This blog is officially archived! Find Arya as a very main muse on @multimuse-rp <3333
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This blog is officially archived! Find Arya as a very main muse on @multimuse-rp <3333
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This blog is officially archived! Find Arya as a very main muse on @multimuse-rp <3333
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This blog is officially archived! Find Arya as a very main muse on @multimuse-rp <3333
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Uhtred had always been strong. Arya had never in her life seen him break down like this before. He had loved Gisela with all of his heart, and now, she was gone. Arya couldn’t even imagine what he was going through. She knew he needed to be strong for his children, but she wasn’t his child. “I know,” she whispered. “But you are the one who lost your wife.” When he fell to his knees, she wrapped her arms around him even more tightly, letting him cry as she rubbed his back. “It’s okay,” she murmured softly. “It’s okay, Uhtred… you can’t keep it bottled up forever. Just let it out, and then you can be strong for your children, okay?”
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Arya knew how badly Uhtred was hurting; she knew because she’d been through the same thing. She’d lost her parents when she was young, too. This seemed worse, even… losing the love of your life, the mother of your children… Arya couldn’t fathom it. She refused to let go of him; she’d had the same reaction when he’d tried to comfort her after her father’s death. “No.” She tightened her grip. “I’m not a child anymore. I know what it feels like to lose someone, Uhtred. Stop pretending it doesn’t hurt; that’ll only make it worse.” She pulled him down, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “Let me take care of you for once.”
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          Uhtred wanted Arya to let him go, he needed her to. He didn’t want to break down, he didn’t want to cry even though inside he felt broken. He had to be strong, he had to just be able to live…for his children, to think that they wouldn’t have their mother hurt too much. ❝——I never said it didn’t hurt❞ he whispered, however much he tried to remove it he couldn’t and he ended up giving up, his gaze lowered towards her being forced and he looked into her eyes. ❝I don’t need you to take care of me, child. I am not the one who lost their mother…❞ he whispered, he wanted Arya to understand that he could not break for his children, if they saw him bad they would end up finding themselves worse. The gods had called her, why did it hurt so much? His eyes glazed over and he ended up falling to his knees letting Arya embrace him, tears running down his eyes.
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Oh, how she loved him. Uhtred was one of the most special people in Arya’s life. Despite their playful banter and occasional fights, it was clear they cared about each other more than anything. Arya smiled, jogging into his arms and closing her eyes as he held her tightly. “Then don’t imagine it.” She brushed away a piece of his hair, then kissed him on the cheek, eventually resting her head on his shoulder.
╳┊ @ncrthremembers​  “i like being around you.” 
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The truth was that Uhtred enjoyed Arya’s company very much, especially when they were moments he simply could not pass up. They were alone that day, they had finished Arya’s training and Uhtred at par his duties so they were simply wasting time. “I’m glad to be near you too. I can’t imagine what it would all be like without you” he admitted with a smile and held out his arms for her to come over and hug him.
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Arya curled up on his lap, bringing her knees to her chest and holding them tightly. “It’s cold,” she said quietly, her voice shaking. “It’s so cold… I…” A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she held onto him tightly. “The room’s spinning…” She didn’t want to admit how scared she was.
╳┊ @ncrthremembers​  “i – i don’t feel very well.”
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          Hearing that only caused Uhtred to worry, he placed his hands on her chin without losing his sight of her but ended up sitting down on the grass to sit her on top of him. ❝What’s wrong with you?❞ he asked worriedly. He was by no means a healer but he was concerned because they were nowhere near home. He couldn’t help but look around for help but there was no one else.
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She smiled a little at his agreement. She truly did love him more than anyone else, save the gods. He was her family. Ever since she’d been separated from her Saxon family, Uhtred had been there for her. She couldn’t imagine him not being there. “I learned it from you,” she said, raising an eyebrow challengingly before giggling again. “You don’t know how to comb hair! That’s why yours is always so messy,” she pointed out. Oh, their playful banter was perhaps what she’d missed the most.
