my-fidel-dreemurr · 2 months
What Happened To The Undertale Community
Hello, my name is Fidel Dreemur,
Normally, I don’t do this sort of thing when it comes to my Tumblr account as I normally just am content with simply watching and enjoying, and just overall letting myself be embraced and phantoms, enjoying their content of the creators and sales have made as well as taking part whenever I can so I asked this one simple question and it’s one. I’m wondering if anyone in this phantom can still answer me, truthfully, no judgment, no rude comments no smug comments. I just would like to know one simple thing just one simple question that’s all I have.
What happened to the Undertale Community?
Undertale Made by Toby Fox came out September 15, 2015. I was in high school at the time that this game came out Amir freshman and I couldn’t help but wonder just what this game was upon going home and looking at so many different people playing the game and just taking time to play through the different routes, as well as taking their time to understand the characters, the story, the content, even the Lord behind it that Toby had created for this game was honestly amazing to be blunt and be truthful. I was honestly surprised to see that so many people immediately flocked to this game just to play it be it for the neutral route the pacifist route or even just the genocide route from what I was able to gather just by watching so many different let’s plays and even getting a chance to play the game myself , I could tell, but this was a game that had a lot of thought into it with a lot of emotion feeling and above all else
When the community started to grow and blossom and began to even start creating their own alternate, universes, alternate characters, alternate timelines, creating things that just begin to really catch my attention I even created my own OC out of all of this because I wanted to take part in this community to enjoy and have fun with what was happening and just let myself be a part of something that was truly wonderful.
Then came the art work and the animators making their own animation and bringing the various AU’s to live via art work, animation, voice acting, and even musical scores. It was so wonderful so beautiful to see all that work being put out there for people to see to explore seeing so many fans create their own version of characters from sans to papyrus to undying as goal so many characters were getting so much appreciation love and fanart. It was honestly pretty fucking amazing pardon my language, but just seeing all the hard work people were putting into it so just like make the Undertale fandom something so much more than what people honestly thought it was.
we had plenty of great animators animations storytelling. We had so many wonderful alternate universes ultimate timelines, different versions of the characters that had their own story personality. Things to do things to show off. It was just wonderful. It was spectacular. It was breathtaking to see everybody coming together in order to make this community so much more than what it initially started off as , well honestly, I think that was something even Toby Fox himself never imagined for his community was to see just how much it would grow and blossom and bloom and just become something that every creator of some sort of content wants them to see they want to see their fans, enjoying their creations, having fun having a few laughs, even making friends among the community bringing people together
But as the years went on, things begin to change.
Fights started to break out over the simplest of things there were people arguing over the smallest arguments some of them escalating to just like being full on wars on the Internet over certain characters over certain artwork over certain AU that people had created. What had been happening was getting out of hand and even now it’s gotten worse.
I just can’t help but wonder where did things go wrong what caused everybody to suddenly shift their focused from what had originally been something that was creative and fun to just being downright awful and terrifying. We have people threatening people over their options, their opinions, and even their creations so much toxicity and hatred in the fandom that you normally see over something that a creator has done or something that comes directly outside of it .
I know this might seem like the rambling of a fanboy to some people who don’t really understand it, but to those who remember what the undertail fandom used to be like or what it was like before everything seem to go to complete another hell in a handbasket, I just have to ask what happened where did everything go? When did everything’s only turn around and go to absolute horrible shit why did everything seem to go wrong because people started to get too invested in the phantoms was it because we started to get too anxious or just stuck up our way to realize we are starting to worse than other phantoms actually were lack in terms of video games nowadays, rather than the Indy game that it was I just want to know what other people are on the matter. This is just me saying my thoughts if anybody else has something to share by all means share what you know I’m open to hearing anybody’s. I just want to know and want this one of mine answered
What happened to the Undertale Community?
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 4 years
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Ask Fidel Dreemurr turned 3 today! Happy B-day to my tumblr~!
