naaa-mmmm-ice · 4 years
Just a little heads up
Hi! So as you can probably see I haven’t written much yet, but... It’s kinda hard to write fanfics without a prompt or at LEAST a little inspiration. I have had a couple ideas in my head for a while now but I could definitely use someone else's idea and turn it into writing for them?? Anyways, that’d definitely help a lot, thank you!! 
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naaa-mmmm-ice · 4 years
George Weasley One Shot
This time this is how George would react if he found out you had a crush on him. (Check last post for Freds reaction)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------George would be sooooooo smooth with confronting you I stg. He would be able to handle this without making you even more embarrassed than you already were.
-That being said, he definitely wouldn’t be able to stop himself from being embarrassed when confronting you. He wouldn’t want you to think that he didn’t reciprocate or didn’t appreciate it so he would start to stumble with his words as he starts to explain how he feels. 
It’s so fucking cute. 
-He does have an unstoppable slight blush that spreads across his face when he talks to you about the crush. He is SO genuine about this.
-He kept this way more private and didn't even tell FRED about it till after he talked with you. 
You were on the verge on a mental breakdown. 
How could I be so stupid? 
You repeated this in your head up until you reached the entryway to your next class. 
You took a deep breathe and charged right into the room, straight to your seat with your head somewhat hung, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
George Weasley.
Of course he had to be in your second class of the day.
(flashback to breakfast)
During breakfast while you were talking with your best friends, the topic of (potential) boyfriends had come up and you decided right then and there would be a fantastic time to reveal your crush on George Weasley. 
Your friends squealed, and they squealed loudly. Drawing the attention of some of the other students at the Gryffindor table, but after a moment of continuous, inaudible squealing from your friends, most decided to resume minding their own business. All except for one person, George. They didn't think you liked ANY boy in your year and were low(high)key freaking out about it. You immediately shot down the idea of you two dating because you just didn’t think you were “his type of gal”, but still going on about how you think he would make a fantastic boyfriend (not aware he was still listening in). 
Now you weren’t a supper well known student, but you did well in class. You didn’t raise your hand often but when you were called on you seemed to get the answers right most of the time. You were friendly with others and from what George could tell you seemed to have a large sense of humor. He was attracted to the mysterious side if you, but was pulled in by the few times he heard you truly express your humor. He found you very alluring, but would never have told you if it wasn’t for him overhearing.
But as the conversation went on about your fascination and interest as to how he would act as your boyfriend, a friend nudged your soldier and pointed to the onlooker. 
The talking immediately stopped as you had turned tomato red and made eye contact with the subject of the conversation. Eye contact was kept for a couple seconds before you had looked away and stared at your food, counting down the seconds before you can leave the dining hall and sprint straight to the first class of the day. 
----------(Back to current time)---------
You sat in your seat, impatiently waiting for the lesson to end as you refused to look in Georges direction. It seemed like the teacher was dragging this class on forever, it was almost painful sitting in your seat. Your toes tapped the ground and fingers tapped the desk in front of you. Absolutely no notes were taken that class. The only thing you could focus on was how you could avoid George... forEVER....
Finally, after ETERNITY, you were dismissed. You gathered your items faster than anyone else in class, or so you thought. Unfortunately as you were hyper focused on leaving before George and cleaning up your stuff as rapidly as you could, you didn’t realize that he had already left the room before you. 
Without even looking up, you sprinted out the room and bumped right into the person you hoped to never talked to again. Books and feathers thumped onto the ground and you both bent down to pick it up.
“Oh I am so sorry George, I wasn’t watching where I was walking....” You said while bending your knees. 
“Please don’t worry about it I should have been more considerate of where I was standing.” He said while heading down after you. 
As you both knelt on the ground, you could feel his breathe atop your head. You were v e r y close. By this time, most of the students had left the last class and were now on their way to their third class, leaving you and George in a relatively empty hallway. 
You were grabbing all of your things as quick as possible when you heard him whisper softly,
You kept going
“wait please (y/n)... I would like to speak with you”
“Sorry George but I’m not sure how my next professor will act if I'm late.”
