Hydra, The Living Kaiju Factory, The Purple Menace
Date Discovered: March 21, 1954
Place of Origin: Pacific Ocean
Notable Stomping Grounds: Spooks Organization Outpost 68, Oriagow City, Echidna Island, Ogasawara Kaiju Sanctuary, The Wells-Verne Kaiju Sanctuary, The Siberian Monster Zone, Typhon Island, Fitzgerald Island, Bunyip Park Reserve, Bermuda Kaiju Sanctuary, Challenger Mesa, Jotunheim Icefield
Height: 105 feet(110 at crown)
Length: 225 feet
Biology: Yamaneon King is a member of the Transitional Tyrant class of Retrosaurs, of the aquatic variety, and is very closely related to his Paleo Tyrant ancestors, as, compared to his more bizarre Transitional Tyrant Retrosaurs, Yamaneon King looks more like what you expect a Retrosaur to look like, only with a shorter neck. One of the more unique features of of Yamaneon King are the crystal blade-like horn and spikes covering his back, shoulders, tail, and head. An examination by Kaijuologists confirmed that these spikes are not natural, but are in fact pure Yamaneon Crystals growing out of its body, with no organic material present in them. However, Yamaneon King doesn’t seem to mind the crystals out of his body, though whether he is unaware that they are abnormal or is simply use to them is unknown.
Yamaneon King also has the ability to spew green flames from his mouth. However, unlike Tyrantis and Diablosaurus, Yamaneon King lacks the venom sac that allows other Kaiju with a similar ability to breathe fire. Further research into his Yamaneon Flame Breath has revealed that the ability is not a natural one, and is powered directly by the Yamaneon Crystals on his body. Due to this, if Yamaneon King uses his Yamaneon Flame Breath too much, he will eventually become physically exhausted.
Yamaneon King also emits far more radiation than that is normal for Yamaneon Crystals. This results in one of Yamaneon King’s most strange, unique, and dangerous ability: Accelerated Atomic Fossilization. Should any creature stay within Yamaneon King’s presence for an extended period of time, they will eventually become a Kaiju themselves. A process that takes a decade to even start, can be completed in a mere month by Yamaneon King.
This also leads to Yamaneon King’s most dangerous ability, his Yamaneon Burst. If Yamaneon King is in a a severe amount of stress or pain, he unleashed a massive burst of Yamaneon radiation. This blast has enormous power to severely damage and, in some cases, kill his opponents. This burst is also similar to the kind normal Yamaneon Crystals give off when exposed to a violent burst of energy. Thus, any non-Kaiju organism in Yamaneon King’s presence when he uses Yamaneon Burst ability will undergo instant Atomic Fossilization, becoming Kaiju in minutes. After Yamaneon King releases this burst of energy, he becomes physically exhausted, unable to continue fighting and will slip away during the ensuing chaos. Because of the, Yamaneon King rarely uses this ability, and will only do so when backed in a corner.
Because of the strange abilities the Kaiju has, and the fact that Yamaneon Crystals are growing unnaturally out of his body, Yamaneon King is believed to be by many Kaijuologists to one of the few Retrosaur Kaiju that came to be through instant Atomic Fossilization. How this happened can only be speculated, but the leading theory is that Yamaneon King was near an underwater volcano with a patch of Yamaneon Crystals when it erupted, the chain reaction causing the Retrosaur’s instant transformation into a Kaiju.
Yamaneon King’s powers include:
• Super strength
• An enhanced healing factor
• Immunity to radiation
• Yamaneon Flame Breath
• Accelerated Atomic Fossilization
• Yamaneon Burst
Personality: First appearing leading a pack of prehistoric Kaiju in Japan, Yamaneon King’s discovery wasn’t that notable compared to the many other Kaiju to first appear in the Atomic Time of Monsters. Since he was one of the first Kaiju to appear in Japan, people wouldn’t have notice the glowing green crystals on his body would be unusual. It wasn’t until after his initial defeat and separation from his pack that Yamaneon King ‘s Accelerated Atomic Fossilization ability was discovered. It was observed that Yamaneon King would settle in an area and allow the radiation he emits to mutate the local wildlife into Kaiju. It was even observed that Yamaneon King would keep certain animals in the area that interest him to be mutated into Kaiju, so the Kaiju is is aware of this ability.