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“They are,” Arya reassured him as she looked at him. If they weren’t, he wouldn’t be the best warrior she’d ever seen. It didn’t just take strength and courage; it took the will of the gods. And Uhtred’s faith was strong. “Well, your stupid jokes and your bad breath,” she teased, then glared up at him, slapping his hand away. “Dick!” She had missed that, too.
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“Fine, I’ll believe you” he ended up smiling when he heard it ending up laughing but he was thankful that it had gone well in his first battle, that he would have been able to demonstrate and fight on the shield wall. “Oh, how kind you are. I did miss your charming personality” he joked returning to laugh more with the following thing which made Uhtred end up in the end to leave her alone. “Didn’t you miss me combing your hair?” he asked teasingly.
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Arya knew how badly Uhtred was hurting; she knew because she’d been through the same thing. She’d lost her parents when she was young, too. This seemed worse, even… losing the love of your life, the mother of your children… Arya couldn’t fathom it. She refused to let go of him; she’d had the same reaction when he’d tried to comfort her after her father’s death. “No.” She tightened her grip. “I’m not a child anymore. I know what it feels like to lose someone, Uhtred. Stop pretending it doesn’t hurt; that’ll only make it worse.” She pulled him down, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “Let me take care of you for once.”
╳┊ @ncrthremembers​ [ struggle ]  for one muse to resist being hugged but then break down and crumble against the other.
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         ❝——Let go of me, child!❞ he tried to get Arya to let go but it was impossible ending Uhtred by collapsing, giving up fighting with all the pain he was going through after the loss of Gisela. He had refused to cry, to try to endure the pain, to be strong…. For what was around him, but most of all for his children. With Arya, however, he couldn’t pretend.
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“They are,” Arya reassured him as she looked at him. If they weren’t, he wouldn’t be the best warrior she’d ever seen. It didn’t just take strength and courage; it took the will of the gods. And Uhtred’s faith was strong. “Well, your stupid jokes and your bad breath,” she teased, then glared up at him, slapping his hand away. “Dick!” She had missed that, too.
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Arya let out a small squeak when she was lifted, then giggled again, keeping her arms tightly around him. “The gods are with you especially,” she said, smiling up at him and finally letting him go. “I’ve been okay… training mostly.” She wouldn’t admit that she’d been worried about him. “We’ve missed you, though… you and your stupid jokes.” She laughed, giving him a playful nudge.
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Uhtred finished laughing then looked at her and shrugged, he couldn’t be sure but he certainly hoped so. “I hope so, I really hope so” he admitted with a smile until he broke away. “That’s what I saw, don’t you know what a break is?” he finished to tease then let out a light laugh. “My stupid jokes? That’s what you missed most about me?” he asked ending up laughing especially when she nudged him. “I missed you too, dwarf” he leaned in closer ending up shaking her hair, oh yeah, how he loved to piss her off.
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Arya let out a small squeak when she was lifted, then giggled again, keeping her arms tightly around him. “The gods are with you especially,” she said, smiling up at him and finally letting him go. “I’ve been okay… training mostly.” She wouldn’t admit that she’d been worried about him. “We’ve missed you, though… you and your stupid jokes.” She laughed, giving him a playful nudge.
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Just because Uhtred was away didn’t mean Arya would stop training. Most were reluctant to train with her, but there were a select few that were more open to the idea. Still, while she was fighting, Arya was a little distracted. She was worried about Uhtred — what if, gods forbid, he got hurt out there… or worse? It was a horrific thought. Nevertheless, she put her focus into training until she heard his voice. She’d recognize it anywhere. Her sword clattered to the ground, and a wide smile spread across her face as she turned around. “Uhtred!” She giggled, running into his arms, wrapping her small ones around his waist. “Did we win?”