This is when he grabbed your hand and you immediately halted. Feeling his warm skin against your own was new, but not unpleasant. You looked up into his eyes, confused as you were readying yourself to be rejected.
You stayed silent, but made not verbal or physical objection to him touching you. So he kept his hand upon yours.
“I was very shocked to hear you talking about me this morning.” As he says this, a smile creeps upon his lips as he somewhat shyly takes his other hand and starts messing with his cloak. 
“But it most definitely did not make me upset if this is what you thought when you saw me staring.-”
He took a slight pause but continued short after.
“I really like you too. And I would really like to learn more about you and I would like to think I would make a really good boyfriend his given the chance.”
You were SHOCKED... You never thought he would be interested in you like this. I mean sure, you guys talked somewhat in class sometimes but never in incredible depth. 
“Hmmm??” You just stared and kept eye contact, slightly making him more embarrassed with each passing second.
“Will you give me the chance to be a good boyfriend?”
oh FUCK YES you screamed in your head.
By this point you couldn’t contain the smile that crept upon your lips. You had this huge toothy grin on your face and you felt somewhat stupid. But nonetheless you answered him, withOUT stuttering (shockingly).
“Absofuckinglutely I will give you the chance to be a good boyfriend.” 
He laughed a hearty laughed and took both of his hands and placed them on your cheeks. He just admired your beauty when he suddenly realized that you two were most definitely late for class.
You had realized this too, a while ago actually, but quite honestly didn’t care. You just shrugged and laughed as his eyes went wide with his realization and said quietly.
“Don’t worry George, I’m sure professor will be understanding if I told him I got sick and had to go to the bathroom.”
He laughed again and decided to right then and there give you a kiss. It was sudden and quick, but oh so very sweet. And you just sat there in the hallway for the next couple minutes before deciding to head to class. 
This is not how you expected him confronting you to go, but you were definitely pleased of how it went. 
(sorry if the writing seems rushed or if there are any spelling mistakes. Im pretty tired rn and decided to write this randomly in the middle of the night)
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naaa-mmmm-ice · 4 years
Fred Weasley One Shot
Fred Weasley find out you have a crush on him and teases you relentlessly. Turns out he had another reason to doing so instead of just trying to make you mad.                    
This mf would be soooooo cocky all the time. About the littlest shit too. Blew up somebodys’ potion in Potions? He’s laughing about it for hours, even in front of the kid. Made you blush while you were trying to perform a spell in front of the whole class? Teases you the rest of the day. Has a prank go wrong but ends up turning out better than expected? Get ready, because the rest of the week that's allllllll you’ll be hearing about.
You poor soul. When this asshole found out you liked him. He told
 e v e r y b o d y
It was a terrible week for you. George and Ginny were on your ass about it and even Ron knew and asked you if it was true. Given, Fred was a Sixth Year and you were a Fifth. But jesus can’t a girl have a crush on a dumb, tall, freakishly hot redhead?
But don't all bad things have a happy ending? No, not all bad things have happy endings. But this week of hell definitely did, and this ending you were     n o t prepared for.
By the end of the week, you were embarrassed. You were tired. You were mentally frustrated with yourself and everyone around you. Especially Fred Weasley. Everyday this week you had people coming up to you left and right. “Do you like Fred?”
“Is it true?”
It was fucking hell. Miserable. Absolutely the worst. Fred had already figured it out so what point was there in denying it to everyone who asked.
You were done with this shit.
All you wanted to do was walk out of your last class unbothered, and march straight to your room. This would have been the case if George hadn’t pulled you into an (almost) empty hallway and halted your tracks of going straight back up to the Ravenclaw common area.
When George had finally stopped tugging at your arms you were met with the cold look of emptiness that the hallway gave you. He was behind you when he pushed so you couldn’t see anything behind your back until you turned around.
Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME -- You a l m o s t screamed. Thank god for internal dialogues amirite.
At first you were met with the strong build of Fred’s chest. How did you know it was Freds and not Georges? He was wearing Molly Weasley's iconic “G” sweater she had sent to George during the Holidays.
