myeffeddreams · 6 years
yur a wizar hry
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im a wot ??
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myeffeddreams · 6 years
Sharing 2 dreams.
Two nights ago I had this crazy dream about kraken monsters and genetically passing down their powers through human children for centuries. It was highly structured and had great world-building for a dream with poor/cliche logic. The world suddenly became flooded and ruled by krakens. People had to move by small patches of land still left, floating skyscrapers, boats, and dock platforms. They could only hunt you if you moved or were afraid of them (so nearly all the time, there were many deaths). I was the only person who could kill the krakens but I couldn't be everywhere at once so people still died despite my efforts. Eventually I realized I could turn into a kraken hybrid and commune with them, but they all just wanted to violently consume humans and thought I was an abomination. But then it came out that I wasn't the only child of the krakens and many others could become hybrids as well. So we rose up to defeat our ancestor overlords to save the human/hybrid race and create a new era of peace among species.
Last night I had a hyperrealistic dream that I was dreaming about playing a colorful video game and then was woken up (still in dream) to my mom telling me I was talking in my sleep, after I had just done the same to her. Shortly after that, I can't tell if I had awoken or had just dreamed that I was lying in bed for a little while before moving onto another dream. In the next one, I went to a birthday celebration for my 90, almost 91-year-old, grandma with Alzheimer's. It was an emotional rollercoaster that ended up resulting in her cuddling with my mom (which she has never done in her life) and then trying to stab me with a kitchen knife through my locked bathroom door because sound stimulation confused her (which has also never happened before).
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
New recurring dream: My boyfriend’s roommates keep waking in on me pooping.  I have no idea what it means; maybe something to do with peer pressure.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
I had a dream that my sister died!!! D: 
I NEVER have dreams like that, what the hell!?  
We were in a car accident and her leg got chewed up, except it was only a scratch, and because I have an interest in medical stuff now IRL, my dream was like, YOU MUST PERFORM SURGERY.  So I had to give her make-shift stitches while my other sister called 911 and waited for an ambulance to get there.  Apparently I fucked up so bad that the liver in her leg (!?!?!?!?!?) gave out and she died from blood loss!!  I felt sooooo guilty!  (In more graphic detail, I think I ended up putting micro needles in her skin to try to close the wound, but all that did was give her micro holes in her skin, where if her leg was pressed there, blood would come out even though you couldn’t see an opening.  So an EMT pressed on her leg and her leg liver exploded).
I started a musical number about how depressed I was while some creepy guy tried to hit on me on a jungle gym.  The rest of the dream, I was just explosively sobbing and thinking about her kids and her husband and how I can’t believe she’s gone.  
Then her ghost started haunting me and torturing her for killing her.  She made me walk through a terrifying hedge maze until I started crying from fear and apologizing and saying, “It’s not my fault!”
The dream shifted and her ghost and I went back in time to stop her from getting married, to either prevent the car accident from happening or to prevent her husband and kids from being disappointed in her death.
Then I woke up .-.
I immediately texted her to ask if she was okay xD she was like, “Yes I’m ok lol”.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
Lately I have been having nightmares about my housing situation for when school gets back in session.  The housing situation got completely screwed up and now instead of being a returning senior living with friends, I’m gonna be put somewhere completely random >:[  That’s fine, it’s what happened last year, but I can’t stop dreaming about who I’ll end up with (and I’m grateful for at least having a place to live).  I even dreamed that I would be put into a dorm with my boyfriend’s roommates instead XD That was INTENSELY AWKWARD >.> My dorms just started offering gender neutral housing, so I dreamed I’d be put into a dorm with a bunch of straight guys .-. That is not the point, brain! XD I also dreamed that bowser was my dorm manager and I lived in a jail, then I got into a fight with my boyfriend because I was trying on a wedding dress and tried to endearingly call me a fat cow.  I broke up with him and moved out of the dorms, bowser being very sympathetic towards me xD  I cried later that day after waking up.  
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
TFW you start a dream blog to start blogging all of your fucked up dreams, but they’re too fucked up to share because people you know follow you...
