myuntachi · 2 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - EP
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tl: dimi
proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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📍 Flashback
King: Ah, well done!
King: You defeated the Dark Dragon that was under the Demon King’s control… What an incredible feat.
King: The Demon King still remains at large, however…  And I’m certain you can put an end to him once and for all!
King: By all means, do continue your adventure. I wish you the best on the rest of your journey!
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📍 Town
Yodaka: And so, it seems we’ve finished the first chapter of this game.
Renga: So this really wasn’t the final Dungeon… I guess it was too early, after all.
Kafka: And it seems that from here on out, the difficulty will be adjusted so both beginners and gamers will be able to enjoy the game.
Tao: I’m kinda… how do I put this, I’m glad to hear that. I won’t deny that it was fun, but there were lots of unreasonable things implemented.
Yodaka: But I hadn’t expected you to be the one to land the finishing blow, Tao. It was quite dashing.
Tao: Well, that was mostly because the weapon was too strong, but I’m glad I got a chance to show off.
Kafka: No one had noticed, but that was a weapon meant for Heroes to use, so when Tao equipped it, its offensive power increased.
Renga: We were going to make one for each of us at first, right? I’m so glad we changed our minds…
Tao: That’s true. It may have been a strong weapon even when it wasn’t equipped on a Hero, but it wasn’t the most suitable for everyone.
Yodaka: I assume that means each job has its own strongest weapon.
Kafka: While searching for them all would be fun�� That weapon broke after slashing the dragon once.
Tao: That part really makes you question whether they’re even worth crafting to begin with. But, well, I’m glad we noticed that when we did. And–
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Dark Matter: …
Tao: It’s all thanks to you that we did. Thank you very much.
Dark Matter: You got lucky this time. However, your lives are hanging by mere threads that I may sever as I so desire. You would do well to not forget as much..
Dark Matter: When our stories next intersect, show me an even more unsightly and disgraceful despair. Amuse me. I’ll be sure to listen to your agony as you perish…
Renga: I’ve got no idea what any of that was about, but it was kinda cool…
Kafka: I was worried about what would happen when Toi disconnected, but I’m glad he joined us.
Yodaka: I am worried about Toi, though. As we’ve finished this story, shall we head back?
Tao: Yeah, we should.
Tao: Okay, good work, everyone!
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📍 HAMA House, Living room
Kaede: Wait, so Toi-kun disconnected in order to call for help?
Kafka: Seems like it.
Renga: To think Toi knew such a strong guy… Wish he’d told us so earlier.
Yodaka: He had a certain air about him. I’d like to play with him again, if possible.
Kaede: Sounds like you guys had fun! I'd like to give it a try next time too.
Kafka: You should join us when you have the chance, then, Chief-chan.
Renga: Well, next time, Tao’s gonna be the one supporting us.
Kaede: Huh, really? I thought his Level was still lower than everyone else’s…
Yodaka: No, I believe he has probably overcome the difference in our levels. After all, he has been playing tirelessly together with him, night after night. 
Kafka: Right, Chihiro did mention something like that before.
Kaede: Night after night… with him?
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📍 Meadow
Tao: Alright! This Raid Boss is done, too!
Dark Matter: … Hmph, what child's play. How disappointing to have put up no struggle as we robbed it of its life. There is no satisfaction to be had from this.
Tao: How about we head to the East Cave next, then? According to the guides, there’s a pretty strong Area Boss there!
Dark Matter: Kuku… Fine by me. Putting an end to all those small fries with you is not so bad.
Tao: I’m having a blast after finding a fellow gamer to play with, too! I’m glad we met, Dark Matter-san!
Tao: Oh, if you’ve got time tomorrow, let’s meet here at the Meadow at 11 PM as usual!
Dark Matter: …
Dark Matter: I’ll come if I feel like it.
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6 notes · View notes
myuntachi · 3 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 8
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tl: myun
proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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📍Demon King’s Castle - Demon King’s Room
Tao: W-Why is there a dragon here? Where’s the Demon King–
Herupi: This is the dragon that accompanies the Demon King!
Renga: Woah, it’s been a while since you’ve shown up!
Herupi: The reason this world is being corrupted with evil is thanks to the Dark Dragon’s flame of darkness engulfing it!
Yodaka: … This is the first I’m hearing of this.
Kafka: That type of development should be incorporated properly, not left up to the NPC to explain– 
Dark Dragon: GRAAAAA!! 
Toi: Waaah, the fire’s coming over here…!
Yodaka: This power… It’s on a completely different level from anything we’ve encountered up till now. 
Tao: A-Anyways, we have no choice but to fight! Let’s take this guy down!
Renga: Nothing’s working, no matter how many times we hit that thing… 
Tao: Yeah… I thought its weak point would be around its arms since they’re protruding so strangely, but I guess I was wrong…
Kafka: Based on its attack patterns, I’d assume we’d have to get on its back to land a blow, but it seems like that isn’t the case.
Yodaka: We’ve been at it for so long, but it still hasn’t revealed its weak point to us. 
Toi: Running around the enemy is working well enough to restore my health, but at this rate I’m gonna completely run out of stamina…
Tao: …. Everyone’s used their skills so many times that we’re all running low on MP, this is bad…
Tao: Maybe we should try retreating once. Then we could think up a new strategy–
Dark Dragon: GRAAAAAAA!! 
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Yodaka: …! The dragon’s fire is blocking the door…!
Toi: We can’t run away!
Tao: Shit, we’ve run into the “No Escape!” situation you usually see in RPGs…!
Renga: W-Well, we don’t really have any other choices now…!
Kafka: … Yeah, everyone, get ready. If we attack from all sides, we might be able to do something. We need to decide our positions and–
Dark Dragon: …
Renga: …? It’s taking a deep breath…?
Toi: Seems like it. …Actually, maybe it's heaving in pain due to our attacks? 
Tao: Wait, no! Shit, this is—
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Dark Dragon: GUGRAAAAAAAH!!! 
Tao: A-A large AOE attack… It’s a miracle that I was able to dodge it…
Tao: Is everyone okay!?
Renga: …Maybe not. Everything’s all blurry…
Kafka: It got us good… We’re hanging on by a thread, but this is pretty bad.
Yodaka: Indeed, it feels as though I’m about to fall into a deep sleep. 
Tao: Shi… Everyone’s about to die…!
Tao: Toi-san, your healing…
Tao: He’s not on the party list!? Don’t tell me he disconnected now of all times!?
Dark Dragon: …
Kafka: … Seems like it’s going for a second full-body attack. 
Tao: If we get hit by that, then for sure…
Yodaka: It’s frustrating, however it seems we have no choice but to surrender. Even if we continued to fight, we no longer have any more MP to activate our skills. 
Renga: It’s over… So, this is how it feels to lose to the Demon King…
Tao: (To have to throw in the towel after we came this far…!)
Tao: (Is there really nothing else we can do!? I’m the only one left who can move, so what–)
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Narration: A Party Member has been replaced
Renga: …Huh? What the, we got a replacement member?
Kafka: Yeah… Toi’s missing since he disconnected, so maybe some stranger joined in his place.
Kafka: But, in this situation, it’s already—
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???: Ha, seeing you lowly humans all laid out within an inch of your lives is a splendid sight indeed.
Tao: …Huh?
???: Though that unsightliness makes it all the more amusing, it truly is human-like. 
Renga: T-That guy… His armor is so cool! Was that being sold back in town!?
???: Heh, this is the kind of ultimate equipment only those with vast wealth could possibly dream of affording. 
Kafka: So you’re saying… Those are Paid Items?
Tao: (His player name is “Dark Matter”…)
Tao: (That outfit, is he a whale? He’s close to the Level cap at 99…)
Tao: (In this game, the less gaming experience you have, the easier it is to level up. For a gamer to get to level 99 right after release–) 
Dark Matter: HAAAA!
[Dark Matter slashes the Dark Dragon.]
Dark Dragon: GUGRAAAA!!
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Kafka: …! It’s working!?
Tao: (No, wait. The way he’s moving… This guy’s no beginner…!)
Tao: (He’s a gamer! More than that, he’s definitely a pro…!)
Dark Matter: … You. You dare wield the strongest weapon that exists in this realm?
Yodaka: You’re talking to me? That’s right. The others entrusted me with it.
Dark Matter: … How foolish. You know the value of that sword, and yet you know not how to properly wield it? Even you must admit that it's akin to casting pearls before swine.
Tao: How to properly wield it…?
Tao: (...!! That sword, I’ve seen that coat of arms before. More importantly–)
Tao: (I’ve seen it lots before, it belongs to the Hero. In that case, maybe…!)
Tao: Natsume-san! Can I borrow your weapon!?
Yodaka: Ah… Of course, I’ve no problem with it. I still can’t gather the strength to move at the moment, after all.
Renga: Did you find an opening? … Though, it still feels like it’s too late for us.
Tao: No… As long as I can still move, I’m willing to take a gamble. 
Tao: After all, a super strong guy came to back us up!
Dark Matter: Back you up, you say?
Dark Matter: Hahaha, me, backing you up…!
Tao: …
Dark Matter: Hah. Well, I shall assist you in your foolish ploy this time around. Why, you may ask? I’m in a particularly good mood today.
Dark Matter: You better show me that you’re serious.
Dark Matter: —Let’s go, human.
Tao: (This sword feels like it’s overflowing with power.)
Tao: (This feeling, it’s different from before— I’m sure I can do this. With this sword—)
Dark Dragon: GUGYAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Dark Matter: HAA—!!
Dark Dragon: HIGYAAAAAAA!!!!!
[Tao and Dark Matter attack the Dark Dragon together.]
Kafka: Wh…!? They did 999,999 damage!?
Yodaka: Huh, despite his level, Tao still managed to deal that much damage. 
Renga: That’s kinda weird, though… Isn’t that guy using those cheat things…?
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myuntachi · 4 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 7
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tl: dimi proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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Tao: After that, we— or I should say, I— almost died just from stepping into a swamp, and there was a time when all my equipment was destroyed, but–
Tao: Thanks to my dependable companions, I was able to escape unscathed. And now, finally…
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📍 Demon King’s Castle, Corridor
Tao: The Demon King’s Castle…
Tao: We finally made it…!
Kafka: That said, it still feels like this is too early into the game.
Renga: Yeah. Tao came close to dying multiple times, and a lot happened on the way, so this feels pretty emotional…
Renga: But I’m not really feeling that “finally”. I mostly remember hunting materials for the Legendary Weapons, you know?
Toi: You’re right… I know this is the final Dungeon, but wasn’t this a little too easy?
Tao: The difference in our attitudes is crazy… I wish they’d paid more attention to adjusting each player’s immersion, instead of only tinkering with the gameplay experience.
Yodaka: Regardless, we should be able to defeat the Demon King with little difficulty at this rate. Let us get moving.
Toi: Right! I can’t wait to see what our battle against the Demon King will be like!
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Kafka: And right when we were about to move on with enthusiasm…
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[Renga attacks the dragon.] 
Renga: HAAAAA!!
Renga: … Damn! My Special “Snatch Attack” isn’t doing a thing!
Yodaka: While it’s a convenient attack that also lets you steal items, it doesn’t deal much damage…
Yodaka: Ever since we got here, all you’ve been stealing are things such as “Orc Panties” and “Slime’s Loincloths”.
Renga: Urgh… When you put it like that, I’m not even a Thief, just a panty-snatcher! Even though this was the same attack I used to get materials with a 0.5% chance of dropping when we were making the Legendary Weapon!
Kafka: I hadn’t expected the final Dungeon to have such a spike in difficulty… It feels like we’re playing a completely different game from before.
Toi: You’re getting hurt faster than I can heal you…! Not to mention my own HP will hit red soon too…!
Renga: O-Oi! If you die, the entire party’s gonna be wiped out, you know!?
Yodaka: Toi, since you can recover your health with every step you take, it’d be a good idea if you fought while walking circles around the enemy.
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Toi: Th-That’s true…!
Toi: I’ll give it a try! Huff, huff, walking rounds, walking rounds…!
[Toi walks around to recover his health.]
Tao: (… It’s sorta disorganized overall, but it’s finally starting to feel more like an actual game.)
Tao: (I got much better at dodging while on our way here, and even though it’s still only a fifth of what everyone else’s is, my Level has also increased.)
Tao: (I gotta focus—)
Weakling Dragon: GIGYAAAA!!
Tao: Oh shi—!
Yodaka: “Sacred Prism Rainbow Blade”!!
[Yodaka finishes off the dragon.]
Weakling Dragon: PIGYAAA!!!
Toi: He… He defeated it…
Renga: Hold up, what’s with that cool attack!
Tao: That’s one hell of a name…
Tao: … This is too unfair! All I can use are my default attacks and the “Sweep” I just learned!