It was unfortunate then, that this was discovered by the Spooks Organization, who had spent a few months observing Yamaneon King, and then captured the Kaiju. Yamaneon King was then transported to Spooks Organization Outpost 68, where he was subjected to severe experiments. It was during one of these experiments that Yamaneon King’s Yamaneon Burst ability was discovered, when he was subjected to such severe pain he let loose a burst of Yamaneon radiation, mutating the nearby animals into Kaiju.
Upon discovering this, the Spooks Organization subjected Yamaneon King to severe pain several times to trigger his Yamaneon Burst, contributing to their other Kaiju experiments to combat the Kaiju crisis. These expiramemts took a toll on Yamaneon King, traumatizing the Kaiju, much to the indifference to the Sppoks staff. Indeed, Spooks Organization Outpost 68 earned itself a reputation among the larger Spooks Organization in a short amount of time, creating more Kaiju than any other Spooks instillation thanks to Yamaneon King. This lead to the both the installation and the Kaiju being nicknamed “The Living Kaiju Factory” by those working for Spooks.
Eventually, Yamaneon King had enough, and he convinced a good portion of the Kaiju held in Spooks Organization Outpost 68(many of which he created) into a jailbreak. Yamaneon King and his Kaiju pack fought against the forces of Spooks Organization Outpost 68, which included a few Mechs and many Kaiju under their control(many of which were also created by Yamaneon King). Yamaneon King and his pack killed them all. And then they turned their eyes on the human staff. When the military were sent to investigate Spooks Organization Outpost 68, all they found were giant scraps of metal that could barely be put into human shape, piles of Yamaneon Crystals, several crushed human corpses, and data and notes on the Kaiju experiments that were conducted, the most documented Kaiju being the one the outpost shared a nickname with.
What’s worse Spooks Organization Outpost 68 was stationed near Oriagow city, and when Yamaneon King and his pack broke free, they came across the city and destroyed it, killing most of its inhabitants. Yamaneon King’s experience with the Spooks Organization deeply affected the Kaiju’s view of humanity, and made him deeply antagonistic to all humans he comes across.
At first, it was believed that the Kaiju had some sort of psychic connection to the Kaiju he created due to how most if not all of them join his pack. However, upon further, proper examination by Kaijuologists, they discovered that Yamaneon King simply has a natural charisma about him. This discovery was made when it was noticed that Kaiju that existed before even coming in contact with Yamaneon King joined his pack. It was also observed that Yamaneon King is often something of a mentor to the Kaiju he creates, helping them come to terms with their new existence, and appears to care for them deeply. Yamaneon King is also friendly with other Kaiju as well, and can be very influential among his fellow monsters.
Because of Yamaneon King being such a social Kaiju, in theory, he should be the ideal Kaiju that the Kaiju Sanctuaies were built for. In reality, however, Yamaneon King is an explorer at his heart, and wishes to explore the world, not wanting to be kept in one place. What’s worse, Yamaneon King has not forgotten his treatment at the hands of the Spooks Organization, and thus has developed a deeply antagonistic relationship with humanity. Because of this, Yamaneon King is not thrilled to be kept in a single place run by humans.
Because his experiences prior, Yamaneon King has lead many “jail breaks” in the Kaiju Sanctuaries, by convincing several of his fellow Kaiju to escape and overwhelming the Sanctuary’s defenses, similar to Spooks Organization Outpost 68(though thankfully not nearly as destructive, and with few, if any, casualties). This was very much a problem as the first Kaiju Sanctuary that Yamaneon King was sent to was Echidna Island to study his Accelerated Atomic Fossilization ability and to hopefully rehabilitate him so he can become less antagonistic to humanity.
However, what happened instead was Yamaneon King influenced the residents of Echidna Island to assist him in these jail breaks and explore the world with him. Having a breakout of Kaiju is bad enough, but what was worse was that the Kaiju of Echidna Island are some of the most dangerous and unstable Kaiju in the world, and can’t be let loose upon it. Worse, Yamaneon King was a bad influence on his fellow Kaiju, setting their rehabilitation progress back by significant margin. Due to this, and even though Echidna Island was the ideal Kaiju Sanctuary for him, Yamaneon King was transported to the Ogasawara Kaiju Sanctuary not long after it opened, along with a team of Kaijuologists from Echidna Island to hopefully continue the Kaiju’s rehabilitation. Unfortunately, Yamaneon King was still able to influence his fellow Kaiju into helping him in breaking out. Worse, while the Kaiju of the Ogasawara Kaiju Sanctuary aren’t as dangerous as the ones of Echidna Island, they are greater in number, and thus far more Kaiju were able to escape. This resulted in Yamaneon King having to be relocated to another Kaiju Sanctuary.