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
7/3/17 I had the most EPIC dream!!! It was the best, I want to go back there! Okay so again I was my super hero alter-ego Zapp, but I was in a Harry Potter/Skyrim/Overwatch/Diablo 3/Maplestory/fantasy-esque world.  I was a wizard/mage that could control certain harry potter spells if I remembered them (I couldn’t remember the light spell so I kept saying “alohomora” to turn lights on and off in this big boarding house, but when I woke up I realized that it was “lumos” and that’s not even how it’s used, lol).  I had this cool tiny ice wand thing from maple story that I could use to cast my spells and ice-and-lightning-mage powers from Diablo 3 - *I mostly used my ice powers as support for my team mates to freeze oncoming attackers/bandits while my team could deal damage to them and I could protect my team somewhat while I charged up my more powerful lightning attacks. There was this one part of the dream where I was surfing with some old surf dude on a huge wave and I though we were going to drown because I can’t surf and he was really old, but we washed up on shore and made it.  He looked like the Mayor from Drawn to Life (I have been watching so much Game Grumps lately...), and we washed up on a beach from Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.  That’s where we found this large old boarding house belonging to an old woman living by herself and it turned out she was this guy’s past lover.  They only come together again by fate, when fate wants them to, but they leave because they’re apparently bad for each other? idk.  So we hung out and partied (played music and danced by a fire while we ate her home cooking) for a few nights.  Suddenly the dream shifted so the 3 of us were 6 - the guy had a younger wife and some kids and I was a bystander - and they all decided to try living here peacefully, up in the dense, secluded mountains away from any civilization and their old lives.   THEN it suddenly became MANY people living in this boarding house and I had to help run it with my magic - keep snow and animals out, keep all the lights turned off when no one was using them, give everyone snacks and blankets, make sure food is rationed out, and everyone is in bed before the darkness creeps in at night and dangerous creepies come out to haunt everyone, especially the defenseless children and elderly.  There were only a few good fighters in this large group and I was one - still inexperienced at that.  During the night, I decided to test out my animal magic my turning into a fox and communicating with wildlife, but I failed miserably and ended up getting badly beaten and bitten by gophers (watched Caddyshack for the first time recently even though I owned a Caddyshack Gopher for most of my life as a child) and caiman(s?).  I turned back into a human and there was chunks taken out of my skin on my hand (that REALLY hurt in the dream! :O) but I healed quickly.  The next morning, I was talking to my boyfriend as if everything that had happened up to this point had been in a TV show and we were watching it all on a screen.  I look to him and whispered that the episode where the old woman dies is one of the hardest emotional episodes to watch, and he leans back and responds that that’s this one.  I’m back in the story and bandits break into the house and shoot the woman in the head.  We all screamed and cried and I had to defend the house (*see everything posted above about ice magic). After the bandits were defeated, it was up to me to go find a new place to live, so I left my team to stay and protect the camp and the house that we fought hard to protect while I went out on a mission to scout out a new place to live.  After the old woman died, it was revealed to me that we were spiritually connected and that I inherited her powers instantly upon her passing.  A chest unlocked and gave me a new weapon and some new gear to wear that previously belonged to her.  It gave me a new dark wand that could float on its own close to my hand and was basically designed exactly like Homura’s Soul Gem at the end of Madoka Magica: Rebellion. I was already a mage of basic spells, ice, lightning, animals, and light, but this new wand gave me new dark powers I was excited to unlock.  The chest also gave me some sweet new sexy armor that I don’t know how to describe well, but it was SO detailed and my dream made a big deal about it cause it was shining on me when I equipped it.  It was and ornately detailed blue-black-and-gold ensemble of different styles of armor, like this one cool design of Sailor Jupiter wearing samurai armor by artist Renareve (https://www.facebook.com/renareve/), and some kind of like... Wonder-Woman-but-not/space boots with thunderbolt details all over???  I wish I knew styles well enough to describe these. Anyway, I went back to the beach and there was a HUGE festival going on for MILES.  People partying on the sand, vendors everywhere selling food and merch, boats of all kinds in the water, people swimming next to all kinds of boats, streamers and party decorations posted everywhere!  It was a crazy fun time!  I had to look into the real estate of the houses that were on the beach itself, to see where would be the best for this group of mine. WHEN FREAKING SUDDENLY, AND THIS IS THE BEST PART OF THE DREAM, HAPPENS OUT OF NOWHERE, BAM!  It gets cloudy, stormy, and grey SUPER fast and I hear a voice in my head that weakens my knees and pulls me to the sand as I struggle and grab my ears.  A GIANT glowing THING begins to rise out of the ocean, and slowly I come to realize it’s an ancient white serpent sea dragon, cocooned in a light prison, locked by four different colors of light.  