Yodaka: It’s a high honor to have our game expert Tao think as much.
Kafka: But this is starting to feel like… Since a Knight’s attacks get through easily, we should have Yodaka lead the party.
Tao: … Right. Also, we don’t know where attacks come from, so we should keep the Healer in the middle.
Renga: When you put it like that, you should also be in the middle. You’re more likely to die than anyone else.
Tao: Uuu… That’s probably true.
Toi: Alright! Then let’s go with this order: Yodaka-san, me, Tao-kun, Renga-san, and then Kafka-kun!
Renga: Alright!
[The party starts walking down the hall.]
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Tao: (… I was supposed to be the one supporting everyone, but they’re the ones supporting me. I need to contribute to the party, too.)
Tao: (… But this kinda reminds me of the first time I ever played a video game.)
Tao: (Back then, RPG wasn’t a genre you could play together with everyone, but there would definitely be one guy who’d be good at it, so we’d invite him to our houses after school to teach us the ins and outs of the games.)
Tao: (Following the others like this… Reminds me of when we all gathered around the first EnStation to play.)
Tao: (When I first came to in this era, I wondered what would happen to me, but…)
Tao: (I never thought I’d be able to make friends the same way I did back then…)
Yodaka: … Oh? It seems we’ve reached a dead end.
Toi: Actually, rather than a dead end…
Renga: There’s a door here. … It’s got “Demon King’s Room” written on it like it’s straight out of a horror movie.
Tao: … Why’s it so straightforward?
Kafka: They might have designed it this way in consideration of the beginners, too.
Toi: Which means… We’ve finally made it to the Demon King!
Renga: We sure struggled a lot to get here, but now I’m really starting to get that “finally” feeling.
Yodaka: Well then, let’s open this door and start our final battle, shall we?
Renga: Yeah…!
Tao: (The final battle… I’m getting nervous.)
Tao: (I’m Level 32… I shouldn’t stand a chance against the Demon King at such a beginner Level, but…)
Tao: (I can dodge attacks, and more importantly, I’ve got everyone here with me. It’ll be fine!)
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📍 Demon King’s Castle, Throne Room
Tao: This is the Demon King’s room…
Yodaka: … But no one seems to be here?
Kafka: … No. The Demon King doesn’t seem to be here, but in his place…
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Tao: A… A dragon?
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7 notes · View notes
myuntachi · 5 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 6
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tl: myun
proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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Tao: *Sigh*... We really ended up going right back to the town we started at. 
Kafka: We had no choice, the King’s castle was just a castle, after all. Besides, it seems like the weapon shops here are well-stocked.
Renga: We even leveled up a bit on the way back!
Tao: Even though you say that, everyone else here went up 6 levels, but I only went up by 3…  
Tao: …Well, I can’t help but feel a little depressed, but at least we can upgrade our gear using the money the King gave us. 
Yodaka: … About that, I was wondering about something. May I ask about that? 
Toi: What’s wrong?
Yodaka: When he gave us the money, the King said he wished “he had any of the Legendary Weapons to give us.”
Yodaka: If that’s the case, doesn’t that imply the existence of these Legendary Weapons?
Tao: Oh… Now that you mention it, in the original FBVI, there was some super OP gear!
Tao: If we know the recipe, then I can probably make it. And if we have all the materials, it shouldn’t cost a penny!
Renga: Wh… It’s free!? Then, yeah, we gotta do that!
Toi: I’ll be a lot less worried if we have strong weapons when we go to take down the Demon King!
Toi: But, what’s the “recipe” you mentioned?
Tao: If I remember correctly, going to the blacksmith should trigger some dialogue…
Yodaka: The blacksmith should be just over there. Shall we go and see what happens?
Toi: Let’s go! 
[They head off.]
Tao: –And so, we’re looking for the Legendary Weapons. 
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Blacksmith: Huh!? Legendary Weapons, you say? I dunno a thing!
Blacksmith: I don’t got time for that kinda chitchat. If ya get it, hurry up and go home!
Renga: This guy… Is it possible that those super OP weapons aren’t in the game this time?
Kafka: Maybe. It’s possible they chose not to put them into the remake. 
Yodaka: …Hm. Not in the game, you say… Well, I suppose that would be the natural response. 
Tao: Natsume-san?
Yodaka: However, you said you don’t know of any Legendary Weapons. That is to say–
Yodaka: Such an item does exist, does it not?  …Though I’m just guessing. 
Toi: Huh!? … Is that really true!?
Blacksmith: –Tch. What a pain in the ass.
Blacksmith: Yeah, obviously there’s a Legendary Weapon. If ya got the materials, I can make it.
Tao: Really!? 
Blacksmith: Of course, gettin’ those materials ain’t gonna be a walk in the park. Ya gotta stick to yer guns. 
Blacksmith: But, if ya still wanna go for it, I won’t get in yer way.
Tao: T-That’s–
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Tao: W-We’re finally done… Hunting fish monsters really is tough…
Renga: Who would’ve thought we’d need to collect 99 drops from 5 different enemies…
Yodaka: It reminded me of the times where I would spend the entire day picking out ice to pair with cocktails.
Toi: B-But, we finally managed to collect all of them! Now we can finally make that super OP weapon!
Kafka: Though this is only enough for one person. Collecting five people’s worth of materials… I think I’ll pass on that. 
Tao: It’s not just that we needed 99. The drop rate for the “Flaming Wyvern Scale” is only around 0.5%. 
Tao: To be honest, those ones were always the hardest to grind. How many wyverns did we even have to hunt down for this… 
Yodaka: If this were the real world, we'd have defeated so many that they'd be on the brink of extinction.
Kafka: Renga’s “Steal” skill really came in handy at the end there. Without that, we’d still be chasing down wyverns right now.  
Renga: I should’ve noticed sooner that I could steal them with my “Steal”. Then we wouldn’t have needed to kill so many…
Tao: Well, at least we can go make our gear now!  Let’s hurry and take this stuff back to the Blacksmith! 
[They head off.]
Blacksmith: Alright, ‘s good to go!
Blacksmith: But really, I can’t believe ya really managed to collect all these materials. If it’s you lot, I’m sure ya can win even against the Demon King. Knock em’ dead!
Tao: Thank you!
Toi: Wow, it’s so shiny…! I didn’t think it would be this bright!
Kafka: Its radiance when you hold it sideways seems a bit distracting, though. 
Yodaka: It’s the strongest weapon in this world, perhaps it has the power to ward off crows.
Renga: But, who should take it? Well, if you ask me, I think this sparkle is perfect for a celebrity like me! 
Toi: I think that’s okay, but… After thinking about it, wouldn’t it help to protect Tao-kun? 
Toi: Tao-kun has the lowest level out of all of us, so maybe he won't die in one hit if he carries it!
Tao: You’re so blunt, it stings a little, but… Is that really okay?
Kafka: —No, hold on for a minute. I’ve been thinking about Tao’s situation for a while. Wouldn’t it be better for him to steer clear of this one?
Kafka: Like, it could break after just three fights thanks to the “game balance”, or something like that.
Yodaka: That’s true, that is a possibility.
Renga: The game's balance is kind of harsh, huh? They're pretty much just bullying him at this point…
Renga: But, what should we do, then? You do have this celebrity right here–
Kafka: So, isn’t Yodaka the best option? It’s a greatsword, so Yodaka would be able to handle it pretty easily as a Knight. 
Tao: That’s true, Nishizono-san has a dagger, the President has a staff, and Toi-san has a grimoire, so I think that’s a good idea. 
Renga: W-Well… If you say so…
Yodaka: I see… In that case, I’ll be taking this.
Yodaka: I believe this is the button to quickly change equipment. If I press this–
Tao: Oh, wait a second! I think that button is–
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Yodaka: Oh?
Toi: WAAAAAAAAH!! Y-Yodaka-san’s delicate yet firm muscles are on display for everyone to see…!!
Toi: This level of sexiness, I don't think I can handle it!
Renga: You say that, but you’re obviously peeking through your fingers. 
Blacksmith: What the hell’re you all doin’!? Ya gotta take care of the guards before ya even get to the Demon King, yanno! 
Yodaka: Oya… This isn’t good. 
Tao: No, no! Don't just stand there smiling absently, please put your clothes back on!
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14 notes · View notes
myuntachi · 6 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 5
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tl: dimi proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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📍 Inside the castle
Tao: Haah, haah…
Tao: We finally….! We finally made it…!
Kafka: You’re acting like we’ve made it to the final boss, even though we only made it as far as the King’s castle.
Yodaka: Seeing as the rest of us aren’t that tired, it really does seem that the game’s difficulty is adjusted based on our strengths and weaknesses.
Toi: But there are no enemies here, so it’s okay!
Renga: Yeah, and you don’t have to worry if anything happens! We’ll be there to support you!
Tao: Th-Thank you… very much…
Tao: (That was supposed to be my role… Why am I the one being treated like a beginner here…!)
???: Ohh, well met, travelers!
Tao: Huh…
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King: You lot are the only ones I can rely on now. Please use your powers to save the world!
Tao: Th-This line…!
Tao: It’s just like in the original…! I never thought I’d hear it like this…
Renga: Huh? Tao looks really moved…!
Yodaka: Good for you, Tao. This makes all the suffering you’ve been through worth it.
Tao: (Right… I did suffer a lot. But if a Hero existed in the real world, too, he’d have to go through hardships like this, too.)
Tao: (Meaning that right now, I’m really experiencing the life of an actual Hero! If I think of it like that, the journey that’s about to begin must also—)
King: … That being said, it seems that everyone here except your Hero is already powerful enough to take on the Demon King.
Tao: … Wha?
King: Should you help the Hero level up and steadily create a party capable of taking down the Demon King, or should you remove him from your party and go on without him…
King: Truthfully, we don’t have much time left… But the choice is yours to make.
Tao: Hold on, no matter how you look at it, this sounds like you’re making me out to be a hindrance!?
Renga: No, come on… This has to be another one of those difficulty adjustment things, right?
Toi: But is our Level difference really that big?
Yodaka: Well, I just checked and… Right now, all of us are around Level 65, and Tao seems to be Level 6.
Tao: L-Level 6!?
Tao: Even though I struggled this much to get here!? The game balance here is way too strange!
Tao: And I wouldn’t call the fact that you’re strong enough to defeat the Demon King after the first cutscene beginner-friendly, either!
Kafka: It’s said that game companies have been competing for the players’ free time lately.
Kafka: It seems they’ve all been trying to find a way to get players to increase their play time without causing them much stress. This may be one of the strategies they’ve found for it.
Yodaka: Now that you mention it, the controls aren’t all that difficult, and defeating enemies with powerful attacks is pretty fun. I’d say I’m rather hooked on this.
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Toi: Me too! Getting to use all these cool abilities is so exciting!
Tao: (I-I guess it’s fun for people just looking to be entertained, but… From a gamer’s perspective, this game balance is awful!)
Tao: … But…
Renga: Tao?
Tao: … This is kinda getting me excited.
Tao: A true gamer always beats the game… In that case, I’ll become the man who defeats the Demon King at the lowest level possible!
Kafka: Meaning…
Yodaka: We’ll be heading straight for the Demon King at our current Levels?
Tao: Yes, it’d be rude of me to make you wait for me to level up, so we’ll be heading straight for the Demon King at our current Levels!
Renga: … Will you really be okay? If you face the Demon King at Level 6… You’ll get knocked out in one hit, right…?
Tao: I’ve got a 100% chance of avoiding attacks with Dodge. Also, at my current level, I should be able to get more EXP if we steadily go through some higher Level dungeons!
Kafka: … Well, if we also do our job supporting you, this should be possible.
Toi: Let’s stay vigilant and make sure Tao-kun doesn’t accidentally die on our watch!
Renga: Yeah! My Speed stat is maxed out, so I’ll be bringing you Potions, don’t worry!
Tao: I’m not sure how useful Potions will be with the recovery limit I’ve got… But, thank you in advance!
King: It seems you’ve all made up your mind.
King: Then, you should head to the Demon King’s lair… It’s located on the Faraway Island beyond the mountains.
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Yodaka: The Faraway Island… Just hearing its name piques my curiosity.
Tao: Personally, I’d prefer if this island wasn’t anywhere too far, but… I’ll take this seriously.
King: Your Hero excluded, you’re all quite strong. However, your equipment is still a little lacking, so I’ll give you some money. Buy stronger weapons with it.
Toi: Uwah, 100,000 Gold per person!? Thank you so much!
Renga: Is it really okay for you to give us so much money for free…!?
Renga: I don’t want to use this on equipment. It’d be a waste to buy new equipment when the old one’s still usable…
Kafka: I wouldn’t recommend trying to defeat the Demon King in your ripped jeans.
