munod · 2 years
I was today years old when I learned that when you type "otp: true" in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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munod · 2 years
had a minor crisis when 12ft.io went down yesterday and thankfully it's back now but this seems like a good opportunity to compile a list of similar paywall-evading tools in case 12ft ever gets canned for real:
12ft.io: the legend himself. definitely my favorite of the bunch by virtue of being the easiest to use (and the easiest url to remember), but it's configured to disable paywall evasion for a handful of popular sites like the new york times, so you'll have to go elsewhere for those.
printfriendly: works great; never had any issues with removing paywalls, even on domains that don't work with 12ft.io. since this site is literally designed to make sites print-friendly, it might simplify the overall formatting of the page you're trying to access, which can be a good or bad thing. my only real issue is that the "element zapper" (which lets you remove content blocks from the print-friendly preview) is a little sensitive if you're browsing on a touchscreen device, which means you might accidentally delete a paragraph when you're just trying to scroll. but if that happens you can reload the page and it'll revert everything back to its original state.
fifteen feet: basically a 12ft clone, minus 12ft's restrictions. haven't used it much since I only discovered it yesterday in the wake of 12ft's 451 error but it seems to do the trick.
archive.today: an archival tool very similar to the wayback machine, but it also works as a de facto paywall removal tool. (the wayback machine seems to remove paywalls as well, but archive.today has better UX imo and is way faster to use.)
and an honorable mention for sci-hub: only works for scientific/academic journals, not random news articles, but the other sites listed above only work for random news articles and not academic publications so you gotta have this one in your toolbelt for full coverage. pubmed is your oyster.
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munod · 6 years
The RCMP are setting up exclusion zones and closed roads to the public and media as officers get set to dismantle two camps on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory.
“During the police enforcement operation, temporary exclusion zones and road closures will be established for police and public safety reasons,” said the news release sent out Monday morning that confirmed the RCMP will enforce a court order requested by a pipeline company trying to build a pipeline through Wet’suwet’en territory.
“Those areas will be clearly marked and media/public are welcome to stand at the perimeter, but no one will be allowed to enter the exclusion zones. These zones will only be maintained as long as necessary.”
See full statement here: What to expect during the police enforcement of court ordered injunction in Houston, BC
The raids have been highly anticipated after a B.C. judge granted an interim injunction in December against two check points leading to the construction site for the LNG Coastal GasLink pipeline.
Continue Reading.
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munod · 6 years
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Finished watching She-Ra! Here’s some fan art of Mermista aka a 100% total frickin’ BOSS.
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munod · 6 years
Small Tips For ClipStudio
I have some hours before work so I’ll use them to actually detail why I’ve found CSPaint to be so efficient for bastard-aligned painters who like to take shortcuts.
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This will seem familiar to most of you guys, but this functions a little bit different from Photoshop. It turns everything you draw on the layer into editable curves, but retains the aliased smoothness of an ordinary raster layer. Practically a cheat to access the whole suite of amazing tools CS offers for lineart. Such as:
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The vector eraser is The Best™. You can be as messy as possible and this tool erases the excess. One pen-flick and it’s done. Much faster than cleaning it up by hand. You can also tweak the settings of this brush to encapsulate more/less lines as you erase but that’s getting a little more involved. Anyway, last thing:
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Maybe the only thing better than the vector eraser. There are multiple settings, but these three are the most handy. You can smooth wiggly edges, connect broken strokes, and tweak the width/weight to exactly how you want it. This also has a ton of settings you can play around with. It’s great!
There’s a lot more tools you can use, but you get the point! It’s a really good drawing program. I recommend it!
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munod · 6 years
hello, world (a test of some virtual singer software!)
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munod · 6 years
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munod · 6 years
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Understanding consent is as easy as FRIES.
Consent is:
Freely given. Doing something sexual with someone is a decision that should be made without pressure, force, manipulation, or while drunk or high.
Reversible. Anyone can change their mind about what they want to do, at any time. Even if you’ve done it before or are in the middle of having sex.
Informed. Be honest. For example, if someone says they’ll use a condom and then they don’t, that’s not consent.
Enthusiastic.  If someone isn’t excited, or really into it, that’s not consent.
Specific. Saying yes to one thing (like going to the bedroom to make out) doesn’t mean they’ve said yes to others (like oral sex).
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munod · 6 years
Gotta knock a little harder - The Seatbelts/Yoko Kanno
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munod · 6 years
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height difference? height difference.
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munod · 6 years
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Things From The Flood Part II From www.simonstalenhag.se
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munod · 6 years
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This project is slowly becoming an explanation of what it’s like after art school. 
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munod · 6 years
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” Headlights ”
Steven Shaheen
Stephen Shaheen is a Brooklyn-based artist whose work explores the porous borders between art, design and architecture. His work spans both manual and digital processes, and employs materials as diverse as repurposed found objects, marble, and recycled denim fiber.
Shaheen trained in Italy as a sculptor and earned his MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2005. His projects include large, community-driven pieces such as a 100-ton marble and granite installation, Memoria (2002), and his Metrobench (2011), created from 5,000 NYC Metrocards. Shaheen is the recipient of a Ludwig Vogelstein grant, the Italian Cultural Institute/La Fortuna Foundation grant, and a 2009-2010 Residency at the Digital Stone Project. His indoor and outdoor installations are in public and private collections in the United States and Europe.
Excerpt from Juxtapoz
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munod · 6 years
do ppl really not realize frida kahlo was white?
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munod · 6 years
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Cupcakes by Samantha Chiu, on Instagram
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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munod · 6 years
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James Boswell, Illustrator.
Fantastic and imaginative illustrations by British artist James Boswell.
Don’t miss Supersonic Art on Instagram!
Please continue reading to see more of James’s artwork:
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munod · 6 years
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