mutarion-blog · 6 years
Send them:
Questions about their relationships Invasive, uncomfortable personal questions Ask them about their childhood Throw random, weird thoughts at them Ask them anything and everything
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
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             — My head is hurting a lot! Please, help me.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
     He wasn’t waiting for that reception, but he smiled as she put her hands on his shoulders. ❛ Look who’s here !! And very excited !! ❜ No wonder, after all, Logan knew that Rose was focused on finishing her semester in college, and that took almost all her time. He was glad to know she was free now. ❛ We were also missing you! We need to celebrate your return to society, right ?? I can take you to my lab while we call the others to do something. What do you think ?? ❜
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— I would love to see your lab for now.— Rose said, clapping happily. She started walking with him in the hall, happy she was finally free after all.— Yes, we can do something. Let’s call the others and celebrate.— The girl agreed with him, smiling more.— How are you, Logan? I mean, something good or interesting happened lately? You and Scar always have the best adventures after Aiden.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
📖= My muse’s favourite book
Bom, essa é muito fácil. A Rose ama dois livros, o primeiro é “O Mundo de Sofia” e o segundo é “O Guia Do Mochileiro Das Galáxias” (na verdade ela ama toda essa coleção do Mochileiro das Galáxias).
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
Ele ficou aliviado ao saber que o laboratório dela seria um lugar seguro para conversarem sem interrupções. A pior coisa que podia acontecer era estarem falando sobre as Jóias e a implicação que ela podiam ter no futuro do universo, e aparecer alguém pra parar o assunto, além de mandá-los conversar com algum superior casca grossa. “Eu não entendo porque eles fazem isso, ainda mais se for o tipo de situação em que podem precisar de toda a ajuda que puderem conseguir. Não deveriam no excluir do leque de opções.” Isso o deixava um pouco revoltado, mas parecia que os mais velhos nunca iriam mudar. “Você acha que é pior do que qualquer coisa que eles já tenham enfrentado?”
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— Alguma coisa sobre o que está vindo assusta nossos pais e essa é a verdade.— Rose disse quando chegaram no laboratório, mandando por comando de voz que o laboratório fosse isolado acusticamente.— Fique a vontade, Sammy.— Ela disse, indicando alguns bancos e o sofá que ela usava para dormir ás vezes no canto.— Mas eu concordo com você, eles não deveriam nos excluir sabe? O universo está em jogo, todo o universo. Eu não gosto de brincar com isso.— Rose foi honesta, olhando-o enquanto colocava a pasta em cima de uma das bancadas. Rose amava demais o universo para deixá-lo perecer daquela maneira. A pergunta dele a fez olhar novamente para Sam.— Eu acho que sim, todos eles andam apreensivos ultimamente. Até mesmo tio Steve. Vamos olhar a pasta agora.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
Symbol Muse Asks
❤️ = Something my muse loves 💔= Something my muse hates 💘= Someone my muse loves 💕= Someone my muse admires or looks up to 📖= My muse’s favourite book 🏡= My muse’s dream home 🎧= My muse’s favourite song 🎤= My muse’s talent(s) ⚽️= My muse’s favourite sport/physical activity 🍔= My muse’s favourite unhealthy food 🍎= My muse’s favourite healthy food 🍝= My muse’s favourite meal ☂= Something my muse does on a rainy day 🌩= Something my muse does on a stormy day 🌨= Something my muse does on a snowy day ☀️= Something my muse does on a sunny day 🌙= Something my muse does at night ⭐️= My muse’s star sign 🌪= What my muse would do during a natural disaster 🌲= My muse’s favourite season 🐱= My muse’s past pets 🦁= My muse’s favourite animal
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
            ❛ Well, it looks like you’re already determined to change so… of course !! I’m here to help you whatever you need. ❜ To make the room more pleasant and cozy was a good idea and besides, change was good. ❛ I can ask Logan to help us with the artistic part of the thing, you know ??  He can help us with great ideas for decoration and work in general. ❜ It was something her boyfriend liked to do, so she knew he would accept it as soon as she asked. ❛ Let’s leave this place as different as possible, for a different person, right ?? You’re right, we’re not normal and I really like that. As for color … Purple is my favorite, but I can suggest others that please you even more if you want.  ❜
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Rose smiled, she knew she could count on Scarlett for everything. — Yes, please. Logan is a great artist, he can help us. You can give ideas too if you want, it would be really nice.— The girl said, looking around her and trying to imagine how much the would need to change the room. A lot, she expected.— Yes, I love purple, but we can do double color. What do you think? What color goes well with purple?— Rose was excited, she wanted to change her room a long time ago but she wasn’t brave enough to do it.— Well, it’ll change a lot. I’m so happy. If you wanted to do something like this in your room please call me.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
Not-So-Secret Crush Starters
“Hey, you remember that thing you liked at the store the other day? I happened to grab it while I was there this time.”
“Are you okay? Talk to me, please. Tell me you’re okay.”
“You look…wow. Umm, yeah, it works for the (insert event).”
“Hey, one of my friends is getting married, and I have a plus-one. You wanna go?”
“Oh? This is your favorite food? I had no idea. Haha. What a coincidence.”
“Of course I’d die for you. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Don’t be sad. Please. What can I do to help?”
“Yeah, I’m happy. You’re happy. That’s good enough for me.”
“You look tense. You want me to rub your shoulders?”
“You’re cold. You want my jacket? I’m fine. I promise.”
“I can braid your hair, if you want me to.”
“Can we please pretend I didn’t just say that?”
“Here, you can share my blanket.”
“Tired? Come on, I’ll carry you to bed.”
“Bad dream? You can sleep next to me. Get in.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I couldn’t sleep either. Want me to make you some tea?”
“You’re bed-head is ridiculous. Come here, let me brush your hair.”