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Tao: (Everyone else was given 100,000… But I guess it’s a given that I’d only be getting 10,000.)
Tao: Alright! Let’s head back to the town and get all the equipment we need, and then head for the Faraway Island!
King: Truthfully, I wish I had any of the Legendary Weapons to give you… I apologize that this is all I can do.
King: … I wish you the best. May your journey be fruitful, despite its difficulty.
Toi: Thank you very much! We’ll be going now!
Renga: We’ll be back to let you know once we defeat the Demon King!
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Yodaka: …
Yodaka: … I’m a bit worried about this.
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myuntachi · 7 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 4
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tl: myun
proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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Yodaka: We’ve arrived at the first meadow…
Yodaka: It seems our adventure is finally about to begin. 
Tao: Just thinking about finally heading into battle is getting me all fired up…! 
Toi: Yes! I wanna hurry up and try taking something down!
Renga: W-Wait a minute. I’ve been wondering about this for a while, but what’s that weird noise I’ve been hearing since we left town?
Kafka: Yeah, it sounds like some sort of rattling. If I’m not wrong, it sounds like it’s coming from Toi.
Toi: Huh, me? …Umm, maybe it’s my metal equipment?
Yodaka: It certainly wouldn’t be strange for Toi’s clothing to make noise with all those fastenings attached to it.
Tao: But if that’s the case, shouldn’t me and Natsume-san’s equipment be even noisier? 
Renga: Your stuff looks pretty tight, so maybe you just didn’t notice.
Tao: Well, let’s regroup and get going. Hopefully we can level up lots before we get to the King’s Castle!
Toi: Oh, it looks like there are some enemies over there! Do you think we can defeat those pig-looking things?
Tao: No, they’re Level 30, I think they’re a little too high-leveled for us. 
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Tao: I think those Level 2 mosquito monsters over there would be more suitable for us.
Yodaka: That’s quite the large mosquito… It must have a hard time staying hidden and drinking human blood. 
Renga: S-So that thing’s gonna drink our blood… Ugh, I think I’ll be sick. 
Toi: I’m a bit scared, too… The piggy was a lot cuter.
Tao: But we have to get these guys out of the way if we want to keep going…
Tao: I’ll lead the way! Everyone, follow me, and if you think you can attack, please don’t hesitate!
Yodaka: How reliable. 
Kafka: As expected of our Hero♪
Tao: Please don’t tease me. Ah, well, everyone apart from the president is a beginner, so… I’ll take care of this first one, so please watch and see how it’s done!
[Tao runs towards the mosquito monster.] 
Renga: Woah, he’s really going up to that disgusting thing…! Tao is amazing…!
Toi: Tao-kun, go get ‘em!
Mosquito Monster: Mos…?
Tao: (Monsters really do look way too realistic and creepy in full-dive. It makes me kinda hesitant to take them on, but... this is just a game.)
Tao: (The monsters here shouldn't be that strong. I'll defeat them quickly and raise everyone's confidence!)
Tao: … Let’s do this!
[Tao slashes his sword.]
Mosquito Monster: …Mos?
Tao: Wha…
Yodaka: … Oh?
Tao: (Huh, my attack connected just fine, didn't it? But its HP bar didn’t go down at all.)
Tao: (Did it dodge? I’ll go for a combo, instead–)
[Tao slashes his sword twice.] 
Mosquito Monster: …Mosmos. 
Tao: W-Why won’t it work?
Renga: Huh? Is something wrong?
Kafka: Tao, you good~?
Tao: Ah… Y-Yeah! This guy’s weirdly tough… 
Tao: (Ugh, I acted all high and mighty and told everyone to follow my lead, so I can't start looking lame now…!)
Tao: (My Special Combo gauge is full! I’ll definitely be able to do it this time. Here I go—) 
Tao: Take this!!!
[Tao slashes his sword a third time.]
Mosquito Monster: … Mossss.
Tao: (N-Nothing’s happening at all! But…)
Tao: (This time, its HP bar went down by 1 millimeter…!)
Tao: —No, if all of that is just for 1 millimeter, then how many times do I gotta hit it!?
Toi: ? Isn’t this really weird?
Yodaka: Perhaps it attacked him psychologically? I’ve heard that monsters like that exist in the world of games.
Renga: Is it really fine for us to just keep watching? Shouldn’t we go and help–
Mosquito Monster: Mosquiiiiiiiii!!
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[Tao has fallen…] 
Toi: Wahh, this is bad! Tao’s down after just one hit!
Renga: I told you so! I’ll go save him with my “Rend”—
Yodaka: “Flamely Slash”! 
Mosquito Monster: Mosquiiiiiiiiiito!!!
Battle win music plays.
Yodaka: … *Exhale*. I really managed to do it. My experience with using the shaker so often has come in handy, it seems.
Renga: H-He killed it in one blow…! Even though Tao was having such a hard time!
Kafka: Yeah, and it was an Overkill no less.
Toi: Woah, that was amazing! You’re like a real knight that stepped right out of a shoujo manga, that was soooo cool…! 
Tao: …D-Dying… Someone… Save me…
Renga: Ah, right! We gotta hurry up and save Tao!
Toi: I’ll use my revival magic! Tao-kun, wait just a second!
Toi revives Tao. 
Kafka: Oh? This noise…
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Tao: Ah… You saved me… Thanks, everyone… 
Toi: Oh, please rest a little longer. It looks like it’ll take a minute for your HP bar to completely refill. 
Tao: Sorry, we’ll be here for a bit…
Tao: Oh, but Natsume-san. When you jumped in to save me…
Yodaka: No need to thank me. On behalf of all of us, apologies for putting everything on you. 
Toi: …But, even though Tao-kun’s attacks weren’t doing anything, Yodaka-san managed to take the monster down in one hit. 
Kafka: …I was thinking about that. I wonder if the game adjusts your level accordingly in accordance with your individual capabilities.
Renga: Huh, that’s—
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Herupi: Ding ding diiing! Cooorrect!
Renga: AHH, where did you come from!!
Herupi: In this game, everyone is put at a difficulty level after thoroughly analyzing your gaming experience and the results of the biometric scan!
Herupi: It’s set up so that experienced gamers are given more of a challenge, and beginners can have a fun journey!
Tao: S-So that means… Since I’m a gamer, I’ll have a tough time even just fighting a Level 2 monster!?
Yodaka: So in short, you’re saying… Since I’m a beginner, the strength of my attacks is set quite high?
Yodaka: What a kind system, I’m quite grateful. 
Tao: (It might be that way for beginners, but isn’t this too challenging on my end!?)
Kafka: …So what you’re saying is “that noise” coming from Toi earlier was also part of this system, yes?
Toi: Huh?
Herupi: Woahh, you noticed! I’d expect nothing less from you, Kafka-kun! Indeed, as you were discussing earlier, the true identity of the strange sounds coming from Toi’s equipment is–
Herupi: The sound of auto-healing! Toi-kun isn’t used to playing action games, so with every step he takes, his HP automatically regenerates! 
Tao: (W-What the hell…!!)
Renga: I see… The noise of Tao being revived just now was pretty similar to what we heard back then. 
Toi: Hmm… I’m really thankful for that kind of feature, but…
Toi: Was my healing power lowered? I wasn’t able to fully restore Tao-kun’s HP just now–
Herupi: That’s not Toi-kun’s fault. Tao-kun has a limit set on how much he can be healed!
Tao: Huh!?
Herupi: Even among gamers, Tao-kun’s experience is of a super high-level player, so it was decided that he’ll have an upper limit set on how much health he can recover!
Herupi: When his HP lowers even just once, he won’t be able to fully recover until staying the night at a town’s inn. Doesn’t that just get your heart racing!?
Tao: Wh…
Tao: What the hell is this!!
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myuntachi · 9 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 3
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tl: dimi proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly, slaine
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📍 Town
Tao: Th-This is a town… huh?
Tao: The game's started already!? Why did I just get assigned the Hero job out of the blue—
Renga: Oh, looks like your scan’s done too, Tao.
Toi: We’re all here now, right?
Kafka: Yup, that’s all of us.
Yodaka: The weight of these clothes feels quite real. So everyone in these fantasy settings wears such heavy clothing like this, huh?
Tao: A-All of your outfits suit you very well. You fit right in with the world’s setting.
Yodaka: You’re quite something too, Tao.
Toi: Yes! They look perfect for a Hero, and I think they suit you very well!
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Tao: R-Really? I’m happy to hear that, but—
Tao: Normally, in games like this, you’re supposed to be able to pick your job at the start. I didn’t think I’d be forced into one…
Yodaka: Yes, you did say we’d pick before we started playing.
Kafka: I thought we’d be picking, too. I've never seen a game with such an innovative system.
Kafka: But, how were the jobs selected to begin with…? Since this is an MMO, maybe they’re chosen to keep balance within the world.
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???: The trick’s in the biometric scan!
Tao: Waah!? Wh-What’s with this creature!?
Herupi: Owowow, sorry for scaring you! I’m Herupi, the fairy that supports everyone throughout their adventures! I’ll be working with you from now on!
Toi: Wahhh, so cute!
Kafka: I guess you’re like those guide mascots that you often see in games?
Herupi: I’m here to answer your request for help. Your job was chosen based on what the biometric scan deemed most suitable for you.
Renga: Based on… the biometric scan’s data….
Herupi: It’s a high-tech system that perfectly captures one’s physical ability, thinking ability, and even personality!
Herupi: By the way, Tao-kun is a Hero. Toi-kun is a Priest, Kafka-kun is a Mage, Yodaka-kun is a Knight—
Herupi: And Renga-kun has become a Thief!
Tao: A-A Thief…
Renga: N-No, look, this doesn’t mean that I’m good at stealing or anything! It's just that these stolen jewels fit my celebrity image!
Kafka: That must be it.
Toi: Renga-san, all your jewels are so sparkly and cool!
Herupi: The exact workings of the job selection are a secret, but there’s plenty of other systems in place to make your journey easier, so don’t worry!
Yodaka: I see. It’s a shame that bartending isn’t the job deemed most suitable for me here, but...
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Yodaka: We have what seems to be strong equipment and a cute fairy… Just these two alone are sure to make our adventure a fun one.
Tao: Right. Having a character like this guiding us around makes it pretty beginner-friendly, too.
Kafka: All of our jobs being different also gives our party a nice sense of balance.
Toi: Let’s get started, then! Everything around us is different from our world, so I want to explore everything it has to offer!
Yodaka: I wouldn’t be opposed to a little stroll, but we're bound to get lost if we're to wander around aimlessly.
Tao: Right. We need to figure out what the game wants us to do. And then—
Herupi: You could go and talk to the King!
Renga: The King?
Herupi: You know, this world may seem peaceful, but it’s slowly being eroded by a great evil.
Herupi: The King is trying to recruit as many strong people as possible to stop this evil from dominating the land. I’m sure you guys could be of help, don’t you think?
Kafka: I see… That’s pretty much how you’d expect the story to develop.
Tao: It makes it feel like we’ve started for real, doesn’t it?
Tao: Alright, should we head for the King’s castle, then? It’s probably somewhere in the upper part of town—
Herupi: Nope. To get to the King’s castle you have to leave the town, go through the meadow, then cross a big bridge, then go through the next meadow, and then go through the cave that’s at the end of the flower field you’ll find yourselves in!
Renga: … Uh, what?
Tao: Why’s the castle located in such a weird place!? Usually this kinda thing’s in the town you start the game at!
Herupi: It's true that the castle used to be in the upper part of this town, but it was constantly under attack by monsters and thieves.
Herupi: This put the townspeople in danger too, so the King decided to move the castle somewhere far, far away from the town.
Yodaka: Huh… He must be quite the benevolent king, choosing to abandon his homeland and live in such a desolate place in order to protect his people.
Toi: … You really think so?
Kafka: This might be a rude question to ask, but… How does he fulfill his duties like this?
Herupi: Don’t you worry about that! Recently, a new type of magic called “Holowarp”, was discovered, it allows you to send a projection of yourself to others that are far away!
Herupi: So, lately, the King has been using Holowarp to check on the city’s affairs and to talk to the guards!
Tao: This is one hell of a setting… Was FBVI really like this?
Renga: Maybe they’ve changed a bunch of things since this is a remake?
Renga: Well, now that we know where the King’s at, let’s go.
Tao: … Right. Could be that the road to the King’s castle is so long because it’s a tutorial.
Tao: Alright, let’s get going. Ummm, the way to the castle was—
Yodaka: We’ll leave the town, go through the meadow, then cross a big bridge, then go through the next meadow and then go through the cave that will be at the end of the flower field we’ll come across… I believe it was.
Toi: Amazing, Yodaka-san! You memorized it already!?
Herupi: Hey, that’s my line~
Herupi: Have a safe journey, everyone!