Indeed Yamaneon King has accomplished more jail breaks than any other Kaiju, and has been sent to every Kaiju Sanctuary in an attempt to find one that he could call home and settle down. However, when put into different Kaiju Sanctuaries, Yamaneon King would either be planning a breakout, befriending his fellow Kaiju to assist him in a breakout, or leading a breakout. Yamaneon King was even sent to Typhon Island in the hopes that the a Kaiju stationed there would be a positive influence on him, but he still managed to convince the more problematic Kaiju to help him in another successful breakout(though one where only Yamaneon King was able to escape).
Usually, when Yamaneon King breaks out of a Kaiju Sanctuary, he will often hide out in a secluded area with a lot of animals for about a month or two, and allow his Atomic Fossilization ability to mutate the local wildlife. Yamaneon King is a social creature, and prefers the presence of his fellow Kaiju. Because of this, he will not go exploring unless he has the presence of a pack, so he will often make one Himself. Once the new Kaiju have muted and gotten use to their new existence, Yamaneon King will lead them on his explorations of the surface world. In combat, Yamaneon King is a tooth and nail fighter, often using his claws, mouth, feet, and tail. Due to Yamaneon King’ Yamaneon Flame Breath can become physically exhausting to use, he will use it sparingly. If a battle is getting extremely dire, such as his opponent trying to kill or capture him, Yamaneon King will deploy his Yamaneon Burst ability as a last resort, causing instant Atomic Fossilizion in the local animals, and try to exhaustedly escape from the ensuing chaos.
Yamaneon King is extremely friendly with his fellow Kaiju, even ones he doesn’t create. It has been observed that when he isn’t planning a jail break, he will often play fight with his fellow Kaiju. What’s more interesting, he will also act as referee when Kaiju from his own pack that are fighting each other, helping improve their fighting styles and making sure they don’t hurt each other too bad. However, his relationship with humanity, as mentioned before, is not a good. If Yamaneon King comes across a human settlement during his travels, he will often lead his pack to attack it, trying to kill as many humans as possible. Though it should be noted that Yamaneon King does not actively seek out humans in any way. The human settlements he attacks are simply ones he comes across on his travels.
As stated before, Yamaneon King is very social and charismatic Kaiju, often convincing Kaiju to join his pack. Yamaneon King is also convincing enough that many Kaiju that were neutral on humanity to attack it. In fact, during the Beyonder invasion, Yamaneon King was able to convince a squad of Alien Kaiju to rebel against their masters… only to lead them to continue attacking humanity, only with him now leading them before they were stopped. However, despite being very friendly with his fellow monsters, Yamaneon King has a burning hatred for Kaiju that defend humanity. While normally Yamaneon King would fight like most other Kaiju, not trying to kill his opponent, when he comes across a giant defender for humanity, he will immediately go for the kill. Yamaneon King can not understand why any Kaiju would willingly defend humanity, as he had experienced the worst of them under the hands of the Spooks Organization. Normally, if Yamaneon King is defeated in combat by a Kaiju, he will often hold a great deal of respect and admiration for his foe, and may even look towards try to get them to join his pack. However, if a Kaiju that defeats him was doing so while defending humanity, Yamaneon King will hold a massive grudge against them, being immediately hostile in any future confrontations. This is made worse for Kaiju that Yamaneon King created that betrayed him, that saw the good in humanity and did not want to kill them.
Because of the influence he has on other Kaiju, it was eventually decided to separate Yamaneon King from other Kaiju, especially the ones he created. This angered Yamaneon King a great deal and strengthened his animosity towards humanity, even though the Kaijuologists were only trying to help him and the Kaiju he created. The Kaiju Sanctuary that worked best for Yamaneon King for a while was the Challanger Mesa due to it being a massive mountain with no nearby water mass for him to swim away. However, Yamaneon King was still able to escape by mutating a bird into a Kaiju and have it carry him of the mountain.
Finally, Yamaneon King found a permanent home at the end of the Atomic Time of Monsters. Unfortunately, his attitude towards humanity and it’s defenders never changed for the positive, and so Yamaneon King was put on ice in the Jotunheim Icefield, where he remains frozen to this day.
