myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
shrinking photos
this is a tutorial about photos shrinking when you hover on it:)
add this code under the <style type=”text/css”>
-you can also add a border when you hover on it!
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bluemark: thickness of the border
redmark: the color of the border
hope i helped!
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Speech Bubble Questions
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Step 1: Copy and paste this code underneath <style type=”text/css”>
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To change the colour of the bubble you need to replace everything I have highlighted in purple with the colour code of your choice. You will also need to change the width of the bubble to fit your post size. To change the width, you need to change the number I have highlighted in blue.
Step 2: Now you need to scroll down your theme (probably near the end) and locate your ask blocks… the ask block will look something like
{Asker} asked <b>{Question}</b>
depending on your theme, it may not look exactly like this but the main thing to look out for is {Asker} & {Question}
Step 3: You now need to replace {Asker} asked <b>{Question}</b> with this code like below
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All done.
Note, if you want to make the askers icon smaller change ‘64’ to ‘48’ or less. I do not own this code, I am just simply showing you how to use it in your theme.
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Speech Bubble Questions 2
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go to this site: http://freetexthost.com/2o1c5sluxv
1. copy the codes and paste it after <style type=”text/css”>
2. change the following in yellow marks
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background-color:#f6ebd6; = background color of the speech bubble
width:500px; = width of the speech bubble -moz-border-radius:10px; ===how circle it is -webkit-border-radius:10px; =same as above
border-color: #fae5dc == change this color (make sure the color is the same as the color as the background)
3. find your ask blocks
it will look like this:
{Asker} asked <b>{Question}</b>
4. replace them with this:
{block:Answer}  <div class=”post”><br> <div class=”bubble”>{Question}</div><br> <div class=”askerportrait”><img src=”{AskerPortraitURL-40}” width=”40px” height=”40px”/></div> <br><br>{Answer} </div> {/block:Answer}
note: if it wont work, please rewrite the qoutation marks:)
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Pretty Hearts Design for Links or Blog Stats
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When you hover over the stat, a little heart appears in the box.
1. Copy this code and paste after <style>
2. Then paste this code where you want your menu, whether it be in your description or second bar, where ever.
Replace LINKURL with the url you want the text to take the user. Replace LINKNAME with the name of that link.
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
You've been here for ... code
Copy the codes here and paste it on your description.
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Full List of Tutorials
* Newest first.
Shrinking Photos 
Speech Bubble Questions
Speech Bubble Questions 2
Pretty Hearts Gesign for Links or Blog Stats
You've been here for ... code
Quick Update Tab
Count Down
Hits Counter
Users Online
Navigation Bars II
How I make my screenshots
How to add a facebook banner
How to add a search box
How to add a chat box
Led Marquee Scroller 
Website Badges (Friendster , Facebook , Twitter , Plurk )
How to add a favicon
Infinite Scrolling
How to change the opacity of the images
Pop-up ask box
Shaking Image
How to add the Show Stat. thingy
How to image map
Arial Trick (photoshop)
No right click (silent)
How to get a free domain name (.tk)
Flash MP3 player
Convert blogskin to a tumblr theme
Bring back the old customize
Drop Down Menu
YouTube Music Generator
HTML text area
Tumblr Ask Widget
Google Search Code
Print This Page Code
Scroll Box Code
How to add a banner
Ducks to shoot on your blog
Basic HTML Codes
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
tutorial for the QUICK UPDATE TAB.
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Many followers were asking me for the tutorial of this so here it is . (:
If the codes are not working , kindly re-type all quotation marks ("")
First, add this code after </title> or after all <link rel…"> tags.
Second,add this  code under <style> or <STYLE type="text/css" tag.
Third , add this code under the <meta description>
Lastly , add this code before the </body> tag.
SAVE ! and after you save , refresh and go to appearance and look for update:_____ . change the text here to whatever you want :)
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Count Down
To make a countdown . examples are "10 more days till my birthday!"
go to this site : http://freehostedscripts.net/cdsu.php
fill-up the form . click Get the html code & paste it to your description.
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0 notes
myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Hits Counter
GO TO THIS SITE : http://freehostedscripts.net/hcget.php
Fill-up the form & click Generate the html code. copy the code & paste it in your description.
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Users Online
Go to this site : http://www.freehostedscripts.net/ousersp.php
Fill-up the form and when your done , Click Generate the HTML code. copy the code & paste it on your description.
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Navigation Bars II
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First : Copy this code below <style type="text/css">
Second : Copy this code on your description or under the <body> tags.
SAVE! :)
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
where to put scroll to top buttons besides below the
IDK anon, Because I use jQuery not the ordinary script & the ONLY place where to put those scroll to top buttons codes are below the tag. :)
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
Many people were asking me, How do i make my screenshots?
Answers are here!
I use Picpick (download it here) i like it because there's a shortcut key on the keyboard, just click printscreenSysRq. (beside the numeric keypad) after you click that your screen has been save! so easy right? and next is you can edit your screenshot directly! download it now ! :D
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
free facebook banners
Here, you can find Facebook Banners brought to you by myperfectcharm PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDITS OR STEAL. These banners are originally made by MYPERFECTCHARM.  Choose a banner below, right click, “Open Image in a new Tab” and you will get the direct link :)FACEBOOK BANNERS BROUGHT TO YOU BYMYPERFECTCHARM.
 click HERE.
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
How to add a facebook banner :)
  1. Go HERE
2. Choose & Save banner/s from HERE. (Save the image)
3. Click upload.
4. Choose file. The method must be: “Stretch to fit”
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5. Click the image to add it to your profile.
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6.Click the link that says: “Click here to see how awesome your profile is” or "Click here to check it out!"
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Hope I helped :D
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myperfectcharmsstuffs · 13 years
search box for your description :)
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Go to THIS site and copy the code, paste it in your description (Customize > Info > Description) Change the widht, height, colors and font size to your liking. Border: you can change the color and you can replace “solid” with “dashed” or “dotted”.
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