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Uhtred was amused to see Arya training but he also wanted to be able to see how she was doing, he had missed her and had quite a bit to tell her about everything that had happened in that battle. However, he welcomed her into his arms with a smile from ear to ear and ended up even lifting her up to put her down again. “Of course we won, the gods are always with us” he expressed amused and slightly separated from her. “How have you been, how have things been around here?” he asked with interest.
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Just because Uhtred was away didn’t mean Arya would stop training. Most were reluctant to train with her, but there were a select few that were more open to the idea. Still, while she was fighting, Arya was a little distracted. She was worried about Uhtred — what if, gods forbid, he got hurt out there… or worse? It was a horrific thought. Nevertheless, she put her focus into training until she heard his voice. She’d recognize it anywhere. Her sword clattered to the ground, and a wide smile spread across her face as she turned around. “Uhtred!” She giggled, running into his arms, wrapping her small ones around his waist. “Did we win?”
 ╳┊ A starter to @ncrthremembers​ because I missed them! 
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          Uhtred had gone out with the two Ragnar with several days, had participated in his first official battle. All the adrenaline coursed through his veins, the excitement. The Danes had won and had managed to take the city, Uhtred volunteered to be the one to announce the victory to those who remained at home, especially to see Arya. The man returned finishing up, he got off his horse when he saw a certain girl standing with her back to him training. ❝——Put your hands up more, you’re neglecting your left side❞ he smiled, in anticipation of her reaction because he had returned.
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The thought of being forced to live with the Saxons again made a shiver run down her spine. She wouldn’t fit in with them; she’d be labeled as a traitor, probably interrogated for information. Once they found out she was a spy, they’d kill her instantly; if not, they’d baptize her, which was even worse. How could someone who had been baptized go to Valhalla? “Stop it,” Arya said seriously, breathing heavily as she could feel herself starting to panic. “Uhtred, stop it! You’re… you’re bluffing, you wouldn’t put me in that much danger…” She stared up at him, desperately trying to get away, but she was completely under his control. “Why does it matter? You found me…” She trailed off, feeling a tear of desperation roll down her cheek.
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Arya hated this. She hated every second of this. She was pretty sure Uhtred was lying; he wouldn’t actually do it, would he? They’d been through so much together… how could he be so cruel? “Imagine going back to yours,” she snapped. “Oh, wait. You betrayed them. And your Saxon family is dead, by the way.” She felt the tears falling more rapidly as she was forced onto the horse. Having Uhtred’s arms around her used to feel so comforting. Now, it felt like a nightmare. She didn’t struggle, though. Not anymore.
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          Uhtred was very upset with her, it was rare that he ever got so angry with her in such a way. Why had she done something so stupid in the first place, to put herself in such a risk to come there alone? And for her to come accusing him in such a way, if she really wanted him to be the villain of her story he would be but he would never put her in danger. ❝——Didn’t you forget something? The Danes killed both families❞ he remembered when he heard it as he rode. ❝Why were you here? Why did you follow me?❞ he asked straight when he heard it and changed direction, he knew the only way to get that information out of her… was to really scare her, he hated to do that but he needed to know. Why had Ragnar let her go alone? She was just a child. Uhtred abruptly changed the path from going to his home…to going to Winchester, he took off the long cloak he was wearing and forced it on Arya, covering with the hood. ❝If you don’t answer me… I will turn you in, see how many guards there are, can you imagine how eager they will be to return you to your Saxon family?❞ he whispered in her ear, he was on top of the hill but from there he could perfectly see the entrance to the fortress of Winchester. ❝Why are you here, why were you following me?❞ he asked once more, his tone was serious and annoyed.
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Arya stared straight ahead, not moving or looking at the other girl. She couldn’t; it was too humiliating, and her vision was already blurred from the tears, anyway. Uhtred was also born Saxon and raised Dane, but he would never cry over the death of a Saxon. Arya supposed she’d never really fit in with either group, so she might as well distance herself from both of them. The hug took her completely by surprise, and Arya’s hands immediately grasped Stiorra’s shoulders, wanting to push her away. But she ended up pulling her closer again and resting her head on her shoulder, crying even harder. “It’s not okay to cry over a Saxon. An enemy.”