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
Hybridtale Chapter 6
(I own none of the music played in this chapter, all rights to the music belong to the ones who made them, please support the official release and stay determined) Frisk felt his jaw drop in shock, Toriel had never killed before! Heck she never even meant to a good amount of the time, from what frisk saw in previous times anytime she killed him her face was filled with fear, shock and regret. And yet this time her face was stone cold, and her Crimson eyes didn't hold a single amount of remorse, nor the slightest amount of regret! "What is going on?!" He yelled into the dark void as he ran his hand though his hair. "Her stats were never that high and she never had attacks like that before! Heck she's never even fought this hard.
 Shaking himself off from the shock Frisk looked down at the [Continue] and [Reset] button and quickly hit [Continue] and he was covered in a bright light. 
 Frisk reappeared with Fidel standing beside him facing Toriel. "What the?" Gasped Fidel in shock. "F-frisk what's going on?! How are you alive?!" He whispered to him.
 Frisk gaped at Fidel in shock, 't-that's impossible! Only myself, and sans remembers whenever I continue! Sure, some monsters have feelings like they have done it before but how does Fidel.' Frisk shook it off. "I'll tell you later." He whispered to Fidel as they faced Toriel.
 They looked at the room before them Fidel looking around wondering where all the damage from the previous battle had gone. There at the large door that held the delta rune emblem in it was Toriel her back to the two of them. "You want to leave here so badly?" She asked her tone dull and lifeless. "Hmph. You are just like the others." Her hands fell to her side and clenched into fist.
  "There is only one solution to this." She turned around facing them he Crimson red eyes gleaming with a inner fire as they glowed brightly. "Prove yourself." She started prove to me that the two of you are strong enough to survive!" She suddenly stopped a nostalgic look on her face. ".... Wait why are you looking at me like that?" She asked Fidel who avoided looking her in the eyes, making her narrow her own. "Do you know something I do not?" She shook her head. "No..... That's impossible. How could you possibly know?" 
 Play Undertale OST- Heartache Metal Arrangement by FalkKonE 
 The top of the pillars burst into flames, only they weren't the same the usual orange, red and yellow colored flames, no these flames were dark pink and purple flames with a dark purple core. Their souls appeared from their bodies, as the room went dark the only light the flames. Toriel's hands glowed with magic as spheres of fire appeared around her hands. 
 Fidel and frisk separated both skipping back avoiding the flying spheres of fire, Fidel backflipped avoiding the attack, he sprung off his hands and landed on the ground in a crouch his tail was waving around in fear. Toriel waved her hands around in a complex patten and massive spheres of flames appeared and spun like buzz saws, she thrusted her hands forward sending them at both frisk and Fidel. "Well shit." Said Fidel as he started running on all fours one sphere flew after him and the second flew after frisk. 
 Frisk skidded to a stop and ducked bobbed and weaved around the attack, but no matter how fast he dogged he was still almost hit, the edge of his shirt was singed, and he felt the heat from the disk. "She's never done this before." He whispered to himself as he saw the disk was coming at right for his face, eyes wide he bent backwards his back hovering above the ground as the sphere flew inches above his face, he popped back up letting out a sigh. 
 "Frisk look out!" Yelled Fidel as he continued to do his best to doge, but he too had his own injures, he had managed to avoid the shower by running right towards the wall and at the last second he had managed to jump over the attack as it crashed into it. Toriel let out a huff and raised her arm and dragged her hand down it, on the ground multiple glowing dark pink, purple and black circles appeared. Frisk remembering what happen last time quickly jumped back avoiding the first pillar of flames, but it wasn't over he and Fidel were jumping from spot to spot as pillar after pillar of flames rose from the ground. 
 "Ok she's wants to see some strength?" Snarled Fidel as his eye left flashed he lowered his body down his ears flattened against his head, and his tail waving back and forth. "Here I come! Toriel!" He roared as he ran on all fours towards her, she looked through him and waved her hand sending fireball after fireball. Fidel proved to be fast on all fours as he sidestepped each fire ball sent his way, Toriel moved her hands in a complex pattern and swirling balls of fire trailed after her hands, she slammed her palms into each fireball shooting them off with the force of a cannon. 
 "Fidel wait don't do it!" Yelled frisk as he swore he could almost see a familiar shadow in the darkness of the area giving Fidel a twisted and corrupted smile. 