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myuntachi · 10 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 2
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tl: myun
proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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📍 HAMA House - Living Room
Renga: Alright, seems like if the five of us all stand side-by-side, we can all join as a party.
Toi: Playing games all together like this really gets my heart racing! It’s just like we’re at an arcade!
Tao: But, with all of these consoles plugged in together, it's starting to look like spaghetti wiring[1]... It’d be dangerous if the circuits were to overload, you sure this is ok?
Renga: “Spaghetti wiring”?
Yodaka: It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone say that. 
Tao: Huh?!
Kafka: That’s true. Older wiring runs the risk of short-circuiting, but it doesn’t really happen with modern technology. 
Tao: I-I see…
Renga: That said, I can’t believe we got Yodaka-san to join us. Toi’s one thing, and I know we were looking for people with a lot of time on their hands, but… 
Toi: Are you a fan of games?
Yodaka: Not at all. I’m actually quite the beginner, especially since this is my first time playing an MMO...
Yodaka: I apologize in advance if I end up weighing you all down, but either way it will make for a  good conversation starter to break the ice with my customers. I’ll try to take up any invitations like this in the future, too.
Kafka: There’d definitely be patrons of the bar who are fans of games.
Kafka: By the way, I have my fair share of experience playing games. Of course it’s not as much as Tao has, though.
Tao: Oh, I see.
Tao: Nishizono-san, since you haven’t opened your EnStation, I’m guessing you don’t play video games much?
Renga: Yeah. I’m not really much of a gamer…
Tao:  Oh, I guess if you’re not used to it, you wouldn’t end up playing games at all. On the other hand, if you didn’t play games as a kid, you might just get hooked once you’re an adult. 
Renga: T-Toi, how about you?
Toi: I tend to fixate on otome games, so I’m not really confident in playing MMOs…
Toi: Oh, but! If push comes to shove, I’m sure I can do whatever is needed, so you don’t have to put it on easy mode out of consideration for me! I’ll be okay!
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Tao: (... He just said that he wasn’t confident, so how come he’s got so much faith in himself?)
Kafka: It seems like it’ll be a tough journey thanks to our capabilities, but at the same time, I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun working together as a party. 
Renga: Yeah! Then let’s hurry up and get started!
Yodaka: Oh, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask a little more about the game before we begin.
Yodaka: Since there’s a lot of new things to experience, I’d like to prepare a bit beforehand. 
Tao: Hmm… I don’t know the specific details myself, so I can’t say much, but…
Tao: If they didn’t change anything in the remake, the story should be about “saving the world from the demon king’s rule.” It’s a classic RPG. 
Yodaka: I see… In that case, it seems we’ll be becoming heroes who will save the world, no?
Tao: Oh, we probably aren’t limited to just heroes. This time, it seems like you can choose from an assortment of jobs. 
Yodaka: Jobs?
Yodaka: I wonder if I could be a bartender.
Tao: I don’t think so… though I can’t say for sure. I also have no idea what kinds of jobs there’ll be.
Renga: Even if there was, it would be more fun if the jobs were different from the ones you can do in real life.
Kafka: Well, wouldn’t it be more interesting if you could choose to play as something you can’t find in reality?
Toi: That’s true! I wanna start playing!
Yodaka: You’re right, it’d be more fun to try out a variety of different experiences.
Yodaka: Thank you, I think I’m good to go now. Shall we get started?
Tao: Yes! I’ve been waiting for this!
Tao: Alright everyone, the consoles are ready to go–
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Tao starts up the game. 
Tao: Let’s meet up in the first town!
Renga, Kafka, Yodaka, Toi: Yeah! Let’s go!
Tao: (… It really was an impulse purchase, so I didn’t think I’d be able to play with the others like this.)
Tao: (And even more than that, we’ve got an interesting assembly of faces here… It’s been a while since I’ve been able to really enjoy an RPG.)
Tao: (But, it seems like nobody apart from the President has much confidence when it comes to games. We’ve got a lot of beginners here— Especially Natsume-san.)
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Yodaka: I apologize in advance if I end up weighing you all down, but either way it will make for a  good conversation starter to break the ice with my customers. I’ll try to take up any invitations like this in the future, too.
📍 HAMA House – Living Room
Tao: (He said that, but if we’re all gonna experience this MMO together, I want to make sure it’s fun for everyone.)
Tao: (In order to prevent our party from getting totally annihilated or discouraged, I’ve gotta make sure I watch everyone’s back!)
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Narration: Welcome to the world of Final Brave VI: Re:born. We will now begin the biometric scan.
Tao: (Oh… Are we already starting!?)
Tao: (First up is the character maker. I could spend a ton of time on customization… But the biggest issue is the classes we were talking about earlier.)
Tao: (The different jobs change your in-game experience, so I’ll have to choose carefully.)
Tao: (Also, since it's a full-dive MMO, you’d be able to experience how it feels to have magic come from your own hands if there’s jobs based around magic systems.)
Tao: (That would definitely be super fun! … Okay, I’ve decided. I’m gonna become a Mage—)
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Narration: Biometric scan completed. Your occupation has been assigned as “Hero.”
Tao: Huh…
Tao: HUH!?!?
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tl notes:
[1] spaghetti wiring refers to a messy tangle of wires
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myuntachi · 11 days
[18Trip Seasonal Event Story Translation] The Silver-Winged Paladin - Track 1
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tl: dimi proofreading: aca, niri, aera, jelly
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📍Downtown HAMA
Tao: Alright. I managed to buy everything I wanted.
Tao: It’s still early, so I might as well make a little detour before going back home.
High School Girl A: Oh, Emiko’s going to be a little late! Look, she sent “500731-0906” on the pager.
High School Girl B: … I know that “0906” means “I’ll be late”, but what does “500731” mean?
High School Girl A: Are you being for real? It’s “I’m sorry”! We’ll be using it a lot, so you’d better remember it~
Tao: … This is something I see pretty often here but… Heisei culture sure is popular here…
Tao: I mean, figures it’d be a novelty when the norm is 7G signal and 10K resolution.
Tao: If someone sold things that were popular back then now, they’d probably become popular again. I bet you could make a fortune like that–
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Street billboard: “It’s the return of a legend!!”
Tao: Hm?
Street billboard: “This renowned masterpiece is back decades after the original release/series' creation, now more powerful than ever!”
Street Billboard: “With nostalgic characters and dungeons brought back to life in vivid colors on a high-spec console! Its title is…”
Tao: Th…
Tao: THIS IS…!!
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📍 HAMA House – Living room
Kafka: … So, if you keep these in mind while writing, your proposal will get even better.
Renga: I see…!
Renga: You make it so easy to understand! Alright, I have to fix this next…
[Door opens]
Tao: I’m home~
Kafka: Oh, Tao, welcome h… Uh–
Renga: That big box… Is that the latest gaming console, “EnStationX”?
Renga: If I remember correctly, one costs as much as renting two designer jackets… No, maybe three…!
Kafka: It costs about 100,000 yen. … High-end consoles these days sure aren’t aimed at children, are they?
Tao: Yes. When I found out that such a nostalgic game was being remade, I just had to have it…
Renga: S-Seriously…? You’re surprisingly rich…
Tao: No, no. This is actually a pretty unreasonable purchase. My only income is what I make here…
Kafka: The way you sound like you’re unsatisfied with your pay makes me a little concerned, but since you’re saying it’s nostalgic, are you talking about “FB”?
Tao: Oh, so the “Final Brave” series is as popular as I thought!
Tao: I was obsessed with “VI”, so when I heard it had been remade into a full-dive MMO, I just couldn’t help myself!
Renga: You were obsessed with VI… But this series has released up to XXXII now, hasn’t it?
Renga: So you’re also into old games, Tao?
Tao: Y-Yeah… Pretty much!
Renga: But this game seems to be trending lately. It’s got lots of players, too.
Kafka: Right. I heard they’ve been using lots of experimental technology, so I’ve been curious about it too.
Tao: Oh! Then why don’t we all play together–
Tao: … Or, that’s what I was thinking, but everyone would have to buy the console first. Making someone pay 100,000 yen for something isn’t a good look…
Renga: … Actually, I have the console, too.
Tao: Really!?
Renga: I’m gonna be the ambassador for another game by the same company as FB for my next job.
Renga: They gave me the console as reference material, but because they wanted me to play with someone else, they gave me four of them…!
Tao: Four of them!?
Kafka: I see. So that’s how you knew the price.
Kafka: Don’t mind if I borrow one, then.
Tao: Uhh, I wish I knew about that sooner… Well, I’ll probably end up buying more games, so it’s alright.
Tao: But since you have four, we can ask two more to join.
Kafka: Since it’s an MMO, the more people, the merrier. Who else here seems like they’ve got lots of free time…
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Yodaka: Hmmm… It’s been a long time since I last had to wash a stain so stubborn.
Yodaka: Well, today just so happens to be my day off. I’ll stay with you all day long if that’s what will get you to stop clinging to this glass.
[Piano music]
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Toi: Ughhhh, the plan was to go on a date with Yuito-kun for the next holiday, but Kazuki-kun asked me out instead…!
Toi: I like Yuito-kun the most, but he doesn’t return my feelings at all. At this rate I’ll end up falling for Kazuki-kun instead~!
Renga: … There’s two people who might be up for it.
Tao: Right. I’ll go ask them!
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myuntachi · 13 days
Loulou*di THINK OF ME: CHOOSE Translation : Project Archive L3-22
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proofreading: dimi, tsukimi, aca, niri
i highly recommend listening to the audio track while reading, as many sounds and emotions cannot be captured 1:1 in text. the archive tracks can be found here.
Female Loumiel A: Wooow, I’m so nervous! Loulou*di’s somewhere in this building… 
Female Loumiel B: Yeah. Not just Loulou*di, but a whole bunch of other artists are here too. The Music Awards are the biggest event in the industry. Is this your first time coming? 
Female Loumiel  A: Yes! It’s my first time coming to the Music Awards, and my first time seeing Loulou*di in person, too. 
Female Loumiel B: I see! Well, I guess that makes sense. Recently, live streams have become the mainstream, so there’s probably a lot of first-time fans here.
Female Loumiel A: I wonder what kind of performance they’re going to put on today. They announced on social media that they’d be making a special performance and setlist just for the Music Awards, after all. 
Female Loumiel B: Us Loumiels have all sorts of expectations for the performance, but no matter what you expect, it’ll always be a surprise. It’s always like this. 
Female Loumiel B: Loulou*di’s performances always go far beyond one’s imagination. Even if you think you’ve steeled yourself for anything that might happen, you’ll never be prepared enough. 
Female Loumiel A: Ahhh~ I want to go in and see them already…
Female Loumiel A: I did all sorts of things to prepare for today! My nails, and my hair…
Medical Staff A: Are the screens all good to go?
Medical Staff B: Yes. We’re currently checking the rest of the equipment. We will also be monitoring any changes to the doll’s vitals during the performance. 
PLANTs beeps.
Medical Staff A: Loulou*di’s PLANTs…and what about Anthos*’s? 
Medical Staff B: It should be here in a moment.
Another PLANTs beeps.
Medical Staff A: Alright, then please start uploading the latest information on the dolls onto the PLANTs. 
Medical Staff B: Okay. 
Medical Staff A: *Sigh*
Medical Staff B: Is something wrong?
Medical Staff A: Oh, no, I was just looking at Loulou*di’s scans. 
Medical Staff B: Those are… Sakurai Toki’s scans, yes? I heard his condition was stable. He’s garnered much praise for his singing and dancing from some respectable individuals, but…
Medical Staff A: But?
Medical Staff B: It seems as if his sense of self[1] has vanished. The staff all agree it’s pretty uncanny, that he’s frighteningly close to becoming a “perfect idol”.
Medical Staff B: …But isn’t that what’s considered “correct” as a part of this project?
Medical Staff A: Most likely. 
Medical Staff B: Most likely…?
Medical Staff A: We’re talking about the Hanadoll Project here. There's not much you can say for certain that’s “correct.” Surely you haven’t forgotten about the defective dolls. Medical Staff B: You mean… Amemiya Kaito and ChiHERO?
Medical Staff A: Similar to them, we shouldn’t rule out any possibilities since it’s impossible to predict what primary factors might trigger a sudden change in their condition.
Medical Staff B: Speaking of changes, Hinagi Rui’s waveforms seem to be the same as ever. Though, recently, the noise has become even more noticeable. I wonder if this transformation he’s undergoing will be beneficial to the project as a whole…?
Medical Staff A: How strange. 
Medical Staff A: We sent the reports to Dr. Toudou and President Amagiri, but they didn’t seem to express any concern. If they don‘t have anything to hide from us, the changes to the readings and the waveform noise should be within the expected range. 