“It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna get through this. I’ve got you.”
“You be careful, alright? It’s not safe, and I worry.”
“You know I could never say ‘no’ to you.”
“Give me a kiss and all will be forgiven.”
“You know I’m not going anywhere, right? I’m with you until the end.”
“I am NOT blushing. It’s just warm in here.”
“He didn’t deserve you, anyway. Come on, let me take you out for dinner and show you a real date.”
“You’re my favorite person. You know that, right?”
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
Ja q tem gente falando sobre casal na tl eu queria dizer que eu sempre shipei a Rosie com o Aiden
Ok, primeiro lugar me desculpa a demora, deve ter sido no dia que começaram a shippar o Sam e a Hill ou o Alexei com os irmãos Barton! Eu só entrei aqui agora.
Segundo: marcando a @stxrsoldier​ né? Porque... é.
Terceiro: Seria um casal legal, eles amam o espaço e ele trata a Rose super bem. Ela gosta muito dele! Seria uma possibilidade bem fofinha, apesar de que a Rose é super tímida até mesmo para namoro. Ela ia se sentir bem insegura.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
My muse had fallen unconcious in a deadly situation, yours has been kind enough to carry them to safety. Send me a ☠ for their reaction to waking up in your character’s arms.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
      As Jóias do Infinito eram um assunto pertinente para ele. Sam, assim como sua amiga, sabia que elas existiam e que eram uma grande fonte de poder. Grande e perigosa, ainda mais se caíssem nas mãos das pessoas erradas. Mas a informação que os outros heróis ofereciam não iam mais longe do que isso. E se chegasse uma hora em que eles precisassem se envolver mais afundo no problema? Neste caso, Sam não teria problema descobrir coisas escondido.
     “Claro, eu… Eu achei essa merda toda muito estranha, Rose. A gente precisa estar a par da situação antes que seja tarde.” Imitou a amiga e olhou para os lados. “Mas acho que aqui não seja o melhor lugar. Vem, vamos achar uma sala pra conversar.”
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— E é estranha, Sammy.— Rose disse, ainda olhando para os lados. O local estava cheio de agentes caminhando de um lado para o outro e talvez fosse a hora mesmo deles darem um passo a frente, tomarem conhecimento sobre o os aguardaria caso devessem lutar.— Sim, vamos. Tem uma sala, meu laboratório. Ele é a prova de escutas, enfim... longa história.— Rose colocou a pasta entre as outras que segurava, caminhando pelo corredor com o amigo.— Nossos pais, eles sabem de algumas coisas que nós não sabemos e apesar de saber que todos eles nos deixam participar das missões eu não acho que eles pediriam nossa ajuda nessa.— Rose disse baixinho enquanto caminhava pelo corredor, olhando para Sam. Estavam perto do local e logo chegariam, poderiam parar com os sussurros.— A verdade é que estou com medo do que está vindo.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
          ❛ Want to chance everything ?? ❜ The redhead questioned, her eyes staring at the white ceiling, before assessing the rest of the room. It wasn’t up to her to judge that sort of thing, but her friend’s room was a little … boring. ❛ I would love to help !! But keep in mind that this will be a lot of work. ❜ A fun work, since they’d do that together. ❛ Do you already know how you want things ?? What color do you want around here ?? I would suggest purple but … I do not know. ❜
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— Yes, I want.— Rose said, letting a loud sigh escape from her mouth. She knew that her room was a little too normal for her.— It’s okay. I know it will be a lot of work but I thought that maybe you could help me and the work would get easier.— The girl was convinced to do it, she wasn’t feeling like herself lately.— C’mon, you know me better than anyone else. I don’t know why, but i’m feeling like a normal person lately. Too normal for my taste.— She didn’t talk to anyone about it but she was kinda sad with the perception.— And, you know, we are everything but normal. I don’t know.— Maybe Rose was thinking too hard about this, but she didn’t care.— Purple is excelent. We can do double color.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
          @deztinywarriors​ !! starter call
— Excuse me, but I don’t think that’s a great idea. We can get into trouble.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
           starter call !! @redheadarcher​
— I was thinking...  — Rose said, lying down in the bed next to Scarlett, facing the white ceiling of her own room. — I wanna change my room. All of it. Ceiling, walls. Furniture. Everything. — The girl wasn’t completely happy with the room. It was boring, even for her. — Can you help me? Like, I wanna change it because I want to be more like.. well, me? I don’t know. It’s boring. All white.
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
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“Não que seja da minha conta mas… o que você vai fazer com isso?”
Rose encarou o amigo por um instante, ela não esperava que alguém visse ela pegando aquilo. A morena limpou a garganta, endireitando sua postura.— Hã, eu sei que parece estranho, mas eu só vou.... dar uma estudada no assunto.— A menina disse, mostrando a pasta com a palavra confidencial escrita na capa. Rose olhou para os lados, aproximando-se mais de Sam como se quisesse impedir que mais alguém ouvisse a conversa.— Qual é, eu preciso saber mais sobre a jóias do infinito. A gente nem sabe direito o que elas fazem, por que só os adultos tem esse direito? Eles não contaram nada para gente, Sam. Você também não achou estranho?
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
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Thor: Ragnarok (2017) dir. Taika Waititi
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mutarion-blog · 6 years
         — Hey, stranger. — Rose said, putting her hand on his shoulder and jumping. She hope that gesture wouldn’t scare him. The girl smiled at him, she was really happy that she met him in the hall like that. — It’s been a while, but now i’m free! Sweet vacations. — Rose was really happy that the semester ended. — You and the others have been on my mind. I really missed you guys. Let’s do something today, please? Like, we can go to the lab and you can show me your new creations. — She suggested with a smile.
@ayoungeststark  !! STARTER CALL
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