 Fidel's eye glowed with magical energy as he punched forward his fist aimed right at Toriel's face. There was a flash of light that illuminated the room and a massive blast of wind that blew small rocks and dust away forcing Frisk to use his arms to block the cloud. When the wind died down he thought he would see Fidel standing over a wounded Toriel, what he saw wasn't what he was excited. 
 Fidel still had his arm outstretched and his hand in a fist, but what shocked them was that Toriel had caught his fist. Frisk gulped and looked at Toriel to see the damage.
 Fidel's attack had only done one damage, and towel wasn't even phased by the attack there wasn't a single mark or scratch on her. Toriel's red eyes gazed into Fidel's own golden ones. "My child don't you see you do not have the strength to fight." Her eyes lost their fiery glow as she looked into Fidel's who saw something in those Crimson red orbs, he saw sadness, he saw loss, he saw fear, he saw hopelessness. Fidel could see the longing look, the look of a mother who had lost everything she ever loved. "Please." She whispered so low that frisk couldn't hear her, but Fidel could. "Please......I can't lose another child....I don't want to lose another child." She had tears running down her face. "So please go back upstairs......please stay with me so that we may be happy together." 
 Fidel's strength failed him, his heart went out Toriel he could see that she took no pleasure in fighting them. Her eyes then harden as she pulled Fidel in close and to frisk shock slammed her knee into his gut, Fidel folded over her attack his mouth open wide as he coughed up bile, Toriel pulled her leg back and slammed a palm strike to the area where she had kneed Fidel and there was a bright flash of light as Toriel had gathered her magic in her hand and had caused an explosion through combustion.
 Fidel shot through the air like a rocket his chest smoking as he landed on the ground with a thud, frisk running to his side. "Fidel!" He yelled as he crouched near him checking his status and saw he had at least three percent of his full twenty health. Frisk quickly pulled out a piece of monster candy and gave it to Fidel who ate it and felt his injuries heal, rather quickly. 
 "Frisk....this has to stop." Fidel said softly as his hair shadowed his eyes. "Frisk....Toriel.... mom is hurting inside, this is mentally hurting her this can't go on." Fidel looked at frisk, his amethyst colored eyes locked with wine colored eyes. "We have to help her...we have to ease the pain in her heart." Standing tall Fidel brushed off the the dirt and dust from his clothes, he and frisk stood side by side as a button appeared. 
 They pressed the button and chose to spare. Toriel glared at them as she remained silent as she sent more fireballs at them, both did their best to doge the oncoming onslaught of fireballs. The chose to spare her again, and once again were ignored tho she had a noticeable twitch, for the next few minutes the continued to spare Toriel while avoiding her attacks. 
 "What are you doing?" Asked Tories as she moved her hands in a complex pattern, multiple fireballs forming in the air before shooting off like mini rockets towards the duo who dogged them. "Attack or Run Away!" She yelled as she stomped her foot in the ground, multiple dark pink and purple circles appeared under them and they jumped away to avoided a massive pillar of column of flames.
 They once again chose [Mercy] and spared Toriel. 
 "What are you proving this way!" 
 She attacked them again, but unlike before her fireballs didn't even hit them, instead the past right by them dying out into nothing but embers before they even hit the ground. 
 They spared her again.
 "Fight me or Leave!" She yelled as tears gathered in the corner of her eyes that were burned away by the flaming glow of her eyes. Her fireballs weren't even trying to hit them,min fact Fidel reached out to touch one and it avoided his hand.
 End Undertale OST 
 They spared her again. 
 "Stop it." 
 Her attack became weaker.
 They spared her.
 "Stop looking at me like that." 
 Her attacks slowly lost their power. 
 "Go away!" She yelled as she let loose another wave of fireballs, all of the missing the children. 
 They spared her again and she remained silent, fireballs continued to come at them only to turn and move away at the last second. They spared her again and she answered with silence as her attacks continued to miss. "I know you want to go home but..." She couldn't stop the tears that were falling down her face or how she choked on her own words. "But please.... go upstairs now." She begged looking at them with tear filled eyes, a look that hurt both Fidel and frisk. "I promise, I will take good care of the both of you here." 
