musical-writtings · 4 years
Raid on Monroeville Mall
Monroeville, Pennsylvania
"This Way, Come on!"
Dex lead Cook and Lynxelle on as they ran down the employee halls. Cook had a bit of a hard time to catch up due to his weight but he couldn't let that stop him. This was a golden window of opportunity and he was not going to force his friends to slowdown for him, He will push on!
As the trio took a left down the hall, they saw the double doors of the generator room.
"We gotta go through the generator room! Once out, we're home free!" Dex exclaimed as he reached the doors.
The door exploded. Dexter was flown back from the shockwave, his ears ringing from the loud boom. He could've sworn he heard Cook or Lynx call out to him but he couldn't hear it too well, and even then he was transfixed by what emerged from the door.
From the ruins of the door, he saw him. This soldier wearing a black uniform and a gas mask. He looked at Dex, the goggles glowing in a red light as if they were eyes piercing through the darkness. The grunt raised the assault rifle at the guy, the laser pointer aiming directly for the forehead. Dex was paralyzed with fear, he should've runned or screamed or something... Instead he just looked at his assailant. And the last moment before his brain was shredded with a 5.56mm round was someone, he didn't know who, scream out to him
Cook and Lynxelle didn't see the aftermath, they ran away from the busted door as the sound of boots and radio chatter filled the halls of the mall.
Tati's arm hurt.
She tried to get up from the backseat of the cadillac with just one arm. She peaked out from the front of the car and saw that it had crashed into a baby store. She moved ahead, seeing Piotri laying on the wheel of the car.
"Piot..." She whispered
There was no answer.
She shook the body, hoping maybe he was just unconscious. The headed tilted from the shaking, revealing it to not only be smeared with blood but to have also recieved a nice shot in the left eye. Tati jumped back in terror, hurting herself again from the force. She didn't pay attention to the squadron of black uniformed grunts pouring in through Monroeville Mall, gunning down any of the oily zombies that had been following Tati and Piotri's Cadillac Shenanigans.
She tried to stand up again, this time looking back just in time to see the undead catch fire thanks to a hazmat soldier with a flamethrower. The undead flailed, screaming in agony as they poorly tried to put out the fires that's killing them. As the grunt stopped setting fire, he turned to see the small white haired lady peaking out from the crashed cadillac, raising her arms up as if to show she wasn't infected.
"Please... Help!"
The grunt turned to his companions, who were finishing off any of the infected that had begun to swarm in from plaza.
Tati didn't know what that word meant, but the tone he said it in was not good.
Two grunts stopped what they were doing and ran to the flamethrowing soldier pointing at the cadillac. It was when they arrived and aimed their rifles at the car when Tati knew: This was not a rescue mission.
She ducked away, just in time before the cadillac's back recieved a taste of burst fire from the assault rifle. She turned to the door and tried to open it with one hand, using all the force she had left in her to open the car door out and escape. When the rifle fire stopped, that's when Tati was lucky enough to push herself out of the car. She stumbled backwards into the baby store, with little to no cover as she looked out from the store entrance and saw the grunts were reloading again.
She struggled to get up, quickly hobbling towards what she hoped was a backdoor entrance.
She pushed open the door. She thank god she fell down just before the bullets whizzed past her. She looked up and she thanked him again, the door was another employee hallway. She crawled away and kicked the door shut before getting back up and continuing to escape.
Alex looked on at the events transpiring from the camera.
From the parking lot, He saw the trucks park in as shadowy grunts stormed out from the night and entered through the mall. From the food court, he saw the zombie numbers dwindle down as a squad rolled up in a wall, practicing short controlled burst. This should've been the point where Alex would be cheering, thanking god that someone has come to rescue them.
But then he saw Dex get killed on the screen. And now he was just hoping to god that the cook and coffee shop lady could just get out of here! To run away and hide from the oncoming death squad. He could see the desperation in their eyes as they escaped into the Jacy's.
The door locks exploded.
Alex jumped back, Falling backwards from his chair as the squad of grunts rolled in and aimed down at him.
His words were drowned out by a shotgun blast to the face.
Of all the time's Lynxelle has ever been to Jacy's, she's never thought about it with paranoia or fear. But considering everything that's been going on, with the Killer Soldiers, Jacy's is starting to feel less welcoming now.
As Cook and Lynx made their way through the men's clothes section, they stopped at the checkout Kiosk. They could hear the employee doors kicked open from a distance.
"Shit, Where do we go?" Cook whispered.
That's when Lynxelle looked around the store for a second. She saw the circular shirt displayers and thought they'd be perfect for her... Not so much for Cook. She kept looking, hoping maybe there would be another spot.
