mysteryfan1231 · 3 years
"Sing It Like with Anna Kendrick | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"
This was so good 😂
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mysteryfan1231 · 4 years
Haven’t been here a while, had slowly been coming off of Tumblr back in early 2019, but hadn’t really checked back in since my last post. The girl of my last post i am now dating (!) and been spending the free time I would’ve been scrolling through here, with her up til quarantine 2020 (>_<). I’ve been going through uni classes and my part-time job throughout the tumblr break I had and lots of usual family issues :///. Otherwise been doing alright, I’ll most likely be lurking rather than posting or reblogging for now
Tldr: Hiatus since 2019, been dating the girl from the last post up til now (only 2019 post), uni and job stuff kept me busy when not the gf, will be more often lurking than posting.
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
Idk how it happened yesterday.. but I cuddled a girl! And she LIKED how I was sneaky. I can't,,,,
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
reblog if your blog is actually safe for bi people.
reblog if you believe bi people deserve to have a space and voice.
reblog if you recognize the specific struggles that bi people go through.
reblog if you know bi people are more than “half gay, half straight”.
reblog if you believe bi rights and representation aren’t just “catering to straight people.”
reblog if you see us.
reblog if you know we are safe on your blog.
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
If you’re 20-26, click here for a repressed memory 
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
[Jameela Jamil said,] “I said it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take that role and they should find a brilliant deaf woman to play that role. I think you have to make those choices and not be too greedy and make space rather than take space.”
Jamil added: “I don’t want to be part of erasure.” Her comments come amid the ongoing debate over roles for minority groups in Hollywood.
However Cate Blanchett believes actors should be able to play any role, and said: “I will fight to the death for the right to suspend disbelief and play roles beyond my experience.”
Jamil said a “big change needs to happen” in the industry.
She said: “I think it’s a very tricky one. I can understand where people are coming from when it comes to suspending disbelief but I think the thing we should actually be fighting for is more roles for people with disabilities and more roles for LGBTQ so there aren’t just five a year and then those get taken by big names.”
I love her.
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
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Elena Alvarez in the ‘One Day At a Time’ season 3 trailer!
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
authors love to talk about ‘LGBT’ this that or the other and just completely disregard anything to do with trans people. can u imagine how lgb cis people would behave if we started talking about ‘LGBT’ shit that ONLY focused on trans issues. y’all would lose your fucking minds. If I made an article recommending LGBT books and only recommended books about straight trans people, cis lgb’s would crucify me lmao
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
An Open Letter to Tumblr about the Adult Content Ban and How it is Hurting Your Users:
Recently, Tumblr was removed from the Apple app store due to an incident involving child pornography. This incident is incredibly unfortunate, but it doesn’t stand alone. Tumblr was also removed from the app store due to the large influx of porn bots and pornographic spam, users claiming to be proud to be pedophiles, blatant Nazism, racists who are not deleted for sending hate and harassing users, and more. I myself reported someone for harassing me, but because I had blocked the person and couldn’t access the messages where they harassed me, they were still able to send me anonymous asks. Your support staff, with back doors to the website (presumably), claimed they could not access the messages, and I was left SOL. Many features on this website do nothing to actually protect your users from harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Nazis, pedophiles, predators, porn bots, and more. 
You claim in your statement to us that you “have been working on these problems for a long time”. This is blatantly untrue. Please do not lie to us and patronize us. We’ve been here. We’ve seen you do nothing over, and over, and over again. 
We complained to you for months and months about the rampant porn bots, and you did nothing except add a report button on mobile which only reported sensitive content or spam at best. You could have addressed this problem with an effective algorithm, but you did not. We complained to you about being harassed and sent hate speech for being LGBT+, and you did nothing. We complained to you about blogs being randomly deleted, and sometimes you’ve restored them, other times you have not. We complained to you that there were people proudly claiming to be “Minor Attracted Persons”, or pedophiles, and you did nothing. We complained to you about people proudly claiming to be white supremacists, and you did nothing. All of these things are “against the community guidelines”, and yet over and over, you have not found effective ways to handle these problems or suppress the feeling of welcome that these users claim to get here. You have had a long time to work on these problems, but you haven’t addressed them. To say you have is untrue. 