I have some kind of familiar companion with me that tells me to ditch my cool new swag because it was secretly evil and corrupted my soul and powers into awakening it from its slumber and the depths of the ocean.  I didn’t want to give them up because they were SO COOL!  But I had to in order to save the world, so I cast it all aside and lept into action!   Everything became an anime and we were fighting and there were blasts of energy being thrown from our bodies as we collided.  I summoned my dragon to fight him from the stormy clouds, LIGHTNING the blue storm dragon!  He roared and he began to clash with the ancient beast, both flinging around their ice-beam lasers from their mouths.  More heroes showed up to summon their dragons of all different types.  The ancient one was white with antlers and no wings, just had little arms and legs, and he was also the biggest; Lightning was blue with wings and muscles and was the 4th biggest, but he had the most muscle and was the fastest; there was a red one had a fluffy mane and mustache and was the 2nd biggest in length, could breathe fire, and also had no wings; there was a green one that was 3rd biggest in length and... was pretty much like the red one and idk what its special power was... being stretchy maybe?  And there was a yellow one that was the smallest, cutest, looked like a smaller Lightning, and had electricity powers.   The four dragons were too powerful for the ancient one to handle, not when they were all working together and ganging up on him to save the world.  Their elemental energy collided into him with such force that it sealed him back into his chamber of light and slowly he descended into the ocean to sleep for many more millennia.  After the battle, the dragon tamers greeted their dragons and praised them for their amazing job well-done.  Lightning flew back into the sky as he knows how much I love him already and he is a free dragon, so I greeted the yellow dragon, who turned back into a pikachu (because I had animal magic?) wearing a cute little cowboy costume!   ... and... then... I slowly woke up :c and I didn’t want to because that dream felt amazing to have.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
7/1/17 I had a nightmare about math.  Everyone was finishing a simple math riddle ahead of me and I was sitting, hiding my head in shame at my desk, trying not to cry or be seen.  I haven’t had that feeling in years! 
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
Last night I had a dream that I tried to have a three-way with Dan and Phil... it was unsuccessful.  There kept being interruptions - one of them being that I went to go take a dump in a public restroom at a grocery store, and Queen Latifah walked in and I started asking for her advice, to which she was all, “go for it, girl!” and then she left - and at one point I was so nervous I straight up ran away from them XD
Earlier in the dream, I was at Dan’s apartment and we were having a sleep over with one of my friends.  Dan had a pet snake and a new kitten.  I fell asleep in my sleeping area with blankets around me and the kitten asleep on top of me, while Dan and my friend went to go out for dinner without me.  When I woke up, the snake bit me in the knee. 
Then I dreamed I was playing Freddie fish/one of those old Humongous games, but a dream version.  Which then shifted into epically battling my arch enemies to win over the love of Dan, and I had to face her father, who was essentially Tirek from MLP:FiM.  That was a fun fight.  I was a hero and everyone loved me, except for my enemy, who was one of my friends from high school... (also morphed with one of my current friends who was jealous of me in the dream...). What an exciting, dissapointing adventure!
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
ALSO had a dream that Izaya from Durarara tried to destroy the planet.  His sworn enemy, Shizuo, was the only knight in shining armor that could stop him from exploding the planet in a giant, demon/alien fire meteor.  I was sexually attracted to Izaya the way I am attracted to my boyfriend, the way Demencia is attracted to Black Hat from Villanous (just recently discovered that show), and the way that I am attracted to Izaya XD.   But then the dream shifted and *I* was the hero that could stop Izaya and I was playing a video game.  Izaya was a GIANT shark-toothed monster blob demon that could breathe fire and had glowing red evil eyes. A movie for the game was coming out soon (this was a reference to the MLP trailer I watched last night), so the game had a new, promotional powerup where for the first time in years, you could officially defeat him, and in a satisfactory way - before, you were only able to defeat him by having to sacrifice yourself and your friends and family to stop him from destroying the planet.  This powerup was the Hylian shield from Zelda (damn, I dream about Zelda a lot XD), and I could protect my friends and family using it (like the “True Pacifist” Ending from Undertale), and also directing his own blast back at him to defeat him as he screamed “NOOOOOO!” and incinerated.  The end.
Last night I had a too-real nightmare that my Grandma diagnosed with Alzheimer’s started exhibiting some worse symptoms (she’s in the mild stages right now).  She started walking around without her walker, she didn’t know who my mom and I were, she threatened to leave the house and go to the mall center area down the street because she just wanted to be free and she felt trapped.  My mom and I were SO upset with her, me especially, which was odd because it’s normally the other way around.  I started yelling and screaming at her, and crying so hard because I couldn’t tell if I wanted her to leave or stay. 