Medical Staff A: No matter what, we should continue our observations with added caution.
Medical Staff B: Yes. There seems to be no problems with Hinagi Rui and Sakurai Toki’s present stage.
Lastly, there’s this doll. 
Medical Staff A: Karasuma Ageha…
Medical Staff B: His readings have exceeded the standard range in every parameter. Will he be able to hold out until the performance?
Medical Staff A: Right. There was a doll with readings similar to this before. 
Medical Staff B: You mean, that doll…?
Medical Staff A: Amemiya Kaito.
Medical Staff B: Wasn’t his condition the same?
Medical Staff A: No, in Amemiya’s case, his sense of self[1] had already collapsed. He was in the process of falling into a state of mental distress.
Medical Staff A: If we take that into account, Karasuma Ageha has a considerable amount of willpower. Even while enduring the pain of repeatedly accepting and rejecting the flower, he’s managed to preserve his sense of self.[1]
Medical Staff A: It wouldn’t be strange for a normal human to have already deteriorated and gone completely insane.
Medical Staff B: Are we really going to let them go onstage in that condition? What if someone collapses mid-performance?
Medical Staff A: I’ve confirmed it countless times with the higher-ups. However, the restrictions of work activities can become quite stressful, which would negatively affect on the body. The decision this time might involve the entire project.
Medical Staff B: ...
Medical Staff A: Right now, Karasuma Ageha’s readings are very similar to Amemiya’s just before he took his own life. 
Medical Staff A: Though, the biggest difference is that he’s currently able to go about his everyday life without suffering a mental breakdown. I suspect that his emotional strength is controlling the flower’s intentions. 
Medical Staff B: That flower places a large burden on the body. If it’s ultimately rejected, that burden would be lifted… He must have struggled greatly to get to this point.
Medical Staff B: I wonder what could have driven him this far.
Medical Staff A: His human obsessions, perhaps.
Medical Staff B: Obsessions?
Medical Staff A: Well, that’s just what we’re currently researching, after all. If there's an existence that could understand Karasuma Ageha as he is now, it would have to be the closest thing to him. A doll who’s been influenced quite strongly by him… Perhaps–
PLANTs beeps.
Medical Staff A: Hm?
Medical Staff A: Looks like the data has finished syncing. Send the PLANTs back to their respective units.
Medical Staff B: Ah– Okay. PLANTs, go on back to Loulou*di and Anthos*’s management.
Both PLANTs beep and leave.
Medical Staff A: About that, do you think the PLANTs are able to converse with each other, too?
Medical Staff B: That’s impossible, don’t joke around. The day robots gain a sense of self[1] will be the day the world ends.
Rui: Ageha, where are you going?
Ageha: I don’t need to tell you that. 
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: *Sigh*. If I tell you, you’ll just end up following me. The medical staff or other related individuals might come here, so we can’t leave Toki on his own. 
Rui: …
Ageha: I’ll be back in time. 
Ageha leaves. A door opens and closes.
Ageha: …The piano in this practice room is quite nice.
 Toki: I’ll do it, I wanna try!
 Rui: Okay. For the basic finger positions, put your right hand here.
 Now, move your thumb over here, the one that just pressed ‘do.’ 
 Toki: Like this?
 Rui: Perfect. Now, starting with your thumb…
Ageha: Starting with the thumb…
Do, re, mi, fa–
The door opens.
Mahiro: Oh, Ageha-san.
Ageha: !
Mahiro: Good morning.
Ageha: You are… Yuuki Mahiro from Anthos*. It’s been a while since we last met.
Mahiro: I’m sorry for coming in unannounced. Were you playing the piano?
Ageha: It’s nothing special.
The piano lid shuts.
Mahiro: Oh, please continue if you’d like. I’d love to hear you play.
Ageha: I’m not at a level worthy of showing to others. 
Mahiro: …
Ageha: Is there something strange about that?
Mahiro: Oh, not at all, sorry. I might come off a little rude, but… I didn’t think there was anything you couldn’t do, so I felt a little closer to you for a second.
Ageha: …
Mahiro: Ageha-san?
Ageha: What is it?
Mahiro: I have something I want to ask you.
Ageha: Our time before a performance is precious, and yet you wish to use it to chat?
Mahiro: Yes. I have a feeling that if I don’t do it now, I won’t get another chance. 
Ageha: That’s quite an exaggerated way of putting it. I don’t know what you want from me, but please make it quick. We don’t have all day.
Mahiro: Thank you. I wanted to ask you about the flowers. 
Ageha: The flowers?
Mahiro: The flowers blooming inside our bodies. After bringing out our latent capabilities, what happens to them? If you know something about that, something more than just what’s been made public, please tell me.
Ageha: What makes you think I would know anything about that?
Mahiro: As our seniors in the project, you’re ahead of us in terms of experience.
Ageha: Ahead…?...
Mahiro: Hm?
Ageha: It’s nothing. That's not a question I can give you an answer to. Even if I did know something, I have no obligation to tell you that information.
Mahiro: Ageha-san…
Ageha: Let’s end this conversation here. It’s about time we–
Mahiro: What about Amemiya Kaito-san? Did he really just step down from the project?
Ageha: !
Mahiro: I don’t mean to pester you about this. All I want is to protect the things that are important to me—To protect everyone in Anthos*.
Mahiro: So, please– Tell me what you know. I’m begging you.
Ageha: And if I were to refuse?
Mahiro: …
Ageha: Mahiro-kun. You seem to be quite flustered over this. Did you think you’d be able to get some useful information out of me like that? It’s because you act this way that you’ll have the rug pulled out from under you in no time.
Mahiro: I think you’re just as anxious as I am, Ageha-san.
Ageha: Just like you are… How so?
Mahiro: I think you want to protect Loulou*di. Rui-san, Toki-kun– They’re people that are important to you. 
Ageha: Haha… Me, the same as you… You must be joking. The qualities of Loulou*di and Anthos* as units, and even our goals, are completely different. I would prefer it if you didn’t put us in the same boat. 
Mahiro: You’re turning a blind eye to it. Why have you, up till now—
Ageha: Have you not also been looking the other way?
Mahiro: Huh?
Ageha: You’re simply trying not to notice the feeling that’s slowly tearing at you… that feeling that the things you’re trying to protect are already on the verge of destruction.
Mahiro: …! No, you’re wrong…
Ageha: Mahiro-kun. Let me tell you one thing. What has once fallen and perished can never be revived... And what has once pitifully decayed will never return to its original state.
Mahiro: ...!
Ageha: That’s all I have to say. The practice room is all yours. I’ll be going now. 
Ageha starts walking away.
Mahiro: If fallen flowers can’t be restored, then we can just have them bloom again.
Ageha: (What the… He’s completely different.)
Mahiro: It’s scary to have something precious disappear from your grasp… No matter how much I want and struggle to protect them, they always slip through my fingers so cruelly and easily.
Mahiro: But I still refuse to lose anything else. 
Ageha: It’s a difficult pill to swallow. Even if you say you’re doing it for someone else’s sake, you’re just afraid of losing yourself. 
Ageha: You think you can save anything as long as it’s in the palm of your hand? What an arrogant way of thinking. 
Mahiro: Arrogant... You might be right. But even then, just standing by and watching what’s happening right in front of me without doing anything is wrong.
Ageha: If you just keep piling things up in your hands, one day you won’t be able to balance it all. By the time you realize it, everything will already be gone. You should only hold onto the things that you really, truly wish for. When you throw everything else away, then finally… you’ll be able to grab hold of those things. 
Mahiro: What I really, truly wish for…
Ageha: Yuuki Mahiro-kun. Why are you participating in this project? All you’ve done is spout off your naive ideals, but you’re obviously hiding your true intentions. It’s quite childish.
Mahiro: I… I’m here to learn the truth. But at the same time, I’ve done the things I have to do.
Mahiro: I want to protect everyone. Including you, Ageha-san.
Ageha: Enough with your egoistic nonsense!
Mahiro: !
Ageha: I never once asked for your help! And neither your beloved Anthos*! Ageha: If you really think they joined the project without their own resolve, whatever you do will only be a hindrance to them. Your foolish ego is only going to rob them of the future they’ve chosen for themselves. Ageha: Don’t get so drunk on your contradictory, self-centered justice. It’s so unpleasant. 
Mahiro: I–
Ageha: Let’s end this here, Mahiro-kun.
Mahiro: Ageha-san!
Ageha: What is it now…? Mahiro: I'm sorry. But I can’t give up now. I might be selfish… And you think that struggling is shameful, that I’m just a spoiled kid. But that’s just who I am. 
Ageha: Are you trying to start something?
Mahiro: What you say doesn’t matter to me. If I throw away these emotions, then I’m no longer myself. 
Ageha: *Sigh*. We’ve used up much of our precious time with useless chatter. This is pointless. It seems you won’t get better unless you die once. 
Mahiro: My greed, my disgrace, my shame and my hatred— I can’t just throw it all away. We aren’t just people who exist to create nothing but beautiful things. Everybody has things that aren’t meant for anyone else’s eyes. 
Mahiro: It doesn’t matter that we’re idols. It’s who we should be as humans.
Ageha: Who we should be… as humans… 
Mahiro: Yes. My soul might have changed, but I fully intend to find out the truth. 
Ageha: … Chihiro.
Ageha: Ahh, no, no! It can’t be–
Mahiro: Ageha-san. I know how much pain you’re going through.
Ageha: ーHah. How ridiculous, trying to sympathize with my feelings. I would prefer if you stopped speaking as if you understand me. 
Mahiro: That isn’t the only reason I’m saying all this. 
Ageha: Tch, then that’s all the more foolish!
Ageha: You’ve been in a blessed position since the moment you were born, a position I’ve had to fight tooth and nail to reach until my life had withered away! How could you possibly sympathize with me!? 
Ageha: A failure of an existence like yourself can never compare to someone like me, someone aiming for the pinnacle of thought!
Mahiro: Sympathy… is a two-way street…
Mahiro approaches Ageha. 
Ageha: Stay back! I don’t want to see your face!
Mahiro: Ageha-san, please take a good look. I am Yuuki Mahiro.
Ageha: *painfully gasping for breath*
Mahiro: Ageha-san.
Ageha: Don’t touch me!
Ageha: The real one is gone… A failure wearing that same face doesn’t deserve to live! It would be far better if Chihiro… if he was alive in your stead.
Mahiro: … I think so, too.
Ageha: What?
Mahiro: If my brother was alive instead of me, I’m sure lots of people would be far happier than they are now. The whole world, my… father, too… But, even more than that…
Ageha: …
Mahiro: Ageha-san, you really do think highly of my brother, don’t you? My brother… No, when the idol ChiHERO passed, the people in the industry, the media, even the fans— everybody spoke about him as if he’d never existed at all. 
Ageha: …
Mahiro: But you were different. While the world kept silent, you acknowledged that he had lived, you never cast him away like the rest of them did. 
Ageha: …So what?
Mahiro: I’m grateful. But, you’re not like my brother. You need to follow your own path, Ageha-san. The path you truly desire, without being swayed by anyone or anything. 
Ageha: Why must you say such things?
Mahiro: I’m the only one who needs to be held captive by my brother’s ghosts.
Ageha: Quit talking as if you know anything! 
Ageha attacks Mahiro.
Ageha: The blood that gushes from that neck of yours is the same as Chihiro… the same as his– how laughable!
Mahiro: Ageha… san…
Ageha: Yuuki Mahiro, if you’re going to say all that, then prove it to me. Those pretty, sentimental things you speak of, how long are you going to use them to get by? When you’re faced with the truth, will you still be able to speak of your justice?!
Ageha: Ahahaha… Even if I don’t have the power to strangle you, I can still tear your flower apart! 
Ageha: Though, that wound will disappear before you know it, right? You monster!
Mahiro: Even if our wounds disappear, we won’t forget how they felt! 
Mahiro: I’m not a monster, and neither are you! We’re real, flesh and blood humans! 
Ageha: …That’s enough. Please let go of my hand. 
Mahiro: …But…
Ageha: It’s gotten later than I thought. It’s about time we return to the dressing rooms. 
Mahiro: Um… Ageha-san…
Ageha: Other than us, a variety of artists and their fans will be in attendance. Let us struggle to our hearts’ content without any regrets.
Ageha: Yuuki Mahiro, from Anthos*.
Mahiro: …Yes.
Ageha: Flowers will wither without water, but an artificial flower has no need for such things.
Mahiro: Huh?
Ageha: It’s nothing. I’m just talking to myself.
Ageha leaves.
Ageha: …This is my final gift to you, President Amagiri.
