mysticmartinez · 17 days
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"I feel today's education does not really teach freedom. If they try to teach freedom, it is just about individual rights but not about the inner freedom which comes from a deep inner sense of order. When you have this inner orderliness you can then sprawl out and breeze around in the chaotic world. Instead it sometimes seems modern education does the opposite, it makes us chaotic inside and tries to create some kind of external order."
- Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
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1. Image of Compassion:
Kwan Yin, also known as Guanyin, is a revered figure in various East Asian traditions. She is recognized as the Bodhisattva of Compassion, embodying mercy, kindness, and unconditional love towards all beings.
2. Origin and Name Variations:
Her name has different variations depending on the region: “Kwan Yin” in China, “Kannon” in Japan, and “Quan Am” in Vietnam. The name roughly translates to “One Who Hears the Cries of the World,” highlighting her compassionate nature.
3. Gender Representation:
Historically, Kwan Yin was depicted as a male bodhisattva, following the Indian tradition of Avalokiteshvara. Over time, in Chinese and other East Asian cultures, she evolved into a female figure, often portrayed as a motherly, nurturing presence.
4. Symbol of Mercy and Protection:
Kwan Yin is often called upon by those seeking comfort and protection. She is considered a protector of women and children and a guardian of sailors and fishermen. Many believe she can grant assistance, deliverance from suffering, and help in times of danger.
5. Iconography and Symbols:
Commonly depicted with a vase of pure water and a willow branch, symbols of healing and soothing pain, Kwan Yin is also shown with a lotus flower, representing purity and enlightenment. In some depictions, she is accompanied by a dragon, symbolizing power and wisdom.
6. Modern Relevance:
Today, Kwan Yin continues to be a symbol of hope and compassion. Her presence is felt in temples, altars, and homes, where devotees seek her blessings for health, peace, and emotional well-being. Her image inspires acts of kindness and empathy, resonating with the values of compassion and mercy in modern times.
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
बराबर में अपने सुदामाबेठाए,
चरण असुइयो से श्याम ने धुलाये,
ना घबरओ प्यारे जरा तुम सुदामा,
ख़ुशी का समां तेरे करीब आ गया |
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
Lord Shiva said "Some wish me to be Advaita (non-dual), and others wish me to be Dvaita (dual). He who knows me in essence is free from both Dvaita and Advaita."
- Kularnava Tantra
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
Good morning. Wake up to happiness. Sometimes, we get stuck on something & find it difficult to let go. Clinging grounds us & we cannot move to the next level. Learn to cut losses & let go, apply the learning to begin new ventures. Happy Monday. Stay safe. God bless us.
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
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"There is only the state of freedom which is the all and undifferentiated, which is devoid of the distinction of short and long of round and angular. Why dost thou, who art the identity in all, grieve in thy heart? Here is the One without void and absence of void, without purity and impurity, without the whole and the part. Why dost thou, who art the identity in all, grieve in your heart? There is no distinction of the different and nondifferent. There is no distinction of within, without or junction of the two. It is the same in all, devoid of friend and foe. Why dost thou, who art the identity in all, grieve in thy heart?"
- Sri Guru Dattatreya, Avadhuta Gita 5.7-9
Translation by Swami Ashokananda
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
Good morning. Wake up to happiness. When the body rests & mind is awake, we get magnificent dreams. When the mind & body are working together seamlessly, life is a dream. Happy Tuesday. Stay safe. God bless us.
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mysticmartinez · 17 days
Narayana said "O Narada, Lord Krishna was himself born as Ganesha"
- Brahmavaivarta Purana 2.1.107
Translation by Shanti Lal Nagar
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mysticmartinez · 18 days
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I saw this beautiful Lakshmi Narayan art on pinterest and it's so beautiful, like wow 😭✨🥺
This has my heart ♡
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mysticmartinez · 21 days
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mysticmartinez · 22 days
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Trika Shastra
Kashmir Shaivism is a religio-philosophical creed that deals with the three fundamentals of human existence: Man, Universe and the Ultimate Principle governing the world. Outlining the key concepts of Trika system In his book Pamarthsara, Abhinavagupta describes Consciousness of man as the Atman, the core eternal witness of all that is undergoing ceaseless change in body and mind.
Since Shaivism treats Absolute Truth under the three broad principles of God, Soul and Matter, the system is known as Trika Shastra or simply Trika. It is based on the three energies of Lord Shiva, 1) Para, the subjective energy; 2) Parapara, the cognitive energy and 3) Apara, the objective energy of the Lord. It is a universal spiritual philosophy in which all aspects of life are integrated and taken in totality. The soul is said to be of the same nature as Consciousness and there is no difference either between individual soul, technically called the Pasu and the universal self called Pati, or between the world of consciousness and that of senses.
Trika philosophy aims at intelligent synthesis of all that is abiding and enduring in the six systems of Indian thought. It adopted monism from the non-dual philosophy of Vedanta, theism from the Vaishnavites, logic from the Nyaya system, discipline from the Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali and popular appeal from the Buddhists.
Yet, Trika system represents a positive and a theistic outlook in contrast to the absolute monism of Vedanta. Shiva is the Ultimate Reality endowed with sovereignty of will, omniscience and omnipotence. He is beyond everything. He is both immanent and transcendent. Time, form and space do not limit him, for He is above all mutation and change.
- Gopinath Raina
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mysticmartinez · 22 days
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mysticmartinez · 22 days
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"In Vedānta [māyā is] un-real. In Shaivism māyā is transformed at the time of knowledge. At the time of real knowledge, māyā is transformed in his śakti, in his glory. Māyā becomes the glory of Parama Śiva then. When puruṣa realizes the real reality of his nature, māyā becomes glory for him, śakti, his energy, great energy [svātantrya śakti]."
- Swamiji Lakshmanjoo
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mysticmartinez · 22 days
I hate how patriarchy has even ruined Hindu mythology so specifically to benefit the men.The casual jokes on family WhatsApp groups about how Mahabharat and Ramayan, the worst wars of all time, were fought because of a woman and how women bring ruin everywhere they go,as if they are the root cause of all suffering. Where in fact the women were LITERALLY the victims, one was publicly humiliated, the other kidnapped.The men have misinterpreted the stories so badly that it physically pains me, god went to war not because of women, they went to war FOR them.Because what happened to the women was WRONG,they weren’t to blame, the ones who wronged them were.
I also see a major polarisation in how a huge section of Hindus treat Sita and Draupadi, and it reminds me of the quote “a woman has to do everything right for her to be a victim and a man has to do everything wrong for him to be a culprit.”It breaks my heart at the number of times I’ve heard men say “well Draupadi shouldn’t have disrespected him,aise toh hona hi tha na fir”,first and foremost,that’s an inaccurate narrative promoted by wrong retellings who need to constantly find a reason to blame the victim,she did no such thing and you can find pretty much evidence for it everywhere.But even if she had, it does NOT make it okay for them to publicly disrobe her.This is one more example of the victim blaming culture that I see deep ingrained in the minds of so many of these dumbfuck Hindus who have absolutely no respect for their culture.So next time don’t go to ram mandirs and krishna mandirs if you can’t even truly understand and respect the relevance behind their existence.
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mysticmartinez · 25 days
Jai Shree Krishn ✨
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