*Breaths* God, it was hard to face her this morning… even though she had no idea I dreamed about her.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
had a dream about gem fusions.  The gems could clone themselves to make multiple fusions at once, just to run/fly around and have fun, and to do some fusion training.  The clones were off-colored from the originals and wore different clothes.   Lapis fused with Pearl to make this giant (woman) purple gem that looked like a mix between opal and malachite.  They could talk to each other inside the fusion, and and although they argued a lot, the dream logic stated that any lapis fusion makes a stable fusion .-.  But they were arguing because Lapis didn’t like the was Pearl was controling their purple water wings, and Pearl sang too much (like singing while driving, but driving a fusion! xD) Alexandrite was there, as well as a new temple fusion.  Alexandrite fused with Lapis was FREAKING GIGANTIC - also purple.  She was powerful af, and honestly, I’d love to see that within the show (okay, maybe not really, but I do want to see a flashback of temple fusion in action).   for some reason, either Peridot or Amethyst were left out, and my dream couldn’t tell the difference between the two, but whoever it was, they were left out because their fusion was just too rusty (?).  They had to work up to being able to fuse again/for the first time.  But she got to watch the other gems fly/run around and had fun with stars in her eyes (probably peridot at that part in the dream, and amethyst in another part).
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
Last night I had a too-real nightmare that my Grandma diagnosed with Alzheimer's started exhibiting some worse symptoms (she’s in the mild stages right now).  She started walking around without her walker, she didn’t know who my mom and I were, she threatened to leave the house and go to the mall center area down the street because she just wanted to be free and she felt trapped.  My mom and I were SO upset with her, me especially, which was odd because it’s normally the other way around.  I started yelling and screaming at her, and crying so hard because I couldn’t tell if I wanted her to leave or stay. 
*Breaths* God, it was hard to face her this morning... even though she had no idea I dreamed about her.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
Had another crazy dream last night.  Won’t go into too much detail because it wasn’t anything special, but still something I want to remember.
Okay, so I had a dream about heading a wild boar out of my house.  He was unruly but I could sense that he was sweet inside, so I grabbed him by the tusks and wrestled him into my garage while trying not to get stabbed.  He had cute little hooves and I loved him but everyone just thought he was a menace.  
I think at one point he did stab me, but it didn’t matter because it was a dream and I healed.
The dream shifted and he was a pink piglet that was valuable and rare that the mafia wanted, so they stole him from me.  I was devastated, but I went after their convertible on the freeway by flying/driving an air car? The dream shifted again and it became about returning baby Harambe back to the zoo he had been abandoned from and wanted to connect with his gorilla family (I was watching a show about adoptees find their families with my mom last night) and touch a shark - because sharks lived in the gorilla enclosure.
Then the dream shifted again and became a club penguin-esque (minus penguins) turf war (like Splatoon?) game where we could teleport between different colored rooms of a resort on an online kid’s computer game.  I had to save the turtle from being captured by the other team (so many animals???  At one point he was a bunny also).  My own team turned against me and I began rapidly teleporting between different colored rooms so no one could find me and shot me with paint.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
Had a really abstract dream that will be hard to describe, but it was about a war zone, like it started out in space and then at the end it became about ISIS. But there was a ton of shit going on at once and constantly shifting.  Each war side had squadrons and teams. each team had different members: fighters of different types, assassins, double-agents that would infiltrate the other side, get in good with them, and then double cross them to benefit our side, and future-seers who periodically and randomly acquired visions of the future of the war that were not set in stone, but they could use that info to aid our side.  We had two squads; on one, their future seer was Teen Titan’s See-more (good guy in the dream), and on the other was Pearl from SU, which eventually turned into Deedee Magno-Hall, her voice actress.  The double-agent found himself in a situation where he had to kill his teammates for the opposing side because they got caught and he was a high-ranking commander for the other side.  So to give them a break for it, he made a hard call and decided to shoot himself in the head (something I saw in Fear the Walking Dead last night), which shocked the opposing side enough for his team to get away.  This was a vision that came to one of the future-seers.  She didn’t have time to warn anyone yet, not until they were already being captured.  She grabbed his shoulders, shook him, and screamed “You know what you have to do! You have to do the right thing at the right time! Do it or we’ll all lose our lives! You must sacrifice yourself! You know what I’m talking about!”  He looked confused as she was being dragged away, and he contemplated what she meant.  It was implied that the future was changed because of this event, but I didn’t see the rest of that timeline.