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tl notes:
[1] "sense of self" is more specifically 自我, or "ego", which in psychology includes one's sense of self-identity and their personality.
at the end, the noise of ageha attacking mahiro is very akin to a punch or a slap, however the text describes him clawing at the back of mahiro's neck where his flower is. so take that action as you will with the dialogue and noises but. he definitely attacked mahiro here so i went with a more general descriptor for the scene
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myuntachi · 25 days
Loulou*di THINK OF ME: CHOOSE Translation : Project Archive L3-21
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proofreading: dimi, tsukimi
[general clamor]
Ageha: Please bring that post a bit further this way. It’ll be in the way of the formation change.
Stagehand A: Um, y-yes, of course. I’m on it.
Ageha: It seems that the artistic direction was also changed a bit from our finalized plans, no? The timing of the lasers is also off, and the sound system isn’t in the specified location. 
Stagehand A: I-I apologize. But, we have to keep the next artists in mind, too…
Ageha: What a pitiful excuse. To lower our own performance quality for other artists…
Isn’t it your job to adjust the program accordingly? I would appreciate it if you would drop that train of thought of yours.
Stagehand A: Ah, no, I didn’t mean to–!
Ageha: "To deliver the stage of Loulou*di’s creation"... We have devoted ourselves to our work with that single idea in mind. 
Even if you don’t share our vision, the least you can do is to complete your work without error. 
Stagehand A: R-Right.
Ageha: There’s a few more details of the video production that I’d like to verify. Please be sure to fix everything that was changed from the original plan before the performance.
Stagehand A: Understood.
Ageha: *Sigh*... PLANTs, let’s go.
Stagehand A: *Sigh*
Stagehand B: Good work out there. Everything all good with Loulou*di’s check-in?
Stagehand A: It’s far from good! I heard the rumors, but they’re even worse than I imagined! Karasuma-san’s expectations are way too high, it’s impossible. Loulou*di isn’t the only artist who’s going to use the venue. 
Stagehand B: Those expectations are why the world holds them in such high regard.
Stagehand A: But, it’s impossible to understand Loulou*di’s world on the level Karasuma-san wants. Of course we’ll try to take it into account as much as possible, but we can’t incorporate all of his ideas if we can’t fully understand them. 
Stagehand A: Don’t lump us normal people in with that guy, he’s got a few screws loose.
Stagehand B: Come on, he’s not that bad. Of course, Loulou*di’s on a completely different level from us, but we can learn a lot from the work of musicians like them.
Stagehand A: That might be true, but it’s such a headache.
Stagehand B: If you’re struggling that much, let’s switch roles.
Stagehand A: Huh? Are you serious? It’s seriously a pain.
Stagehand B: Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve worked with them once before. 
Stagehand A: Really?
Stagehand B: Loulou*di’s performances are incredible. The world they’ve created is truly a work of art. The basis of it is well thought out, and there’s a lot of attention to detail.
They’re artists who won’t be swayed by others’ opinions, and they give a lot of specific instructions during show preparations. Thanks to that, there’s just no words to describe the feeling of satisfaction after a show ends. 
Stagehand A: But, we can’t work just to feel good about our accomplishments. Wouldn’t that kind of thing just be exploiting us using our own job satisfaction?
Stagehand B: Well, those kinds of artists, who can put on any kind of performance they please, are fundamentally different from us staff. So, don’t you think that it’s unprofessional to sit here complaining and cranking out half-baked work?
Stagehand A: I’m so sorry. I was being rash.
Stagehand B: There’s only a handful of us entrusted to work at this event, so let’s make sure to go above and beyond. Redoing things or doing things differently, don’t worry too much about those kinds of changes. I have a deep respect for Karasuma-san’s… No, Loulou*di’s professionalism.
Stagehand B: Moreso, it’s important to keep these kinds of artists in mind while thinking about the current entertainment industry.
Mahiro: Important… to keep in mind…
Stagehand: Yuuki-san, sorry for making you wait.
We’re ready to start Anthos’s rehearsal. 
Mahiro: Ah, right. Thank you. 
Ageha: Here is fine. You can leave now. 
PLANTs beeps.
Rui: Ageha, you’re home late.
Ageha: What time I come home is none of your business.
Rui: None of my business… huh. 
Ageha: Where’s Toki?
Rui: Ah, he’s over there.
Ageha: A tablet? Is he checking on things for tomorrow?
Rui: No, he’s looking at social media.
Ageha: Social media…?
Rui: The Music Awards are coming up. I believe he’s looking up the artists who are scheduled to appear.
Ageha: I see.
Rui: We don’t have to lift a finger. Right now, Tokibou is only able to maintain consciousness so long as what he’s doing is related to Loulou*di.
Ageha: As long as he’s able to fulfill his role to perfection, that much is fine. It's much preferred over someone who doesn't take the job they're assigned to seriously.
Rui: Did something happen at the briefing session?
Ageha: Shut up. Stop talking.
Rui: Ageha–
Ageha: There’s nothing for you to worry about. If you have the time to fantasize about such unnecessary things– *Sigh*.
Ageha: Whatever. Really… Every little thing is such a bother…
Rui: Ageha, you…
Toki: Hey, Rui-san. Did you know? People with cold hands have the warmest hearts. 
Rui: Is that so?
Toki: Ehehe, yup! It’s true! It was written in a picture book someone read to me when I was little.
Rui: A picture book?
Toki: Ahaha. Aww, what’s with that face? Rui-san, you don’t believe me?
Rui: No, if Tokibou says so, then it must be true. 
Toki: Ehhh?
Rui: If people with cold hands have the warmest hearts, then do those with warm hands have cold hearts?
Toki: Hmm, I suppose that would be true, if you’re thinking about it simply. But if that’s really true, can you really call those people human?
Rui: What do you mean?
Toki: Well, if someone has a cold heart, doesn’t that mean they don’t have feelings? In that case, maybe those people can’t be thought of as human. 
Rui: I see. 
Toki: Hey, Rui-san. Give me your hand.
Rui: My hand?
Toki: Is my hand warm?
Rui: … It’s a bit cold.
Toki: Rui-san’s hands are all rugged, with long fingers. 
Rui: That’s not what you were talking about.
Toki: It was a joke! Rui-san’s hands are… Hmm… Just lukewarm. 
Rui: Lukewarm?
Toki: Hahaha! Yeah, lukewarm. But, I like Rui-san’s hands that way.
[flashback ends]
Rui: Ageha… You…
Ageha: Stop! How disgusting…
Rui: A-Ah. Sorry. Hah… His hands are cold…
Toki: “Music Awards”… “I’m looking forward to Loulou*di’s performance!” And here, “I want to hear Ageha-san’s singing ASAP!”... 
Ah… This post… “Loulou*di… is like… a family…”
Toki: Family…
Rui: Ageha, dinner is ready.
Ageha: Dinner… What a joke, it’s just those capsules with that insipid filling again, isn’t it?
Rui: No, according to the notice from the company, they’ve prepared a special meal for us tonight. 
Ageha: Tch…
Rui: Ageha, what is it?
Ageha: It’s nothing… What about Toki?
Rui: Right, I’ll go get him.
Ageha: Hah… I see. This is our Last Supper[1], if you will. 
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tl notes: [1] yes, he says the exact title of the painting in japanese.
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myuntachi · 1 month
Yodaka Natsume Novel - Ten Nights of Dreams
The Fifth Dream
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proofreading: aca, aera, niri, tsukimi
— Such was my dream. 
The world of the far, far future.
I was held captive in this world, having been charged with some serious crime after violating the laws of space-time travel. The details were unclear. I had no clue what I had done. I tried to remember, but I just couldn’t.
It was always like this. 
Incredibly important matters were always left forgotten; no matter how hard I tried, they would always slip through my fingers. There was something I was always hoping for, waiting for as I wandered aimlessly, akin to a wrecked spaceship left adrift in the cosmos. 
“Hey, Barkeep… No, Yodaka-san.”
Yuda stood on the other side of a glass partition. He stared at me intently with a pensive look on his face.
I raised my head and Yuda blinked, just once, tapping his fingers twice upon the table.
“You’ll get the death penalty at this rate. Are you really okay with that?”
It was inevitable. If it had already been decided, there was nothing that could be done.
Just one more time.
I want to meet them once more.
But, who?
… I couldn’t remember even that much.
“You can’t keep waiting for them. You and I, we’re going to live,” Yuda said. 
His voice was gentle in its invitation, his tone almost pleading. However, I could not accept this. 
“Please. If you’d just take my hand, I could save you.”
I knew that if I took Yuda’s hand, I certainly might be able to escape those vast worries and regrets. 
“This void of yours, your future, I’ll fill it all for you.”
“What do you say… Alright, I’ll wait for your answer, until dawn breaks and the birds sing.”
In that case, birds, I hope you never sing. 
“Ahhh… Yodaka-san reeeally is a wimp. Or, maybe you’re just stubborn?”
Indeed, with this forgetful brain of mine—
“If you’d just accept it, I could get you out of here.”
“Their” voice rang out as if delivering a divine message. 
”Cock-a-doodle dooooo~ It’s morniiiing. Well, actually it’s still pitch black outside, but it’ll be morning soon~.”
“The last customers went home while you were dozing off. Should we get to closing?”
The bar was empty, devoid of life. Instead, the subtle scent of alcohol, the aroma of the flowers Nagi had delivered, and the classic jazz Chouun was playing filled every corner of the room. 
“A bird… I see, so it was a chicken…”
“Ah, well, if you woke up from it, it must’ve been a rooster’s call.”
”I thought he was talking about a different kind of bird.”
“I guess you woulda preferred a pretty little cuckoo? You had another weird dream, huh.”
I gave a hesitant laugh; he was right on the mark. 
“I was in a far-off world of the future.”
“...... That so.”
For some reason, Yuda seemed at a loss for words, biting down on his lips. But after just a moment, he returned to his usual cheery self, smiling brightly.
“I don’t really dream much. Must be nice to get to see so many interesting things while ya snooze~”
That may be so. I'm sure there are people who'd enjoy experiencing an adventure in these dreams. But, my mind was filled by a void, and I often found myself unable to distinguish between dream and reality. 
The future and my memories always pass me by like flowing water, not stopping for anything.
"Perhaps it's even possible that ‘this here’ is a dream and ‘that over there’ is reality."
Yuda blinked, just once, and tapped his fingers twice upon the counter.
“Yeeah, yeah. Well, I don’t really get it. But doesn’t that just mean you’re the one who gets to pick which is which?”
“… That’s, true.”
”Why don’t you try deciding now? What’s a dream, and what’s reality, that is,” Yuda said with a laugh, but I just couldn’t bring myself to accept that right now.
“I’m not very good at making decisions. It’s a bad habit of mine, you know.” 
Every time I awaken, I find that the border between dream and reality becomes blurred. Standing on that border, I find myself in a constant loop of thinking and forgetting.
Reality is a dream, and dreams are reality.
Which was better? As for me, right now—
I still wasn’t sure.
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myuntachi · 1 month
Yodaka Natsume Novel - Ten Nights of Dreams
The Fourth Dream
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proofreading: aca, aera, niri, tsukimi
— Such was my dream. 
“It’s the Sengoku period, the era of treasure hunting! Right, Yodaka-sensei!”
“Though, it’s not the Sengoku period, but I suppose you’re right.”
My assistant held a treasure map in one hand, as carefree as ever. I couldn’t help but to laugh alongside them. Torch in hand, we stepped into a cavern in Egypt. We were in search of the elusive, mythical continent of Atlantis along with all the history and hidden treasures to be found within. 
According to the map, we were almost at our destination. The cavern was classified as an SSS-class difficulty exploration, filled to the brim with dangerous traps; it was imperative to prepare ourselves for whatever was to come.
“Oh, there’s a suspicious-looking button here.”
“You mustn't press that.. We don’t know what might happen—“
“I’m curious. I’m gonna press it.”
Right in front of us, spears began to stab out from the wall. I looked over my shoulder without thinking, seeing my assistant scratching their head sheepishly.
What a truly troublesome one indeed. Of course, as an explorer, you must hold a certain degree of curiosity, but too much can be quite dangerous.
”I won’t do it again, I’m sorry.” They smiled through their apology, bowing their head. When they turned to look forward—
“Look, there’s a weird lever over there!”
“We should leave it alone, of course.”
“Yeah, we should.”
“Very good.”
I was relieved that it seemed the same incident wouldn’t happen a second time. At the same time, right in front of my feet—
My toe caught on a tripwire hidden in plain sight. At that moment, a rumbling and an unsettling noise—
“Sensei, there’s a huge boulder coming straight at us! What a cliche trap, huh!”
“My apologies, while I told you to be more careful, I got negligent.”
“You’re really worrying about that now!? We gotta run!”
“We can hide in this crevice and let it pass. Now, over here. Come with me.”
“D-Don’t give me that alluring smile!!! Hurry up and take cover!” 
—Well, it is what it is.
