mystory-dinah-me · 11 years
Busted! I think?
I started work at 7am, you start at 8am.  Everything was going good between us.  Then that one morning.  I was already at work, it was a little before 8:00 and you called.  You were panicking.  You told me he knows, he knows everything, he saw my text.  You were freaking out.  I went downstairs and met you in the parking lot and you told me what happened. 
I guess he saw one of my texts that morning, a picture text.  I think it was one where I didn't have a shirt on and the message said I wish you were here...or something like that.  But for whatever reason I think you said he put your phone down and went to the bathroom.  You were able to delete all your texts.
It's a good thing you were able to delete all your texts (that was quick thinking!).  If he saw the other texts for sure he'd know you were cheating on him, but then again you deleting all your texts like that should have been a big red flag.  I guess it was to him...sort of?
Sure, then he started checking the phone bill and saw that we were talking for hours almost every night and could see that we were sending a bunch of texts back and forth.  All he did was threaten that he was going to get all the texts...other than that to me it seemed like he just played these stupid little games to catch you.  Does he know how sneaky you are?
Van (Ugh, I hate your name):
Let's see, the morning she called me in a panic saying you knew everything she told me to call you and tell you nothing was going on and we could talk if you wanted to.  She gave me your phone number.  You didn't answer, and I ended up having to leave you a message. She later told me you got my message but didn't want to talk to me.  Ok...that worked out.
Next I called your cell phone carrier checking to see if it was possible If someone could see the texts someone on their account was sending and receiving.  They said under current law you can't.  Ok...that worked too.
Yeah we knew then you'd be checking the phone bill now so we couldn't call each other...or at least no calls from me to/from her cell phone.  Luckily there are pay phones all over that she'd call me from.  So we would still talk, just not as long.
Oh, I think you even once left a message on her car pretending like I wrote it, even put my name on it I think (good one, who would fall for that?).  I think she almost fell for that.  Well she suspected it wasn't me, but wanted to be sure.  Again, yay for payphones.  She called and verified that it wasn't me.
I got tired of the payphone thing though and wanted to talk to her more.  I ended up getting her a pre-paid cell phone.  Yeah, she took it home and we would still talk while you were at work.  She couldn't keep it in her bag though in case you ever went through her bag.  I think she said she'd hide it under the sink in your bathroom because you'd never look there.  I entered the pre-paid cell phone number in my phone under the name Lisa in case you ever got my phone.  Lisa...ha!  I wonder if that was before or after she saw Dinah and me having sex in Dinah's red BMW...that can be another journal entry though.
We had also just started taking Karate too (IKL, what were we thinking?).  I guess you changed your mind and now you wanted to talk with me.  Just so happens 1 day out of the month (I think it was 1 day out of the month) the dojo we went to practices with another dojo at some other location.  You were going to talk to me that night, but you guys couldn't find the dojo and went home.  Doesn't matter, Dinah and me had our stories down good about everything, about the texts and the calls.
I guess you just gave up after that, because I never heard anything and I'd ask Dinah how things were.  They seemed to be slowly getting better.  Dinah and I just layed low for awhile, but things between us never stopped.
Not like you tried spending more time with her.  Everyone always wonders why you need 2 jobs when you have a good job as a pilot that pays well.  Sure it's nice to have extra money for you and your kids, but at the same time wouldn't you want to spend time with them also?
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mystory-dinah-me · 11 years
My first gift...
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After our first night we got closer and closer.  You had your aunt living with you at that time so you didn't always have to go straight home after work and on some days we could spend some time together (yay!).  If you did have to go home, he (your husband) was usually working his other job.  It worked out because we were able to talk on the phone for hours, talking until at least around 10-10:30pm when he would come home.
I think you still had your doubts on if I was really into you.  Maybe I'm not good at expressing my feelings or maybe it was your "insecurities" (which we'll get into later), but I was.  I just don't think you believed me.  Or maybe it was because the way our whole relationship started.
I wanted to get you something to let you know I really cared.  I wanted to get you something you could show that nobody would think meant anything, but would let you know how special you were to me.  It was hard shopping for you, but I think I found a perfect first gift- a Dooney and Bourke DB heart key chain.
We were able to spend some time after work one day.  We were in my car parked on the side of the street by Kapiolani Park (not the tennis court side).  I didn't know how to give it to you (I think i just had it in a brown paper bag).  I ended up giving it to you right before you had to go.  I remember how happy you were when you saw it.  I'll admit, it made me feel special seeing you so happy about something so simple as our initials on a heart.  :)
Thinking back, I actually think out of all the gifts I got you, that was the simplest, yet one that made you the happiest.
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mystory-dinah-me · 11 years
How it started...
I'm not sure when we started working at the same company, but I do know when we first met you never said much to me.  I never said much to you either.  You always had lunch with your friend Amanda.  Slowly we started talking here and there, and you would eventually ask me to have lunch when Amanda couldn't join you.
Around that time, I was trying the Yahoo Personals and talking to someone.  It wasn't really going too well, but you were there asking how things were and giving me advice.
April 18, 2008 - The first night it all started.  Your friend Amanda was leaving the company and a bunch of us were going out to have an after work get-together for her.  It was at Bubba Gump in Ala Moana.  I was the driver and taking you home that night.  After Bubba Gump, Jessica, you, and me went to Waikiki to have a few more drinks...I THINK we ended up at Tiki's Grill & Bar.  It was somewhere outdoors, upstairs, and there was live music.
You were starting to get really flirty with me, I think Jessica noticed it.  I don't remember where we had parked, but we were driving down the street next to the Ala Wai Canal as I was taking you home.  It was just you and me in the car.  You started to get really touchy.  I pulled over and parked.  We talked as you would grab my hand.  I remember telling you that you shouldn't do this, you have a family and kids (it didn't seem like you cared), don't ruin it, I didn't want to be a home-wrecker...blah, blah I was weak and gave in (honestly, who could resist?).  We had our first kiss and made out for awhile.  You were a good kisser.
I think we pee'd in one of the side streets before heading back to your place.  Before dropping you off we parked at the bottom of your street.  I think it was to have a goodbye kiss which led to you climbing on top of me and starting to grind on my leg.  We talked about having sex on a first date which I think you said you didn't do (such a good girl), so this would just be a dry hump.  You grinded away until you got off (I didn't get off).
Anyway, before I dropped you off we talked about things.  We agreed we wouldn't talk about this again and would not call each other up the next day.
You called me the next day to talk about everything that happened...  Maybe if I never answered the phone nothing more would have happened, but I answered (I liked talking with you).  This was the beginning, how it all started...
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