 They chose to spare here again.
 "I know we don't have much, but... We can have a good life here." 
 They spared her again. 
 "Why are you both making this so difficult." She asked as they spared her again. "Please...go upstairs." She begged. They spared her again. She was silent and then she let out a sorrowful bitter laugh, a laugh of a woman who had lost so much, and it hurt Fidel to see her this way. "Pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child." She shook her head. "No I understand, you both would be unhappy just trapped here. The ruins are very small once you get use to them, it would not be right for the two of you to grow up in a place like this." Her voice trembled.
 "My expectations. My loneliness. My fear. For you my children I will put them aside." She said as the light returned to the room. 
 Undertale OST- Fallen Down (Respire) 
 "If you both truly wish to leave the ruins. I will not stop you." She had her back facing them as she spoke. "However, when you leave." Her body shook. "Please do not come back." Fidel swore at that moment he felt his heart/soul shatter into pieces. "I hope you both understand." She turned around and grabbed both of them in a hug, Fidel nuzzled his face into her neck the scent of butterscotch, cinnamon, and fire filled his senses making him feel at ease and safe. Toriel pulled back with a sad smile on her face. "Goodbye my children." 
 She stood and walked around them moving to go back to her house when something caused her to leave, she turned around and saw Fidel his arm had snapped back and grabbed her dress his back to her. "No." He whispered softly. "No, I won't let it end like this!" He said loudly. "You can't just expect us to leave and not come back! To leave you here alone! To condemn you to life of eternal solitude!" He was shaking as tears fell down his face, he turned around and face Toriel his eyes filled to the brim with tears. 
 "Toriel.....mother, please understand this, what would the other kids think of seeing you like this?" This caused both frisk and Toriel's eyes to widen. 
 "Fidel!" Hissed frisk in shock.
 "How would they react to seeing you like this, seeing the person they call a mother, a person who they came to love, cherish and cared for." He steeled himself. "Yes, it is pathetic, it's pathetic how you think that after we leave that we'll just forget you and never come back." His hands balled into fist. "Mom, I understand that you are afraid to lose us, I understand that you are scared of us leaving.... of us dying." Toriel flinched. "But, you have to believe that we can do this, you have to stand tall, to be strong and have faith in us." He gave her a foxy smile. "To stay strong, to believe in us, you have to have faith, you have to have trust, you have to remember all the good things that came from having the kids with you, I know for a fact that each and every one of them loved being with you and spending time with someone as great, smart and as amazing as you." 
 Fidel's soul briefly appeared, and it glowed with a deep amethyst colored glow, that filled room, Toriel looked at Fidel as she felt the memories of the past children arise in her mind, how happy they were with her, how they loved staying with her, and how much it pained not only her but themselves to leave. Fidel seeing that his words were working smiled as he stepped closer to her. "Tho our time together has been short, I can say without a doubt that I have hope that not only will frisk and I survive our journey, but we will also find a way to see you again, I have hope that we will see you again mom." He moved and hugged her blurring his face into her stomach.
 "You are my mother....and I love you just as much as you love me, frisk, and the other children, but there comes a time where a mother must let her children go." He pulled back. "This doesn't mean that it is goodbye, it's just till we see you again, and when we do it will be outside the barrier." Fidel said with another tear filled smiled.
 Toriel had fresh hot tears pouring down her face as she smiled at Fidel, a child that had not only helped her see the error of her ways but he had given her something, something she had thought she had lost after watching so many of her children walk to their certain death. Toriel was filled with...Hope. "My child." She said hugging him again. "Thank you.... thank you so much." 
 She pulled back and smiled at both, they both gave her a smile. "Please...be careful and be safe." She muttered. 
 "We promise, you will see us again Toriel." Fidel said his tail wagging happily. "That's a promise of a life time." Frisk nodded with a smile all his own.
 "Then, this is goodbye." Toriel says as she gets ready to leave.
 "Nope, this isn't a goodbye, it's just until next time." Frisk said.
 "See ya later mom! We love you!" 