For some reason in this warzone world, the dream would reset itself if too many people died on our side, like a video game, but none of the characters knew except for the future-seers.  They had to explain everything over again at the reset (in one of the timelines, Pearl was Bulma from Dragon Ball).  I asked the 2 future-seers (seer being a term from Homestuck) if it was hard knowing about all of the resets (a concept I once heard about Sans from Undertale). They said yes and became emotional since they’ve seen many of their friends change and die many times over (I have been obsessed with Madoka Magica lately).  At one point the dream shifted into a grocery store where Deedee Magno and See-more (who was changed at this part of the dream?) ran into eachother in passing and casually said hi, but went on their ways.  then a bomb went off outside and when they ran out there to check it out, Deedee’s car had been hit and her pet rabbit who was in the car was found dying.  She started crying super hard and she said that even though this happens every time in the time loops, it’s still the hardest thing she has to deal with.  See-more and I (eye, heh) were crying lightly and it was a very emotional scene (seen, I need to stop these puns.
There was this story about one of the team members, who in every single timeline was destined to become corrupted and put the team in jeopardy because of his harsh, rogue attitude. So the future-seers had to warn the squads of that every time.  (That might have also come from Fear the Walking Dead based on a character named Troy).
The dream shifted and suddenly my whole war effort was stationed inside an abandoned university as a secret base; it was kind of apocalyptic.  I’m a little stressed about my housing for next semester lately, so in the dream, I was stressing about finding my correct room.  I was wandering through the university, seeing many familiar faces in an old arcade where everyone was partying, playing games, and having a blast at this carnival; there were arcade games, carnival games, video games, and tournaments.  I saw some old friends from high school and new friends from college.  One of my boyfriend’s roommates was one of the double agents set to kill me in a future timeline, so I didn’t feel like sharing my snacks with him (lol).  I didn’t know who to interact with, they were so different and I wasn’t friends with most of my old group anymore anyway, but I missed them. I put my stuff down somewhere near my old friends and when I left, an attack hit and everybody scrambled to their stations.
Professors/squad leaders were running through the university making sure students/civilians/crew members were all safely hidden or in their battle positions to push buttons and defend or attack.  
The dream temporarily shifted since I was waking up.  I was wet in a bathing suit, outside at night, in some dead grass with patches of dirt, at a bachelor party, looking for some things I put on the ground and lost - wallet, keys, cell phones from my group at the party.  People were behind me (my boyfriend and his roommates, and my brother-in-law) also looking for this stuff, all arguing over whose fault it was that lost them, but it was no one’s fault, we all scrambled.
Suddenly I was back in the action, running through tunnels in the school to get to my assigned place.  I found a place and settled down and looked out a big window to the outside where we could see some old, warn-down buildings, tall, dried grass, and a town in the distance.  That’s when we saw a bomb fly over us in slow motion.  I looked around at my peers and we all started hugging, crying, holding hands, saying goodbyes and last words. I grabbed the hand of one of my new friends from school and told her I loved her (meaning I’m glad to have gotten to know her), and we watched the bomb drop and the mushroom cloud form, and the smoke slowly rush toward us, knowing we were about to die.  We closed our eyes and held our breath from the noxious gas... and then I woke up. 
And then I went back to sleep
Everyone was okay!  (I am not a writer, I can’t write suspense xD).  The smoke cleared as we wondered what happened, why we were still alive. So I pulled a little magic, round, glass bottle with a cork out of my pocket and began sucking the smoke into the bottle to purify the air and save the people around me. When the bottle filled up, I would cork it and keep pulling bottles out to suck up the smoke.  I flew around the school, sucking up all the smoke I could, and when another bomb was dropped, I straight up sucked that bomb into the bottle too! I was saving people left and right.  But people were getting annoyed because I was getting into their way and basking in the glory.
The dream shifted for the last time, as I was now Hamtaro!!  Now I was to steal a big-rig truck (my dad’s a truck driver) full of ammo and information from the opposing side so they couldn’t attack us anymore.  I had my team of My Little Pony toys smaller than me (I was already smaller than the real Hamtaro, and also a pillow at the same time?) to fly around and help me out, although they weren’t much help since we were all toys and I was actually being controlled by myself like I used to play with toys when I was little.  All the mlps were just erasers and I had to push handfuls of them around behind the Hamtaro doll. As Hamtaro, I had to drive this huge truck to my base from the outskirts.  It was really hard and stressful to maneuver (I’m practicing for my driving test next month, I’m 22 and still don’t have my license).