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“Fuck off,” Arya snapped, lifting her head. There were tears streaming down her cheeks. Gods, this was humiliating. What kind of Danish warrior cried over the death of a Saxon? Arya’s reputation would be ruined if Stiorra told anyone else what she saw. “I don’t want your comfort, Stiorra. I just want to be alone.” Only, she didn’t. She was pushing the other girl away because she was devastated and humiliated, not because she truly wanted to be alone. She hoped more than anything that Stiorra would stay, but she couldn’t admit it.
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          ❝——I’m not leaving❞ she replied and frowned when she heard her, she might be going through a bad time but it wasn’t for her to talk to him that way either, however she didn’t say anything about it. ❝You know? It’s okay to cry, at the end of the day he was your father❞ she indicated and despite everything she dared to take a step and stood by her side, but not caring that she would complain or get angry she ended up hugging her, she didn’t say anything else.
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She nodded at his question. Yes, she’d gone alone, but it was just for a small stroll, nothing else! Was it truly that big of a deal? Then again, if she’d come just a few hours earlier, she may have run into the men who’d killed the boy. “Micah,” she said softly, looking up at him. “We used to play tag when we were younger… he could never outrun me.” It had probably gotten him killed. The thought was unbearable. “I didn’t tell him… I-I didn’t tell anyone.” She lowered her head, nodding at his request. Knowing her, though, she’d probably break that rule again. She shook her head at his next words. “No… no, I’m no more valuable than you. Don’t say that.” She looked into his eyes, her own filled with concern. As he wiped her tears, she slowly started to relax again, resting her head against his chest and pressing her ear up against it to hear his heartbeat.
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Arya wasn’t sure if she could say it. If she said it, she’d start crying, and Uhtred would have to comfort her and it would become a whole thing, and she didn’t want to put that burden on his shoulders. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath, her grip tightening even more. “Don’t be mad… I went for a walk on my own. I-I took my sword, I was fine…” She couldn’t look at him, so she just rested her head on his shoulder as she spoke. “And I found a body in the bushes… I knew him. I knew him, and he’s… he’s gone.” It wasn’t like they had been close or anything, but seeing the dead corpse of someone she’d known since she was little terrified her. She could lose anyone at any moment, and she’d never know until it was too late. “He didn’t even have his sword… he didn’t go to Valhalla. And I-I just realized that…” Her voice was quivering now from the tears. “I can’t lose you.”
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Uhtred sat up a little when she noticed that he was already going to relate what was going on and that he would start by asking her not to be angry was when the whole thing bothered her the most. “You went for a walk alone?” of course it bothered him, it wasn’t safe and he had told her so many times but he tried to restrain himself and not say anything so that it would go on. “Who was it?” he asked, it sounded bad that because if there was a body that way they were not safe. “Does Ragnar know?” he asked fixing his eyes on her. “Don’t go alone again, do you understand me?” he waited for confirmation but he understood her fear. “That’s why I always go everywhere with my sword…. If the gods call me, I’m ready” and he realized he had been wrong to say that when he heard the following. “Here I am… You are strong, Arya and a thousand times more valuable than me” he whispered in her ear and wiped away the tears running down her cheeks.
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Arya wasn’t sure if she could say it. If she said it, she’d start crying, and Uhtred would have to comfort her and it would become a whole thing, and she didn’t want to put that burden on his shoulders. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath, her grip tightening even more. “Don’t be mad… I went for a walk on my own. I-I took my sword, I was fine…” She couldn’t look at him, so she just rested her head on his shoulder as she spoke. “And I found a body in the bushes… I knew him. I knew him, and he’s… he’s gone.” It wasn’t like they had been close or anything, but seeing the dead corpse of someone she’d known since she was little terrified her. She could lose anyone at any moment, and she’d never know until it was too late. “He didn’t even have his sword… he didn’t go to Valhalla. And I-I just realized that...” Her voice was quivering now from the tears. “I can’t lose you.”