“Waaaah! This cliff is so steep, and the passageway is only 20 centimeters wide!”
”Give me your hand. I will escort you.”
As expected, an SSS-difficulty cavern is truly difficult to take on.
“There’s tons of traps here!”
”If we fall into one, we fall together.”
If it weren’t for my assistant, I undoubtedly would have become discouraged sooner or later.
“Sensei, could this artifact be the key to the last dungeon?”
“The last dungeon…?”
“It should be just beyond this cavern. That kind of thing’s a given in these situations.” 
At last, we had arrived at the final site of our expedition. We stood in a grand hall, countless bottles of sake scattered about. An older, drunken man lay amongst the mess.
“The treasure lies just beyond this point, but… I wonder if you two will really be able to obtain it… hic…” the man spoke.
We learned that he had been an explorer, the same as us. However, many moons had passed since he had been rendered unable to move forwards. 
We bade farewell to the elderly nobleman, though he hadn’t given us any hints in particular. We began to move onwards, when—
“T-There’s a ton of snaaaakes!”
”Oh, we didn’t prepare any countermeasures against snakes, did we? It would be bad if we were to get bitten.”
We entered into a garden that protected the treasure we sought. As if to prevent us from moving forward, the snakes raised their heads, prepared to fight.
“If we use the towel[1] that old man gave us…”
“You can make such things like whips and nunchucks using that? That’s incredible.”
“Let’s fight!”
Together with my assistant, we nimbly assembled our makeshift weapons and rushed to attack the cobras, rat snakes, and vipers that laid before us. However, the snakes kept coming one after another; we were getting absolutely nowhere.
There was no doubt about it. We were cornered. I was contemplating what to do when my assistant rushed over to me. 
“This may be a life-or-death situation, but that’s okay. This is a dream, after all.”
“Huh? Where’s this coming from?”
”We might not have gotten our hands on the treasure, but this was really fun! Just like I thought, traveling and going on adventures really is the best!”
They smiled without a care in the world… Or at least, I think they did.
I couldn't be too sure. Their face was blurry, like an out-of-focus camera. 
“Now, it’s time I wake you up.”[1]
“…Who are you?”
”Hellooo! Good morning!”
I awoke, my surroundings a far cry from the cave I was just in.
”Mooorning. You sure sweat a lot in your sleep~. Here, a towel[1].”
Corn snakes, anacondas, lacertids; there were no such creatures here.
“Atlantis… Mu… Lemuria[3]… Treasure…”
The image of my assistant soon fizzled out like the foam on a pint of beer as well.
“Exploration, adventure, it’s calling to me…”
“That so? As long as you had fun, yeah? What kind of treasure, anyways?”
I was back at the same Ten Nights of Dreams; it was the same as ever inside the bar..
“I’ve no idea.”
“You didn’t even know what kinda treasure you were looking for?”
I was so close, but–
“Well, if it’s a real treasure, it might be closer than you expect! For example, ‘me’~?”
“Of course, Yuda. You’re my precious employee, as well as a friend.”
I couldn’t quite recall the face of my assistant, yet I felt deep down that I wanted to meet them once more.
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tl notes: [1] This line has two versions of the “I” pronoun depending on your MC’s gender, indicating that the assistant is the protagonist
[2] Tenugui (te meaning hands, nugui meaning wipe) are traditional Japanese cotton towels used as everyday hand towels and washcloths, but can also be displayed, worn as accessories, or used for gift wrapping.
[3] Mu and Lemuria are two sunken mythical continents similar to Atlantis
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myuntachi · 1 month
Yodaka Natsume Novel - Ten Nights of Dreams
The Third Dream
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proofreading: aca, aera, niri, tsukimi
— Such was my dream. 
“Haa.. Haa, Haa…”
I could smell the faint scent of blood mixed in with the muggy air as I struggled to inhale, gasping for breath. Not far from here, the battle continued on the north shore of Chao Lake[1].
“Haa… Haa…”
I was clad head to toe in armor, carrying somebody on my back as we continued down an untrodden path. With every step I took forward, the arrow wound in my shoulder hurt terribly. However, my like-minded and precious companion was in my care. I couldn’t afford to let him fall to the ground.
“Haa, Haa, Haa, Haa…”
This was the Battle of Hefei[2] towards the end of the Late Han Dynasty. I had barely escaped the battle between Cao Wei and Eastern Wu with my life, my injured compatriot on my back. If turning tail and fleeing is such a shameful act, I will surely be criticized for doing so. 
However, I didn’t think it would be right to simply stand by and let someone kill him like that. If I survive long enough, perhaps someday I can clear my name— But for now, that was probably the right thing to do.
Humidity enshrouded the forest, and even the smallest of sounds—the insect's singing, the owl's call—were lost in the depths of the darkness.
I continued onwards, a single light in the far-off distance serving as my guide. With my exhausted legs, I carried onwards into the haze.
“Just… a little further. We’re almost at the village. So…”
I called out to the man on my back. There was no reply, but I was certain that he had heard me. At least, that’s what I wanted to believe.
“..., …”
Strangely enough… I felt that the man on my back was getting heavier and heavier. His liveliness faded bit by bit, as if slowly being replaced by the heavy moisture in the air.
“Are you alright? Hang in there.”
“Please hold on. Once we arrive at the village, we can get medical treatment, a warm meal, and a soft bed.”
… There was no response. His silence was unsettling, so much so that I knew, deep down, he had already passed. Overwhelmed by the thought that I wasn’t able to save him, my anxiety grew.
What should I do? Should I stop to put him down and check on his condition? 
No, time was precious. I couldn’t be sure that nobody had followed us. I stopped for a moment, just to check if his breathing had stopped, but… 
No, just earlier—
“Who… is he…?”
I didn’t know exactly why, but it occurred to me just then; there’s no doubt that this person was supposed to be someone quite close… or so I thought. So why couldn’t I recognize that face? 
The sound of my armor scraping against itself.
Why did I pick this man up and carry him on my back?
The sound of the dry grass beneath my feet.
My precious companion… No, was he really my companion at all? I truly had no recollection.
Why was a war raging? When had I saved the man I held on my back? Is the light even really from a village—?
”I can’t remember.”
For the man on my back to get into such a state, was it even due to the battle to begin with—?
“…There is no village. I’ve been dead for quite a while now.” 
A warm breath grazed over my ear. 
“Or, could it be that you forgot?”
“… You’re…”
The man became heavier and heavier. It was as if everything within his body had long since been entirely replaced by water.
”You really did forget, huh.”
At last, I stopped walking.
I crumbled to the ground, falling to my knees where I stood. 
“We have nowhere to run. There’s no future to return to, is there?”
Yes, that’s right.
“No, future… To return to…”
That’s right. I'm almost certain that the weight of my sins must have led us here.
“Aw, geez.”
Yuda, I’m sorry.
“Yodaka-san, you really—“
Really— I’m sorry, Yuda.
“Yeah, yeah, goooood morning!” 
I sat up abruptly, gripping Yuda’s shoulder tightly as he peered at my face.
“Woah, wai— what are you doing!?”
Yuda winced in pain, but that didn’t matter much to me at that moment.
”You’re alive… I’m so glad…”
”What’s this? What kinda weird things were you dreaming about this time?”
“Could it be that… I killed you… and…”
Yuda looked at me in bewilderment, falling into silence with a pensive expression.
Finally remembering that it was nothing more than a dream, I lowered my hand to my chest.
“Sorry. I must still be half-asleep… It’s just another dream.”
Though I thought he would just laugh it off as per usual, Yuda—
”What is it?”
The corners of his mouth turned ever-so-slightly. Whatever Yuda was feeling, whatever he meant by his next words, I did not know.
“You’ll surely soon forget that sin as well.”
Just like that, the day ended without incident, the same as any other day. Yet…
“Just kidding!”
His cynical words bit into my skin like thorns, just a bit. 
“Don’t worry about it! Let’s close up, it’s almost closing time~”
In the end, I had nothing to say back, only offering my vague laughter in response.
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tl notes:
[1] Chao Lake is one of China’s major freshwater lakes located in Hefei. 
[2] The Battle of Xiaoyao Ford, also known as the Battle of Leisure Ford, Battle of Hefei, and Hefei Campaign, was fought between the warlords Cao Cao and Sun Quan between 214 and 215 during the prelude to the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history over the control of Hefei.
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myuntachi · 1 month
Yodaka Natsume Novel - Ten Nights of Dreams
The Second Dream
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proofreading: aca, aera, niri, tsukimi
— Such was my dream. 
I was wearing a Berkut spacesuit[1], which made it terribly hard to move. Just as I realized this, I was overcome by a wave of shock.
If I wasn’t mistaken, this kind of super retro space suit was worn on the first space mission. 
Why in the world was I wearing something like this?
“Ahh… that’s right.”
I remember now. I was on a spaceship, searching for Yuda as per the captain’s orders.
The time for the space-time warp was almost upon us; I had to store the debris-scanning radar and return to the ship’s bridge alongside Yuda.
”...Right, that’s how it went. Now, where’s Yuda…” 
I thought about the task at hand while rushing around the ship, searching for Yuda. After a few minutes of floating through zero gravity, I found him safe in the cargo hold–
The stars glittered outside the window in the darkness. For some reason, Yuda’s hands were clasped together while facing those same stars. 
“You’re praying out there? It’s about time for work.”
“Ah, Master! Hold on, it’s almost time~!”
Yuda turned to look at me, his voice bright. 
“Almost time? What are you talking about?”
“No way, you forgot? Today’s the day of the Lotus Throne[2] meteor shower.”
Lotus Throne meteor shower[3]…? Upon hearing those unfamiliar words, I came to a halt, floating in space.
“Eh, what’s with that face… Could it be, you don’t know? It only happens once every hundred years!”
“The legend says that if you make a wish before the statues of 100 Buddhas finish flying, it’ll come true! Today’s the day to do it!”
”I… see.”
”Everyone down on earth was looking forward to it, too~ 
"The warp can wait, bring the mokugyo[4]. Oh, and the juzu[5].”
Did we even have those kinds of things on the ship…?
Not only that, but I hadn’t even heard of this legend before. Yuda said it as if it were second nature. His conviction made me feel as though I must see it for myself.  
At that moment—
“It’s here!!” Yuda’s voice rang out.
From the dark depths of outer space, something akin to a luminous body appeared…
“…a Buddha.”
A cluster of wooden Buddhas carved into various mudra poses[6], such as meditation and nirvana, flew across the cosmos.
I had no idea where they had gotten the momentum to move through zero gravity from, but for whatever reason, they began aligning themselves in a circle… It seemed as if they were drawing the image of the Garbhadhatu Mandala[7] as they flew.
“The Gods and Buddha are sparkling throughout the emptiness of space! Isn’t it amazing!” 
“...It isn’t half bad.”
“I mean, enlightenment is the same as the universe, yeah? Being that it’s “empty” and all that.”
”Is… that so.”
“C’mon, pay your respects. Don’t forget to make a wish!”
“I know. Alright then… How about Namu…Namu Amida Butsu[8], will that suffice?”
“Anything goes, yeah? As long as it’s not an amen.”
I believed it was important to differentiate between the sects of religion; thus, there ought to be some limit to that sort of careless attitude–
But then, the divine buddhas cast a serene, archaic smile as though to cut through the fog of anxiety and doubts that I felt. They soared off as if to join the Zeta Reticuli[9] as one.
”I’m glad we got to see it!”
“That was… No doubt about it, that was truly magnificent.”
“Hey, what did you wish for?”
”It’s a secret.”
I was certainly grateful for this experience. There was no denying that it was an absolutely beautiful sight, but…
I couldn’t help but to think that watching them fly through space was somewhat unsettling. However, I couldn’t bring myself to rain on Yuda’s parade.
"If my wish could truly be granted, then..."
At this rate, I don't believe I could ever attain enlightenment.
“I want to meet them once more…”
Just as the thought crossed my mind, Yuda suddenly began to continue reciting the nembutsu—
I awoke with a start at the sound of a bell chime.
“Good morning, Barkeep.”
“Hey, you had Chouun set a timer? If you’dve asked, I coulda woken you up instead.”
Chouun and Yuda were both looking at me. 
That’s right, I had set an alarm on Chouun’s timer before I fell asleep… But, more importantly; 
“The Lotus Throne... Meteor shower…”
“It was like they were drawing a mandala[10]… amongst the far-off stars…”
At that instant, Yuda’s eyes narrowed curiously, just for a moment. It was almost amusing how fast his expression changed.
“Barkeep, I think you’re still half-asleep.” 
“It does seem So.”
”Yuda… You asked for a mokugyou… and the juzu, too.”
“I’ve no idea what you’re on about. Are we about to start chanting sutras?”