You didn’t even bother to look up. Although you did straighten your robes and fix your posture. Probably to seem more mature than him. (This wasn’t super necessary considering everyone already knows he has the maturity of a two year old).
“Can I help you Weasley?” You stared coldly, right into his chest. Not even batting an eye when he chuckles and states with his viscously mocking tone.
“Ouch (y/n), not even going to look me in the eyes?”
“Fuck you.” You stated plainly. No hurt and no anger (although it was completely there) was present in your voice. You would not give him the power of knowing he had such a big effect on you. You would not give him the satisfaction.
You were not expecting silence. You thought he would say something, anything, to mock you or embarrass you further.
But he didn't?
You waited a couple more seconds and still no answer. This is when you decided to look him in his gorgeous brown eyes.
He looked stunned, mouth slightly agape, looking down at you with a crinkle in his forehead as he scrunched his eyebrows together trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
“Huh?” Was all he could get out, staring right back at you.
“You heard what I said. Fuck you. You made this week miserable. I had people coming up to me left and right asking me if I had a crush on you. I had incessant teasing coming from George and Lee. I had to sit in class, next to YOU, as YOU decided it would be a fantastic idea to whisper into my ear, loud enough for EVERYONE to hear,
Never thought a girl like you would be so into me.
I am tired and exhausted and if you and George just pulled me aside just to tease me even more about liking you I am going to hex the living hell out of you.”
By this point you had turned your head completely away from him in fear of him either laughing at you, being more confused, or panicking at the sight of the water droplets threatening to leave your eyes.
But he didn’t want this to happen this way. Definitely not this way.
You closed your eyes in hopes of shoving the water back down and almost forgot he was there. Up until you felt two large hands, around the size of your face grab the sides of your cheeks. Without your control, your head had turned right back into his direction and your eyes found his as a soft look had taken over his expressions.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, staring into you so deeply you thought he was doing a thorough examination of your soul.
“You’re kidding right?” Was ALL you could get out before a salty tear slid down your cheek and onto your lips.
But with this he wiped the tear with his thumb and repeated again.
“I am sorry.
I never meant to make you so frustrated. I didn’t mean to tease you so badly.
(although he though your beatred face was absolutely adorable)
To be honest I wasn’t even 100% sure that you did truly like me until you started admitting to everyone that you did.”
You were s h o c k e d
“Honestly, it was kind of a relief to hear you admit it so many times because if you hadn’t, I don’t think I would believe it even in the slightest.”
You didn’t know what to say. You were the confused one this time, and he could tell, so he took that as a sign and continued.
“I was really happy when I heard you liked me, and I teased you about it because I thought seeing your red face was cute. But I should’ve realized it had become too much when you started avoiding people more. I really am sorry.
George didn’t pull you to this hallway just so I could make fun of you. He pulled you out here because I wanted a quiet place where I could say that I like you too. And I recently noticed just how much I like you when you started avoiding people. And not just the people in your classes, but me. When I realized how much I missed your presence around me. When I realized how often I look your way when I do something stupid or say something that I think is absolutely hilarious.”
You were weak in the knees. WEAK IN THE KNEES I SAY. This cocky mf just admitted that he likes you?? And not like--
“Oh yeah ig you're cute too”
--But really, really likes you. You kept your mouth shut because you definitely wanted to see where this was going.
“I… I needed a quiet place where I could ask you to be my girlfriend.
Hearing the words ‘fuck you’ come out of your mouth were unexpected but very well-deserved.” With this he did the awkward shrug with his shoulders and withdrew his hands from your face. Realizing that he might have kept them there for a little too long. Simultaneously withdrawing the warmth that you yearned so long for.
“So haha… uhm *cough cough*” He stuttered his words as he took both of his arms and reached behind his head to rub his neck. Hanging both hands there awkwardly waiting for you to react as you stood before him with an open mouth.
You reached back to grab both of his hands and moved them in between your bodies so you could hold them with optimal comfort. You took a second. Closed your mouth. And tried thinking of anything… anything to say. But the only thing that came to mind was
“Yes Fred.”
Praying to any and/or all the gods above, that he would understand.
And he did.
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