The story of Yamaneon King is a tragic one. At the beginning of the Atomic Time of Monsters, other than his strange abilities, Yamaneon King was simply another Kaiju. If left alone, And with his natural charisma and Accelerated Atomic Fossilizion, Yamaneon King could have been one of the greatest defenders of mankind. Plus, his exploratory nature may have allowed him to come across Kaiju’s attacking humanity and defended humanity, which would may have allowed the Kaiju Sanctuaries to let Yamaneon King to explore on his own, and maybe even convince the Kaiju he came across to come to the Kaiju Sanctuaries. The potential of this could even be seen with some of the Kaiju Yamaneon King created, as they went on to help send the earth during the Beyonder Invasion(ironic given what Yamaneon King was doing during this event) and help stop Kaiju from attacking humanity, becoming heroes themselves. Even his first “attack” on Japan could barely be called that one as, upon closer inspection, showed that Yamaneon King and his pack were simply exploring a new environment, and any destruction they caused was due to their nature of being Kaiju. Instead, the interference of the Spooks Organization took what could have been a great hero to humanity and turned him into one of its greatest villains. What worse, was that Yamaneon King ironically helped the Spooks Organization goal of destroying all the Kaiju in small way, as he became the face of many anti-Kaiju protests due to his numerous and repeated attacks on humanity, hurting the progress of the Kaiju Sanctuary program. This culminated with Yamaneon King’s frozen imprisonment in the Jotunheim Icefield, considered by many to be the worst Kaiju Sanctuary. Yamaneon King desired adventure and, like most Kaiju, friends and family. In the end however, he was frozen in one place, and alone.
Author’s Notes:
• Yamaneon King has two main inspirations.
• The first is the Kaiju from Ultraman and other Tsuburaya shows that have “King” in their name. The most famous is obviously Red King, but there are others, such as Black King, Grand King, Snake King, Five King, Live King and many more.
• The second source of inspiration is from the Kaiju from Matthew Dennion’s novel Atomic Rex. Assuming you haven’t read it, in the setting of Atomic Rex, the world is divided into territory among Kaiju. The Kaiju also give off strong radiation that can mutate them into Kaiju as well, who are either driven off into other Kaiju’s territory to challenge them, or hunted for food by the True Kaiju. Plus I’m a fan of monsters that can create other monsters.
• When I first made the concept for Yamaneon King, the first thought I had was an antagonist. This is due to pretty much most of the other contest entries being heroic Kaiju, defending humanity from Kaiju. So the idea is for Yamaneon King be a Kaiju those heroic Kaiju defend humanity from. As such, I also made Yamaneon King have three colors associated with evil(even though Yamaneon King himself isn’t really that evil): Red, purple, and lime green.
• Yamaneon King has only four toes, all of them being front ones. I’m not good at drawing fingers and feet.
• There are two reason why I listed all the Kaiju Sanctuaries in the notable Stomping Grounds section. The first is to explore what would happen if a Kaiju would be incompatible with the Kaiju Sanctuaries. The reason Kaiju Sanctuaries work so well is because they meet the needs and wants of their Kaiju residents. However, what if a Kaiju wanted to explore the world, which would require him from moving place to place, and not staying place in one Kaiju Sanctuary. Yamaneon King would most likely still try to escape the Kaiju Sanctuaries even if he wasn’t captured by Spooks, though it would probably been more of a game to him as he wouldn’t be so antagonistic towards humans.
• The second is to give him an excuse to meet and fight those heroic Kaiju of the world. Like I stated above, a lot of previous contest Kaiju were heroic, so I made Yamaneon Kind be an antagonist. Him being moved and relocated to all these different Kaiju Sanctuaries is also a bit of an excuse for him to meet and fight these heroic Kaiju.
EDIT: just made a few corrections to some grammar mistakes.
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multiversefan · 3 years
So some of your Kaiju are non-magic Magic Creatures. How does that work exactly? What would the magic have done for them that the Yamaneon is doing instead, and what are they missing out on without the magic?
This may be spoiling some things, but they’re for stories I probably won’t get to for, like, decades, if ever, so no big deal really.
Yamaneon and Magic are mutually exclusive.  Both are inherently enigmatic in how they work, and both seem to be almost conscious and intentional in how they affect creatures.  Yamaneon’s results are a lot more limited - it affects all organic life forms in the same exact way.  Magic, by contrast, can produce a whole lot of different powers and abilities and varieties of monsters from the same source material.  But while magic is flexible and Yamaneon will work on almost any organic creature, the two forces cannot work together.  You can either have kaiju powers or magic powers - never both.