"Hide in the hanger circle!" Cook ordered silently
Before Lynxelle could even realize what was about to happen, she heard the boots marching in from a mile. She couldn't argue with Cook, she ran into the hangars while he jumped into the back of the counter. She tried to control her breathing as the boots walking came further.
From behind the clotheline, she could hear them. The breathing of the gas mask, the careful steps they were taking as they searched around for the two. She could feel her little heart race as they nearly stepped closer to her line.
"I think we should split up. Maybe cover more ground." One of them spoke through the radio filter.
"No" His companion replied in this low growl. Lynxelle thought it sounded demonic, as if whatever was behind that mask isn't human.
There was silence for a moment.
'What was going on out there?' Lynxelle was thinking.
Maybe if she moved to have a peek outside, she'd probably would find something.
Lynxelle covered her mouth. A barely audible "aumf" escaping from her mouth. She could hear hangars fall to the ground from a distance, along with the sound of a shell clacking on the ground. Her eyes widen with realization just what is happening.
The clattering came from far left of her.
To her right, but it sounded a bit close.
Its close!
It's right next to her hangar.
Lynxelle was shaking, nearly reaching a breaking point as she closed her eyes, the tears nearly escaping from her eyes.
"HEY, BEDUT! YOU READING ME!" A radio crackled.
The shotgunning stopped for a moment.
"This is Bedut. Where in the middle of something." Said the Demonic Deep Voice.
"You guys anywhere near the employee halls or -"
"Negative." Answered the normal voice one, "We just came out of there. Currently tracking two carriers into a store."
The Radio crackled back.
"We're gonna need you to go back. We got a stray running around in the halls. Short, White haired, wearing a green jacket and stripped shirt."
There was another brief period of silence, followed by the sound of a boot stomping and a weapons ammo moving around inside the gun as the normal one was whispering "easy easy..."
"We will be on our way." The Demonic one said, sounding really annoyed.
With that, the boots began to slowly walk away. Before it was just one pair of boots instead of the two. She was imagining the demonic one was probably looking back, preparing to finish off Lynxelle with a shotgun blast.
"Hey, Come on!" The normal one shouted out from a distance.
The sound of boots began to walk away, returning the Jacy's to the sound of silence, with the occasional gunfire from the distance. Lynxelle remained inside the hangar, nearly at the point of crying.
She then heard shoes walking out of the counter, approaching the coat hangars.
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musical-writtings · 4 years
Cadillac Shenanigans
Monoreville, Pennsylvania
Piotri drove the Cadillac down the near empty halls of the Mall. Tati sat in the backseat, trying to insert a clip into the grey hunting rifle.
"We are getting near the Sandwhich place!" Piotri shouted, "Are you ready, Darling?"
"Just gimme a se-"
Tati smiled at such a satisfying sound, pulling back at the bolt before turning to her russian lover.
"READY!" she exclaimed
Piotri smiled as the cadillac arrived to the food court. He could see a large swarm of them trying to dig their way into the sandwhich shop. It was hard to even see Fat man or Coffee Lady inside the sandwhich shop but the horde never lied when it comes to finding food.
Some of the swarm was turning around, the enticing sound of a car was too much to resist. They began to abandon Lynxelle and Cook infavor of the Red Cadillac shaped Dinner plate with a dashing russian and his tiny, white haired fiance who was packing a lot of heat in the back.
Tati took aim with the rifle, her first target was the fat one wearing the "I got Wood" T-shirt.
His foredhead exploded into a geiser of black blood. This was beginning to get the attention of those who were a bit too attentive with the only two humans inside the sandwhich shop.
Tati kept firing, picking off any other zombie that would even come close to the cadillac. It was pretty exhilirating at first, but then when the whole horde, nay the WHOLE MALL, started getting closer to her, she started to freak out a bit.
Something then grabbed her!
She turned around to see this one zombie, an elderly lady, hiss at the prospect of delicious prey. Tati reacted quickly, poking at its eye before blasting a golf size hole were the left eye should.
He didn't waste time, he stepped on the gas and began to drive away from the increasing horde. On the way out, he took the opportunity to bump a zombie with the cars bumper. It trailed away into the mall, gun shots and undead moaning filling the silence of the mall.
"Oh my god, They're actually getting them away from us!" Lynxelle exclaimed.
Cook moved closer and peaked from the store shutters. While there was still undead roaming about in the mall, there just wasn't AS many as there was when he and Lynx ran to the sandwhich shop as a last resort. He kept a mental note to himself about when this was all over, He'd owed those two a free dinner.
He went over and unlocked the storm shutter.
"WAIT, CALVIN!" Lynxelled cried out!
He turned to her with a reassuring face.
"There's less of them out there." He explained, "If we go out now, we'll have the upper hand and get to the backhalls!"