And then the dream sort of... slowly went away, and I finally woke up @.@
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
Last night I had a dream that Rainbow Dash got split up from herself. Like each part of the colors of her rainbow split up and became different personalities (Like Raven from Teen Titans).  Idk what each one was but blue was her main (mane, lol) looking for the others and green was the first one she found.  But she had no idea she was split up.  Each one ended up in a different dimension and they had completely lost each other.  Once blue and green were together, they realized something was wrong.  The design of this pony was Rainbow’s blue body, with her rainbow bangs being normal, but the rest of her hair and her tail were blue like her body.  Green was the same (body and tail) but green instead of blue.  When they came together, they magical-girl-transformed so that blue had a green-and-blue stripe on her hair and tail, and green’s body turned blue with a blue-and-green stripe on her hair and tail.  It was pretty trippy.  Then they realized there were missing color pieces to them and had to go find the others by portal jumping to different dimensions.
Then the dream shifted so I was inside of a video game as my alter-ego, Zapp, a super hero.  The game was a combination of Maple story, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Skyrim, World of Warcraft (even though I don’t know what that looks like), Dark Souls, Borderlands, Mario 64 DS, Dungeons and Dragons, etc.  I was a fantasy sword fighter trying to save the world from Ganon in an MMO. It was really hard for me to learn the controls because I couldn’t see them (they were like on the screen in front of my like Sword Art Online, virtually, but also I had my keyboard in my hands... it was very confusing) and my boyfriend and younger cousin were laughing at me that I couldn’t get it, cause they’re better gamers than I am.  My character kept dying because I couldn’t fight.  Supposedly, I had control of an orange katana in one hand and fire in the other, but it was hard to control.  Eventually, I figured out how to summon more of my abilities and randomly I could ride a horse or a white tiger, could summon an ice dragon for 5 seconds, and had ice wind in my left hand, but it was still hard to control.  At one point, I screwed up the controls and accidentally went to the boss room early and unleashed Ganon on the world by unlocking his boss door and unlocking the chains binding him to the cave.  Then he laughed mechanically and teleported away to go wreak havoc on the planet in a matter of seconds.  I kept trying to pause the game, but I saved and exited instead, leaving the game/real world screwed.  Every time I logged back on, he kept killing me, and I didn’t have enough power or health potions to stay alive enough to figure out how to reset and save crap.  I glitched it out so bad, but eventually I figured out how to save and go back.
After that debacle was over, I had to fight a huge-ass skeleton king from Majora’s Mask.  He was behind this big ornate jail cell wall thing with crevices that I could jump to and hide in out of his line of vision, but his armored skeleton and dodongo (from Zelda) minions could see me on the other side of the cave were there was this cliff ledge directly across from me, and they would blow fire breath and shoot arrows at me.  It was hard to dodge all of them at once because I still wasn’t coordinated.  (It felt like when I was playing Halo with my boyfriend irl). I kept jumping up and firing elemental blasts down with my hands or landing on the dodongo enemies with my sword. The minions kept distracting me so the king could look around his blind spots and swipe me with his enormous hands, crushing me with one or two blows (like Dark Souls).
at some point in the dream, I wandered back toward a cave town to buy better weapons, spells, armor, and accessories.  I was being discriminated against because I was a woman, so all the merchants thought I wanted to buy enchanted jewelry, but I wanted to buy a new sword and shield.  It was frustrating, but then shortly after that I woke up.
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myeffeddreams · 7 years
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Last night I had a dream that more Homeworld gems came to earth, except there was an “evil” Sapphire and some Ruby guards.  The Sapphire was a darker blue than our Sapphire and she had short, spiky hair, almost like her hair was crystallized.  Her dress was short and spiky, too.  It was blue, purple, and indigo, and you could see her legs and she wasn’t wearing shoes; she had cute little Sponge Bob feet.  She preferred floating and her powers consisted of icy telekinesis (so basically she had elements of Aquamarine mixed in, but she wasn’t a fusion).  Also, her gemstone was where her second eye would be if she had two eyes, like Eyeball Ruby.  It was jagged, though, like a raw stone, and kind of looked like an eye patch. I drew a picture but it’s VERY amateur, just a quick doodle for some kind of reference.  Maybe someone else could make a more accurate depiction. It was a fun dream, it was basically if Sapphire had a different design with Aquamarine’s personality.  There was also an enhanced black Peridot and a Homeworld Garnet (more purple-colored) made for fighting, but they weren’t as detailed.
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