In the cases of Kraydi, Gorgolisk, Mastemuth, Kutulusca, and Metringar, they (or their ancestors) were exposed to Yamaneon before magic came into the world.  In other words, they come from a pre-magic world.  They lived in the subterranean Yamaneon-rich ecosystem within the earth’s crust, mutated into (or were born as) kaiju, and lived kaiju lives underground or in the sea without ever learning of the age of magic.  If they hadn’t been mutated into/born as kaiju, they would have been ordinary prehistoric animals - venomous reptilian predators, a big ice age mammal, a freaky looking but ultimately mundane mollusc, and a retrosaur.  They might have had distant descendants who used magic, but they predated magic’s existence.
Instead, their relatives would have descendants who would eventually become magically attuned.  Some would use magic to obtain sizes comparable to a kaiju’s (or exceeding them in the case of Mastemuth’s fellow behemoths).  Some would use it to turn their venom into fire, or to kill with a glance.  Some would use it to be much better at hiding from humans.  Magic can do all kinds of weird shit.
Girtabane, Bobo, Nastadyne, and possibly Chlorespa and Mantiresia are descendants of post-magic creatures.  Actually there are a lot of kaiju in ATOM that are post-magic creatures, but these are the only ones whose ancestors matter to this discussion.  At some point these arthropod’s distant ancestors stumbled into Faerieland and were mutated by its unique magical properties, beginning the transition from normal arthropod to faerie.  As was the case by that point, the transformation was slowly making them humanoid, as so many faeries were altering their forms to blend in with humanity at that point that it had affected the magical nature of Faerieland itself.  These ancestral bugs escaped Faerieland before the process could finish, and eventually returned to normal bug lives, bred, and created a line of slightly human-ish bugs.
By that point, the magic had done little to the ancestor bugs beyond changing their anatomy - albeit on a genetic level instead of just on the surface, since that’s the way magic works.  Magic affects the core of one’s being - it’s why curses that have effects that normally wouldn’t be passed on, like having your nose bitten off by a werewolf, will affect the offspring.  It can also smooth over some reproductive limitations, which is why creatures like Echidna can have such varied offspring.   It might have heightened the ancestor bugs’ intelligence and emotional capacity a tad as well, but it hadn’t gotten to the point where they’d have full blown magical powers (though it might have been working on that - Nastadyne’s unique transformation may be a result of his ancestor’s physiology being changed to accommodate flame based magical powers that never manifested).
Regardless, the ancestor bugs emerged from Faerieland as weird looking bugs with a collection of genetic mutations that, somewhat miraculously, they were able to pass on to their children, and their children’s children, and on and on down the line.  Eventually a few of their descendants got caught between some Yamaneon and a nuclear blast, and were suddenly mutated into kaiju.  None of the bug mutants in ATOM are ancient like the prehistoric ones - all of them were kaiju-fied very recently and extremely suddenly, which makes them a bit more confused and dangerous than the kaiju that have had centuries to come to terms with their powers.
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multiversefan · 3 years
Are there a lot of Yamaneon reactors?
Not in the time period of ATOM, no.  It takes a few decades after Yamaneon’s discovery for humanity to figure out how Yamaneon can be utilized - people were understandably scared of the potential consequences of haphazardly using a mineral that creates giant night indestructible monsters.
The first Yamaneon energy plant was made in the late 80′s, two decades after the Atomic Time of Monsters ended.  Yamaneon crystals were also placed around ever existing nuclear power plant as a failsafe against radiation leaks - while a meltdown would result in several kaiju being made, those kaiju would also absorb the radiation, allowing the land to be inhabitable.
Humanity would be slow and methodical to apply Yamaneon to other uses - unlike in our world, humans in ATOM’s world actually learned something from their horrible mistakes in the 50′s.  Yamaneon powered machines wouldn’t be common until 2100.
Then in the 23rd century humanity suffers a near-extinction event that they take a few centuries to get over.  Zombies were involved.
Around 2600 or so humanity bounces back and enters the intergalactic community, forming a joint civilization with the subterranean reptile people (yep, that’s a thing) and the sapient Martians.  They use a fleet of Yamaneon powered spaceships and robots to strongarm their way into a powerful seat in the Beyonder Alliance, and their adventures continue from there.
There’s a lot of info here that isn’t relevant to your question, but I got on a roll.
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multiversefan · 3 years
The Good Place. It’s about the afterlife. Pretty good show, though I’ve haven’t seen the last season yet.
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multiversefan · 4 years
She’s a good artist.
I would never forgive this fandom for allowing vir*a become the official artist 🤕
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