“I shall prepare a recording of the Heart Sutra.[11]”
Yuda sighed with a mere shrug, and Chouun’s body shook as if he were laughing. I couldn’t help but to laugh as well. Now that I think about it, I can’t quite remember what it was that I wished for—
For now, that’s something that can be set aside.
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tl notes:
[1] The Berkut spacesuit is the model created to be used by the crew of the Voskhod 2 mission and during the first spacewalk in 1965.
[2] The lotus throne (lotus platform) is a stylized lotus flower depicted as a pedestal for divine figures in Buddhist art.
[3] The meaning is the same for this instance of “Lotus Throne” however Yodaka reads with a different pronunciation, hotokeza (roughly Buddha’s seat, which is the lotus throne). However, there are a few alternate meanings that could be alluded to since the kanji for hotoke is not explicitly used here; there is a flower called hotoke no za meaning ‘harmony’ or ‘together with friends’, as well as a meaning of hotoke that references a deceased individual.
[4] A mokugyo is a wooden fish often used in Buddhist rituals involving sutras, mantras, or other texts.
[5] Juzu are Buddhist prayer beads (counting beads). Prayer beads are used to count the number of times a mantra is recited during meditation.
[6] Mudra poses are spiritual gestures in Buddhism. 
[7] The Womb Realm (Garbhadhatu) mandala is a prevalent mandala in Japanese Buddhism and forms the core of JP Buddhist rituals alongside the Diamond Realm mandala. It depicts twelve great halls with the central hall being the court of the eight-petaled lotus; this hall contains imagery of Mahāvairochana Buddha sitting in the center lotus (See [2]), surrounded by four Buddhas and 4 bodhisattvas sitting on the petals. It represents the Dharma body of Mahāvairochana Buddha, considered the fundamental principle of the universe.
[8] This chant translates roughly to “homage to Amida Buddha” in English. It is seen as a way to reach the Pure Land by negating negative karma and channeling the Buddha’s power.
[9] Zeta Reticuli is a binary star system in the constellation Reticulum. They are very similar to the sun. It is also believed by some that the Zeta Reticuli could host extraterrestrial species.
[10] The text specifies besson mandala, which is a smaller mandala focused on one single deity. 
[11] The Heart Sutra famously states "Form is emptiness (śūnyatā), emptiness is form." It is the most frequently recited text in Mahayana Buddhist tradition.
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myuntachi · 1 month
Yodaka Natsume Novel - Ten Nights of Dreams
The First Dream
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proofreading: aca, aera, niri, tsukimi
— Such was my dream.[1]
In this dream, I was a tree. 
Within a forest that resembled a culvert, I had become a single tall trunk.
Being a tree, I had no mouth. The wind’s gentle breeze rustled my branches and leaves. 
With great difficulty, I managed to look around… Ah, of course, I had no eyes to see with, yet somehow I could still see what was around me. 
I shifted my gaze to a spot close to me and realized that just below my eyes stood a small shrine.
There was a little old shrine and a torii gate. Judging from its appearance, it didn’t seem to be well maintained, making it hard to tell what it was dedicated to. 
However, this didn’t strike me as odd at all. After all, it was just a dream. 
In dreams exists both everything and nothing. 
The shrine, and this body of mine; nothing was strange at all. 
But even so, my thoughts were racing, wondering what this dream could possibly be.
A boy climbed the set of stone stairs that lay opposite the torii gate. He was dressed in a plain kimono, akin to something you’d see around the Edo Period. 
He stood before the shrine, his profile one I felt I’d seen before. With resolve shining in his eyes, he spoke. 
“I want to meet that person, just one more time.”
His voice was that of someone who’d gone mad.
Every day, he came to pray without fail, moving as though he wished not to be seen; as though he was carrying out a sacred ritual for his eyes only.
Every day, I watched him come and go. There was nobody else who came to visit this place, so it was only natural that I would notice his presence. I was the sole witness to the boy’s prayers.
Every day, for a hundred days, he continued to visit the shrine. 
At that point, I finally understood. That boy was attempting the hundred days prayer[2]. 
It was a folktale I knew of. It said if you prayed for something for a hundred days without pause, anything you prayed for would come true. 
”Just one more time, let me…” 
I had no idea what was running through his head, but after watching him for such a long time, I couldn’t help but sympathize with his efforts. 
Being unable to meet the one you yearn for… I felt as if, somehow, I understood his pain. I desperately wished that I could somehow answer his prayers, but—
Naturally, I couldn’t do much, for I was a tree. I had no strength, and couldn’t answer his prayers. All I could do was pray alongside him. 
But eventually—
“It’s pointless…”
On the hundredth day, no miracles occurred. 
A deserted shrine. A forest with no signs of human life. 
Knowing that no one had heard his prayers, despair clouded his gaze. However, no sooner had it come than the boy steeled his resolve. It almost seemed as if he had been expecting this outcome.
”In that case, I’ll just keep going for 100 years.”[3]
And, just as he said, he continued to pray for a hundred years more.
Through rain, wind, and snow, he came to the shrine every day without fail, and I continued to watch over him. I began to wonder who he could possibly be waiting for. 
Was it family? A friend? Perhaps a lover? 
… It must be his lover.
His eyes have always held the burning passion of a man in love. A hundred years of waiting for his beloved had stoked the fire inside him to burn brighter and brighter as time passed by.
Before I knew it, the boy had passed away. Though his body had rotted away, his spirit continued to visit the shrine.
At last, the hundredth year had arrived.
Just before the time of day when the boy always arrived—a girl appeared. 
Dressed in white, her downcast gaze was filled with sorrow, yet her expression was content. She spoke in a low murmur, her voice not quite reaching my ears. In her hands, she held a single white lily[4], extending it out as an offering.
It seemed to be a final farewell of sorts; both a symbol of her love and of a new promise as well. 
Without speaking another word, the girl looked up at the night sky. 
And then, just like that, she vanished as if the breeze had blown away her very existence. 
At the same time, the boy who had been waiting for 100 years climbed the now-mossy steps—
“Oh, you’re finally up?”
“The barkeep really is a big sleepyhead~.”
Yuda[5] peered into my face as I blinked awake. 
“… No, It must be. That white lily had to be the incarnation of that girl. Yeah, I’m sure of it…. the one he had been waiting for…”
“Incarnation? Were you dreaming about ghosts or something?”
”No, the lily…”
“Eh? The ghost of a lily?”
Yuda had misunderstood completely, but I didn’t feel the need to correct him. 
No matter what I say, I’ll always be the bar’s sleepyhead of a Master in his eyes, always spinning tales of my fantastical dreams. 
“… If I could become a flower, I wonder what kind I would be.”
“Heeh~ You’d suit being a rose. Got any plans to become a flower anytime soon?”
”It’s a shame, but… No, I don’t plan on it.” 
“No, huh?”
Yuda chuckled at the thought of something so strange. As for me—
“Surely, I’d be the one waiting a hundred years.”
And so I dreamed yet again, believing that the white lily had at last brought happiness to that man.
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tl notes:
[1] In Natsume Souseki’s Ten Nights of Dreams, every chapter starts with this line
[2] This is in reference to the first chapter of Souseki’s Ten Nights: “Please wait a hundred years,” she exclaimed resolutely.“For a hundred years, wait beside my grave, please, as I shall not fail to come to you.”
[3] The term hyakudo mairi is a folk belief where one goes to pray for a hundred days, believing that multiple prayers leads to a greater likelihood of your prayers being fulfilled
[4] Single white lilies are given as offerings to the dead in Japanese culture
[5] Yuda is the full name of Yunyun
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myuntachi · 1 month
Lu Liguang SPICY RESORT SSR Translation; Unanimous Cooperation Pt.2
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proofreading: jelly, niri
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📍Holiday Aquatown
Momiji: Alright, we’re here! There’s so many people!
Kafka: We got a great spot for our shop. It seems like we can attract a lot of customers from here.
Liguang: Yeah. I’m counting on you today.
Ushio: Got it. I’ll leave it to you guys to bring in customers.
Kafka & Momiji: Okayyyy.
Kafka: Limited to Holiday Aquatown! How about an Aqua Drink and some mitarashi¹ shaved ice—!
Momiji: For a limited time only, you can get a charm to hang on your straw! It’ll make a great memory to bring home! 
Trendy Swimsuit Babe A: Hey, that doggy charm is adorbs~! The color of the drink is totes fab, too~!
Trendy Swimsuit Babe B: This shaved ice is sooo delish~ Total #FoodPorn moment~! Hits the spot after a swim and gonna be a hit on the feed too~!
Ushio: It finally slowed down…
Kafka: It got crazy popular. As expected of Ushio.
Liguang: Attaching a souvenir charm to the straws was a perfect idea to appeal to the type of clientele here. We’re doing quite well on sales.
Liguang: Using mitarashi on the shaved ice was a great idea, too. It was the right call to place my trust in you.
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Ushio: W-well, anyone can do this much…
Liguang: Take breaks when you can, everyone. My fool of a sister packed energy supplement jellies for us in order to prevent heatstroke.
Kafka: How thoughtful♪ Thanks, Liguang.
Ushio: Got it. Was planning on taking one, anyways.
Liguang: I’m going to take a look at the other shops.
Momiji: Going to scout them out? We’ve had our hands full here at our shop, it’s only natural to be curious about the others…
Liguang: Momiji, come with me.
Momiji: Is that okay? Of course I’ll come!
Kafka: Chief-chan, come look around the stalls again with me later. Have fun.
Momiji: Yeah, I’ll be back!
📍Holiday Aquatown - Outdoor Area
Momiji: I was so focused on the shop that I didn’t notice, but this place is packed with things to do!
Liguang: Indeed. It’s open year-round, but as expected, summer seems to be their busiest season. 
Momiji: (From a classic lazy river into a practically vertical waterslide! I gotta try that out…!)
Momiji: Liguang-san, can we… try going down that waterslide?
Liguang: …
Momiji: (H-he’s ignoring me… Not that I thought he’d agree to ride with me in the first place.)
Liguang: I didn’t bring a swimsuit.
Momiji: Oh, but we can rent them over there!
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Liguang: …
Momiji: R-right…!
Momiji: (I wonder if he would’ve agreed to it if he had brought one…!? I kinda wanna see him in it…)
Child: It’s coming—! 
Momiji: Huh, wha…
Momiji: (A-A bucket right above us?! It’s so big that I didn’t notice at all…!)
Momiji: Ah.
Liguang: …Tch.
Momiji: Waah!
Momiji: (Huh? Someone pulled me away…!)
Momiji: Ahh! Liguang-san, you’re soaked!?
Momiji: (Could it be, he protected me…?)
Liguang: Somebody would have made a huge fuss later if you got wet. 
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Sojun: Boss. Have a towel.
Liguang: Yeah. Sorry.
Momiji: Sojun-san, since when…!?
Sojun: Momiji-san, take one as well.
Momiji: (H-he brought out those towels so fast…!) 
Momiji: Thank you, but Liguang-san’s clothes…
Liguang: It’s fine, it’s not a big deal. It’ll dry eventually.
Liguang: I didn’t realize we were right under that.
Momiji: I was surprised, too.
Liguang: …I used to play around in the water too, a long time ago.
Momiji: I-is that so? Liguang-san playing in the water…
Liguang: Are you surprised?
Momiji: It doesn’t really suit your image. But, of course even Liguang-san had a phase like that! 
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Liguang: ……*chuckles*. Yeah, I did.
Momiji: Next time, let’s definitely come to play around together!
Liguang: … Only if I have a swimsuit.
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📍Holiday Aquatown
Kafka: Alright, we’re closed for the day! Today went great!
Ushio: *sigh*. I’m beat.
Liguang: Thanks to you, we ended the day with great success. 
You have my thanks. In addition to financial compensation, allow me to treat you to a meal tonight.
Kafka: Ahaha. If you insist.
Ushio: I’m kind of craving something expensive.
Kafka: Enjoying some delicious ethnic food while enjoying the scenery… This is pretty nice.
Ushio: This super-spicy green curry slaps. It’s nice to be able to choose the spice level, too. I bet it’d be even better if it was spicier. 
Momiji: It really hits the spot! Wait, over there, is that…?
Momiji: (So Liguang-san’s been there this whole time…) 
Momiji: Liguang-san.
Liguang: Ah, Chief. Thanks for your hard work today.
Momiji: It was nothing! If anything, thank you for earlier!
Liguang: Don’t mention it. I got a lot out of it.
Momiji: A lot…?
Liguang: Want a beer? Here.
Momiji: Sure, thanks! This brings back memories of KOBE, huh.
Liguang: Yeah, you’re right.
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Liguang: …I suppose this sort of thing isn’t bad every once in a while.
tl notes:
[1] mitarashi is a sweet soy sauce glaze typically used on mitarashi dango
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