Cook forced the shutters up, the sound drawing the attention of a few zombies that were following the distant sound of a car engine and gunfire. As Cook gestured Lynxelle to go first, she jumped over the counter and ran under the shutters. On the way out, she came face to face with a black eyed zombie, oily "blood" leaking out from its eyes and ears. It let out a sick gurgle as it extended it arms out for the young woman.
She kicked it back, causing it to stumble back and fall backwards. She took Cook by the hands and began to lead him into the food court. She remembered whenever she had to go into the bathroom, she'd always spotted those doors that would lead them into the security room.
As they make it pass the bathrooms, ignoring the FOUL smell of the bathrooms, they witness the backdoors opening to reveal a familiar face.
"What's up, Lads?"
"SHIT!" Tati exclaimed as she fumbled about with the rifle, "I'm out!"
"RELOAD! LIKE IN THAT GAME!" Piotri exclaimed!
Tati chuckled dryly. Easier said than done...
After failing to find anyway to reload the rifle, she decided to drop the rifle and searched the duffle bag for another gun. Her next choice was a hunting shotgun, which was giving her a bit of difficulty to pull out of the bag, considering there were other guns in there.
The car screeched to a hault, nearly throwing Tati into the windshield.
"Sorry, Tovarish! We hit a dead end!" He explained.
Actually, they hit the front door of the mall. Which was severely lacking in undead activity. Not unlike the entire mall itself, which had every shopper following the nice couple for dinner. As Tati dug into the bag for shotgun shells, Piotri pulled out a silver pistol from his jacket and trained his sights towards the swarm. As he looked up, he saw Tati was beginning to load the shotgun shells into the tube. As she was inserting the last shell, she had turned to him while pumping the shotgun.
"Tovarish? Do you mind going for one last spin?"
Piotri smirked as he shifted in reverse, turning around to face the swarm ahead. This was probably not going to be easy, they were facing a sea of dead and driving through it was probably not the thing they're gonna be able to do well. He could see a small opening on the left side of the swarm, I mean there were still zombies but hey it was something.
He drove ahead, zig zagging past the chairs and driving into the opening crowd. He heard the shotgun cock behind him as they bumped into a small crowd that tried to grab on to the Cadillac.
One zombie's head was reduced to black paste, splattering the others with the bits of brains.
"YEAH!" Shouted Tati as she pumped for another shot.
As Piotri continued to drive down the mall, he looked up from the second floor and noticed a bunch of silohouttes were walking into walkway of the second floor. He thought they were zombies at first but they were moving pretty fast for rigid corpses.
"Tatiana?" Piotri uttered.
"Yeah?" She replies.
Piotri tried to form the words in his head but as he passed by the other walkway, he saw a lone sillohoute standing above it. He could only make out a gas mask and-
The bullets hit the hood. Piotri panicked as the silohoutte emptied his entire magazine at the car. The russian driver lost control quickly as he took a right, causing the young woman in the back to end up dropping the shotgun on the floor and tumble down the seats. All that she could feel was the car crashing into glass.
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musical-writtings · 4 years
Thunder Beach, Oregon
Arnold was in pain. His eyes slowly adjusting as the mess that surrounded the cockpit was made clear. The ship's window was fractured into a glassy web, the controls were bent thanks to the force in which he smashed into it and the radio was hanging upside down and-
'Wait, what?'
It took him a second to realize that the slowly increasing headache was not just from the impact but from the blood flowing to his head. He tried to move his hands, the pain creeping in slowly whenever he would attempt to raise them up to the radio. He kept forcing himself to grab it, only for the radio to finally reach his grasp. He clicked on the radio and spoke.
"Holly?" He said, surpressing a painful groan, "Holly, can you hear me?"
He tried to click on it again, looking up to see if he hasn't busted the radio.
"Holly, come in... I... Something crashed into the ship and I'm..." He stopped to actually look out of the ship. It was then when he suddenly payed attention to the ships spotlight shining at something...
Behind of the Webbed Cracks, Arnold could make out what looked like one of the Fire Watch Robots, the yellow metal shining the light back at him... Only there was something wrong. He could see red fleshy growths litter its hull, and tendrils that seem to be slowly embracing more of its feet. As he kept still, He wondered if this thing had crashed into him or if maybe it tried to get to him?
Suddenly he saw the legs twitch.
The body slowly sturred as the legs tried to slowly help itself up. Even from behind the glass of the ship, there was a gross squishing sound coming out of it. As it slowly rose up, Arnold kept trying the radio.
"Holley!" He called again, "HOLLEY PLEASE, PICK UP! HOLLEY!"