 Toriel found her eyes filling with tears once again, as instead of frisk and Fidel she saw something different, more importantly it wasn't something but two somethings: two familiar children smiled in place of both Fidel and frisk. 'My children.' She thought happily before rubbed her eyes and waved to them. "See you later my children." 
 Fidel and frisk walked along a long hallway, Fidel felt a sense of relief that he had been able to make Toriel happy, as for frisk he was looking at Fidel in wonder, before he had never once thought of talking to Toriel to make her see reason, he had just let her go and leave, but Fidel hadn't and not to mention that feeling that came from him before, it felt like Determination, but it wasn't it felt entirely different. Finally, the two of them came upon a black room, and much to their shock and mild anger on Fidel's part a familiar figure was there.
 "Flowery!" Hissed Fidel his ear and tail standing erect as his eye glowed, frisk as well was on guard having known to not trust anything flowery said at this point. 
 "Clever. Verrrryyy clever." 'Applauded' the killer flower. "You, just think you’re so smart don't you?" He asked looking at not frisk but Fidel with some mild interest. 
 Fidel hissed at him. "Smart, enough to know that a silly fireball is enough to kick you leafy green ass." He said smirking.
 Flowery chuckled humorously. "In this world, it's killed or be killed-"  
 "We don't share your view on the world you overgrown, weed, so you can take your 'killed or be killed' shtick and go shove it!" Growled Fidel as he really wanted to pluck that flowers petals. 
 If that insult bothered flower he didn't show it. "So you were able to play by your own rules. You spared the lives of not just one but multiple monsters, but you also helped her see the issues of her ways of trying to keep you safe." Flowery listed off shocking them.
 It hit them like a bolt of lightning, flowery since the beginning had been following them. "I bet you both feel really great." The deranged flower said with a heavy tone of sarcasm. "You haven’t killed anyone this time, but what happens if you meet a deranged killer?" 
 Fidel gritted his teeth and frisk tensed not sure if flowery would attack. "You mean a creep like you?" Spat Fidel. 
 "That's right~" sung flowery. "You'll die, and you'll die, you'll die. Until you are tired of trying, what will you do then?" Flowery faces twisted into a sinister sharp tooth smile. "Will you kill out of frustration?" Frisk flinched as flowery made eye contact with him, reminding him of his previous run through the underground. "Or will you give up entirely on this world." Flowery gave them a smile. "... And let ME inherit the power to control it! I am the prince of this world future, don't worry my little monarchs, my plan isn't regicide. This game is so much more interesting." Flowey’s face stretched and pulled itself from its steam and morphed into a evil laughing face, a high pitched laughter tinged with insanity. 
 Fidel steeled himself along with frisk both glaring at flowery. "We will never let you win flowery!" Said frisk.
 Fidel nodded. "We will never kill a single monster not now, not ever." 
 Flowery chuckled once again. "Good luck with that~" and he vanished. 
 The two stayed on guard as they walked to the door way before making their way to go outside the ruins and into the rest of the underground to confit heir adventure.
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
I always knew Deadpool was an artist 
Deadpool 2 - First Teaser // a film by 20th Century Fox (2017)
Well shit. This is officially the best fucking trailer I’ve seen in 2017. 
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
love this song
All I Want for Christmas Is You | Mariah Carey
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
Me when Kingdome hearts was announced 
Take my computer away from me.
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
......................... But Nobody Came
But Nobody Came.
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
It’s finally here
October 22nd. That’s when Megalovania.
Sans - @0chromat
Chorus - @thesym, @baritoneblur, @tenebrismo, @uprisingattorney, @0chromat
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
So Sia, a great singer and song writer is also a ninja.....that is so freaking amazing!!!
i know sia doesnt want to be seen but was all this necessary???😩😩😩
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
Ha! he thought 
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
Oh god I knew he wasn’t the only one! There is another Flowery!
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
This video helped me break the game, it really works
A funny video full of tips and useful info for people new to KH2 Final Mix.  
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
Play’s funeral music R.I.P Me
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
I almost died watching this
i almost died making this 
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
The end is coming it’s all about to end
Stars will fade, but I’ll keep shining
Chara - @eissibee
Keep reading
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
I am looking forward to this one
It’s me.
Chara - @eissibee
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
I love this song~
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