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Goal finished!
That was great.
Thank you, my diary.
I could do it.
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The day before the half marathon
Today was the last day of getting ready.
The half marathon is tomorrow. Trying not to think about.
Today I’ve been resting, made some walking and eat much carbs.
Tomorrow will be my day)
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Day 61 summary
The last days before the half marathon.The whole day was spent in a road, real stress test for my body. 
I've tried to eat clean and not to waste the energy.At whole I've walked around 15-20 km. 
Tomorrow I'll need in a good rest.
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Day 60 summary
Today was active.It was hard to wake up, but morning workout and contrast shower made me feel good.Then I walked 3 and 3 km.Pull Ups workout was next. 
Powerlifters gave me motivation to go to train.And finally I walked 7 more km in the evening.Movement is a basis of life.Trying not to think about the marathon.
Reading books and watching videos about strength training.
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Day 59 summary
Today was the last hard training day before the half marathon.
In the morning I’ve made heating workout. In the evening I’ve made my running workout. I ran 8.5 km, very fast.
Next three days I will only do morning workouts. 
Much-much carbs are waiting for me.
Mentally I’m not ready. Or ready. I don’t know.
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Day 58 workout
Another day ended.
It’s sad but I’m still sick. It makes me go crazy. I feel good at whole but some pain in muscles and high temperature in evening are not so pleasant.
I’ve started my day with morning workout. I don’t think that I should add more reps in my morning workout. But I still can do everything slower and make more sets. In a month or two I will try to make pistol-squats and pushups using one hand.
In the evening I’ve made some running workout. 3 km of walking and then 4 km of running. It wasn’t so pleasant to run today, but I felt good at whole.
Trying not to thing about half marathon)
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Day 57 summary
5 days to my half marathon. Today I’ve registered, got my number and instructions.
Don’t feel ready mentally)
Try to train in the morning and walk much. I don’t even know what to do.
But it doesn’t matter. These few days I shouldn’t think about it all. Just working and training.
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Day 56 summary
The second rest day.
Only easy morning routine. Life becomes more dull and body feels like hell.
Tomorrow will make some little run with my new sneakers.
The weather sucks, I think I’ll need two weeks to get used to this rainy weather.
In Estonia)
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Day 55 summary
Today I’ve spent the whole day studying.
In the morning I’ve made a little heating workout. It was very hard to wake up, but I’ve had to hurry up.
There is a little throat pain, and I sure don’t like it because half marathon is close.
Tomorrow I will get my new Adidas running sneakers.Good news)
Another one important thing: after the half marathon I will begin harden. Simply because I feel that my immune system works worse.
Trying not to think about half marathon at whole.
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Day 54
Today I’ve made 2.5 km run + some morning workout.
Felt some pain in stomach because of too much proteine. Will try to eat less milk products.
Mentally ready for a half marathon. Will try not to think about it at whole.
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Day 53 summary
Today I’m sure that I’m almost ok.
Have a little feeling of inflammation, but not so strong as previous 3-5 days.
Today I’ve only done some morning exercises. It wasn’t precise and slow, but much better than yesterday.
Tomorrow I need to make some run. Sure.
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Day 52 summary
I’m almost recovered but still feel like shit.
Inflammation is almost in every part of my body, I hope it will end soon just because it’s very uncomfortable.
In the morning it was very hard to leave the bed. At 1.00 pm I was ready to work.
Today I’ve done only morning workout. I could do as much reps as possible, but quality is still low. Next 5 days I will try to make all movements slowly, accurately and precisely.
Tomorrow I will try to run few km, will try not to break or traumatize something)
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Day 51 workout
Today in the morning I was ok. I felt really great, that’s why this day was very active.
The only problem is that I slept only 3 hours. 
In the morning I made heating workout. I finally returned to normal results, all muscles are ok.
In a 3 hours I made 5 km run. I tried to run using not normal technique, that will help me to prevent my knees from injuries. After 5 km I was almost ok.
I think I will be able to run half marathon.
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Day 50
10 days to half marathon.
I’ve spent the whole day in bed, being sick. Very sad.
Finally realized that I need everyday work. Without new information my brain stops working.
Also I’ve made too little of cardio this month. I think I should add 1-2 more cardio workouts every week. Simply because I like it.
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Day 49
Rest day. Absolute vegetable mode.
My body required it and I just agreed. Many vitamin C, hot shower and a lot of tea. 
I hope tomorrow I will be ok.
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Day 48 summary
I really feel how close the half marathon.
Today in the morning I felt really sick. Morning workout was very hard, could do only half of my normal value.
After the dinner I’ve got some energy impulse and dicided to run. I think it wasn’t good idea but this running workout was almost ok. But heart rate was too high sometimes.
Next week I won’t try to run fast. My body doesn’t like to over train and I simply afraid to break something.
It’s better to run half marathon in  a 3 hours than to not finish it at whole. 
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