The earth shook as the machine was finally able to walk again, emitting a sound that was a cross between a foghorn and a moan of pain. It turned to the upside down magnetrine ship.
Boom Boom boom
It walked closer and closer.
"Holley, for the love of Christ PLEASE PICK UP!" He screamed louder... All he heard was just a distorted static.
The machine lowered down, getting closer to the window. He could see the collection of Pink eyes looking directly at the ship, studying him carefully.
"Oh jesus... Jesus..."
Something was coming out of the fleshy mass. It touched the cracked window, painting it with crimson. It was a small handprint, like a babies. Then there was another hand print... And another. He didn't understand what was going on until the glass started to break apart and the crimson hands pushed apart the glass.
He fought back as new, adult like hands started to reach out for him grabbing unto him. He could see that within the hands there was a grotesque mouth opening and closing.
Arnold could only scream in horror as the hands tried to get him out. His seatbelt prolonged his life... But also his agony.
He just screamed and Screamed... Until the only sound left was that of the forest... And the squelching of chewed flesh.
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musical-writtings · 4 years
Frederikshavn, Denmark
With a lunch bag at hand and winter clothes for protection, Rubelle Komarin opened the door to her home and stepped out from the toasty comfort of home into the cold winter winds of the neighborhood.
The neighborhood was empty, remnants of a fun-filled winter were scattered throughout each lawn in the neighborhood. Had Ruby's mother not taken ill and there wasn't a lot of work to be done in the house, maybe Ruby would've contribute to this messy aftermath. She sighed to herself as she began her journey to the Fakta Supermarket. The snow crunch underneath her boots and the cold had tried to penetrate through the rubber but Ruby had done this march enough times that she's gotten used to it.
As Ruby continued on her journey, she looked to Jill's home. Just like Ruby's, there wasn't a trace of joy or fun that could be seen on the lawn, only a cleared up driveway and porch. This gave Ruby some sense of comfort, knowing she wasn't the only one with family keeping her busy, but it filled her with a small tinge of sadness. Maybe when Malory comes back later, Ruby could go to Jill's and invite her to play in the snow. She kept a mental note of that before focusing on the task at hand.
After a long Journey, Ruby had made it to her destination. It wasn't too busy, the holiday season was over so most of the shoppers were just there for their needs. As Ruby continued on her path to the backdoor, she saw one of Malory's friend putting beans on the shelf. His name was Jakob and he was really nice to her and mother. Ruby walked up to the man and greeted him.
"Hello Jakob!"
Jakob turned around and smiled, stopping what he was doing to respond back to his friends little sister.
"Hi Ruby! What brings you here?" He asks.
"Mom made lunch for Mal." She Replied, raising the bag to emphasize the point.
"Oh, that's nice!" He says, "If you want, I could go over and give it to her."
She thought about it carefully. This could've made the trip really short for her and that way it would buy her some time to finish up the house. However, while she did like Jakob... She was also convinced he would probably take credit for the lunch bag. So...
"I can do it." She replied.
"Well Okay then." Jakob replied, "You be careful out there!"
Ruby continued her journey to the back room, walking pass the small office before reaching the inventory section. She spotted Malory up ahead, writting into the clipboard and keeping track of the inventory.
"Malory!" Ruby shouted out.
Her older sister looked to her and groaned, setting the clipboard on top of some boxes as she made her way to the young girl.
"What did I say about coming in here? You know the rules!" Malory shouted.
Ruby raised the lunch bag to her.
Malory sighed as she took the bag from out of her hands and looked into it. She then closed the bag and put it on her desk.
"Tell Mom I'm gonna be home late."
"But why?" Ruby asked.
"Because My boss might give me a promotion and I need to work over time for it."
Ruby Frowned, the prospect of leaving her house dashed all for a stupid promotion.
"But I don't wanna stay at home!" Ruby Shouted
Her older sister shushed her and tried to explain the situation to her younger sibling.
"Listen, I need this promotion! If we get this promotion, I can get payed. We can buy more groceries, Mom can get her medicine, and we can eat at McDonalds all we want!"
"But I don't want McDonalds! I want to go out and play with my friends!"
"Well so Do I, But I got a job and Mom needs someone to take care of her!"
"That's not fair!"
The warehouse was silent, the two siblings looked at each other with anger and frustration mounting between the two. Malory wanted to say something but she simply said
"I'll see you at home, Ruby."
Ruby didn't answer as she walked out of the door and then slammed the door of the backroom hard. Malory's frustrations only grew but she tried to calm herself down.
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musical-writtings · 4 years
Okay so heres the name of the game:
I write short excerpts or even stories depending on music i am listening to.
I accept any musical request, so if you got a song you want to see made into a short excerpt or maybe a story... hit me up
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