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Arya’s smile faded a little bit at his words. She didn’t want him to leave; she didn’t want to grow up. She didn’t want things to change. She was terrified of losing him. She sat up straighter, her arms wrapping around his neck as she hugged him tightly. No matter how tough she acted, she was still a kid, a kid who was scared of the future. She hated being vulnerable, and yet she’d feel even worse if she acted like this in front of anyone else. “So I’m stuck with you?” she asked quietly, a small jest to try and lighten the mood despite the ache in her heart. She held onto him tightly, as if she was afraid to let him go. She was. “I just don’t want to lose you,” she whispered softly, feeling tears spring to her eyes. She didn’t let them fall, and she didn’t let him see them. Someone’s life could be taken with the snap of a finger, and it terrified her. “Don’t die,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
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Uhtred understood that she was frightened by the idea but she imagined that someone had put that in her head because he doubted that Arya would have come up with that on her own and yet she was well aware that this was her destiny, her birthright. She wanted her home back and would fight for it, however, she was aware that if she went now she would die, she lacked a lot of preparation that old Ragnar still taught him. “Yes, it seems our destiny is to be together” he smiled slightly when he heard her. He hugged her, not letting go once and more than felt the strength she used to be clinging to him. “You’re not going to lose me, why do you have that idea?” he asked, Uhtred refused to believe that his fate was to die particularly at that instant or leave. “I’ll try not to die” he finished by laughing, for they both knew it was impossible for him to promise him that if the gods wanted him to.
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Arya’s smile faded a little bit at his words. She didn’t want him to leave; she didn’t want to grow up. She didn’t want things to change. She was terrified of losing him. She sat up straighter, her arms wrapping around his neck as she hugged him tightly. No matter how tough she acted, she was still a kid, a kid who was scared of the future. She hated being vulnerable, and yet she’d feel even worse if she acted like this in front of anyone else. “So I’m stuck with you?” she asked quietly, a small jest to try and lighten the mood despite the ache in her heart. She held onto him tightly, as if she was afraid to let him go. She was. “I just don’t want to lose you,” she whispered softly, feeling tears spring to her eyes. She didn’t let them fall, and she didn’t let him see them. Someone’s life could be taken with the snap of a finger, and it terrified her. “Don’t die,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
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Arya smiled a little at his joke, but she didn’t say anything, just kept herself warm in his arms. She knew he could probably tell that something was wrong, but she was glad he wasn’t going to say anything about it — at least not yet. She curled up in his lap, feeling extremely childish but also extremely comforted. She eventually raised her head slightly and gave him a sad smile. “I’m going to miss you,” she said softly, looking up at him with her big eyes. “When you leave… when you go to Bebbanburg.” That was part of the reason she was upset — she was getting older, and so was Uhtred. He would probably leave soon to go take back his birthright, and she was happy for him, but she couldn’t imagine going back to Saxon lands. She would hate it there. She buried her head in his chest once more, sighing softly as she felt his fingers running gently through her hair.
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Uhtred just kept stroking her hair waiting for her to calm down or at least feel a little better, it wasn’t that it took him a while to notice how she ended up raising her head a little. He was waiting for her to tell him what will happen but the following surprised him, “Why, where am I going?” he asked confused although the following made him smile, it was true, he was planning to recover his home and old Ragnar had promised him that when he was better established he was going to count on his support to recover his home. It was years away, he knew that but that didn’t take away from the fact that he would want it. “But I’m not leaving yet, and besides you can always come visit me or you can come with me if you want” he spoke with a smile. “Don’t worry about that, you’re not going to part from me so easily” he let out a light laugh when he saw how she buried her hair but Uhtred didn’t make the slightest effort to separate her, on the contrary, he continued caressing her hair.
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