ncinthehouse · 7 years
December 31, 2017 is the only day where every adult was born in the 1900’s and everyone else under 18 was born in the 2000’s
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ncinthehouse · 7 years
If you took an ancient Roman to the present, and only showed him the worlds capital buildings, they would think Rome conquered the whole world.
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ncinthehouse · 7 years
When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present thinks they can change the future by doing something small.
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ncinthehouse · 10 years
Jasmine Chun Hao from Adagio Teas
http://www.adagio.com/green/jasmine.html Jasmine Chun Hao from Adagio Teas This tea has the strong fragerance of Jasmine. The smell of Jasmine is overwhelming from the bag. The tea smells great, but in my opinion the taste of the tea is really bland and uninteresting. This tea is great if you are looking for purfume-like tea, but the taste would definately improve if some honey is added to it! I would recommend this tea if you're looking for a sweet smelling tea and you don't mind the taste of sweet but not sweet. If not, then move on. 2/5
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ncinthehouse · 10 years
Almond Oolong Tea from Adagio Teas
http://www.adagio.com/oolong/almond_oolong.html Almond Oolong Tea from Adagio Teas This tea is simply delicious. The aroma of the tea is both steeped and dry is attractive and sweet. The taste of the tea is bland, but that is to be expected. It has a fruity taste, but it is bland. The after taste of this tea is great. I really enjoyed this tea. I give it a 4/5. I am considering buying more after I run out!
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ncinthehouse · 11 years
Out of the Wild: Venezuela
Out of the Wild: Venezuela After Thoughts I enjoyed the personalities of the people who undertook this challenge. My favourite adventurer was Michael, the 50 year old critter catcher, because I could relate to him the most. The scenery of Venezuela was refreshing to see and to see the adventurer's plight through the harsh lands was interesting and enduring. By the end of the show I cared about each character for different reasons. Nick's strengths was leading. He was kind of a baby-sitter for the rest of the group. Michael's strengths was hunting, fishing, and critters. Ryan was something of a muscle man who helped where he could. Brad was the ending group's mascot and moral booster. He made the show more refreshing to watch. Andre, the only woman who made it to the end, was strong and had great endurance. Forgive me if I get her name wrong. I do believe it is Andre, but if it isn't, then please correct me. The show's progress through the Venezuela wilds was exciting. One episode they would be dealing with freezing rains and the jungle, and then next episode they would be dealing with starvation and raging rivers. You never knew what to expect next other than that they were going to be hungry. The show is capable of teaching people things to, but it didn't go to in depth about what the people were doing to survive. One thing that bothered me is that they didn't include the camera man in the group. He has to eat, sleep, and move along side them to. Perhaps I am just anal but I would prefer them to include the camera man that came along with them, or did they switch out camera men every day? If so then that had to be daunting for the adventurers to see a helicopter drop a new guy down for them every day. Another thing that bothered me is that there was numerous over-head shots of their routes and when they were traveling. This means that the adventures, or camera man, would have to contact the air crew when they started moving again or that the adventurers were on a deadline. Some areas were drastically better for survival than others so if they were on a deadline then they were forced to push through the wild at an uncomfortable rate. Overall, I enjoyed the show and recommend it to others if they enjoy reality survival shows. This series doesn't feel "commercial." It feels very down to earth. 8/10
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ncinthehouse · 11 years
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Here lately I've been playing this new platformer called "Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams". I'm a big fan of platformers. I remember my first platformer, Mario, and my favorite platformer, Crash Bandicoot, and find that I can't find this type of thrill and amazement in many platformers anymore.
I was pleasantly surprised when I played through "Super Meat Boy". It had many of the same elements as Giana Sisters. Let me explain.
This game is about two sisters who get abducted by a crystal-swirly object. At the beginning of the game the blond sister is taken and the red-headed goth looking sister is chasing after their abductor: A dragon. This is about as far into the plot as I'm going to go since I haven't beat the game yet.
This game is extremely strong in all aspects. The game is divided by two different and distinct styles, which ties into the game play. These two styles are what makes the game so unique and strong. To put it simply, the red-headed sister is in a world of sunshine and friendly creatures while the blond-headed sister is in a world of goth and evil. Players are capable of playing as either the red-headed sister or the blond-headed sister by switching with a click of a button.
The soundtrack is different in each world and the player is capable of switching sisters at any time. What surprised me the most is how fluid the soundtrack is when switching worlds and how good it sounds. The goth-laded world has a more metal and hardcore soundtrack while the sunshine world has uplifting tunes.
The monsters also change in each world. A frog spitting green gunk in sunshine world is a knight in armor in the goth world. Friendly looking fat birds become imps. The environment, backgrounds, and feeling of the game changes depending on which world you are in. The level design is the best I've seen in a long time. Each level flows effortlessly and is immensely entertaining to transverse. A friendly looking tree in sunshine world becomes a menacing giant mushroom in goth world, and even the friendly heart lanterns turn into menacing lamps. 
Each sister has a unique power-up. The red-head is capable of turning into a fireball and thrusting herself in any direction at a fast speed. The blondie is capable of a double-jump that turns into a twirl, which allows her to slow her descent. The game introduces new game play dynamics at the perfect pace. One of these dynamics is a box with holes in it. If the player approaches the box and stands beside it, or on top of it, then spikes fly out of every angle and hurt the player. However, if the player is in sunshine world the box is just a frog with no attack, and by jumping on the frog's head it stuns him and makes the box in the goth-world become turned upside down which creates a spring-board for the player. This is just one example of a new dynamic - there are more dynamics that make this game refreshing to play through.
Giana Sisters implemented boss battles at the end of the series of stages the player partakes in. At the end of each series there is a boss fight. This is a dynamic in my favorite platformers such as Crash Bandicoot or Super Meat Boy. The bosses in Giana Sisters are challenging but not too much so. Boss battles are pretty much a staple in almost all platformer games, but even then Giana Sisters does their Boss battles well even though the bosses can be frustrating to deal with. Giana Sisters has a lot of replay value in its many game modes, refreshing environments, difficult-yet-not-to-hard level design, and outstanding soundtrack. Overall, I rate this game an 8/10.
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