mveraki · 8 years
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                                    ! LIKE ! FOLLOW ! REBLOG !
                                          ʙᴇᴡᴀʀᴇ ᴏғ ʀᴜᴇ
           ❝ Mistakes are a self written paradox with unspoken expectations,                     and I happen to be the biggest mistake known to man. ❞
                                                                                               — reblog = starter
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mveraki · 8 years
notice !
— so I haven’t been as active on dash lately because I’m been busy and I’m terribly sorry for that. schedules have been a pain and it’s difficult to do replies when I’m exhausted most of the time. I don’t want to half ass the replies either so thank you being patient with me! also, you already know I’m always on aim so if you’d like interactions and to talk, I’m there and would get back to you much sooner than I would on here. I’ll get my shit together soon!
0 notes
mveraki · 8 years
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I’ve had this blog for about three months now and I’m only just posting my first follow forever post. this is mainly because I’m a lazy procrastinator and have kept pushing it off to a different milestone, but I’ve figured in the light of my 666+ follower, I’d get off my ass and finally do this. I know for a fact that I definitely didn’t mention everyone (I probably even missed a few important people) but I just wanted to go ahead and say that everyone I follow is a+++ material and I appreciate seeing all of you on my dashboard. thank you all for loving tae and following me. && here are my guilty pleasures…
Keep reading
85 notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
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( ・_・)♡
595 notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
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56K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
♣ – all in all he appreciated the friendships such as these. they allowed for him to truly be himself. he wasn’t a man who had a slew of words and they certainly didn’t err in the ways of a modern day poet but he did appreciate the few that he did refer to as friends. the ones that were able to understand the thick skin and closed off mind to the world around him as he coped with his own demons in the way he saw fit. words were never spoken about exactly what his ails consisted of but it never had to come to that. he didn’t know hers and she didn’t know his but the quiet mutual understanding and respect for boundaries existed in their walks because even if words wouldn’t salve the wounds, it was always easier with another’s immediate presence.
his cigarette was lifted to his lips as she joked, a laugh pressing to the butt before he drew in a small inhale. he had no issues treating her. it was more for his behest after all. his drag reduced more of the white paper to ash as he grew nearer to the end, a contemplative hum rumbling in his chest as he took into consideration the options that would suit her tastes. ❝ there’s a ramen place not too far from here that has pretty great spicy bulgogi ramen. we can get some soju with it too. ❞ her added suggestion of the drink resonated with him.❝ a drink does sound pretty great right about now. ❞
「 ẋ 」If there was one thing she valued most about his presence, it would be his lack of curiosity whenever she was having her off moments. She favored the fact that there might have been questions that lingered in his mind but didn’t make way to become voiced. Things that had to be explained whenever it concerned her seemingly dicey emotions were always a difficult aspect for her to speak about in general, and even if it wasn’t much now, she would surely tell him the bits and pieces whenever she was ready. Though, she wouldn’t deny the fact that there were some questions she had about him as well. She wasn’t nosy but she did have an interest in the art of someone’s mind— what the colors of their emotions all implied, the mixture of what came to be the heart and motives. But, she wouldn’t dig that deep, not until he allowed her to.
“Is there? Then lead the way. I want peach soju.” She slightly huffs, cheeks puffing out a bit in an almost child like manner. Turning towards him, she watches the way the smoke falls from his lips, the white paper of the cigarette decreasing by the seconds. “Hey, Reddy.. What’s it like to smoke? Like— why do you smoke?”   
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mveraki · 8 years
13K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
Basics - I am male | I am female | I am neither male or female | I am under the age of 18 | I am 18 or older | I am straight | I am gay or lesbian | I am bisexual or pansexual | I am trans
Friendship - I have two or more friends | I have one friend | I have no friends | I have/had a best friend | I am close with my friend(s) | I spend a lot of time with friends | I have a crush on a friend | I hate a friend | I wish I had fewer friends | I wish I had more friends (always one more at least!)
