mustachiomadness · 5 hours
I broke a ramune bottle to get the marble out for my dragon.
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mustachiomadness · 5 hours
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I really liked Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I liked it so much it made me draw after months of art block. Delia was an easy fave. Anyway, here’s a scene I thought was gonna happen but didn’t
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
[Fig. 01 Mikuchondria]
The powerhouse of YOUR cell
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
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More traditional stuff (slight throwback to when I dragged my sister to watch the performance with me)
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
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kings have honor, soldiers have bravery and poets have heart. but all I have is RAGE
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
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Name: Swarming Sheargrub
Debut: Pikmin 3 
I know what you’re thinking, Silly Larva! And yes this is quite the silly larva! But it goes beyond that this might be the Silliest Larva!
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Swarming Sheargrubs are very shaped green grubs with a silly face, but most importantly they travel in packs! and are constantly on the move! Able to wander about any place in the area you’re in, just like you!
Quite the organized group they always stay near each other, but what are they wandering about for? Well just like you they have quite an appetite for Fruit and Nectar! When they encounter fruit they will violently JUMP on top of it, presumably eating and also weighing it down in the process, making it harder for you and your Pikmin to carry the fruit back to base! But I can’t get mad at a fellow fruit lover! I’d love to be able to share! Regardless, since they are quite silly, they will fall off the fruit after a while, look! They bounce and tumble! Certified Silly Activities!
Fortunately there is something I can share with them that won’t risk my 100% completion, Nectar! They love it so much! If you break open a nectar egg they will swarm to it and slurp it down! Making silly munching sounds! But that’s not all! Something magical occurs when they eat nectar… They grow up! A lot! Take a look! Also hear them hurgle closer as they approach the nectar….
As you can see sometimes there isn’t enough nectar for everybody,,, So a few will remain small but it makes them look cuter together!
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Please talk to us or our son whenever you please!
Finally, I was delighted to find they have complex and interesting behaviors! Following them around for a whole day is VERY engaging! Apparently if they encounter a patch of plants they will hide in it and remain there for a while! becoming much quieter, it kinda looks like they’re planning something… Look!
So yeah hope you now appreciate these epic beans too! They are my friends I’d like to hang out with them sometime wander about a beach, hop on a fruit or two…. What a life!
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
The point of fiction is actually to put that guy in a situation™️, and he might try to tell you the point is to then get him out of the situation, WRONG, second situation
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mustachiomadness · 6 hours
for all the games that call themselves “souls-like” why is it never reflected in the female character designs. “Our game is unforgiving and has checkpoints” ok now where’s this
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
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multitudescontainme on instagram
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
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horse whose hooves are stuck individually in different colored buckets the horse seems a bit surprised but unbothered the sign of a well mannered yet perhaps empty minded horse or perhaps this is all a goof of the horses own design
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
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White lgbtq people LOVE to forget that black people exist in our community
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
Guys, let's make a sandwich. I'll start:
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
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imagination (1963) - harold ordway rugg
"chekhovs cat / schrödingers razor / occams gun"
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
Olimar: I certainly hope I can return home to my family soon! Being apart from them for so long is taking a serious toll on my mind and body. yellow pikmin:
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
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fun fact: while the English Pikmin site is very slowly translating the comics in roughly chronological order, there's exactly two that were completely skipped! the July 10th and July 28th comics have yet to be officially translated, and given the fact the latest official translation is for the August 11th comic... yeah I doubt they ever will be. so here's my shot at it!
if I had to guess why these weren't translated, I'd say it was because of these comics potentially being spoilery- the former was Leafling Olimar( and Moss!)'s first appearance in the comics, after all, and the Waterwraith... yeah.
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mustachiomadness · 8 hours
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