 Multiple other social networking websites, such as Wordpress, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others have effectively dealt with rampant pornography, racism, pedophilia, and other problems without causing massive issues for their users who are not misusing the platform. They are continuing to find new, effective ways to deal with these issues without causing problems for their userbase as a whole.  There is no reason that you are unable to do this effectively other than that you wanted to do it quickly. You have once again chosen your stock holders over your users. And we have had enough. 
You have already started to ban “Adult” content with a new algorithm. Here are screenshots of just a fraction of the posts you have flagged as containing adult content:
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Your new system of simply tackling everything at once is not working. At all. And each of these screenshots is proof of your utter incompetence. None of these posts contain pornographic acts, “female nipples”, or any community violation of any kind. 
We, the users, have been asking you for months to deal with these problems - particularly, the porn bots and bots that spam. In order to block a bot from a side blog, I have to do it manually, even though they are in my side blog’s feed. This is a huge issue for mobile - only users. They keep cropping up in droves, taking over our posts and tricking google into making it look like a legitimate blog linked to a pornographic website. We have complained to you for months and months now, and your solution to simply “ban all adult content” is ineffective. I agree that children should not be able to access pornography - but this is not how you tackle a porn bot problem. Your system is utterly useless, allows for racists, pedophiles, porn bots, and Nazis to remain untouched. It also harms sex workers and real people who may use this website for some forms of adult content responsibly. Moreover, as seen above, it harms plenty of users who have in no way violated your terms of service.
 If you keep this up, you threaten your website and company as a whole. Many of us are backing up our blogs and planning places to go to. 
You already have a content filter for “sensitive” content (content inappropriate for younger viewers). You could have improved this, instead of attacking your entire user base. It seems to be a very lazy “solution”, if you could call it one at all, and one that harms your entire userbase.
If you are going to keep this filter in place and make Tumblr, a website that has never been known for being family friendly and has never claimed to be, you are going to lose millions of your users. We are already planning our exodus. It isn’t hard to follow. Censor us, and we will go somewhere else. That is not a threat. It is a promise. 
The users of your website. 
@staff @support
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
The internet could change next week, and not in a good way
You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 
We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 
The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 
If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu. 
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
Buzzfeed is ready to shame us all. Put your results in the tags
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
It’s not weird to be a christian straight guy and have a gay best friend.
A lot of people tell me it’s weird that my best friend is gay, my dad is getting worried about me turning gay because my bro is gay. Like wtf??
He came out in late middle school and we were friends since elementary school. I didn’t treat him any different. About 80% of my friends came out as either bi or gay, and they’re still my friends.
I can hype up my bro and connect him with other guys, it’s not weird.
People don’t seem to understand that we’ve fucking established that we’re bros, yet we still make jokes about his sexuality and vice versa. He can sit me down and go on a rant about the guys he likes, and you bet your ass I’ll be right there listening while at the same time telling him about the girls I’m interested in, it’s not weird.
I helped him get ready for his ROTC ball, and taught him how to fix a tie. We’ve been through two shitty boyfriends and I comforted him. I supported him coming out to his mom and took him to watch Love Simon because I drag him to watch the latest superhero movies and it was so important to him AND to me that he got representation on the big screen, it’s not weird.
For a straight guy to be best friends with a gay guy I think a lot of people need to know that,
It’s not weird.
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
When I realize the carbonaro effect and impractical jokers got put on netflix
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
I've never felt so good after some of my friends decided to come out to me today, then realizing just the sheer number of my friends that are queer
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
20gayteen really pushing my friends to set me up with two different girls on the same day. Like I’m confused that they both are even interested
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mysteryfan1231 · 6 years
Oh yeah I’m 19 now.
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