Relationships - I am single | I am not available | I am in a(n undisclosed) relationship | I am married | I am a virgin | I often date | I prefer to date extroverted people | I prefer to date people who are like me | I prefer to date people who are unlike me | I take relationships very seriously| I have high standards | I date people who are overweight | I date people who are skinny
Negativity - I have/had depression | I have cried myself to sleep | I have/had anxiety | I am often lonely | I keep a lot of emotions inside | I am scared of talking to people I want to talk more to | I have an eating disorder | I have low self-esteem | I often feel I embarrass myself | I have been abused | I feel people consider me dumb or don’t take me seriously | I am quickly jealous | I feel people want me to be someone/something I’m not | I have been sexually assaulted | I have experienced discrimination/racism
Positivity - I have become a better person | I have gotten out of a bad period of time | I am confident | I am looking forward to something | I have enjoyed myself over the past week | I have met a famous person | I consider myself a kindhearted person | I am currently feeling relaxed and comfortable | I appreciate the little things in life | I have nobody in my life whom I hate | I have achieved something large this year | I am part of a religion that brings me peace | I have lost a lot of weight | I have a movie/game/song which cheers me up
I - get scared from watching horror movies | play a sport | read a lot of books | have allergies | feel shy around the opposite gender | am a feminist | believe in love at first sight | own an instrument | can draw | am listening to music right now | value romance and friendship equally | have sneaked out of the house | am outgoing | respect people’s comfort zones and personal space | want to write a book | can ride a horse | am asexual | put my hands over my face when I’m flattered | like the colors pink and yellow | own an xbox | shop at least once a week | have a drivers license | drink alcoholic beverages | would like a friend of the opposite gender | get scared by unsettling imagery and screamers | eat fast food at least twice a week
Likes and Dislikes - I like parties | I dislike parties | I like perfume | I dislike perfume | I like “so bad it’s good” movies | I dislike “so bad it’s good” movies | I like playing video games | I dislike playing video games | I dislike chocolate | I like having a busy schedule | I dislike having a busy schedule | I like laughing at my own jokes | I dislike laughing at my own jokes | I like compliments | I dislike compliments | I like heavy metal music | I dislike heavy metal music | I like snow | I dislike snow | I like taking walks with someone | I dislike taking walks with someone | I like people who aren’t very talkative | I dislike people who aren’t very talkative
1K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
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All Mine
1K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
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381K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
Jealous messages
[MSG]: Did you have fun with you-know-who last night?
[MSG]: I guess my company doesn't interest you any more.
[MSG]: What do you see in that guy/girl?
[MSG]: (S)he's kind of hot... you think?
[MSG]: Is he bigger than me?
[MSG]: When's the wedding?
[MSG]: I heard you and ___ are an item.
[MSG]: Is there... someone else?
[MSG]: I never agreed to an open relationship!
[MSG]: Does she do that thing that I do for you?
[MSG]: I see you'll flirt with just about anyone.
[MSG]: I'm a fool for thinking I was special to you.
[MSG]: How serious is it between you two?
[MSG]: You've been spending a lot of time with ___ recently.
[MSG]: So you tell all girls/guys that, I see.
[MSG]: So that's your type, huh?
[MSG]: Who's better in bed, me or him/her?
[MSG]: I can't bear to see you with someone else.
[MSG]: You're just a slut.
[MSG]: Just curious... not like I'm jealous or anything...
45K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
Jess C. Scott, The Intern (via hqlines)
2K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
“Does this look silly?”
→ adorable starters
「 ẋ 」“Silly?” She repeated, quirking an eyebrow at the latter in disbelief before giving her a complete once over. “It looks good— really good, to be honest.. Lilac suits you well.” With the two always seeming to be busy, it was rare of them to have time together like this. She had allowed the younger to drag her around shopping for the day, even though she was a bit reluctant to even leave the comfort of her bed. Though, since it was Areum, she couldn’t bring herself to decline, wanting to catch up for old times sake and just for the hell of it. “I think you should get it. You look good in it, so why not?”
0 notes
mveraki · 8 years
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64K notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
The decision to abandon the spot right beneath the sun was mutual, perhaps a decision that should’ve been done a lot earlier as the bare skin of his arms felt red hot and burning. Despite the instant relief the shadows brought, a breeze of wind would do good and for a moment he missed the sea, the cool air along with the mere presence of calming waves. “Ah, really? This is so bitter…” His face still displayed remnants of the earlier grimace left as he turned his head, his attention quickly on the straw she held out. He decided to give it a try, tasting the icy drink to see if her claim was correct—and it was, tenfold. “I like yours more,” he mused quietly, using his free hand to turn his cap around, the brim dipped down low in the back. He then proffered his drink to her instead, careful not to drop it. “It tasted like death on my tongue…”
「 ẋ 」“It’s not that bad, Tao.” She playfully rolls her eyes, sipping the coffee that tastes much better than her previous one and releasing a small laugh. “But who knows.. Maybe it’s because I’m a bitter person that this doesn’t taste as awful to me.” With a sigh, she leans back against the nearby tree, allowing the summer breeze to pass her swiftly as she enjoyed the peaceful setting. Though she found herself in more crowded, loud places, being with the older at the park like that was something she hoped to do more in the future. She felt like she could breathe, mind blank of any sort of worry, and allowed herself to be engulfed in the quiet scene. “This was nice.. Thanks for taking time out to actually hang out with me. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
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mveraki · 8 years
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737 notes · View notes
mveraki · 8 years
→  kyodise continued from here: 
「 ẋ 」 She squishes his cheeks to pucker his lips, giving him a small kiss before smiling cheekily. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m just trying to have a conversation.” It was moments like these that she valued. She liked being able to lay in bed with her love and just talk about what seemed to be the simplest things. It would be too sappy for her to admit it aloud, but being able to just enjoy the night company he provided was enough to make up for all the hours she lost with him during the day. “I want to keep hearing your voice, so don’t sleep yet and just talk to me.”
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